Mixed orientations in wicked pdf - ruby-on-rails

Currently I am using wicked_pdf gem to create pdf in my ROR (ruby on rails application).
My pdf have 4 pages. In which 1 is chart. I need that page alone to be landscape dynamically.
Is it possible using wicked_pdf or any other gem?
PS: I tried to generated each pdf and combining them but the image
changes pages based on the content of the previous pages.

wicked_pdf is a plugin that relies on the wkhtmltopdf project to generate the actual PDFs. wkhtmltopdf does not yet implement this feature, so until that is complete there is no easy way to get mixed-orientation PDF files.
There is an outstanding feature request to implement this, so watch that issue for any updates. It appears that at this time there is some work being done on this issue but it will take time for it to both make it into wkhtmltopdf and be picked up by wicked_pdf.
In the meantime there is a workaround that some people have attempted involving CSS rotations and media selection stylesheets.
Others have attempted to generate multiple PDFs separately and stitch them together with some programs like ghostscript. See the above workaround page for more details.


How do you use the pdf-forms gem to form-fill a PDF with images?

I'm trying to put together several different pieces, and I'm not sure if it's even possible.
I know you can use the pdf-forms gem to form-fill a PDF in Ruby on Rails.
I know it's possible to create a form-fillable PDF with adobe acrobat.
I know it's possible to upload images into adobe acrobat form-fillable PDFs -- I've seen several forms that do this.
I'm trying to figure out how to line the pieces up so users can upload images, which are then (programmatically) form-filled into the PDF.

Prawn + WickedPDF: Using Prawn on wkhtmltopdf/WickedPDF generated PDF's

I am working on a Rails project with both WickedPDF and Prawn. I am using WickedPDF to convert some HTML into a PDF and then using Prawn to add content to that PDF.
When I add content to an uploaded PDF (one that I do not create), Prawn is able to add content without any issues. When I create a PDF using WickedPDF, Prawn has issues when it adds content to the the new WickedPDF generated PDF. It adds the content, but the content seems to be scaled down... a lot (it's barely visible). If I open that same PDF from another program (Gimp, LibreDraw, etc.) and export as PDF, the new PDF works on Prawn as well. So I'm positive it has something to do with the formatting of the WickedPDF generated PDF's. I need Prawn to edit the PDF's that are being generated by WickedPDF, or to be able to generate PDF's that are editable by Prawn.
I searched for other solutions, and found Prawnto (no longer exists), PDFKit (gem installers did nothing), PDFcrowd (I can't pay for it), and am now running out of ideas. I'll be looking through the wkhtmltopdf source code to see if I can further understand the underlying issue (I doubt it, don't know enough about PDF file structure/formatting), but would be very happy if someone has encountered this and has any other ideas.
EDIT 1: Same results occur after creating a PDF from wkhtmltopdf. The issue is not with WickedPDF but with the library it uses. Still haven't found the cause.
EDIT 2: Another interesting result. The text is not only getting scaled down. I just multiplied the font size of the text that Prawn is inserting by 128 so I could see the text. Turns out it is also being flipped upside-down (about the x-axis). Something sinister is happening.
I've just started looking into PDF generators. On this forum, one post mentions that he had scaling issues while using gems that relied on wkhtmltopdf, but didn't experience the problems if he called that library directly.
Hope this helps! I'll update this answer once I get started if I have the same issue but am able to resolve it. Cheers!

How to generate PDF forms in Ruby-on-Rails

I would like to generate PDF forms with radio buttons and submit buttons in it by using Ruby on Rails. Does anyone know if there is a Gem that can help with this task?
I've looked into
Wicked PDF, and
but they don't seem to have this feature. Currently I am just using Acrobat Pro to create my PDF and insert the form manually but would like to automate this with a Gem if possible.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I just found 2 gems that can help insert radio buttons, check boxes, etc. while generating a PDF in rails: prawn-blank and prawn-forms. It doesn't seem like they are being maintained anymore but they should still be useful. Hope this is useful for others attempting to automate generating interactive PDF files too.
There's also RTeX. That works well if you're willing to translate to LaTeX first. LaTeX is a very good way to store marked-up documents. It just depends on how static each document is.
You can use right-signature to complete your task

generate PDF from html document in Rails

anyone knows about some gem or app in rails to create pdf docs from html5 and css3 with some client side programming??
Thanks ;)
Thank you for your responses. I need this for a possible project wich will use jquery for box positioning and then, will export the resultant html to pdf. Roughly, ¿is this possible?
PDFKit and WickedPDF for Client side generation, as suggested by Raphael and jcadam
Flying Saucer with JRuby: http://xhtmlrenderer.java.net
Personally, I got more accomplished by using Prawn PDF generator. It's capabilities are much more extensive, IMHO.
Prawn for Ruby PDF generation: https://github.com/prawnpdf/prawn
WickedPDF: https://github.com/mileszs/wicked_pdf
I'm using it now and rather like it:
"Wicked PDF uses the shell utility wkhtmltopdf to serve a PDF file to a user from HTML. In other words, rather than dealing with a PDF generation DSL of some sort, you simply write an HTML view as you would normally, then let Wicked take care of the hard stuff."
If you need more control, also check out Prawn: https://github.com/prawnpdf/prawn. Though Prawn is not an HTML -> PDF converter and is more useful for creating PDFs from scratch.
I'm using both Prawn and WickedPDF on my current project: WickedPDF to generate 'printable' versions of web pages, and Prawn for generating detailed PDF reports.
I believe the PDFKit gem may be what you're looking for.
There's also IMGKit if you want images instead of PDFs.

rails-ckeditor and thumbnails

as i see - rails-ckeditor plugin inserting full images when user edit text. Could you tell me please - how to enable thumbnail inserting with link to original image.
rails-ckeditor does not support thumbnails. Thumbnail support in ckeditor comes from a supplementary package called CKFinder. This package is currently only available for php, java, coldfusion and ASP.
This means you are out of luck and will have to create the solution yourself. You could try to use any of the standard Rails thumbnailing plugins such as Paperclip or Carrierwave; and re-write ckeditor to make use of those thumbnails instead of trying to use ckfinder. But it's not going to be an easy task.
