Dealing with Closures - Make code more generic - ios

There are two functions as shown below. Most of the functionality is the same in both. Its idea is to get the output of the webservice from getResponse() [Helper Callback], parse and pass the info to wrapper call back through getResult().
static func getAllDealers(dealerSearchServiceDomain: ARSDealerSearchServiceDomain, wrapperCallback:(getResult: () throws -> Void) -> Void) throws
try ARSInputValidator.validateZipCode(
try ARSDealerConnection.getAllDealers(dealerSearchServiceDomain, helperCallback: { (getResponse) -> Void in
let result = try getResponse()
try ARSDealerParser.parseDealerSearchResponse(dealerSearchServiceDomain)
wrapperCallback(getResult: { return })
wrapperCallback(getResult: { throw error })
static func getDealerDetails(dealerDetailsServiceDomain: ARSDealerDetailsServiceDomain, wrapperCallback:(getResult: () throws -> Void) -> Void) throws
try ARSDealerConnection.getDealerDetails(dealerDetailsServiceDomain, helperCallback: { (getResponse) -> Void in
let result = try getResponse()
try ARSDealerParser.parseDealerDetailsResponse(dealerDetailsServiceDomain)
wrapperCallback(getResult: { return })
wrapperCallback(getResult: { throw error })
I am trying to add a separate function for the common functionality like,
static func parser(serviceCallDomain: ARSServiceCallDomain ,wrapperCallback:(getResult:() throws -> String) -> Void, helperCallback:(getResponse:() throws -> String) -> Void) throws
helperCallback { (getResponse) -> Void in
But there is a compilation error & i am not able to complete it. There are 15+ web service calls, so a common shown as i am trying will be very helpful.
Next step, i also need to pass the functions parseDealerSearchResponse() & parseDealerDetailsResponse() to the common function.
I am new to closures. Kindly help.
I have a sample for the problem in Git - Refer class Layer1.swift

I think the best you can do to refactor the code is to define a function that handles some of the common functionality like parsing and validation and that ultimately calls the completion closure back to the controller, something like this:
static func handleResponse(parser: Parser, validator: Validator, getResult: () throws -> AnyObject, completion: (getParsedResult: () throws -> AnyObject) -> Void) {
let result = try getResult()
let parsedObject = try parser.parse(result)
try validator.validate(parsedObject)
completion(getParsedResult: { return parsedObject })
completion(getParsedResult: { throw error })
notice that it receives the parser, validator, the closure that captures the result from the layer below and the completion closure that belongs to the final user (usually the View Controller), and then this function could be used like this:
static func getAllDealers(dealerSearchServiceDomain: AnyObject, wrapperCallback:(getResult: () throws -> AnyObject) -> Void) throws {
let validator = DealersValidator() // create real validator
let parser = DealersParser() // create real parser
try validator.validate(dealerSearchServiceDomain)
try ARSDealerConnection.getAllDealers(dealerSearchServiceDomain, helperCallback: { (getResponse) -> Void in
self.handleResponse(parser, validator: validator, getResult: getResponse, completion: wrapperCallback)
in this case handleResponse lives in the same class with getAllDealers but it can actually be a global function that every service can call.
I think that it might be possible to write a better implementation using generics but it wouldn't be much shorter than this, in the end you can't save yourself from creating the validators and parsers and call the next layer.


swift question about "#escaping" inside class

I am a newbie and maybe this is a silly question but I need some help.
I have this code like below but I wonder that should I remove "#escaping" inside the checkSignedIn function.
Class A{
public func checkSignedIn(complete: #escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
_ = Amplify.Auth.fetchAuthSession { (result) in
do {
let session = try result.get()
} catch {
print("Fetch auth session failed with error - \(error)")
I imagine that using "#escaping" will escape the return value from closure if I assign complete() to a variable like below.
Class A{
var complete: (() -> Void)?
public func checkSignedIn(complete: #escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
_ = Amplify.Auth.fetchAuthSession { (result) in
do {
let session = try result.get()
self.complete = complete(session.isSignedIn)
} catch {
print("Fetch auth session failed with error - \(error)")
self.complete = complete(false)
Then I can call A.complete again.
Am I wrong? I appreciate it if you teach me about this.
No, they won't be the same.
The complete: #escaping (Bool) -> Void defines this:
a function (or a callback) that takes 1 argument (Bool), and returns nothing (Void). It's an equivalent of function that looks like this:
func complete(_ value: Bool) { }
this function escapes the scope of the function it's passed to, as it runs asynchronously (that's #escaping keyword meaning)
And then this function is called with complete(session.isSignedIn), where session.isSignedIn is a boolean argument you pass in, just as function's definition states, and function returns nothing
The statement self.complete = complete(session.isSignedIn) won't compile:
You defined self.complete as (() -> Void) type - that is a function or callback that takes no arguments, and returns nothing. It's an equivalent of function:
func y() { }
So complete(session.isSignedIn) returns Void type as we know. Assigning Void type to (() -> Void) type is not going to work.
If you want to save the escaping function / callback to be used elsewhere, you can do this:
// Make sure signature of the variable matches that of a function argument
var complete: ((Bool) -> Void)?
public func checkSignedIn(complete: #escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
// Save callback at the start of the function
self.complete = complete
// Then continue to a asynch part of the code:
_ = Amplify.Auth.fetchAuthSession { (result) in
// Inside this callback, you still can use the function argument
// But in another function, you have to use self.complete, e.g.:
func x() {
// Use saved callback. You don't have to say `self` here, just using it for clarity

Overloading generic functions in iOS Swift

I am trying to build a finder that tries and finds multiple types that are being passed to it inside a closure.
enum SomeError: Error {
case notInitialized
struct TestFinder {
func getSomething<T, U>(_ function: #escaping (T) -> U) throws -> U {
guard let t: T = get() else {
throw SomeError.notInitialized
return function(t)
func getSomething<T, U, V>(_ function: #escaping (T, U) -> V) throws -> V {
guard let t: T = get(), let u: U = get() else {
throw SomeError.notInitialized
return function(t, u)
func getSomething<T, U, V, W>(_ function: #escaping (T, U, V) -> W) throws -> W {
guard let t: T = get(), let u: U = get(), let v: V = get() else {
throw SomeError.notInitialized
return function(t, u, v)
private func get<T>() -> T? {
struct UserDetails {
let name: String
let roll: String
I call the finder as:
let testReturnType = try? TestFinder().getSomething(UserDetails.init)
Compiler throws me an error of:
Ambiguous use of 'getSomething'
Reason for this error (from docs):
You can overload a generic function or initializer by providing different constraints, requirements, or both on the type parameters. When you call an overloaded generic function or initializer, the compiler uses these constraints to resolve which overloaded function or initializer to invoke.
But if I comment:
func getSomething<T, U>(_ function: #escaping (T) -> U) throws -> U
Everything starts working. It has something to do with the compiler not able to identify which function signature to resolve.
Any particular solution for this?
You haven't quite focussed on the actual issue. Let's eliminate everything irrelevant from the example. This compiles and works as expected:
struct TestFinder {
func doSomething<T,U>(_ function: (T,U) -> Void) -> Void {
func doSomething<T,U,V>(_ function: (T,U,V) -> Void) -> Void {
func doSomething<T,U,V,W>(_ function: (T,U,V,W) -> Void) -> Void {
And here we'll test it:
func f(_ s1: String, _ s2: String, _ s3: String, _ s4: String) -> Void {}
TestFinder().doSomething(f) // "four"
But if you add the version with one passed function parameter, everything breaks down:
struct TestFinder {
func doSomething<T>(_ function: (T) -> Void) -> Void {
func doSomething<T,U>(_ function: (T,U) -> Void) -> Void {
func doSomething<T,U,V>(_ function: (T,U,V) -> Void) -> Void {
func doSomething<T,U,V,W>(_ function: (T,U,V,W) -> Void) -> Void {
Now we can't compile, because the first version is seen as a candidate. And indeed, if we remove the other versions, we still compile!
struct TestFinder {
func doSomething<T>(_ function: (T) -> Void) -> Void {
That's the weird part. We still compile, even though we are saying:
func f(_ s1: String, _ s2: String, _ s3: String, _ s4: String) -> Void {}
Evidently, this function with four parameters is seen by the compiler as "fitting" the declaration with just one generic parameter.
I regard this as a bug. I think I can guess what might cause it; it could have to do with the legacy of function parameter list as tuples. This function f is "equivalent" to a function taking a single parameter consisting of a four-string tuple. Nevertheless, you cannot actually call the function inside doSomething with a four-string tuple; I cannot find a way to call it at all.
So, I would say, regard this as a bug, and work around it for now by removing the first version of your generic.
UPDATE: On the advice of the Swift team, I tested with the May 4, 2020 Swift 5.3 Development toolchain. With it, your code compiles and behaves as expected. This was indeed a bug, and it was fixed as part of
Returning for a moment to my version, my code, too, compiles and behaves as expected, with all four versions of doSomething present. However, note that if you delete all but the first version of doSomething, it still compiles and runs. Moreover, you can call function with four parameters by bundling them into a tuple and force casting, like this:
struct TestFinder2 {
func doSomething<T>(_ function: (T) -> Void) -> Void {
function(("manny", "moe", "jack", "henry") as! T)
That seems to confirm my guess that what you're seeing is a consequence of the hidden tuple-nature of a function's parameter list. One can draw the same conclusion from the discussion of the bug, which refers to "tuple-splatting".
The key point is the UserDetails struct, because this struct has two properties and without any designed initializer, the initializer could be UserDetails(name: , roll: ) or UserDetails(name: ) or UserDetails(roll: ), this is the ambitious part. if you just delete one property of UserDetails that will work too, because one property struct has only one designed initializer.
If you comment
func getSomething<T, U>(_ function: #escaping (T) -> U) throws -> U
Which means the finder has only one chosen:
func getSomething<T,U,V>(_ function: #escaping(T,U) -> V) throws -> V

Using Generics in completionHandler

I have a simple app, that communicates with server via TCP Socket using custom protocol. I want to achieve HTTP-like response-request behaviour, abstracting from socket layer.
So I have simple protocol:
protocol ResponseType {
init(with frame: SocketMessage)
And some of examples:
struct MessageAck: ResponseType {
var messageId: String
init(with frame: SocketMessage) {
messageId = frame.messageId
I created simple protocol for sending requests:
protocol APIClient {
func send<T: ResponseType>(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<T>) -> Void)?)
enum SocketAPIRequest {
case textMessage(messageId: String, ...)
And finally:
enum Result<T> {
case success(T)
case failure(Error)
class SocketAPIClient: APIClient {
typealias MessageId = String
private var callbacks = [Receipt: ((Result<ResponseType>) -> Void)]()
func send<T>(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<T>) -> Void)?) where T : ResponseType {
callbacks[stompFrame.receiptId] = completion
So, when I want to store callback for each request, to call it after answer will be received, I got such error:
Cannot assign value of type '((Result<T>) -> Void)?' to type '((Result<ResponseType>) -> Void)?'
I guess the problem with mixing Type's and objects, or maybe something else.
Swift generics are not covariant (with special hard-coded exceptions for Array which involve copying the elements). That means that Result<Apple> is not a subtype of Result<Fruit>. See Swift Generics & Upcasting for examples of why.
In your case, what would prevent you from passing a Result<MessageBody> to a callback that expected a Result<MessageAck>? For example:
for callback in callbacks {
How could you know this was legal at compile time for any given type of result?
You can hide the type inside a closure to get what you want. Try this:
class SocketAPIClient: APIClient {
typealias MessageId = String
private var callbacks = [Receipt: ((Result<SocketMessage>) -> Void)]() // <--- Change
func send<T>(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<T>) -> Void)?) where T : ResponseType {
// Store the closure we don't understand inside a closure we do
callbacks[stompFrame.receiptId] = { result in
switch result {
case .success(let message):
completion?(.success(T.init(with: message)))
case .failure(let error):
Now, instead of trying to hold T directly in callbacks, it's held in each individual closure, hidden from the rest of the class, and T never escapes this function. When you get to wherever you call callback in your code, just pass it the Result<SocketMessage> that I assume you already have somewhere.
The simplest solution to your problem is to have the callback always pass a Result<Data> and remove T entirely:
protocol APIClient {
func send(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<Data>) -> Void)?)
Then leave it to the MessageAck (in the completion handler) to deserialize itself from the raw data.
There are other ways to achieve all this with type erasers, but they're much more complex and sometimes very fiddly.
Have you tried the following signature
func send<T:ResponseType>(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<T>) -> Void)?){ ... }
and still getting error?
Edit 1:
or probably you should try something like this
protocol APIClient {
associatedtype T
func send(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<T>) -> Void)?)
class SocketAPIClient: APIClient {
typealias MessageId = String
typealias T = ResponseType
private var callbacks = [Receipt: ((Result<ResponseType>) -> Void)]()
func send(request: SocketAPIRequest, completion: ((Result<T>) -> Void)?) {
callbacks[stompFrame.receiptId] = completion

How to map values and errors on SignalProducer

how do I map this
func save() -> SignalProducer<Void, NetworkError>
var saveAction: Action<AnyObject, Bool, NoError>
i'm a bit confused with the syntax
.map<Bool>( _ in true) // how to map void to bool
.flatMapError {
error in
// how to map to a NoError?
also, what should be the best practice in using actions?
should the NetworkError bubble up to the controller so it can display the error in a Popup dialog?
You ask 3 things, so let's go one by one:
Going from a Void to Bool
Assuming you have a foo: SignalProducer<Void, Error>:
let bar: SignalProducer<Bool, Error> = { _ in true}
Going from a NetworkError to a NoError
This is not intuitive, but you can make use of Swift's type inference and do something like this:
let bar: SignalProducer<Void, NoError> = foo.flatMapError { _ in SignalProducer.empty }
Your func save() -> SignalProducer<Void, NetworkError> could then become:
let save: SignalProducer<Void, NetworkError> = ...
let newSave: SignalProducer<Bool, NoError> = {_ in true}.flatMapError { _ in SignalProducer.empty }
should the NetworkError bubble up to the controller so it can display the error in a Popup dialog?
Eventually you have to convert the error into something readable. The Controller (assuming we are talking about the UIViewController), could make use of a secondary entity to translate this error, into a string or a pair of strings (title + body). If you are using MVVM, the ViewModel, would that transformation.

How to specify completion handler with one function not return [duplicate]

Error: Cannot convert the expression type (String, MyType) to ()
From the following code
Test(method: {[weak self] (message: String) in self?.callback(message)}, instance: self)
and if I add a return statement, it works, and the error goes away
Test(method: {[weak self] (message: String) in self?.callback(message); return}, instance: self)
Not sure how to handle the above without having to have the dummy return statement, any advise.
Here's my class Test
public class Test {
private var instance: AnyObject?
private var method: ((message: String) -> ())?
public init(method: (String -> ())?, instance: AnyObject) {
I've done a playground based minimalistic example (please copy paste for a test)
class Test {
private var _method: ((String) -> ())?
weak private var _instance: AnyObject?
init(method: (String -> ())?, instance: AnyObject?) {
_method = method
_instance = instance
class Another {
func register() {
//this doesn't need a return
Test(method: {(message: String) in self.callback(message)}, instance: self)
//this needs a return once I add [weak self]
Test(method: { [weak self] (message: String) in self?.callback(message); return}, instance: self)
func callback(message: String) {
Not sure how to handle the above without having to have the dummy return statement, any advise.
You have solved the problem beautifully. Anonymous functions automatically use a one-line function body as a return value, so to prevent that from causing a type mismatch with the expected return type (Void) you have to add another line of code so that it is not a one-line function body. The dummy return statement, which itself returns Void, is a great way to handle it; I would just use that and move on. There are some snazzier workarounds but what you have is precisely what I would do.
EDIT: To understand the source of the type mismatch, try this:
struct Test {
func voider() -> Void {}
let testMaybe = Optional(Test())
let result = testMaybe?.voider()
Now result is not a Void; it's an Optional wrapping a Void. That is what's happening to you; a Void is expected but your one-line anonymous function returns an Optional wrapping a Void. By adding another line that returns Void explicitly, you solved the problem.
The implicit return is returning the result of your callback() method. That return value conflicts with the closure's return value of void. You thus need an explicit, if ugly, return.
