Is there a separate API Console for creating a youtube API key? If so how do I tie that back my application I created in the Googles Developers Console?
Ok, I figured it out. From the Google Developer Console I can create the API keys I needed.
I have an app I created in Swift with my database built with Parse. I know how to export data from Parse and update my subscriber list for Mailchimp, but how do I have my app automatically update that list when a user creates a new account? I've been researching how but I haven't come across anything that can help me yet. Also everything seems to be in Objective-C. I've used bridging headers before, but I don't know if that will be necessary or not. Any guidance would be a lot of help!
Is it possible to hook into this API endpoint that's part of the Mailchimp API...
Honestly, I wouldn't do this. It would require you to distribute your MailChimp API key with your app, which would give any person who downloaded that app full control over your account.
You'll either want a back-end service that connects to MailChimp or look into IFTTT or Zapier for Parse and MailChimp integrations.
I want to integrated WiziQ api with my iOS app. I have created account on it but i do't getting how to call that api using "Access Key" and " Secret Key". I have lots of googling but not getting any idea to how to create User authentication and call list of api.If any one have idea let me know.
Wanted to share that WizIQ API is not open source. You cannot integrate it with your iOS App by yourself. However, you can get it done through WizIQ itself as they provide whitelabelling services for the app.
Hope it helps.
If you simply scratch the surface of the WizIQ developer site, it reveals the following about receiving the keys you speak of, specifically on the Get API Keys page:
To obtain an API key, you need to upgrade your account. Contact our sales team here or call
us at +1-919-647-4727.
I keep receiving REQUEST_DENIED when trying to use Google Places Autocomplete for iOS.
The example link is,25.628332&key=AIzaSyCHRmOeUQCcI_1JbcWiJ (I have ommited some of the last characters of the key)
Both Google Places API and Google Maps API are enabled from Google Developer Console
I have a valid key in Credentials section, for which I also added my bundle identifier in the list of bundle identifiers
The key is an iOS applications key, in Public API access section. It's valid and is created by me (owner)
Can anyone point me out to the good direction ?
Thanks in advance.
I found the problem: you need to enable the Google Places Web Services as well and use the server key (Funny enough, this thing is not specified in any of their docs)
Directions API require not iOS key, but server key. When you'll create server key, leave text view blank, do not enter your bundle name.
Use Browser key or server key for Google Places Autocomplete API. Keep the referrer field as empty. Make sure you enable Google Places API in the developers console.
I met the same problem last week and struggled for quite a while. The way I solved the problem is to follow the Google Places API for iOS Use GMSPlacesClient instead of JSON calls.
I'm still using old V2 api and now i get
My current request is:{username}/uploads?alt=jsonc&max-results=15&v=2
There is no authentication required to make that call
Any idea how to achieve the same with new Google V3 API? I check documentation but didn't found answer for that.
I had the same problem with V3 api. I think you can't access videos informations without authentication anymore, but you don't need to use an OAuth to get a snippet from some video or search. I was searching a simple solution for my app, because I just want to request title, thumb and descriptions.
The new url will be:{VIDEO_ID}&part=snippet&key={YOU_API_KEY}
You need to access google developers console, enable youtube api and your public access key - on credentials (API KEY), so they can relate your app to all requests.
And I found this example in PHP if you need to parse JSON result:
I'm still don't know all the limitations of V3, I was using V2 too, but maybe for uploads, or more control for youtube accounts you'll have to use OAuth.
I hope this will help you.
I have been struggled with Youtube API and now I am stuck.
What I did is:
create a project at google developers console(
enabled "YouTube Data API v3"
generate api key of iOS.
access to{API KEY}&part=id&q=soccer by web browser and got the error message
Am I missing something?
I have read many questions but I cannot solved yet.
In step 3 "generate API key for IOS", the comment on the Google Developer Console web page says
Use of this key does not require any user action or consent, does not grant access
to any account information, and is not used for authorization.
Clicking on the *Learn More" button, it says:
Use an API key when your application is running on a server and accessing one of the following kinds of data:
•Data that the data owner has identified as public, such as a public calendar or blog.
•Data that is owned by a Google service such as Google Maps or Google Translate. (Access limitations may apply.)
I think you need to use the OAuth process rather than the API Key. Click on Learn More in the OAuth section of the Developer Console web page to learn about using OAuth with Apple iOS.
To create oAuth credentials for iOS:
Create new Client ID / Installed Application / iOS
I know it sounds a bit elementary, but I solved this same problem by going back into Google developer, creating a whole new project, new API key, and then it worked. Google quirk??