Word Frequency Feature Normalization - machine-learning

I am extracting the features for a document. One of the features is the frequency of the word in the document. The problem is that the number of sentences in the training set and test set is not necessarily the same. So, I need to normalized it in some way. One possibility (that came to my mind) was to divide the frequency of the word by the number of sentences in the document. By my supervisor told me that it's better to normalize it in a logarithmic way. I have no idea what does that mean. Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance,
PS: I also saw this topic, but it didn't help me.

The first question to ask is, what algorithm you are using subsequently? For many algorithms it is sufficient to normalize the bag of words vector, such that it sums up to one or that some other norm is one.
Instead of normalizing by the number of sentence you should, however, normalize by the total number of words in the document. Your test corpus might have longer sentences, for example.
I assume the recommendation of your supervisor means that you do not report the counts of the words but the logarithm of the counts. In addition I would suggest to look into the TF/IDF measure in general. this is imho more common in Textmining

'normalize it in a logarithmic way' probably simply means to replace the frequency feature by log(frequency).
One reason why taking the log might be useful is the Zipfian nature of word occurrences.

Yes, there is a logarithm way, It's called TF-IDF.
TF-IDF is the product of the term frequency and the inverse document frequency.
(total number of your word appers in the present document ÷ total number of words in the present document) *
log(total numbers of documents in your collection ÷ the number of documents where your word appears in your collection )
If you use python there is a nice library called GENSIM that contains the algorithm, but your data object must be a Dictionary from the gensim.corpora.
You can find a example here: https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/models/tfidfmodel.html

tf-idf help to normalized -> check the results with tf and tf-idf arguments,
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus);dtm
Non-/sparse entries: 27316/97548
Sparsity : 78%
Maximal term length: 22
Weighting : term frequency (tf)
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus,control = list(weighting=weightTfIdf));dtm
Non-/sparse entries: 24052/100812
Sparsity : 81%
Maximal term length: 22
Weighting : term frequency - inverse document frequency (normalized) (tf-idf)


Features of vector form of sentences for opinion finding.

I want to find the opinion of a sentence either positive or negative. For example talk about only one sentence.
The play was awesome
If change it to vector form
After searching through the Bag of words
The vector form becomes
Same for other sentences. Now I want to pass it to the machine learning algorithm for training it. How can I train the network using these multiple vectors? (for finding the opinion of unseen sentences) Obviously not! Because the input is fix in neural network. Is there any way? The above procedure is just my thinking. Kindly correct me if I am wrong. Thanks in advance.
Since your intuitive input format is "Sentence". Which is, indeed, a string of tokens with arbitrary length. Abstracting sentences as token series is not a good choice for many existing algorithms only works on determined format of inputs.
Hence, I suggest try using tokenizer on your entire training set. This will give you vectors of length of the dictionary, which is fixed for given training set.
Because when the length of sentences vary drastically, then size of the dictionary always keeps stable.
Then you can apply Neural Networks(or other algorithms) to the tokenized vectors.
However, vectors generated by tokenizer is extremely sparse because you only work on sentences rather than articles.
You can try LDA (supervised, not PCA), to reduce the dimension as well as amplify the difference.
That will keep the essential information of your training data as well as express your data at fixed size, while this "size" is not too large.
By the way, you may not have to label each word by its attitude since the opinion of a sentence also depends on other kind of words.
Simple arithmetics on number of opinion-expressing words many leave your model highly biased. Better label the sentences and leave the rest job to classifiers.
For the confusions
PCA and LDA are Dimensional Reduction techniques.
Let's assume each tuple of sample is denoted as x (1-by-p vector).
p is too large, we don't like that.
Let's find a matrix A(p-by-k) in which k is pretty small.
So we get reduced_x = x*A, and most importantly, reduced_x must
be able to represent x's characters.
Given labeled data, LDA can provide proper A that can maximize
distance between reduced_x of different classes, and also minimize
the distance within identical classes.
In simple words: compress data, keep information.
When you've got
reduced_x, you can define training data: (reduced_x|y) where y is
0 or 1.

How could I deal with the sparse feature with high dimension in an SVR task?

I have a twitter-like(another micro blog) data set with 1.6 million datapoints and tried to predict the its retweet numbers based on its content. I extracted its keyword and use the keywords as the bag of words feature. Then I got 1.2 million dimension feature. The feature vector is very sparse,usually only ten dimension in one data point. And I use SVR to do the regression. Now it has taken 2 days. I think the training time might take quite a long time. I don't know if I do this task like this is normal. Is there any way or is it necessary to optimize this problem?
BTW. If in this case , I don't use any kernel and the machine is 32GB RAM and i-7 16 cores. How long the training time will be in estimation? I used the lib pyml.
You need to find a dimensionality reduction approach that works for your problem.
I've worked on a similar problem to yours and I found that Information Gain worked well, but there are others.
I found this paper (Fabrizio Sebastiani, Machine Learning in Automated Text Categorization, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 34, No.1, pp.1-47, 2002) to be a good theoretical treatment of text classification, including feature reduction by a variety of methods from the simple (Term Frequency) to the complex (Information-Theoretic).
These functions try to capture the intuition that the best terms for ci are the
ones distributed most differently in the sets of positive and negative examples of
ci. However, interpretations of this principle vary across different functions. For instance, in the experimental sciences χ2 is used to measure how the results of an observation differ (i.e., are independent) from the results expected according to an initial hypothesis (lower values indicate lower dependence). In DR we measure how independent tk and ci are. The terms tk with the lowest value for χ2(tk, ci) are thus the most independent from ci; since we are interested in the terms which are not, we select the terms for which χ2(tk, ci) is highest.
These techniques help you choose terms that are most useful in separating the training documents into the given classes; the terms with the highest predictive value for your problem.
I've been successful using Information Gain for feature reduction and found this paper (Entropy based feature selection for text categorization Largeron, Christine and Moulin, Christophe and Géry, Mathias - SAC - Pages 924-928 2011) to be a very good practical guide.
Here the authors present a simple formulation of entropy-based feature selection that's useful for implementation in code:
Given a term tj and a category ck, ECCD(tj , ck) can be
computed from a contingency table. Let A be the number
of documents in the category containing tj ; B, the number
of documents in the other categories containing tj ; C, the
number of documents of ck which do not contain tj and D,
the number of documents in the other categories which do
not contain tj (with N = A + B + C + D):
Using this contingency table, Information Gain can be estimated by:
This approach is easy to implement and provides very good Information-Theoretic feature reduction.
You needn't use a single technique either; you can combine them. Ter-Frequency is simple, but can also be effective. I've combined the Information Gain approach with Term Frequency to do feature selection successfully. You should experiment with your data to see which technique or techniques work most effectively.
At first you can simply remove all words with high frequency and all words with low frequency, because both of them don't tell you much about content of a text, then you have to do a word-stemming.
After that you can try to reduce dimensionality of your space, with Feature hashing, or some more advance dimensionality reduction trick (PCA, ICA), or even both of them.

Naive Bayes, not so Naive?

I have a Naive Bayes classifier (implemented with WEKA) that looks for uppercase letters.
For a certain class the word LCD appears in almost every instance of the training data. When I get the probability for "LCD" to belong to that class it is something like 0.988. win.
When I get the probability for "L" I get a plain 0 and for "LC" I get 0.002. Since features are naive, shouldn't the L, C and D contribute to overall probability independently, and as a result "L" have some probability, "LC" some more and "LCD" even more?
At the same time, the same experiment with an MLP, instead of having the above behavior it gives percentages of 0.006, 0.5 and 0.8
So the MLP does what I would expect a Naive Bayes to do, and vise versa. Am I missing something, can anyone explain these results?
I am not familiar with the internals of WEKA - so please correct me if you think that I am not righth.
When using a text as a "feature" than this text is transformed to a vector of binary values. Each value correponds to one concrete word. The length of the vector is equal to the size of the dictionary.
if your dictionary contains 4 worlds: LCD, VHS, HELLO, WORLD
then for example a text HELLO LCD will be transformed to [1,0,1,0].
I do not know how WEKA builds it's dictionary, but I think it might go over all the words present in the examples. Unless the "L" is present in the dictionary (and therefor is present in the examples) than it's probability is logicaly 0. Actually it should not even be considered as a feature.
Actually you can not reason over the probabilities of the features - and you cannot add them together, I think there is no such a relationship between the features.
Beware that in text mining, words (letters in your case) may be given weights different than their actual counts if you are using any sort of term weighting and normalization, e.g. tf.idf. In the case of tf.idf for example, characters counts are converted into a logarithmic scale, also characters that appear in every single instance may be penalized using idf normalization.
I am not sure what options you are using to convert your data into Weka features, but you can see here that Weka has parameters to be set for such weighting and normalization options
Transform the word frequencies into log(1+fij)
where fij is the frequency of word i in jth document(instance).
Transform each word frequency into:
fij*log(num of Documents/num of documents containing word i)
where fij if frequency of word i in jth document(instance)
I checked the weka documentation and I didn't see support for extracting letters as features. This implies the weka function may need a space or punctuation to delimit each feature from those adjacent. If so, then the search for "L", "C" and "D" would be interpreted as three separate one-letter-words and would explain why they were not found.
If you think this is it, you could try splitting the text into single characters delimited by \n or space, prior to ingestion.

Document classification using naive bayse

I have question regarding the particular Naive Bayse algorithm that is used in document classification. Following is what I understand:
construct some probability of each word in the training set for each known classification
given a document we strip all the words that it contains
multiply together the probabilities of the words being present in a classification
perform (3) for each classification
compare the result of (4) and choose the classification with the highest posterior
What I am confused about is the part when we calculate the probability of each word given training set. For example for a word "banana", it appears in 100 documents in classification A, and there are totally 200 documents in A, and in total 1000 words appears in A. To get the probability of "banana" appearing under classification A do I use 100/200=0.5 or 100/1000=0.1?
I believe your model will more accurately classify if you count the number of documents the word appears in, not the number of times the word appears in total. In other words
Classify "Mentions Fruit":
"I like Bananas."
should be weighed no more or less than
"Bananas! Bananas! Bananas! I like them."
So the answer to your question would be 100/200 = 0.5.
The description of Document Classification on Wikipedia also supports my conclusion
Then the probability that a given document D contains all of the words W, given a class C, is
In other words, the document classification algorithm Wikipedia describes tests how many of the list of classifying words a given document contains.
By the way, more advanced classification algorithms will examine sequences of N-words, not just each word individually, where N can be set based on the amount of CPU resources you are willing to dedicate to the calculation.
My direct experience is based on short documents. I would like to highlight research that #BenAllison points out in the comments that suggests my answer is invalid for longer documents. Specifically
One weakness is that by considering only the presence or absence of terms, the BIM ignores information inherent in the frequency of terms. For instance, all things being equal, we would expect that if 1 occurrence of a word is a good clue that a document belongs in a class, then 5 occurrences should be even more predictive.
A related problem concerns document length. As a document gets longer, the number of distinct words used, and thus the number of values of x(j) that equal 1 in the BIM, will in general increase.

Neural networks for email spam detection

Let's say you have access to an email account with the history of received emails from the last years (~10k emails) classified into 2 groups
genuine email
How would you approach the task of creating a neural network solution that could be used for spam detection - basically classifying any email either as spam or not spam?
Let's assume that the email fetching is already in place and we need to focus on classification part only.
The main points which I would hope to get answered would be:
Which parameters to choose as the input for the NN, and why?
What structure of the NN would most likely work best for such task?
Also any resource recommendations, or existing implementations (preferably in C#) are more than welcome
Thank you
I am set on using neural networks as the main aspect on the project is to test how the NN approach would work for spam detection
Also it is a "toy problem" simply to explore subject on neural networks and spam
If you insist on NNs... I would calculate some features for every email
Both Character-Based, Word-based, and Vocabulary features (About 97 as I count these):
Total no of characters (C)
Total no of alpha chars / C Ratio of alpha chars
Total no of digit chars / C
Total no of whitespace chars/C
Frequency of each letter / C (36 letters of the keyboard – A-Z, 0-9)
Frequency of special chars (10 chars: *, _ ,+,=,%,$,#,ـ , \,/ )
Total no of words (M)
Total no of short words/M Two letters or less
Total no of chars in words/C
Average word length
Avg. sentence length in chars
Avg. sentence length in words
Word length freq. distribution/M Ratio of words of length n, n between 1 and 15
Type Token Ratio No. Of unique Words/ M
Hapax Legomena Freq. of once-occurring words
Hapax Dislegomena Freq. of twice-occurring words
Yule’s K measure
Simpson’s D measure
Sichel’s S measure
Brunet’s W measure
Honore’s R measure
Frequency of punctuation 18 punctuation chars: . ، ; ? ! : ( ) – “ « » < > [ ] { }
You could also add some more features based on the formatting: colors, fonts, sizes, ... used.
Most of these measures can be found online, in papers, or even Wikipedia (they're all simple calculations, probably based on the other features).
So with about 100 features, you need 100 inputs, some number of nodes in a hidden layer, and one output node.
The inputs would need to be normalized according to your current pre-classified corpus.
I'd split it into two groups, use one as a training group, and the other as a testing group, never mixing them. Maybe at a 50/50 ratio of train/test groups with similar spam/nonspam ratios.
Are you set on doing it with a Neural Network? It sounds like you're set up pretty well to use Bayesian classification, which is outlined well in a couple of essays by Paul Graham:
A Plan for Spam
Better Bayesian Filtering
The classified history you have access to would make very strong corpora to feed to a Bayesian algorithm, you'd probably end up with quite an effective result.
You'll basically have an entire problem, of similar scope to designing and training the neural net, of feature extraction. Where I would start, if I were you, is in slicing and dicing the input text in a large number of ways, each one being a potential feature input along the lines of "this neuron signals 1.0 if 'price' and 'viagra' occur within 3 words of each other", and culling those according to best absolute correlation with spam identification.
I'd start by taking my best 50 to 200 input feature neurons and hooking them up to a single output neuron (values trained for 1.0 = spam, -1.0 = not spam), i.e. a single-layer perceptron. I might try a multi-layer backpropagation net if that worked poorly, but wouldn't be holding my breath for great results.
Generally, my experience has led me to believe that neural networks will show mediocre performance at best in this task, and I'd definitely recommend something Bayesian as Chad Birch suggests, if this is something other than a toy problem for exploring neural nets.
Chad, the answers you've gotten so far are reasonable, but I'll respond to your update that:
I am set on using neural networks as the main aspect on the project is to test how the NN approach would work for spam detection.
Well, then you have a problem: an empirical test like this can't prove unsuitability.
You're probably best off learning a bit about what NN actually do and don't do, to see why they are not a particularly good idea for this sort of classification problem. Probably a helpful way to think about them is as universal function approximators. But for some idea of how this all fits together in the area of classification (which is what the spam filtering problem is), browsing an intro text like pattern classification might be helpful.
Failing that if you are dead set on seeing it run, just use any general NN library for the network itself. Most of your issue is going to be how to represent the input data anyway. The `best' structure is non-obvious, and it probably doesn't matter that much. The inputs are going to have to be a number of (normalized) measurements (features) on the corpus itself. Some are obvious (counts of 'spam' words, etc), some much less so. This is the part you can really play around with, but you should expect to do poorly compared to Bayesian filters (which have their own problems here) due to the nature of the problem.
