Google Books API rate limiting information? - rate-limiting

I can't find any information on rate limiting with the Google Books API. I'm interested in doing ~300K total ISBN queries to retrieve lists of book categories, and I want to throttle my requests to stay under their limit. I have a developer API key, but not OAuth. Does anyone know what the rate limits are for the Google Books API, or at least have a ballpark?

According to this post,!topic/google-api-java-client/_TFuPpAKSew
Around 100k/day is not a problem.
You can also request more quota, if you need it, as follows:
Go to the API Console (
Select "Quotas" on the left navigation pane.
Click on the "Request more..." link and submit the form.
"Your quota request should be processed within a few business days at most. Basically we want to hear from our developers so we know what type of traffic they are sending, so we can add resources to accommodate them as necessary. But from what you describe, perhaps 100K/day, should not be a problem."


Beginner Question: How to access the number of impressions from *other users'* tweets?

I've got a bunch of free online HTML, CSS, and JS tutorials under my belt and I want to try using them to make a browser extension. But I want to make sure that the data I want to use is actually accessible before getting started.
My goal is to make a browser extension for that shows the number of impressions of any tweet next to the likes, retweets, and replies. My basic idea is to get the status URL of any given tweet, poll the Twitter API for the number of impressions of that tweet, store that in a variable, and then use CSS to display a little eye icon and the number stored in the impressions variable.
I know that I can find the number of impressions of all of my tweets, both through Twitter Analytics, and also just going to my profile page and clicking the little bar chart icon next to views, retweets, etc. But I'm not clear on whether I can do that for other people's tweets via Twitter's API or anything else. Can you?
For the record, I'm not too concerned about the varying definition of "impression," since it will be consistently applied across all tweets and I'm mostly interested in giving users a comparison between tweets. This is part of a research project to see how this might change how people engage with social media if they know how many views a given post has. If there's a simpler way to go about that using existing platforms, I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks for the advice!
No, impressions data is private. If you are authenticated to the Twitter API then you can use the new Twitter Developer Labs Tweets API to get private metrics like impressions, but you cannot get that for other people's Tweets. Also, the Twitter API does not support CORS, so I don't think you'll be successful trying to use it from a browser extension.

How to query a Twitter timeline in parallel?

I am building a Twitter app and I'll be pulling a big amount of data from the user's timeline. For speed, I need to query the timeline in parallel. My aim is to pull 1000 of user's tweets from the API, but the upper limit of number of tweets per request is set to 200 by the Twitter API. Pagination works by specifying the last (oldest) tweet's ID from the previous request, so I need to know the result of the previous API call to make the next call. This method is not parallelizable. Is there any alternative method for getting the user timeline from the Twitter API where I can make parallel requests (there is the page property, but is deprecated and will be nonfunctional in the near future).
What you have to remember, is that Twitter have a difficult relationship with external developers. Using their API for anything interesting like this is simply not allowed by them.
What you need is access to the Firehose.
However, even if you're willing to pay a million dollars a year - Twitter aren't interested.
You could try getting it from a third party like Gnip but - again - likely to be expensive.
So, essentially, you can't. Twitter just aren't interested in amateur developers doing anything innovative with their platform. Sorry.

I have IDs from many tweets; how can I fetch their full information with the Twitter API without exceeding the rate limit?

I have IDs from many tweets, and I'd like to fetch their full information from Twitter in order to do some data analysis. The obvious API method ( appears to take only one ID at a time. This is a problem because the number of tweets we need to analyze is well more than the API limit of 350 calls per hour.
Thus: is there some way to get full information for a set of tweet IDs, not just one, or alternately to submit many REST calls in the same HTTP request and have it count only once against the API limit?
There's unfortunately no bulk lookup offered for Tweets. You'll need to perform requests one at a time and scope your project to cope with the rate limitations. If you have friends who would like to help you, you could potentially ask them to authorize your application and leverage their permission to gain access to more requests.

Finding top twitter users?

There is a large number of sites like Twitaholic or Twittergrader that offer rankings of Twitter users depending on the number of followers, influence, etc. I haven't found much information, though, on how do they compute these rankings.
My guess is that they begin with a handful users and keep exploring the followers' graph, while periodically updating the information of the users they already know of.
So the question is: is this the right approach or is there a more trivial way of doing it?
The sites you mention started years ago, and at that time they were given whitelisting by Twitter, which means that they can make tens of thousands of API requests per hour. Twitter no longer gives out new whitelisted accounts, so this type of analysis cannot be done by new sites. New accounts are only allowed to make 350 API requests per hour.
It is in fact possible just to use the Twitter API to examine and remember everything about every user, which is what quite a few sites do. twitter streaming api

how to overcome twitter api rate limit?

I am writing a small app, building stats for twitter users (no of tweets, friends etc). I am using this api
I can only make 150 calls per hour, which is very very small, given the size of twitter. How do companies that rely on Twitter's API manage to overcome this rate limit?
The 150 API calls is per user per application. Larger companies likely broker deals with Twitter.
You need to get whitelisted to get a far higher rate limit. They are open to all sorts of developers, as long as you give a good reason for what you are developing:
You will easily get whitelisted, just apply. They will accept more or less any reasonable application, but just don't want to leave it 'wide open'. If they dont accept you, and you still want to get your hands on the data, just scrape it.
