In-App-Purchase consumable product managment - ios

In My application I am using consumable in-app-purchase for SMS credit and managing this credit from my server. Application send me the receipt of transaction on server and I verify on server.
But in one of transaction receipt is not received to server but customer money is deducted. So there is any way to verify the purchase on iTunes. So I can check and add balance to client account.
Please suggest.
I know its not a technical question but its related to developer.


How to verify ios In-App Purchase with different account?

I'm developing an app with non-consumable products. My app need to register and log in for service.
I figure out that the products that user has bought are tied with Apple ID. If user use same Apple ID but different accounts from my server, how will I verify them whether the account buy the product or not?
I have used original_transaction_id to validate it.
When any user make a payment, validate the receipt on server.
If a valid payment then update paid in your database and store
original_transaction_id of that receipt.
Next time if the user use same Apple ID, after validating the receipt, check if the original_transaction_id exists in the database or not. If already
exists means user is using same Apple ID for other accounts too,
else its using its Apple ID to make payment first time.

How to verify subscription of user from developer account of iTunes?

I am facing one issue. I have integrated iOS in-app purchase plugin in my Cordova phone-gap app. In-app purchase plugin is working fine but sometimes due to some issues subscription will be paid but I am not able to get return response on server side because it will not hit my server side file where I have add API to fetch response but its subscription will be paid and user will receive receipt with order ID, Document Number.
Now the question is how do I verify from my iTunes developer account that user is subscribed or not. In my sales report I will get only subscriber ID field and not getting any order ID, receipt Number etc.
So is there any alternate way to verify user's subscription status?

Using iTunes store client data for authenticating users in iPhone App

I know that the iTunes Store stores client information, such as the client name and credit card information. Eg, if you want to buy a game, you have to log in using your apple account and provide credit card details. These details are already stored with Apple
I want to build an app that uses this credit card information stored with Apple to allow clients to make payments. Note: I do not want to use the in-app purchase model.
Does Apple provide an API that given the client username and password, allows me to access the credit card information and then make payments?
The idea is to build a charity donation app around this. But the in-app model does not support this.
In a nutshell, we basically want to use the existing iTunes infrastructure to build a charity donation app. Any ideas?

Paypal credentials to apple review team

I have integrated paypal sdk in my application. The app get rejected from apple review team. They want information about account information, including passwords, in the Review Notes section of iTunes Connect App Information. Should i provide my paypal account details in Review Notes? Secondly if they use my paypal account to test , amount will be deducted from my paypal.
If you really need to, create a PayPal account for Apple to test with. You can deposit some minimal amount if need be. Once your app is approved, change the password.
Since the amount will be deposited in your merchant account, you wouldn't really loose the money. (You can also log in to your merchant account and refund the transaction if need be.)
NOTE: Do NOT give out your merchant account info; The transaction will fail if buyer == seller, and you really don't want to give anyone else access to your core business account anyway.

Registering purchased consumable at a server using some kind of identifier

Having a bit of trouble with consumable in-app purchases.
Here's my setup:
I have an iOS client and a server. The server provides some kind of querying service (specifics irrelevant).
Each time the iOS client queries the server, I want to "consume" a consumable purchase. So basically, each search/query costs one consumable.
Here's what I originally thought of doing:
Client sends purchase request to StoreKit
StoreKit replies to Client with receipt
Client sends receipt and apple ID to server
Server verifies receipt and sends success to client
Client finishes transaction at StoreKit
Now for each query:
Client sends apple id (+ query data) to server
Server checks if given apple id still has remaining queries
Server replies to client with either query result or error if not enough queries remain for apple ID.
Now for the kicker:
I can't get the apple ID as it turns out. So I'm kind of stuck...
Does anyone have any experience with this? I could do it all on the client, but I want it to be secure.
