How to deal with Money in Rails and Mongoid - ruby-on-rails

I know this question has been asked before, but most answers I've found are related to ActiveRecord or old (most cases, both) and I was wondering whether there's a new take on this.
Is short, my Rails app is an API, so please keep this in mind (can't normally use lots of helpful little view related helpers).
I've been reading about this and found the MoneyRails which seems quite neat. The problem I'm having with it is that when I retrieve the data, it returns an object instead of the an usable value:
class MyModel
include Mongoid::Document
field :price_GBP, type: Money
So to create the document I send a number and it created the document fine. Now when I query the same document it returns an object for price_GBP, which is fine, but my main grip is that it return the value fractional as in my_obj.price_GBP[:fractional] as a string rather than a number.
I'd rather not have my client to have to do the conversion fro string to number than to decimal.
I guess I could create a little helper that would convert the value in such circumstances like so (in my Model):
def my_helper
self.price_GBP = BigDecimal(self.price_GBP) # or something along those lines
Then in my controller:
#my_model = Model.find(id)
#my_model.price_GBP = #my_model.price_GBP = #my_model.my_helper
render json: #my_model
With the above in mind, would this be the best approach? If yes, what's the point of using the MoneyRails gem then?
Secondly, if not using the MoneyRails gem, should I use BigDecimal or Float as the field type?
When I tried BigDecimal, the data was saved ok, but when I've retrieve it, I got an string rather than a number. Is this the correct behaviour?
When I tried Float it all worked fine, but I read somewhere that Float is not the most accurate.
What are your thoughts?

Avoid using Float if you're planning on performing any type of arithmetic on the currency values. BigDecimal is good or you can also represent the value in cents and store it as an Integer. This is actually how the Money gem works.
My recommendation would be to continue to use the MoneyRails gem and use the built-in helpers to output the values. You mentioned not being able to use the helpers but I don't see what's preventing that - Rails includes jbuilder which allows you to formulate your JSON structure in a view with access to all "helpful little view related helpers" - for example
# app/views/someresource/show.json.jbuilder
# ...other attributes
json.price_GBP = humanized_money(#my_model.price_GBP)


Is there a more idiomatic way to update an ActiveRecord attribute hash value?

Given a person ActiveRecord instance: person.phones #=> {home: '00123', office: '+1-45'}
Is there a more Ruby/Rails idiomatic way to do the following:
person_phones = person.phones
person_phones[:home] = person_phones[:home].sub('001', '+1')
person.update_column :phones, person_phones
The example data is irrelevant.
I only want to sub one specific hash key value and the new hash to be saved in the database. I was wondering if there was a way to do this just calling person.phones once, and not multiple times
Without changing much behaviour:
person.phones[:home].sub!('001', '+1')
There are a few important differences here:
You modify the string object by using sub! instead of sub. Meaning that all other variables/objects that hold a reference to the string will also change.
I'm using save instead of update_column. This means callbacks will not be skipped and all changes are saved instead of only the phones attribute.
From the comment I make out you're looking for a one liner, which isn't mutch different from the above:
person.tap { |person| person.phones[:home].sub!('001', '+1') }.save
You can use the before_validation callback on your model.
Like this:
class Phone < ApplicationRecord
validates :home, US_PHONE_REGEX
before_validation :normalize_number
def normalize_number
home.gsub!(/^001/, '+1')
Note: I haven't tested this code, it's meant to show an approach only.
If you're looking to normalize also an international number, evaluate if the use of a lib like phony wouldn't make more sense, or the rails lib based on it.
since the comment clarify you only want to change the values of the hash in one like you can use Ruby's method transform_values!:
phones.transform_values!{|v| v.gsub(/^001/, '+1')}

Rails common method for updating a database field

I am new to rails and I have a task to write a common method that will update a specific database field with a given value. And I should be able to invoke the method from anywhere in the app.(I understand about the security flaw and so on.. But I was asked to do it anyway) In my application controller I tried
def update_my_model_status(model,id,field, value)
#model = model.find(id)
#model.update(field: value)
Of course this doesn't work.. How to achieve this? What is the right way to do this? And if it is possible how to pass a model as an argument to a method?
If you're using Rails, why not use Rails?
Compare update_all:
MyModel.where(id: 1).update_all(banned: true)
or maybe update_attribute:
my_model.update_attribute(:banned, true)
update_my_model_status(MyModel, 1, :banned, true)
Notice how, despite being shorter, the first two approaches are significantly more expressive than the last - it is much more obvious what is happening. Not only that, but they are immediately more familiar to any Rails developer off the street, while the custom one has a learning curve. This, combined with the added code from the unnecessary method adds to the maintenance cost of the application. Additionally, the Rails methods are well tested and documented - are you planning to write that, too? Finally, the Rails methods are better thought out - for example, your prototype naively uses attribute validations, but does not check them (which could result in unexpected behavior) and makes more SQL queries than it needs to. It's fine to write custom methods, but let's not write arbitrary wrappers around perfectly fine Rails methods...
Try this:
def update_my_model_status(model,id,field, value)
#model_var = model.capitalize.constantize.find(id)
#model_var.update_attributes(field: value)
Instead of just using update you should use update_attributes:
def update_my_model_status(model,id,field, value)
#model_var = model.find(id)
#model.update_attributes(field: value)

How do I effectively search across encrypted fields?

I am using Ruby on Rails 4.1, Ransack and attr_encrypted. I have sensitive data being stored in my database and I want to protect it using the gem attr_encrypted.
As I expected, I got zero results when searching encrypted test data with Ransack.
I tried the following solution to but it didn't seem to work for me. I was under the impression that the load function was used to return the decrypted value.
def index
#report_list = Report.all.load
#q =[:q])
#reports = #q.result(distinct: true).order('created_at DESC')
Has anyone had any experience searching across encrypted data and could help me generate a working solution?
load will cause the Active Record Collection to execute a query and retrieve the results matching your query (in addition to running after_create call backs which I believe is where the decrypt you were expecting is happening).
def index
#returns all records in DB
#report_list = Report.all.load
#I'm surprised these aren't throwing undefined method search of Array (or something similar)
#q =[:q])
#reports = #q.result(distinct: true).order('created_at DESC')
I would like to precede this with, I normally do this thing manually and am not familiar with attr_encrypted or Ransack, but I believe these concepts are general enough they could be applied to any setup. So, as to your question, 2 possibilities.
If your ok searching for exact values:
Model.where(encrypted_field: encrypt(params[:value])).first
where encrypt is a method that encrypts and returns the passed string.
Secondly (and painfully)
Model.all.delete_if{|m| !m.encrypted_field.include?(params[:value]) }
This will literally pull, decrypt, and scan every entry in your database.
I would highly recommend not doing this, but you need to do what you need to do.
If you absolutely need to have the information encrypted but still need to be able to do searches like this. I would highly recommend adding tags of some sort to your model. This would allow you to remove sensitive information but still search by some attributes.

Read json serialised objects back from a file

I am aiming to serialise a set of objects into a file so as to create a backup. I have the start of that working, using a methods on the models (simplified here, assuming I have two ActiveRecords foo and bar):
def backup(file, foo, bar)
file.write(foo.to_json(root: true))
file.write(bar.to_json(root: true))
This gives me a file as I desire, in this case with two records:
At a later date I then want to read that backup in and reinstantiate those objects, probably then persisting them back to the database. My aim is to iterate through the file checking the type of each object, then instantiating the right object.
I have part of the logic, but not yet all of it, I haven't worked out how I determine the type of each serialised object before I instantiate it. The code I have for a restore is as follows:
def restore(file)
file.each_line do |line|
**<some magic that parses my line into objectType and objectHash>**
case objectType
when :foo
when :bar
What I'm looking for is the bit that goes in the "some magic" section. I can just write the code to parse the line directly to determine whether it's a foo or a bar, but I feel like there's probably some tricky Rails/Ruby way to do this that is automatic. Unfortunately, in this case Google is not being my friend. All I can see are pages that are focused on json in the web requests, but not parsing json back in this way. Is there something I'm missing, or should I just write the code to split the string directly and read the object type?
If I do write the code to split the string directly, I would write something along the lines of:
objectType = line[/^{"(\w*)"=>(.*)}/, 1]
objectHash = line[/{"(\w*)"=>(.*)}/, 2]
This is pretty ugly and I'm sure there's a better way (which I'm still looking into), but I'm not sure that this is even the right approach v's there being something that automatically looks at a json representation and knows from the root value what object to instantiate.
Lastly, the actual instantiation using from_json isn't working either, it isn't populating any of the fields on my ActiveRecord. It gives me nil parameters, so I think the parse syntax isn't right.
So, that makes three questions:
Is there a way to determine which object it is that I'm just missing, that is much cleaner?
If there isn't and I need to use a regexp, is there a syntax to get both bits of the line parsed in a single go, rather than my two lines with the same regexp?
The from_json syntax appears unhappy. Is there a syntax I'm missing here? (no longer a question - the code above is fixed, I was using as_json when it should have been to_json, although the documentation is rather unclear on that....)
(Note: edits over time to clarify my question, and because I've now got a regexp that works (didn't before), but still not sure it's very elegant.)
Further information - one of the problems here, as I dig into it further, is that the as_json isn't actually giving me json - what I have in the file is a hash, not json at all. Further, the values for created_at and lastupdated_at in the hash aren't quoted - so basically that's what's causing the parse on the way back in to fail. I've worked out that I should use to_json instead of as_json, although the documentation suggests that as_json should work.
I'm not sure I fully understand you're methodology, but I think using JSON.parse() would help.
There's some good information here
This would help you translate the raw object back to a hash.
OK, so I think I've got something that works. I'm not convinced at all that it's elegant, but it gives me the result. I'll spend some time later trying to make it cleaner.
The code looks like this:
file.each_line do |line|
objectType = line[/^{"(\w*)":(.*)}/, 1]
objectJSON = line[/{"(\w*)":(.*)}/, 2]
objectHash = JSON.parse(objectJSON)
case objectType
when 'foo'
restoredFoo ='id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'))
restoredFoo.created_at = objectHash['created_at']
restoredFoo.updated_at = objectHash['updated_at']!
when 'bar'
restoredBar ='id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'))
restoredBar.created_at = objectHash['created_at']
restoredBar.updated_at = objectHash['updated_at']!
Items of note:
I feel like there should be a way to create the object that isn't a JSON.parse, but rather would make use of the from_json method on the model. I'm not sure what the from_json is good for if it doesn't do this!!
I'm having fun with mass_assignment. I don't really want to use :without_protection => true, although this would be an option. My concern is that I do want the created_at and updated_at to be restored as they were, but I want a new id. I'm going to be doing this for a number of entities in my application, I didn't really want to end up replicating the attributes_protected in the code - it seems not very DRY
I'm still pretty sure my reg exp can give me both objectType and objectJSON in one call
But having said all that, it works, which is a good step forwards.

Is there an idiomatic ruby/rails way of returning the first truthy mapped value?

I have an array of objects, some of which respond to :description, and I want to get the description from the first one with a truthy description. I could do this:
objects.detect{|o| o.try(:description)}.description
or this:{|o| o.try(:description)}.detect{|o| o}
but the first isn't DRY (description is in there twice) and the second iterates through the whole array before finding the value. Is there anything in the ruby standard library, or in Rails' extensions to it, which would let me do something like this:
objects.detect_and_return{|o| o.try(:description)}
I know I could write it easily enough, but the standard libraries are big enough that I might not need to. Is there a function which works like my detect_and_return?
I haven't seen such a method, and the closest I found was a method capture_first which I found in the gem merb-cache. Seems they stumbled on the same problem and implemented this:
module Enumerable
def capture_first
each do |o|
return yield(o) || next
You could also take a look at the Array and Enumerable methods in the Ruby facets library and see if you find something similar. Facets contains quite a lot of goodies, so you might get lucky.
