Will the plugin installed in Jenkins automatically ben installed into slave? - jenkins

For example, I have a Jenkins Master and two Jenkins slaves for two different projects, one project needs to use Github plugin, so I will install Github plugin in Master. But it is slave which will actually use the Github plugin, so does this means plugin will automatically be installed into slave??

Plugins only need to be installed on the Jenkins master; you don't need to worry about anything there.
But if you're using Git, you need to ensure that Git is installed on each of the build machines where you want to check out code. You can set up Git to be installed automatically via the main Jenkins settings, or you can install Git manually, e.g. via a package manager.


Git Plugin showing git data revision for Jenkinsfile related repository

We have just upgraded our jenkins to 2.289.1 version. With the latest upgradation,the git plugin has started showing git data for the repositories of our Jenkinsfile as well. This did not happen with the earlier versions of jenkins.
Is there any way around where the git data for the service is being shown or downgrade is the only option that we have??
Since there is no obvious issue report (as seen in this search query) which matches your issue, for the Git Jenkins plugin, the next steps would be:
to confirm this is linked to Jenkins (downgrade)
or linked to the plugin (keep 2.289.1 and downgrade the plugin)
or linked to another plugin
And then report the bug for the appropriate Jenkins component (Jenkins core, or one of its plugins).

Jenkins / Gitlab Multibranch Pipeline not ignoring projects archived in Gitlab

We're using Jenkins to orchestrate our builds from GitLab using a Multibranch Pipeline strategy. Recently, something changed somewhere, and now Jenkins is no longer ignoring projects archived in GitLab.
We're using the following stack (not all may be relevant to the problem at hand, and certainly not the complete list of plugins, which would take many pages, if there are other items that I can provide, happy to do so):
Jenkins: 2.263.3
Git Plugin 4.5.1
GitLab Enterprise Edition: 13.7.9-ee
GitLab API Plugin for Jenkins: 1.0.6
GitLab Plugin for Jenkins: 1.5.13
GitLab Branch Source Plugin for Jenkins: 1.5.3
We have our projects organized into groups (with no subgroups) in GitLab, and have used a strategy to archive them when they're no longer needed (instead of deleting them). In Jenkins, we have set up a GitLab Group as an "organization folder", which configures itself to autoscan the GitLab group, searching for projects that have a file named "Jenkinsfile" (configured via project recognizer).
I haven't been able to correlate any recent changes to the behavior I'm seeing, but am still searching. Does anyone have any ideas of where to look to fix this, or is this a known issue?

Configuring Jenkins plugins with Puppet

I'm using the rtyler/jenkins Puppet module to deploy my Jenkins instance. One thing I can't seem to find documentation on is how to use Puppet to configure the Jenkins plugins once I've installed them. Can someone point me to some documentation and/or write a quick example? Thanks.
the module he provides is only for managing/configuring jenkins and managing plugins. All plugins are vastly different, there is no possibility his scripts would be able to manage the wide breadth of jenkins plugins out there. You would want to try to capture that using jenkins backups or by looking into how each module allows configuration.
For anyone interested in how to pull this off, I'm using the Jenkins SCM plugin available here: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/SCM+Sync+configuration+plugin
This requires manually setting up Jenkins and having the plugin sync all the configuration settings to a repository. All future Jenkins instances provisioned by Puppet will need to have all the necessary plugins installed, but the SCM plugin will automatically download all the necessary settings. However, do note that some of the plugins will require you to manually add includes into the SCM to begin tracking them: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/SCM+Sync+Config+shared+additionnal+includes

how can you install a tool in master jenkins and use it on the salve

How can you install a tool in master jenkins and use it on the salve
So what I am trying to do is, say I install a tool on my Master, (ex NodeJs, or what ever) and
Now is there a way to have the Salve (auto install the tool on it self from master, or use the master server tool) without me having to install the tool on the slave.
One way to do this is to use the "Launch slave via execution of command on the Master" method to start your slave, and in that master command call a script that copies a master tool directory tree to the slave using rsync or similar. See the Jenkins Wiki for more details.

Retrieving old builds for re-deployment in Jenkins

I have built an automated deployment system using Jenkins, Subversion and ANT on a set of environments. It all works, allowing me to deploy old tagged releases to a set of environments or automatically deploy the latest build using the Subversion Release Manager within Jenkins.
The problem is on the client site, we have to utilise Perforce (which does not currently have a Release Manager plugin within Jenkins [don't really want to write one, but possible]). What is the best way to setup up Jenkins to be able to deploy certain releases to environments? I started looking at Ivy and Artifactory as a possibility.
If anyone has any suggestions, or any guides online, that would be great!
We currently build a WAR file for each Subversion checkin - and make this available with the copy artifact plugin. Redeploy is merely a matter of executing the deploy task for this WAR.
