wrong fingerprint generation for assets with rails 4.x - ruby-on-rails

Setup: Rails 4.2.5, Ubuntu 12.04, nginx 1.6, unicorn 5, capistrano 2.15
The setup did work with Rails 3.2 but once i started to migrate to rails 4.x i noticed an odd behaviour with the assets.
Inside the application the links to the asset files like application.js are not the ones inside the manifest.yml
If i do a deploy with asset cleanup, i will get many 404. The fingerprints used by the app and the manifest.yml differ.
If i do right away a second deploy without a cleanup, the assets will be served. They wont match with the manifest again, but the old ones are still in the folder. Killing unicorn and making a full restart did not change anything.
I have the same problem in the 4.0 and 4.1 branch of my app.
The assets are compiled on the server during deploy (capistrano scripts)
I checked via console which fingerprints are generated and which files are present. Result: hashes are fine.
Problem is that the cleanup script deletes files older than a week or something and when doing a deploy (asset precompile) i get a wrong timestamp for some files.
If i do a precompile just now, some files have a datestamp 4th January and get deleted by the following cleanup script. Capistrano shows me some warning when writing that file but without any meaningfull information


Rails 5 is serving old assets on heroku

My Rails 5 application is behaving weirdly. The application is on heroku.
I am using the gem tinymce-rails. Recently, this gem got updated to version 5 which uses new functions. After deployment I faced an issue where one of the plugins (the link plugin) could not be loaded due to using the old syntax.
I am using chrome to open the website. For some reason the tinymce plugins javascript files are not up to date. They also don't have that fingerprinted name with the hash in the end. All other javascript files do however.
I ran heroku run rake assets:precompile; heroku run rake assets:clobber;. It was no good.
I then tried to open the website in incognito mode and found that the tinymce plugins are the up to date ones. Still though without the fingerprinted file names.
How can I force that the old plugin javascript files be invalidated? I will not have control over my users to ask them to clear their caches.
How can I force using the fingerprinted files? I have inspected the heroku server file system and found assets/tinymce/plugins/link
having both fingerprinted and non-fingerprinted files however the non fingerprinted files were the ones used.

Rails Openshift Hot Deploy assets not served

i have a Rails application deployed on Openshift. I added marker for hot deploing and hot deploying itself works fine, but during the time application is hot deployed css and js files are not served. When hot deployment ends these files work fine again. I also use Bootstrap and Sass in this application (gem 'bootstrap-sass'). Do you have any idea why this happens?
The files are being served by Apache via the Passenger module. The files are being replaced "in place" which causes them to be removed/rebuilt, which is causing them to not be served during that time, and since they are static assets, they are not stored in memory. Unfortunately there is currently no way to make hot deploy work fully with Rails to keep the site 100% working while it is deployed.
One solution is to have your assets in a separate running project, since there is no easy way to have them available as all times as #developercorey explains..
It's probably not the best solution, but would be a simple patch-solution which is not tightly coupled to one particular hosting platform.
I fixed this issue, and it works now. I will explain what I did, maybe it will help somebody.
Basically there is need to precompile your assets locally, and commit and push them. This is done byrake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
But there is a gotcha!!! Locally precompiled assets doesn't match those that are generated on Openshift. How is this possible? There is a bug on Openshift, that assets are generated on production with RAILS_ENV=development :/ More info here:
so there is need to add environmental variable on your application:
rhc set-env RAILS_ENV=production -a app_name
then generated assets match.
So after fixing it, when during changes to assets, we need to precompile them again. And to make them work during hot deploying there is need to have both old precompiled assets and new precompiled assets in repo. For example:
If you have old file:
application-10770925dc8abd4ceab34119af4032163cc5a94f3523d60d321f33a999171d58.cssand new precoimpiled file:
they both have to be in repository. During hot deploying old asset is still referenced, so it has to be in repository. After hot deploying ends, new asset is referenced. In the next commit and push old asset may be removed.
So basically this issue is fixed for me, and hot deploying works fine now.

Pushing RoR app to Heroku, files in /public are missing

Let me start by saying I am using Ruby 2.0.0 and Rails 4.1.1
I've worked my way through the Treehouse basic RoR course; ending in a very basic version of Twitter. I have the application running just fine on my local install, but when I pushed it to Heroku it seems to be missing the files in the /public directory; namely the /assets css and javascript.
I've precompiled my assets as instructed, and verified that they area indeed showing up on my GitHub remote that is using the same branch. I was told that Heroku will not compile your assets for you.
All my routes and HTML is displaying just fine, but I cannot pull any of the files that live in the /public directory (404.html, 500.html, etc)
It feels to me like it is a permissions issue or something with the /public directory, but I haven't found a way to actually browse what files are on my Heroku instance. I've tried re-pushing several times while making small changes, and the css/js never seems to appear.
In case that you have already set:
config.serve_static_assets = true
in your config/environments/production.rb
And still not working, you can actually see the logs from your heroku app using heroku logs or heroku logs -n NUMBER_OF_DESIRED_LINES_HERE in your terminal.

How to deploy Rails 4 with Capistrano 2 and precompile assets locally

Recently I upgraded an application from Rails 3 to Rails 4. In the deploy scripts I precompile the assets locally and then rsync them up to the server(s). In Rails 4 the asset pipeline now produces manifest- < random > .json instead of a manifest.yml. Since the manifest files are named differently, this adds multiple manifest.json files to the shared assets directory. The application then picks up the wrong manifest file, and serves old assets.
I have read about various issues related to this in some github pull request threads:
My options seem to be:
Don't share the asset directory.
This would break old clients asking for old resources.
Switch to compiling assets on the servers.
This would add complexity to the server.
Move the manifest file outside of the shared asset directory.
I have since learned that this option was removed in Rails 4.
Are there other solutions to this problem?
I found the best answer after looking at the standard capistrano rails asset precompile task. I added a command to the local precompile task that moves the old asset manifest to the current release as asset_manifest.json. This leaves only one manifest when the new one is uploaded.
run "mv -- #{shared_manifest_path.shellescape} #{current_path.to_s.shellescape}/assets_manifest#{File.extname(shared_manifest_path)}".compact
Moving the manifest-.json to the current_dir as asset_manifest.json allows capistrano to restore the correct manifest file on rollback.

Rails Asset Pipeline Path Issue

I have a Rails app running on a shared web host under a folder in my root direction called 'mintrus-ror/'. There is a symbolic link 'public_html/' that points to 'mintrus-ror/public/'. My Rails app loads in the browser but the stylesheets don't load. Looking at the rendered source I noticed the assets path it is using is '/mintrus-ror/assets/application.css'. I am trying to figure out how to change it so it does not include the 'mintrus-ror/' directory in the assets path. Any ideas?
You can try playing with the config.assets.manifest configuration option in config/environments/production.rb. There are other variables that influence this, one being the web server configuration. I've got no recent (less than six years ago) experience with shared hosts, but I've read that on some systems, you can edit the .htaccess file.
I also presume that you're running in production mode and have previously compiled the assets with rake assets:precompile during your deployment step. Capistrano does this automatically when the asset pipeline integration is turned on.
The Rails Guide on the Asset Pipeline may be useful.
Your best bet may be to host on Heroku. It's free for small sites and a lot less hassle.
