UIScrollView snap-to-position while scrolling - ios

I am trying to implement a scroll view that snaps to points while scrolling.
All the posts here I've seen about snapping to a point 'after' the user has ended dragging the scroll. I want to make it snap during dragging.
So far I have this to stop the inertia after dragging and it works fine:
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
targetContentOffset.memory = scrollView.contentOffset
I tried this but not working as desired:
var scrollSnapHeight : CGFloat = myScrollView.contentSize.height/10
func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let remainder : CGFloat = scrollView.contentOffset.y % scrollSnapHeight
var scrollPoint : CGPoint = scrollView.contentOffset
if remainder != 0 && scrollView.dragging
if self.lastOffset > scrollView.contentOffset.y //Scrolling Down
scrollPoint.y += (scrollSnapHeight - remainder)
else //Scrolling Up
scrollPoint.y -= (scrollSnapHeight - remainder)
scrollView .setContentOffset(scrollPoint, animated: true)
self.lastOffset = scrollView.contentOffset.y;

This approach is going to enable / disable scrollEnabled property of UIScrollView.
When scrollView scrolls outside the given scrollSnapHeight, make scrollEnabled to false. That will stop the scrolling. Then make scrolling enable again for the next drag.
extension ViewController: UIScrollViewDelegate {
func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if scrollView.contentOffset.y > lastOffset + scrollSnapHeight {
scrollView.scrollEnabled = false
} else if scrollView.contentOffset.y < lastOffset - scrollSnapHeight {
scrollView.scrollEnabled = false
func scrollViewDidEndDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
guard !decelerate else {
func scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
func setContentOffset(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let stopOver = scrollSnapHeight
var y = round(scrollView.contentOffset.y / stopOver) * stopOver
y = max(0, min(y, scrollView.contentSize.height - scrollView.frame.height))
lastOffset = y
scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPointMake(scrollView.contentOffset.x, y), animated: true)
scrollView.scrollEnabled = true

Subclass UIScrollView/UICollectionView
This solution does not require you lift your finger in order to unsnap and works while scrolling. If you need it for vertical scrolling and not horizontal scrolling just swap the x's with y's.
Set snapPoint to the content offset where you want the center of the snap to be.
Set snapOffset to the radius you want around the snapPoint for where snapping should occur.
If you need to know if the scrollView has snapped, just check the isSnapped variable.
class UIScrollViewSnapping : UIScrollView {
public var snapPoint: CGPoint?
public var snapOffset: CGFloat?
public var isSnapped = false
public override var contentOffset: CGPoint {
set {
if let snapPoint = self.snapPoint,
let snapOffset = self.snapOffset,
newValue.x > snapPoint.x - snapOffset,
newValue.x < snapPoint.x + snapOffset {
self.isSnapped = true
super.contentOffset = snapPoint
else {
self.isSnapped = false
super.contentOffset = newValue
get {
return super.contentOffset


Issue with scrollViewDidEndDecelerating in iOS swift?

I am using pagination to load records in my app. I am using below code to for this purpose. When scroll down fast then method (self.scrollViewMethod(scrollView)) is called multiple times. Please tell me how can I prevent this?
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
if !decelerate {
func scrollViewMethod(_ scrollView : UIScrollView) {
if scrollView == mainScrolView {
else if scrollView == tblListing || scrollView == Table || scrollView == JobTable {
if scrollView.contentSize.height <= (scrollView.contentOffset.y + scrollView.frame.size.height + 20) {
if presentTap == 1 && loadMoreAll && arrAll.count >= limitCheck {
else if presentTap == 3 && loadMoreUrgent && arrUrgentJobs.count >= limitCheck {
else if presentTap == 2 && loadMoreJob && arrJobs.count >= limitCheck {
self.searchJobService(isRefresh: false)
for e.g
func scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self)
//print("called here");
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
perform(#selector(self.scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation), with: scrollView, afterDelay: 0.2)
option 2
func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
let offset: CGPoint = scrollView.contentOffset
let bounds: CGRect = scrollView.bounds
let size: CGSize = scrollView.contentSize
let inset: UIEdgeInsets = scrollView.contentInset
let y: Float = Float(offset.y + bounds.size.height - inset.bottom)
let h: Float = Float(size.height)
let reload_distance: Float = 50
if y > h + reload_distance {
// call your load more actions

I know how to disable bouncing of uitableview on top only - but how can I do it only on the bottom?

I managed to disable bouncing effect when user scrolls to the top. I would like to reverse it somehow so that the bouncing effect is disabled on the bottom. Could you help me with modifying my code for that purpose?
var lastY: CGFloat = 0.0
func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let currentY = scrollView.contentOffset.y
let currentBottomY = scrollView.frame.size.height + currentY
if currentY > lastY {
//"scrolling down"
tableView.bounces = true
} else {
//"scrolling up"
// Check that we are not in bottom bounce
if currentBottomY < scrollView.contentSize.height + scrollView.contentInset.bottom {
tableView.bounces = false
lastY = scrollView.contentOffset.y
Did you try setting bounce and VerticalBounce property to NO.
You can set these properties programatically like
In Swift
tableView.bounces = false
tableView.alwaysBounceVertical = false
In Objective-C
tableView.bounces = NO;
tableView.alwaysBounceVertical = NO;
if you want to do it from Storyboard. Make you tableview setting like below :
You can try this code
override func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView)
if scrollView.contentOffset.y <= 0
scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointZero
Try this:
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if scrollView == tableView {
if (self.tableView.contentOffset.y >= (self.tableView.contentSize.height - self.tableView.bounds.size.height))
scrollView.contentOffset = CGPoint(x: 0, y: (self.tableView.contentSize.height - self.tableView.bounds.size.height))

Snap to center of a cell when scrolling UICollectionView horizontally

I know some people have asked this question before but they were all about UITableViews or UIScrollViews and I couldn't get the accepted solution to work for me. What I would like is the snapping effect when scrolling through my UICollectionView horizontally - much like what happens in the iOS AppStore. iOS 9+ is my target build so please look at the UIKit changes before answering this.
While originally I was using Objective-C, I since switched so Swift and the original accepted answer did not suffice.
I ended up creating a UICollectionViewLayout subclass which provides the best (imo) experience as opposed to the other functions which alter content offset or something similar when the user has stopped scrolling.
class SnappingCollectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
override func targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset proposedContentOffset: CGPoint, withScrollingVelocity velocity: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
guard let collectionView = collectionView else { return super.targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset: proposedContentOffset, withScrollingVelocity: velocity) }
var offsetAdjustment = CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude
let horizontalOffset = proposedContentOffset.x + collectionView.contentInset.left
let targetRect = CGRect(x: proposedContentOffset.x, y: 0, width: collectionView.bounds.size.width, height: collectionView.bounds.size.height)
let layoutAttributesArray = super.layoutAttributesForElements(in: targetRect)
layoutAttributesArray?.forEach({ (layoutAttributes) in
let itemOffset = layoutAttributes.frame.origin.x
if fabsf(Float(itemOffset - horizontalOffset)) < fabsf(Float(offsetAdjustment)) {
offsetAdjustment = itemOffset - horizontalOffset
return CGPoint(x: proposedContentOffset.x + offsetAdjustment, y: proposedContentOffset.y)
For the most native feeling deceleration with the current layout subclass, make sure to set the following:
collectionView?.decelerationRate = UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast
Based on answer from Mete and comment from Chris Chute,
Here's a Swift 4 extension that will do just what OP wants. It's tested on single row and double row nested collection views and it works just fine.
extension UICollectionView {
func scrollToNearestVisibleCollectionViewCell() {
self.decelerationRate = UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast
let visibleCenterPositionOfScrollView = Float(self.contentOffset.x + (self.bounds.size.width / 2))
var closestCellIndex = -1
var closestDistance: Float = .greatestFiniteMagnitude
for i in 0..<self.visibleCells.count {
let cell = self.visibleCells[i]
let cellWidth = cell.bounds.size.width
let cellCenter = Float(cell.frame.origin.x + cellWidth / 2)
// Now calculate closest cell
let distance: Float = fabsf(visibleCenterPositionOfScrollView - cellCenter)
if distance < closestDistance {
closestDistance = distance
closestCellIndex = self.indexPath(for: cell)!.row
if closestCellIndex != -1 {
self.scrollToItem(at: IndexPath(row: closestCellIndex, section: 0), at: .centeredHorizontally, animated: true)
You need to implement UIScrollViewDelegate protocol for your collection view and then add these two methods:
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
if !decelerate {
Snap to the nearest cell, respecting scroll velocity.
Works without any glitches.
import UIKit
final class SnapCenterLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
override func targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset proposedContentOffset: CGPoint, withScrollingVelocity velocity: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
guard let collectionView = collectionView else { return super.targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset: proposedContentOffset, withScrollingVelocity: velocity) }
let parent = super.targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset: proposedContentOffset, withScrollingVelocity: velocity)
let itemSpace = itemSize.width + minimumInteritemSpacing
var currentItemIdx = round(collectionView.contentOffset.x / itemSpace)
// Skip to the next cell, if there is residual scrolling velocity left.
// This helps to prevent glitches
let vX = velocity.x
if vX > 0 {
currentItemIdx += 1
} else if vX < 0 {
currentItemIdx -= 1
let nearestPageOffset = currentItemIdx * itemSpace
return CGPoint(x: nearestPageOffset,
y: parent.y)
For what it is worth here is a simple calculation that I use (in swift):
func snapToNearestCell(_ collectionView: UICollectionView) {
for i in 0..<collectionView.numberOfItems(inSection: 0) {
let itemWithSpaceWidth = collectionViewFlowLayout.itemSize.width + collectionViewFlowLayout.minimumLineSpacing
let itemWidth = collectionViewFlowLayout.itemSize.width
if collectionView.contentOffset.x <= CGFloat(i) * itemWithSpaceWidth + itemWidth / 2 {
let indexPath = IndexPath(item: i, section: 0)
collectionView.scrollToItem(at: indexPath, at: .centeredHorizontally, animated: true)
Call where you need it. I call it in
func scrollViewDidEndDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
Where collectionViewFlowLayout could come from:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
// Set up collection view
collectionViewFlowLayout = collectionView.collectionViewLayout as! UICollectionViewFlowLayout
SWIFT 3 version of #Iowa15 reply
func scrollToNearestVisibleCollectionViewCell() {
let visibleCenterPositionOfScrollView = Float(collectionView.contentOffset.x + (self.collectionView!.bounds.size.width / 2))
var closestCellIndex = -1
var closestDistance: Float = .greatestFiniteMagnitude
for i in 0..<collectionView.visibleCells.count {
let cell = collectionView.visibleCells[i]
let cellWidth = cell.bounds.size.width
let cellCenter = Float(cell.frame.origin.x + cellWidth / 2)
// Now calculate closest cell
let distance: Float = fabsf(visibleCenterPositionOfScrollView - cellCenter)
if distance < closestDistance {
closestDistance = distance
closestCellIndex = collectionView.indexPath(for: cell)!.row
if closestCellIndex != -1 {
self.collectionView!.scrollToItem(at: IndexPath(row: closestCellIndex, section: 0), at: .centeredHorizontally, animated: true)
Needs to implement in UIScrollViewDelegate:
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
if !decelerate {
Here is my implementation
func snapToNearestCell(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let middlePoint = Int(scrollView.contentOffset.x + UIScreen.main.bounds.width / 2)
if let indexPath = self.cvCollectionView.indexPathForItem(at: CGPoint(x: middlePoint, y: 0)) {
self.cvCollectionView.scrollToItem(at: indexPath, at: .centeredHorizontally, animated: true)
Implement your scroll view delegates like this
func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
self.snapToNearestCell(scrollView: scrollView)
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
self.snapToNearestCell(scrollView: scrollView)
Also, for better snapping
self.cvCollectionView.decelerationRate = UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast
Works like a charm
I tried both #Mark Bourke and #mrcrowley solutions but they give the pretty same results with unwanted sticky effects.
I managed to solve the problem by taking into account the velocity. Here is the full code.
final class BetterSnappingLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
override func targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset proposedContentOffset: CGPoint, withScrollingVelocity velocity: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
guard let collectionView = collectionView else {
return super.targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset: proposedContentOffset, withScrollingVelocity: velocity)
var offsetAdjusment = CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude
let horizontalCenter = proposedContentOffset.x + (collectionView.bounds.width / 2)
let targetRect = CGRect(x: proposedContentOffset.x, y: 0, width: collectionView.bounds.size.width, height: collectionView.bounds.size.height)
let layoutAttributesArray = super.layoutAttributesForElements(in: targetRect)
layoutAttributesArray?.forEach({ (layoutAttributes) in
let itemHorizontalCenter = layoutAttributes.center.x
if abs(itemHorizontalCenter - horizontalCenter) < abs(offsetAdjusment) {
if abs(velocity.x) < 0.3 { // minimum velocityX to trigger the snapping effect
offsetAdjusment = itemHorizontalCenter - horizontalCenter
} else if velocity.x > 0 {
offsetAdjusment = itemHorizontalCenter - horizontalCenter + layoutAttributes.bounds.width
} else { // velocity.x < 0
offsetAdjusment = itemHorizontalCenter - horizontalCenter - layoutAttributes.bounds.width
return CGPoint(x: proposedContentOffset.x + offsetAdjusment, y: proposedContentOffset.y)
If you want simple native behavior, without customization:
collectionView.pagingEnabled = YES;
This only works properly when the size of the collection view layout items are all one size only and the UICollectionViewCell's clipToBounds property is set to YES.
Got an answer from SO post here and docs here
First What you can do is set your collection view's scrollview's delegate your class by making your class a scrollview delegate
MyViewController : SuperViewController<... ,UIScrollViewDelegate>
Then make set your view controller as the delegate
UIScrollView *scrollView = (UIScrollView *)super.self.collectionView;
scrollView.delegate = self;
Or do it in the interface builder by control + shift clicking on your collection view and then control + drag or right click drag to your view controller and select delegate. (You should know how to do this). That doesn't work. UICollectionView is a subclass of UIScrollView so you will now be able to see it in the interface builder by control + shift clicking
Next implement the delegate method - (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
The docs state that:
scrollView | The scroll-view object that is decelerating the scrolling
of the content view.
Discussion The scroll view calls this method when the scrolling
movement comes to a halt. The decelerating property of UIScrollView
controls deceleration.
Availability Available in iOS 2.0 and later.
Then inside of that method check which cell was closest to the center of the scrollview when it stopped scrolling
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
//NSLog(#"%f", truncf(scrollView.contentOffset.x + (self.pictureCollectionView.bounds.size.width / 2)));
float visibleCenterPositionOfScrollView = scrollView.contentOffset.x + (self.pictureCollectionView.bounds.size.width / 2);
//NSLog(#"%f", truncf(visibleCenterPositionOfScrollView / imageArray.count));
NSInteger closestCellIndex;
for (id item in imageArray) {
// equation to use to figure out closest cell
// abs(visibleCenter - cellCenterX) <= (cellWidth + cellSpacing/2)
// Get cell width (and cell too)
UICollectionViewCell *cell = (UICollectionViewCell *)[self collectionView:self.pictureCollectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndex:[imageArray indexOfObject:item]]];
float cellWidth = cell.bounds.size.width;
float cellCenter = cell.frame.origin.x + cellWidth / 2;
float cellSpacing = [self collectionView:self.pictureCollectionView layout:self.pictureCollectionView.collectionViewLayout minimumInteritemSpacingForSectionAtIndex:[imageArray indexOfObject:item]];
// Now calculate closest cell
if (fabsf(visibleCenterPositionOfScrollView - cellCenter) <= (cellWidth + (cellSpacing / 2))) {
closestCellIndex = [imageArray indexOfObject:item];
if (closestCellIndex != nil) {
[self.pictureCollectionView scrollToItemAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndex:closestCellIndex] atScrollPosition:UICollectionViewScrollPositionCenteredVertically animated:YES];
// This code is untested. Might not work.
A modification of the above answer which you can also try:
-(void)scrollToNearestVisibleCollectionViewCell {
float visibleCenterPositionOfScrollView = _collectionView.contentOffset.x + (self.collectionView.bounds.size.width / 2);
NSInteger closestCellIndex = -1;
float closestDistance = FLT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < _collectionView.visibleCells.count; i++) {
UICollectionViewCell *cell = _collectionView.visibleCells[i];
float cellWidth = cell.bounds.size.width;
float cellCenter = cell.frame.origin.x + cellWidth / 2;
// Now calculate closest cell
float distance = fabsf(visibleCenterPositionOfScrollView - cellCenter);
if (distance < closestDistance) {
closestDistance = distance;
closestCellIndex = [_collectionView indexPathForCell:cell].row;
if (closestCellIndex != -1) {
[self.collectionView scrollToItemAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:closestCellIndex inSection:0] atScrollPosition:UICollectionViewScrollPositionCenteredHorizontally animated:YES];
This from a 2012 WWDC video for an Objective-C solution. I subclassed UICollectionViewFlowLayout and added the following.
-(CGPoint)targetContentOffsetForProposedContentOffset:(CGPoint)proposedContentOffset withScrollingVelocity:(CGPoint)velocity
CGFloat offsetAdjustment = MAXFLOAT;
CGFloat horizontalCenter = proposedContentOffset.x + (CGRectGetWidth(self.collectionView.bounds) / 2);
CGRect targetRect = CGRectMake(proposedContentOffset.x, 0.0, self.collectionView.bounds.size.width, self.collectionView.bounds.size.height);
NSArray *array = [super layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:targetRect];
for (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *layoutAttributes in array)
CGFloat itemHorizontalCenter = layoutAttributes.center.x;
if (ABS(itemHorizontalCenter - horizontalCenter) < ABS(offsetAdjustment))
offsetAdjustment = itemHorizontalCenter - horizontalCenter;
return CGPointMake(proposedContentOffset.x + offsetAdjustment, proposedContentOffset.y);
And the reason I got to this question was for the snapping with a native feel, which I got from Mark's accepted answer... this I put in the collectionView's view controller.
collectionView.decelerationRate = UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast;
I just found what I think is the best possible solution to this problem:
First add a target to the collectionView's already existing gestureRecognizer:
[self.collectionView.panGestureRecognizer addTarget:self action:#selector(onPan:)];
Have the selector point to a method which takes a UIPanGestureRecognizer as a parameter:
- (void)onPan:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer {};
Then in this method, force the collectionView to scroll to the appropriate cell when the pan gesture has ended.
I did this by getting the visible items from the collection view and determining which item I want to scroll to depending on the direction of the pan.
if (recognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded) {
// Get the visible items
NSArray<NSIndexPath *> *indexes = [self.collectionView indexPathsForVisibleItems];
int index = 0;
if ([(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer velocityInView:self.view].x > 0) {
// Return the smallest index if the user is swiping right
for (int i = index;i < indexes.count;i++) {
if (indexes[i].row < indexes[index].row) {
index = i;
} else {
// Return the biggest index if the user is swiping left
for (int i = index;i < indexes.count;i++) {
if (indexes[i].row > indexes[index].row) {
index = i;
// Scroll to the selected item
[self.collectionView scrollToItemAtIndexPath:indexes[index] atScrollPosition:UICollectionViewScrollPositionLeft animated:YES];
Keep in mind that in my case only two items can be visible at a time. I'm sure this method can be adapted for more items however.
This solution gives a better and smoother animation.
Swift 3
To get the first and last item to center add insets:
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, insetForSectionAt section: Int) -> UIEdgeInsets {
return UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, cellWidth/2, 0, cellWidth/2)
Then use the targetContentOffset in the scrollViewWillEndDragging method to alter the ending position.
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
let numOfItems = collectionView(mainCollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection:0)
let totalContentWidth = scrollView.contentSize.width + mainCollectionViewFlowLayout.minimumInteritemSpacing - cellWidth
let stopOver = totalContentWidth / CGFloat(numOfItems)
var targetX = round((scrollView.contentOffset.x + (velocity.x * 300)) / stopOver) * stopOver
targetX = max(0, min(targetX, scrollView.contentSize.width - scrollView.frame.width))
targetContentOffset.pointee.x = targetX
Maybe in your case the totalContentWidth is calculated differently, f.e. without a minimumInteritemSpacing, so adjust that accordingly.
Also you can play around with the 300 used in the velocity
P.S. Make sure the class adopts the UICollectionViewDataSource protocol
I've been solving this issue by setting 'Paging Enabled' on the attributes inspector on the uicollectionview.
For me this happens when the width of the cell is the same as the width of the uicollectionview.
No coding involved.
Here is a Swift 3.0 version, which should work for both horizontal and vertical directions based on Mark's suggestion above:
override func targetContentOffset(
forProposedContentOffset proposedContentOffset: CGPoint,
withScrollingVelocity velocity: CGPoint
) -> CGPoint {
let collectionView = collectionView
else {
return super.targetContentOffset(
forProposedContentOffset: proposedContentOffset,
withScrollingVelocity: velocity
let realOffset = CGPoint(
x: proposedContentOffset.x + collectionView.contentInset.left,
y: proposedContentOffset.y + collectionView.contentInset.top
let targetRect = CGRect(origin: proposedContentOffset, size: collectionView.bounds.size)
var offset = (scrollDirection == .horizontal)
? CGPoint(x: CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude, y:0.0)
: CGPoint(x:0.0, y:CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
offset = self.layoutAttributesForElements(in: targetRect)?.reduce(offset) {
(offset, attr) in
let itemOffset = attr.frame.origin
return CGPoint(
x: abs(itemOffset.x - realOffset.x) < abs(offset.x) ? itemOffset.x - realOffset.x : offset.x,
y: abs(itemOffset.y - realOffset.y) < abs(offset.y) ? itemOffset.y - realOffset.y : offset.y
} ?? .zero
return CGPoint(x: proposedContentOffset.x + offset.x, y: proposedContentOffset.y + offset.y)
Swift 4.2. Simple. For fixed itemSize. Horizontal flow direction.
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
if let layout = collectionView.collectionViewLayout as? UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
let floatingPage = targetContentOffset.pointee.x/scrollView.bounds.width
let rule: FloatingPointRoundingRule = velocity.x > 0 ? .up : .down
let page = CGFloat(Int(floatingPage.rounded(rule)))
targetContentOffset.pointee.x = page*(layout.itemSize.width + layout.minimumLineSpacing)

UIScrollView animation to targetContentOffset erratic

I've implemented a UIScrollView within a UITableViewCell that enables the user to scroll left and right to reveal buttons in the same fashion as the iOS Mail app. The original implementation that set frames and positions explicitly worked well but I've refactored the code to use autolayout throughout. Animation to hide/reveal the 'container' for the buttons on the left (accessory buttons) works well but the animation that brings the scrollview to rest when the right container (edit buttons) slows just before reaching the desired offset before jerking into its final position.
All calculations use the same math just transformed (e.g. + rather than - value, > rather than < in tests) depending on the side the container is located and the values displayed by logging are correct. I can't see any obvious code errors and there are no constraints for the cells set up in IB. Is this a bug or is there something obvious I've missed through staring at the code for the last hour?
class SwipeyTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
// MARK: Constants
private let thresholdVelocity = CGFloat(0.6)
private let maxClosureDuration = CGFloat(40)
// MARK: Properties
private var buttonContainers = [ButtonContainerType: ButtonContainer]()
private var leftContainerWidth: CGFloat {
return buttonContainers[.Accessory]?.containerWidthWhenOpen ?? CGFloat(0)
private var rightContainerWidth: CGFloat {
return buttonContainers[.Edit]?.containerWidthWhenOpen ?? CGFloat(0)
private var buttonContainerRightAnchor = NSLayoutConstraint()
private var isOpen = false
// MARK: Subviews
private let scrollView = UIScrollView()
// MARK: Lifecycle methods
override func awakeFromNib() {
// Initialization code
scrollView.delegate = self
scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = false
scrollView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
scrollView.topAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(contentView.topAnchor).active = true
scrollView.leftAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(contentView.leftAnchor).active = true
scrollView.rightAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(contentView.rightAnchor).active = true
scrollView.bottomAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(contentView.bottomAnchor).active = true
let scrollContentView = UIView()
scrollContentView.backgroundColor = UIColor.cyanColor()
scrollContentView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
scrollContentView.topAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(scrollView.topAnchor).active = true
scrollContentView.leftAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(scrollView.leftAnchor).active = true
scrollContentView.rightAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(scrollView.rightAnchor).active = true
scrollContentView.bottomAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(scrollView.bottomAnchor).active = true
scrollContentView.widthAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(contentView.widthAnchor, constant: 10).active = true
scrollContentView.heightAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(contentView.heightAnchor).active = true
buttonContainers[.Accessory] = ButtonContainer(type: .Accessory, scrollContentView: scrollContentView)
buttonContainers[.Edit] = ButtonContainer(type: .Edit, scrollContentView: scrollContentView)
for bc in buttonContainers.values {
bc.widthAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(contentView.widthAnchor).active = true
bc.heightAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(scrollContentView.heightAnchor).active = true
bc.topAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(scrollContentView.topAnchor).active = true
bc.containerToContentConstraint.active = true
scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, leftContainerWidth, 0, rightContainerWidth)
func closeContainer() {
scrollView.contentOffset.x = CGFloat(0)
extension SwipeyTableViewCell: UIScrollViewDelegate {
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint,
targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
let xOffset: CGFloat = scrollView.contentOffset.x
isOpen = false
for bc in buttonContainers.values {
if bc.isContainerOpen(xOffset, thresholdVelocity: thresholdVelocity, velocity: velocity) {
targetContentOffset.memory.x = bc.offsetRequiredToOpenContainer()
NSLog("Target offset \(targetContentOffset.memory.x)")
isOpen = true
break /// only one container can be open at a time so cn exit here
if !isOpen {
NSLog("Closing container")
targetContentOffset.memory.x = CGFloat(0)
let ms: CGFloat = xOffset / velocity.x /// if the scroll isn't on a fast path to zero, animate it closed
if (velocity.x == 0 || ms < 0 || ms > maxClosureDuration) {
NSLog("Animating closed")
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPointZero, animated: true)
Defines the position of the container view for buttons assosicated with a SwipeyTableViewCell
- Edit: Identifier for a UIView that acts as a container for buttons to the right of the cell
- Accessory: Identifier for a UIView that acts as a container for buttons to the left of the vell
enum ButtonContainerType {
case Edit, Accessory
extension ButtonContainerType {
func getConstraints(scrollContentView: UIView, buttonContainer: UIView) -> NSLayoutConstraint {
switch self {
case Edit:
return buttonContainer.leftAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(scrollContentView.rightAnchor)
case Accessory:
return buttonContainer.rightAnchor.constraintGreaterThanOrEqualToAnchor(scrollContentView.leftAnchor)
func containerOpenedTest() -> ((scrollViewOffset: CGFloat, containerFullyOpenWidth: CGFloat, thresholdVelocity: CGFloat, velocity: CGPoint) -> Bool) {
switch self {
case Edit:
return {(scrollViewOffset: CGFloat, containerFullyOpenWidth: CGFloat, thresholdVelocity: CGFloat, velocity: CGPoint) -> Bool in
(scrollViewOffset > containerFullyOpenWidth || (scrollViewOffset > 0 && velocity.x > thresholdVelocity))
case Accessory:
return {(scrollViewOffset: CGFloat, containerFullyOpenWidth: CGFloat, thresholdVelocity: CGFloat, velocity: CGPoint) -> Bool in
(scrollViewOffset < -containerFullyOpenWidth || (scrollViewOffset < 0 && velocity.x < -thresholdVelocity))
func transformOffsetForContainerSide(containerWidthWhenOpen: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
switch self {
case Edit:
return containerWidthWhenOpen
case Accessory:
return -containerWidthWhenOpen
/// A UIView subclass that acts as a container for buttongs associated with a SwipeyTableCellView
class ButtonContainer: UIView {
private let scrollContentView: UIView
private let type: ButtonContainerType
private let maxNumberOfButtons = 3
let buttonWidth = CGFloat(65)
private var buttons = [UIButton]()
var containerWidthWhenOpen: CGFloat {
// return CGFloat(buttons.count) * buttonWidth
return buttonWidth // TODO: Multiple buttons not yet implements - this will cause a bug!!
var containerToContentConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint {
return type.getConstraints(scrollContentView, buttonContainer: self)
var offsetFromContainer = CGFloat(0) {
didSet {
let delta = abs(oldValue - offsetFromContainer)
containerToContentConstraint.constant = offsetFromContainer
if delta > (containerWidthWhenOpen * 0.5) { /// this number is arbitary - can it be more formal?
animateConstraintWithDuration(0.1, delay: 0, options: UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseOut, completion: nil) /// ensure large changes are animated rather than snapped
// MARK: Initialisers
init(type: ButtonContainerType, scrollContentView: UIView) {
self.type = type
self.scrollContentView = scrollContentView
super.init(frame: CGRectZero)
backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor()
translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
// MARK: Public methods
func isContainerOpen(scrollViewOffset: CGFloat, thresholdVelocity: CGFloat, velocity: CGPoint) -> Bool {
let closure = type.containerOpenedTest()
return closure(scrollViewOffset: scrollViewOffset, containerFullyOpenWidth: containerWidthWhenOpen, thresholdVelocity: thresholdVelocity, velocity: velocity)
func offsetRequiredToOpenContainer() -> CGFloat {
return type.transformOffsetForContainerSide(containerWidthWhenOpen)
OK - found the error and it was a typo left from earlier experimentation with UIScrollView. The clue was in my earlier comment about the 'snap' occurring within 10pt of the desired targetContentOffset...
The scrollContentView width constraint was set incorrectly as follows:
scrollContentView.widthAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(contentView.widthAnchor, constant: 10).active = true
Before I found out that I could force a UIScrollView to scroll by setting its contentInset, I just made the subview larger that the cell's contentView that the UIScrollView was pinned to. As I've been refactoring code verbatim to use the new anchor properties, the old code propagated and I got my bug!
So, not iOS at fault...just me not paying attention. Lesson learnt! I now have some other ideas on how to implement things that might be a little tidier.

Paging UICollectionView by cells, not screen

I have UICollectionView with horizontal scrolling and there are always 2 cells side-by-side per the entire screen. I need the scrolling to stop at the begining of a cell. With paging enabled, the collection view scrolls the whole page, which is 2 cells at once, and then it stops.
I need to enable scrolling by a single cell, or scrolling by multiple cells with stopping at the edge of the cell.
I tried to subclass UICollectionViewFlowLayout and to implement the method targetContentOffsetForProposedContentOffset, but so far I was only able to break my collection view and it stopped scrolling. Is there any easier way to achieve this and how, or do I really need to implement all methods of UICollectionViewFlowLayout subclass? Thanks.
OK, so I found the solution here: targetContentOffsetForProposedContentOffset:withScrollingVelocity without subclassing UICollectionViewFlowLayout
I should have searched for targetContentOffsetForProposedContentOffset in the begining.
Here's my implementation in Swift 5 for vertical cell-based paging:
override func targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset proposedContentOffset: CGPoint, withScrollingVelocity velocity: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else {
let latestOffset = super.targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset: proposedContentOffset, withScrollingVelocity: velocity)
return latestOffset
// Page height used for estimating and calculating paging.
let pageHeight = self.itemSize.height + self.minimumLineSpacing
// Make an estimation of the current page position.
let approximatePage = collectionView.contentOffset.y/pageHeight
// Determine the current page based on velocity.
let currentPage = velocity.y == 0 ? round(approximatePage) : (velocity.y < 0.0 ? floor(approximatePage) : ceil(approximatePage))
// Create custom flickVelocity.
let flickVelocity = velocity.y * 0.3
// Check how many pages the user flicked, if <= 1 then flickedPages should return 0.
let flickedPages = (abs(round(flickVelocity)) <= 1) ? 0 : round(flickVelocity)
let newVerticalOffset = ((currentPage + flickedPages) * pageHeight) - collectionView.contentInset.top
return CGPoint(x: proposedContentOffset.x, y: newVerticalOffset)
Some notes:
Doesn't glitch
SET PAGING TO FALSE! (otherwise this won't work)
Allows you to set your own flickvelocity easily.
If something is still not working after trying this, check if your itemSize actually matches the size of the item as that's often a problem, especially when using collectionView(_:layout:sizeForItemAt:), use a custom variable with the itemSize instead.
This works best when you set self.collectionView.decelerationRate = UIScrollView.DecelerationRate.fast.
Here's a horizontal version (haven't tested it thoroughly so please forgive any mistakes):
override func targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset proposedContentOffset: CGPoint, withScrollingVelocity velocity: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else {
let latestOffset = super.targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset: proposedContentOffset, withScrollingVelocity: velocity)
return latestOffset
// Page width used for estimating and calculating paging.
let pageWidth = self.itemSize.width + self.minimumInteritemSpacing
// Make an estimation of the current page position.
let approximatePage = collectionView.contentOffset.x/pageWidth
// Determine the current page based on velocity.
let currentPage = velocity.x == 0 ? round(approximatePage) : (velocity.x < 0.0 ? floor(approximatePage) : ceil(approximatePage))
// Create custom flickVelocity.
let flickVelocity = velocity.x * 0.3
// Check how many pages the user flicked, if <= 1 then flickedPages should return 0.
let flickedPages = (abs(round(flickVelocity)) <= 1) ? 0 : round(flickVelocity)
// Calculate newHorizontalOffset.
let newHorizontalOffset = ((currentPage + flickedPages) * pageWidth) - collectionView.contentInset.left
return CGPoint(x: newHorizontalOffset, y: proposedContentOffset.y)
This code is based on the code I use in my personal project, you can check it out here by downloading it and running the Example target.
just override the method:
- (void)scrollViewWillEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withVelocity:(CGPoint)velocity targetContentOffset:(inout CGPoint *)targetContentOffset {
*targetContentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset; // set acceleration to 0.0
float pageWidth = (float)self.articlesCollectionView.bounds.size.width;
int minSpace = 10;
int cellToSwipe = (scrollView.contentOffset.x)/(pageWidth + minSpace) + 0.5; // cell width + min spacing for lines
if (cellToSwipe < 0) {
cellToSwipe = 0;
} else if (cellToSwipe >= self.articles.count) {
cellToSwipe = self.articles.count - 1;
[self.articlesCollectionView scrollToItemAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:cellToSwipe inSection:0] atScrollPosition:UICollectionViewScrollPositionLeft animated:YES];
Horizontal Paging With Custom Page Width (Swift 4 & 5)
Many solutions presented here result in some weird behaviour that doesn't feel like properly implemented paging.
The solution presented in this tutorial, however, doesn't seem to have any issues. It just feels like a perfectly working paging algorithm. You can implement it in 5 simple steps:
Add the following property to your type: private var indexOfCellBeforeDragging = 0
Set the collectionView delegate like this: collectionView.delegate = self
Add conformance to UICollectionViewDelegate via an extension: extension YourType: UICollectionViewDelegate { }
Add the following method to the extension implementing the UICollectionViewDelegate conformance and set a value for pageWidth:
func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let pageWidth = // The width your page should have (plus a possible margin)
let proportionalOffset = collectionView.contentOffset.x / pageWidth
indexOfCellBeforeDragging = Int(round(proportionalOffset))
Add the following method to the extension implementing the UICollectionViewDelegate conformance, set the same value for pageWidth (you may also store this value at a central place) and set a value for collectionViewItemCount:
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
// Stop scrolling
targetContentOffset.pointee = scrollView.contentOffset
// Calculate conditions
let pageWidth = // The width your page should have (plus a possible margin)
let collectionViewItemCount = // The number of items in this section
let proportionalOffset = collectionView.contentOffset.x / pageWidth
let indexOfMajorCell = Int(round(proportionalOffset))
let swipeVelocityThreshold: CGFloat = 0.5
let hasEnoughVelocityToSlideToTheNextCell = indexOfCellBeforeDragging + 1 < collectionViewItemCount && velocity.x > swipeVelocityThreshold
let hasEnoughVelocityToSlideToThePreviousCell = indexOfCellBeforeDragging - 1 >= 0 && velocity.x < -swipeVelocityThreshold
let majorCellIsTheCellBeforeDragging = indexOfMajorCell == indexOfCellBeforeDragging
let didUseSwipeToSkipCell = majorCellIsTheCellBeforeDragging && (hasEnoughVelocityToSlideToTheNextCell || hasEnoughVelocityToSlideToThePreviousCell)
if didUseSwipeToSkipCell {
// Animate so that swipe is just continued
let snapToIndex = indexOfCellBeforeDragging + (hasEnoughVelocityToSlideToTheNextCell ? 1 : -1)
let toValue = pageWidth * CGFloat(snapToIndex)
withDuration: 0.3,
delay: 0,
usingSpringWithDamping: 1,
initialSpringVelocity: velocity.x,
options: .allowUserInteraction,
animations: {
scrollView.contentOffset = CGPoint(x: toValue, y: 0)
completion: nil
} else {
// Pop back (against velocity)
let indexPath = IndexPath(row: indexOfMajorCell, section: 0)
collectionView.scrollToItem(at: indexPath, at: .left, animated: true)
Here's the easiest way that i found to do that in Swift 4.2 for horinzontal scroll:
I'm using the first cell on visibleCells and scrolling to then, if the first visible cell are showing less of the half of it's width i'm scrolling to the next one.
If your collection scroll vertically, simply change x by y and width by height
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
targetContentOffset.pointee = scrollView.contentOffset
var indexes = self.collectionView.indexPathsForVisibleItems
var index = indexes.first!
let cell = self.collectionView.cellForItem(at: index)!
let position = self.collectionView.contentOffset.x - cell.frame.origin.x
if position > cell.frame.size.width/2{
index.row = index.row+1
self.collectionView.scrollToItem(at: index, at: .left, animated: true )
Swift 3 version of Evya's answer:
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
targetContentOffset.pointee = scrollView.contentOffset
let pageWidth:Float = Float(self.view.bounds.width)
let minSpace:Float = 10.0
var cellToSwipe:Double = Double(Float((scrollView.contentOffset.x))/Float((pageWidth+minSpace))) + Double(0.5)
if cellToSwipe < 0 {
cellToSwipe = 0
} else if cellToSwipe >= Double(self.articles.count) {
cellToSwipe = Double(self.articles.count) - Double(1)
let indexPath:IndexPath = IndexPath(row: Int(cellToSwipe), section:0)
self.collectionView.scrollToItem(at:indexPath, at: UICollectionViewScrollPosition.left, animated: true)
Partly based on StevenOjo's answer.
I've tested this using a horizontal scrolling and no Bounce UICollectionView. cellSize is CollectionViewCell size. You can tweak factor to modify scrolling sensitivity.
override func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
targetContentOffset.pointee = scrollView.contentOffset
var factor: CGFloat = 0.5
if velocity.x < 0 {
factor = -factor
let indexPath = IndexPath(row: (scrollView.contentOffset.x/cellSize.width + factor).int, section: 0)
collectionView?.scrollToItem(at: indexPath, at: .left, animated: true)
Approach 1: Collection View
flowLayout is UICollectionViewFlowLayout property
override func scrollViewWillEndDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
if let collectionView = collectionView {
targetContentOffset.memory = scrollView.contentOffset
let pageWidth = CGRectGetWidth(scrollView.frame) + flowLayout.minimumInteritemSpacing
var assistanceOffset : CGFloat = pageWidth / 3.0
if velocity.x < 0 {
assistanceOffset = -assistanceOffset
let assistedScrollPosition = (scrollView.contentOffset.x + assistanceOffset) / pageWidth
var targetIndex = Int(round(assistedScrollPosition))
if targetIndex < 0 {
targetIndex = 0
else if targetIndex >= collectionView.numberOfItemsInSection(0) {
targetIndex = collectionView.numberOfItemsInSection(0) - 1
print("targetIndex = \(targetIndex)")
let indexPath = NSIndexPath(forItem: targetIndex, inSection: 0)
collectionView.scrollToItemAtIndexPath(indexPath, atScrollPosition: .Left, animated: true)
Approach 2: Page View Controller
You could use UIPageViewController if it meets your requirements, each page would have a separate view controller.
Here is the optimised solution in Swift5, including handling the wrong indexPath. - Michael Lin Liu
Step1. Get the indexPath of the current cell.
Step2. Detect the velocity when scroll.
Step3. Increase the indexPath's row when the velocity is increased.
Step4. Tell the collection view to scroll to the next item
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
targetContentOffset.pointee = scrollView.contentOffset
//M: Get the first visiable item's indexPath from visibaleItems.
var indexPaths = *YOURCOLLECTIONVIEW*.indexPathsForVisibleItems
var indexPath = indexPaths.first!
//M: Use the velocity to detect the paging control movement.
//M: If the movement is forward, then increase the indexPath.
if velocity.x > 0{
indexPath.row += 1
//M: If the movement is in the next section, which means the indexPath's row is out range. We set the indexPath to the first row of the next section.
if indexPath.row == *YOURCOLLECTIONVIEW*.numberOfItems(inSection: indexPath.section){
indexPath.row = 0
indexPath.section += 1
//M: If the movement is backward, the indexPath will be automatically changed to the first visiable item which is indexPath.row - 1. So there is no need to write the logic.
//M: Tell the collection view to scroll to the next item.
*YOURCOLLECTIONVIEW*.scrollToItem(at: indexPath, at: .left, animated: true )
modify Romulo BM answer for velocity listening
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(
_ scrollView: UIScrollView,
withVelocity velocity: CGPoint,
targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>
) {
targetContentOffset.pointee = scrollView.contentOffset
var indexes = collection.indexPathsForVisibleItems
var index = indexes.first!
if velocity.x > 0 {
index.row += 1
} else if velocity.x == 0 {
let cell = self.collection.cellForItem(at: index)!
let position = self.collection.contentOffset.x - cell.frame.origin.x
if position > cell.frame.size.width / 2 {
index.row += 1
self.collection.scrollToItem(at: index, at: .centeredHorizontally, animated: true )
This is a straight way to do this.
The case is simple, but finally quite common ( typical thumbnails scroller with fixed cell size and fixed gap between cells )
var itemCellSize: CGSize = <your cell size>
var itemCellsGap: CGFloat = <gap in between>
override func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
let pageWidth = (itemCellSize.width + itemCellsGap)
let itemIndex = (targetContentOffset.pointee.x) / pageWidth
targetContentOffset.pointee.x = round(itemIndex) * pageWidth - (itemCellsGap / 2)
// CollectionViewFlowLayoutDelegate
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
return itemCellSize
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, minimumLineSpacingForSectionAt section: Int) -> CGFloat {
return itemCellsGap
Note that there is no reason to call a scrollToOffset or dive into layouts.
The native scrolling behaviour already does everything.
Cheers All :)
Kind of like evya's answer, but a little smoother because it doesn't set the targetContentOffset to zero.
- (void)scrollViewWillEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withVelocity:(CGPoint)velocity targetContentOffset:(inout CGPoint *)targetContentOffset {
if ([scrollView isKindOfClass:[UICollectionView class]]) {
UICollectionView* collectionView = (UICollectionView*)scrollView;
if ([collectionView.collectionViewLayout isKindOfClass:[UICollectionViewFlowLayout class]]) {
UICollectionViewFlowLayout* layout = (UICollectionViewFlowLayout*)collectionView.collectionViewLayout;
CGFloat pageWidth = layout.itemSize.width + layout.minimumInteritemSpacing;
CGFloat usualSideOverhang = (scrollView.bounds.size.width - pageWidth)/2.0;
// k*pageWidth - usualSideOverhang = contentOffset for page at index k if k >= 1, 0 if k = 0
// -> (contentOffset + usualSideOverhang)/pageWidth = k at page stops
NSInteger targetPage = 0;
CGFloat currentOffsetInPages = (scrollView.contentOffset.x + usualSideOverhang)/pageWidth;
targetPage = velocity.x < 0 ? floor(currentOffsetInPages) : ceil(currentOffsetInPages);
targetPage = MAX(0,MIN(self.projects.count - 1,targetPage));
*targetContentOffset = CGPointMake(MAX(targetPage*pageWidth - usualSideOverhang,0), 0);
Here is my version of it in Swift 3. Calculate the offset after scrolling ended and adjust the offset with animation.
collectionLayout is a UICollectionViewFlowLayout()
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let index = scrollView.contentOffset.x / collectionLayout.itemSize.width
let fracPart = index.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1)
let item= Int(fracPart >= 0.5 ? ceil(index) : floor(index))
let indexPath = IndexPath(item: item, section: 0)
collectionView.scrollToItem(at: indexPath, at: .left, animated: true)
Swift 5
I've found a way to do this without subclassing UICollectionView, just calculating the contentOffset in horizontal. Obviously without isPagingEnabled set true.
Here is the code:
var offsetScroll1 : CGFloat = 0
var offsetScroll2 : CGFloat = 0
let flowLayout = UICollectionViewFlowLayout()
let screenSize : CGSize = UIScreen.main.bounds.size
var items = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
override func viewDidLoad() {
flowLayout.scrollDirection = .horizontal
flowLayout.minimumLineSpacing = 7
let collectionView = UICollectionView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 590, width: screenSize.width, height: 200), collectionViewLayout: flowLayout)
collectionView.register(collectionViewCell1.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: cellReuseIdentifier)
collectionView.delegate = self
collectionView.dataSource = self
collectionView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
collectionView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
offsetScroll1 = offsetScroll2
func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
offsetScroll1 = offsetScroll2
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>){
let indexOfMajorCell = self.desiredIndex()
let indexPath = IndexPath(row: indexOfMajorCell, section: 0)
flowLayout.collectionView!.scrollToItem(at: indexPath, at: .centeredHorizontally, animated: true)
targetContentOffset.pointee = scrollView.contentOffset
private func desiredIndex() -> Int {
var integerIndex = 0
offsetScroll2 = flowLayout.collectionView!.contentOffset.x
if offsetScroll2 > offsetScroll1 {
integerIndex += 1
let offset = flowLayout.collectionView!.contentOffset.x / screenSize.width
integerIndex = Int(round(offset))
if integerIndex < (items.count - 1) {
integerIndex += 1
if offsetScroll2 < offsetScroll1 {
let offset = flowLayout.collectionView!.contentOffset.x / screenSize.width
integerIndex = Int(offset.rounded(.towardZero))
let targetIndex = integerIndex
return targetIndex
Also you can create fake scroll view to handle scrolling.
Horizontal or Vertical
// === Defaults ===
let bannerSize = CGSize(width: 280, height: 170)
let pageWidth: CGFloat = 290 // ^ + paging
let insetLeft: CGFloat = 20
let insetRight: CGFloat = 20
// ================
var pageScrollView: UIScrollView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Create fake scrollview to properly handle paging
pageScrollView = UIScrollView(frame: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: CGSize(width: pageWidth, height: 100)))
pageScrollView.isPagingEnabled = true
pageScrollView.alwaysBounceHorizontal = true
pageScrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = false
pageScrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
pageScrollView.delegate = self
pageScrollView.isHidden = true
view.insertSubview(pageScrollView, belowSubview: collectionView)
// Set desired gesture recognizers to the collection view
for gr in pageScrollView.gestureRecognizers! {
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if scrollView == pageScrollView {
// Return scrolling back to the collection view
collectionView.contentOffset.x = pageScrollView.contentOffset.x
func refreshData() {
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
/// Refresh fake scrolling view content size if content changes
func refreshScroll() {
let w = collectionView.width - bannerSize.width - insetLeft - insetRight
pageScrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width: pageWidth * CGFloat(banners.count) - w, height: 100)
This is my solution, in Swift 4.2, I wish it could help you.
class SomeViewController: UIViewController {
private lazy var flowLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout = {
let layout = UICollectionViewFlowLayout()
layout.itemSize = CGSize(width: /* width */, height: /* height */)
layout.minimumLineSpacing = // margin
layout.minimumInteritemSpacing = 0.0
layout.sectionInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0.0, left: /* margin */, bottom: 0.0, right: /* margin */)
layout.scrollDirection = .horizontal
return layout
private lazy var collectionView: UICollectionView = {
let collectionView = UICollectionView(frame: .zero, collectionViewLayout: flowLayout)
collectionView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
collectionView.dataSource = self
collectionView.delegate = self
// collectionView.register(SomeCell.self)
return collectionView
private var currentIndex: Int = 0
// MARK: - UIScrollViewDelegate
extension SomeViewController {
func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
guard scrollView == collectionView else { return }
let pageWidth = flowLayout.itemSize.width + flowLayout.minimumLineSpacing
currentIndex = Int(scrollView.contentOffset.x / pageWidth)
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
guard scrollView == collectionView else { return }
let pageWidth = flowLayout.itemSize.width + flowLayout.minimumLineSpacing
var targetIndex = Int(roundf(Float(targetContentOffset.pointee.x / pageWidth)))
if targetIndex > currentIndex {
targetIndex = currentIndex + 1
} else if targetIndex < currentIndex {
targetIndex = currentIndex - 1
let count = collectionView.numberOfItems(inSection: 0)
targetIndex = max(min(targetIndex, count - 1), 0)
print("targetIndex: \(targetIndex)")
targetContentOffset.pointee = scrollView.contentOffset
var offsetX: CGFloat = 0.0
if targetIndex < count - 1 {
offsetX = pageWidth * CGFloat(targetIndex)
} else {
offsetX = scrollView.contentSize.width - scrollView.width
collectionView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: offsetX, y: 0.0), animated: true)
The original answer of Олень Безрогий had an issue, so on the last cell collection view was scrolling to the beginning
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
targetContentOffset.pointee = scrollView.contentOffset
var indexes = yourCollectionView.indexPathsForVisibleItems
var index = indexes.first!
// if velocity.x > 0 && (Get the number of items from your data) > index.row + 1 {
if velocity.x > 0 && yourCollectionView.numberOfItems(inSection: 0) > index.row + 1 {
index.row += 1
} else if velocity.x == 0 {
let cell = yourCollectionView.cellForItem(at: index)!
let position = yourCollectionView.contentOffset.x - cell.frame.origin.x
if position > cell.frame.size.width / 2 {
index.row += 1
yourCollectionView.scrollToItem(at: index, at: .centeredHorizontally, animated: true )
Ok so the proposed answers did'nt worked for me because I wanted to scroll by sections instead, and thus, have variable width page sizes
I did this (vertical only):
var pagesSizes = [CGSize]()
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
defer {
lastOffsetY = scrollView.contentOffset.y
if collectionView.isDecelerating {
var currentPage = 0
var currentPageBottom = CGFloat(0)
for pagesSize in pagesSizes {
currentPageBottom += pagesSize.height
if currentPageBottom > collectionView!.contentOffset.y {
currentPage += 1
if collectionView.contentOffset.y > currentPageBottom - pagesSizes[currentPage].height, collectionView.contentOffset.y + collectionView.frame.height < currentPageBottom {
return // 100% of view within bounds
if lastOffsetY < collectionView.contentOffset.y {
if currentPage + 1 != pagesSizes.count {
collectionView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: 0, y: currentPageBottom), animated: true)
} else {
collectionView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: 0, y: currentPageBottom - pagesSizes[currentPage].height), animated: true)
In this case, I calculate each page size beforehand using the section height + header + footer, and store it in the array. That's the pagesSizes member
i created a custom collection view layout here that supports:
paging one cell at a time
paging 2+ cells at a time depending on swipe velocity
horizontal or vertical directions
it's as easy as:
let layout = PagingCollectionViewLayout()
layout.itemSize =
layout.minimumLineSpacing =
layout.scrollDirection =
you can just add PagingCollectionViewLayout.swift to your project
add pod 'PagingCollectionViewLayout' to your podfile
final class PagingFlowLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
private var currentIndex = 0
override func targetContentOffset(forProposedContentOffset proposedContentOffset: CGPoint, withScrollingVelocity velocity: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
let count = collectionView!.numberOfItems(inSection: 0)
let currentAttribute = layoutAttributesForItem(
at: IndexPath(item: currentIndex, section: 0)
) ?? UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes()
let direction = proposedContentOffset.x > currentAttribute.frame.minX
if collectionView!.contentOffset.x + collectionView!.bounds.width < collectionView!.contentSize.width || currentIndex < count - 1 {
currentIndex += direction ? 1 : -1
currentIndex = max(min(currentIndex, count - 1), 0)
let indexPath = IndexPath(item: currentIndex, section: 0)
let closestAttribute = layoutAttributesForItem(at: indexPath) ?? UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes()
let centerOffset = collectionView!.bounds.size.width / 2
return CGPoint(x: closestAttribute.center.x - centerOffset, y: 0)
func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity
velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
targetContentOffset.pointee = scrollView.contentOffset
var indexes = self.collectionHome.indexPathsForVisibleItems
var index = indexes.first!
let cell = self.collectionHome.cellForItem(at: index)!
let position = self.collectionHome.contentOffset.x - cell.frame.origin.x
if position > cell.frame.size.width/2{
index.row = index.row+1
self.collectionHome.scrollToItem(at: index, at: .left, animated: true )
It is the best solution I ever seen. Just use it with .linear type.
God bless the author!:)
Here is my way to do it by using a UICollectionViewFlowLayout to override the targetContentOffset:
(Although in the end, I end up not using this and use UIPageViewController instead.)
A UICollectionViewFlowLayout with...
- paged horizontal scrolling
- itemSize is the same as the collectionView bounds.size
class PagedFlowLayout: UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
override init() {
self.scrollDirection = .horizontal
self.minimumLineSpacing = 8 // line spacing is the horizontal spacing in horizontal scrollDirection
self.minimumInteritemSpacing = 0
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
self.sectionInsetReference = .fromSafeArea // for iPhone X
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("not implemented")
// Note: Setting `minimumInteritemSpacing` here will be too late. Don't do it here.
override func prepare() {
guard let collectionView = collectionView else { return }
collectionView.decelerationRate = UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast // mostly you want it fast!
let insetedBounds = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(collectionView.bounds, self.sectionInset)
self.itemSize = insetedBounds.size
// Table: Possible cases of targetContentOffset calculation
// -------------------------
// start | |
// near | velocity | end
// page | | page
// -------------------------
// 0 | forward | 1
// 0 | still | 0
// 0 | backward | 0
// 1 | forward | 1
// 1 | still | 1
// 1 | backward | 0
// -------------------------
override func targetContentOffset( //swiftlint:disable:this cyclomatic_complexity
forProposedContentOffset proposedContentOffset: CGPoint, withScrollingVelocity velocity: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
guard let collectionView = collectionView else { return proposedContentOffset }
let pageWidth = itemSize.width + minimumLineSpacing
let currentPage: CGFloat = collectionView.contentOffset.x / pageWidth
let nearestPage: CGFloat = round(currentPage)
let isNearPreviousPage = nearestPage < currentPage
var pageDiff: CGFloat = 0
let velocityThreshold: CGFloat = 0.5 // can customize this threshold
if isNearPreviousPage {
if velocity.x > velocityThreshold {
pageDiff = 1
} else {
if velocity.x < -velocityThreshold {
pageDiff = -1
let x = (nearestPage + pageDiff) * pageWidth
let cappedX = max(0, x) // cap to avoid targeting beyond content
//print("x:", x, "velocity:", velocity)
return CGPoint(x: cappedX, y: proposedContentOffset.y)
You can use the following library: https://github.com/ink-spot/UPCarouselFlowLayout
It's very simple and ofc you do not need to think about details like other answers contain.
