How to AirPlay audio to multiple AirPlay devices from an iOS device? - ios

Normally only one AirPlay device is selectable in the MPVolumeView when playing audio. However it seems that it is possible to AirPlay to multiple devices since Whaale iOS app does. How might the Whaale app stream to multiple devices?
(I don't care if it uses undocumented APIs, this isn't for App Store purposes.)

This is WHAALE speaking.
There is no API on iOS to do multiroom playback with AirPlay, as you noticed.
We had to implement it from scratch and it took a while.
We have no public API to offer to you.


Is it possible to filter device list displayed in AVRoutePickerView?

Our iOS app supports video streaming. We use AVRoutePickerView to give users an option to stream videos on their TV devices using Airplay connection.
Videos that we stream have some specifics that make them work without issues only on Apple TV. However there are TVs from other vendors (LG, Samsung, Sony, ...) that also have integrated Airplay support and they also show in the AVRoutePickerView.
Is there any way we can filter what AVRoutePickerView displays? Ideally we would like AVRoutePickerView to list only Apple TV devices and not other TVs.

App Interruption - Siri Fails To Hear Human Voice

In my team's iOS app we have a bug when Siri is invoked while our app is running. Siri pops up and the waveform is shown very briefly and appears not to detect one's voice as the waveform remains very flat. Quickly thereafter it begins to list the things you can ask Siri.
We are using Xcode 6.3, tested on an iPad Mini with iOS 8.3 as well as an iPhone 5 with iOS 8.3.
The app never uses the microphone or queries any of the device audio inputs so I can't see this problem attributed to our app using the microphone directly. It does play looping ambient music and has sound effects.
Is there anything specific we should be calling an an interruption to ensure that Siri will work properly? Has anyone experienced similar issues?
This is most likely not related to your app. The iOS SDK doesn't provide a Siri API that could lead to this kind of events.
You may try to pause any ambient music/sounds effects whenever the app goes in background. (in AppDelegate.m)

IOS app - bluetooth audio enabling

I'm working on an IOS 6 app that's currently in development. The app has about 5-6 snippets of audio that play at various stages, currently when the device is paired with some bluetooth speakers (e.g. in a car) the audio does not play through the speakers.
Does anyone know what's involved with making this app work with paired bluetooth speakers? My initial assumption was that it wouldn't need anything extra done, it would just work. I had thought bluetooth paired speakers worked like as if you'd plugged in speakers directly into the device, all audio was routed through the speakers as long as they were paired.
This doesn't appear to be the case though.
I think you have to place an MPVolumeView somewhere in your interface, and enable the showsRouteButton property, then users can use that button to change the audio route to Bluetooth. You can also disable the showsVolumeSlider property if you don't need the volume slider.

Is it possible to play sound from one iOS device to another?

I'd like to somehow play music from one iOS device simultaneously on another, sort of like AirPlay, but from device to device.
It seems that by leveraging existing BT tech I should be able to make this happen, but I just haven't seen any examples nor have I read anything that suggests it's possible.
Check the following threads which might help to answer your question.
iOS Stream Audio from one iOS Device to Another
How do I stream AVAsset audio wirelessly form one iOS device to another?

Airplay with photos

I looked up the official documents for airplay, found the airplay can only support audio and video. But beside that, the native photos app can airplay photos. So is there any methods to airplay photos? BTW, I know the "mirroring" mode can do this job: I can detect 2 screens in my code and present a different screen to the iOS device's in this mode. However, the "mirroring" mode only exists in iPad 2, new iPad and iPhone 4S...
I found solution here
How to find the IP-address of the active AirPlay device?
I could send some UIImage to apple TV.
but I don't know if apple allows using these Unoffical Airplay protocol.
It is documented on Apple's site. When the user enables airplay mirroring, your app will find two UIScreen:s. It's quite simple.
Here's a sample app
