Error Loading WSDL in SOAP UI - wsdl

I am getting this error while loading a WSDL to SOAP UI.SCREEN SHOT OF ERROR

Your WSDL file is malformed, best way to find out what is wrong with it is to run it through some WSDL validation tool, like:
built in Eclipse WSDL validation tool
Disclaimer, I have not used any of this except for the Eclipse one, so proceed at your own risk.


Error when running wsdl tool on Sabre GetReservation file

I am running wsdl.exe tool on, following the Sabre .NET sample, and the Get Itinerary Resources which warn that: "TravelItineraryReadRQ API will be decommissioned; please use GetReservationRQ"
But failed with error:
WSDL: error WSDL1: There was an error processing ''.
The document was understood, but it could not be processed.
- The WSDL document contains links that could not be resolved.
- There was an error downloading ''.
- The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found.
.Net has some issues with choice elements and the way Sabre created some WSDLs. You can find more information at
Sabre team fixed the broken address and now there is no error when running the wsdl tool. Thanks

WSDL error: (Salesforce integration)

I am currently trying to integrate ExpressionEngine and Salesforce using a SOAP API. I have a working WSDL but when I try and parse the WSDL and create APEX classes in Salesforce it ends up throwing some weird errors. I have posted extensively on this at the following salesforce forum link:
It was originally throwing an error saying that the name attribute could not be null so I then added name="salesforce" to the node. After that it began throwing a type error:
Error: Failed to parse wsdl: type not specified for attribute: salesforce
I have tried to debug this, but can't really find much wrong with the following declaration:
<xsd:attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="tns:Associative[]" name="salesforce"/>
The full WSDL document can be found at the above link. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is not my particular area of expertise and I have a fast approaching deadline.
The WSDL is using the rpc/encoded interaction style, this is not supported by the Salesforce WSDL2Apex tool. You'll have to manually create/parse requests to this API.

How to use Grails WebService Stub?

I have a wsdl file with me and i generated stubs using IntelliJ idea which uses axis2 to generate Java classes from WSDL.
I am using Grails-Ws-Client plugin to use the wsdl file. The plugin works fine and i can run the temperature conversion program using
Now the Client says that he won't be able to directly expose his wsdl and i have to use stubs. He has replaced the location URL in wsdl with some dummy url ....
Can you please provide me some reference to understand this concept ? How can i call any method exposed by this webservice ?
Any help in this direction will be highly appreciated.
PS: Here is the location tag specified in wsdl file.
soap:address location="https://somePortal/portal.asmx"
Make the WSDL local. The stubs you crated can be pointed to the local WSDL instead the remote WSDL.

SAP adapter: disasembler problem "Unexpected end of stream while looking for:..."

Use WCF-SAP binding in WCF-Custom adapter, ReceiveIDOCFormat is set to 'String', in the pipeline component, we wrap and call a flat file disassembler to disassemble the SAP request to XML and process it later. We also have a log compnent which will log the SAP raw message prior to disassembler (the string version) to database (streaming way using CForwardOnlyStream)
Here is the problem, during the UAT testing with SAP, we find occasionally the flat file disassembler is complaining 'Unexpected end of stream while looking for:....', when we inspect the SAP message sent over the wire, we find the SAP request only contains the header (EDI_DC40), with emty content after that. What makes me worry is , when we go into SAP, resubmit the failed message using transaction WE19, disassembler has no problem parsing it.
I am totally lost, can someone please sugguest how to troubleshoot this?
Thanks a million!!
I think probably I found the problem now, SAP guys added a field, what I used to do (which I think is right but it may be the flaw) is, I didn't regenerate the schema, instead, I just manually added the field in Visual Studio and set the field length based on IDOC description.
I regenerated the IDOC using the WCF wizard, it seems it is not as same as added a field in visual studio, I just deployed this schema and hope it will address the problem, I'll post my findings later if it worked

Typo in SOAP WebServExp.GenerateXMLSchema?

We've recently setup out own webservice using SOAP and it all works like a charm.
Because the service is only used from within our own applications, I usually don't allow for a WSDL to be generated.
Today i started some tests with SoapUI and needed a WSDL of our own service. So I enabled the Default action of the TWSDLHTMLPublish component and tried to get the WSDL exported. All I got was an access violaton in WebServExp.GenerateXMLSchema, line 1636:
if (ParentInfo = nil) and ((GetTypeData(ATypeInfo).ParentInfo)^ <> nil) then
Debugging this, reveiled that GetTypeData(ATypeInfo).ParentInforeturned a nil, so of course using ^ on nil raises an access violation.
After removing the carret i had no problems generating the WSDL.
So did I find myself a bug here or am I missing something?
BTW: We have created our own SOAP.bpl, containing all original Delphi soap sources, to correct it for a known problem with exception derived from TRemotableException
So did I find myself a bug here or am I missing something?
Yes, that's a bug. And Subversion reveals it's been like that for many years - for as long as we've been on Subversion:(. [I am not setup to access the previous Starteam repository anymore].
I'm making to a note to remedy and check in unit tests for this. Please feel free to file a QC if time allows. And I'd like to hear more about the issue with TRemotableException-derived types.
