D2L Passing ID/Keys in Header instead of Query Params? - desire2learn

Is it possible to pass the the ID/keys as an auth header instead of the documented query params?

Not at this time, no. Currently, the only supported mechanism for authentication with the Valence APIs is the IDKey Auth system passing signatures as query parameters.


Handling Multiple OAuth code query parameters

I am using 2 Oauth services in my website. They both send back a query parameter called code. And I use a custom function to grab that code field when my page loads. Do OAuth services have a way you can change that code field to be custom? I am using Google OAuth for one and I am unable to locate this.
No, the standard specifies that the query parameter is named code, so there's no way to name them differently.
But the client can add a state parameter to the authorization request, which the authorization server has to return with the code. You can use that parameter to distinguish between the two authorization requests.

Extract Twitter using RapidMiner - Going beyond the limited "Search Twitter" Operator

I already have an account in Twitter Dev, which allowed me to get a Consumer Key and secret, which I used to generate my token. Now I am trying to send token in request for Twitter API by using the operators "Get Page", "Jason to XML" and "Write Document". However, I do not know which URL to write in the "Get Page" operator. Is it Request token URL Authorize URL or Access token URL ?
In general the request URL contains the REST API call, while you are providing your authorization credentials e.g. via request properties in the HTTP header, OAuth mechanisms and the like. An REST API call is build up on a base URL awaiting a call, in case of twitter https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json, combined with a state and HTTP options forming your request. If your searching for tweets from a given user account (like #twitterapi) your request URL part would look like q=%40twitterapi. Here a key q is given with the value %40twitterapi, where %40 is a representation of the '#' symbol.
Providing key-value-pairs via GET using the HTTP protocol is initialized with a leading '?'. Hence your REST request would look like this:
https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?q=%40twitterapi. This example is taken from the Twitter documentation.
That's about the URL.
For the RapidMiner site, I'd try to use the Enrich Data by Webservice operator. You can fill in the url parameter with your request URL and set the HTTP header for using an authentication token using the request properties parameter. As a property use Authorization and for the value you use a string starting with Bearer followed by your token. So a potential value could be Bearer 943582034-IH3k6hlskfdj32l4hks.
You can choose betweent different query types (e.g., String Matching, Regular Expression and others) to define the handling of the received payload given as an response to your request.
Before playing around with the operator, you can try using a tool like Postman (Chrome Plugin) or HTTPrequester (Firefox Add-on) to work directly with the HTTP GET request and its response.
Sorry for not including more references, but Stackoverflow doesn't allow for more than two if your reputation is below 10...
I concur with the above - use the Enrich Data via Webservice operator. You'll need to download the Web Mining extension in order to see it. If you re-post on the RapidMiner user community forum, you may get more RapidMiner-specific help as well.

grails oAuth 2.0 documentation?

I am going through http://aiten.github.com/grails-oauth-scribe/guide/usingThePlugin.html
My main problem is, I have my linkedin access token, but this API forces me to use
Token linkedInAccessToken = oauthService.findSessionKeyForAccessToken('linkedin')
I want to init Token object with a string.
I could not find the API documentation anywhere, please help
Edvinas has it - the Token object (from Scribe) allows init as he specifies.
There is also an optional third parameter, which is the entire raw oauth response from the server, useful if you want to grab/store expiration info etc.
Also as Jeff says, the plugin is designed such that you can happily use the token throughout without worrying about it - it's much cleaner to store objects as object rather than a String, and might help avoid strange runtime errors in your code.
If you want to store it as a Map you should serialize it as such first.
I wrote the plugin.
If you already have the access token you wouldn't need to really do the oauth request you could just make the request with token you have. Below change linkedInAccessToken to the string that has the token.
oauthService.postLinkedInResource(linkedInAccessToken, 'http://api.yourprovider.com/users/list')
I guess you want to persist the token object. It consists two Sting fiekds: token and secret. When you have them stored in the database you can always create the token simply:
Token linedInAcessToken = new org.scribe.model.Token(token, secret)
This can be later used in oauthService.

How can I extract the OAuth consumer key from a Rails request?

When an OAuth signed request is made to a Rails 3 app, I can see the OAuth consumer key in amongst the other values in request.headers["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"]. What is a better way to access it? I'm using the OAuth gem.
According to this section in the OAuth specification, the Authorization header is the preferred way of sending OAuth protocol parameters. The specification does make allowances for sending protocol parameters in a form encoded body or in the request URI, if the request meets certain requirements.
To answer your question: parsing the Authorization header is a must for any OAuth provider. But you may also look for it (and other protocol parameters) amongst "normal" parameters, you will never find them in more than one place,

How to manually set an authResponse from an access token generated during server-side authentication

I am writing a web application using server-side authentication, and I've been trying to figure out a way to leverage Facebook's Javascript SDK in my application.
The documentation for FB.init defines the optional authResponse parameter as something used to "Manually set the object retrievable from getAuthResponse". It also states that once obtained, an application may store the entire authResponse object for future access. This may work if an application uses FB.login, the Javascript SDK's authentication, but what about an app using server-side authentication?
Server-side authentication enables my app to obtain a user's access token, the most crucial piece of information needed for graph API calls. I would hope that this access_token alone would be enough to construct a valid authResponse object to use to authenticate to use with the Javascript SDK.
Merely calling FB.init (with valid appID, channelUrl, and other parameters) with an authResponse containing a valid "accessToken" field is not sufficient. Including the userId is also insufficient. Ideally, these parameters alone would work. The only others defined for the authResponse are 'expiresIn' and 'signedRequest'. Which, if either, of these parameters would be sufficient to generate a valid authResponse object? To what values must they be assigned?
I managed to dig up this description of a 'signedRequest':
This document raises a number of questions. I assume that the signature is produced by a symmetric algorithm. If not, then generating it would not be possible. Assuming it is possible, the description of the payload is in no way specific. There is a list of 9 parameters, none of which are labeled as required.
Like CBroe says, you shouldn't be passing anything manually. You start with a call to FB.getLoginStatus and pass your javascript handler as an argument to this method. You will have the authResponse returned back from the getLoginStatus call.
You can, of course, in theory pass the access_token param around to any FB.api call e.g. /me?access_token=blah_blah, where blah_blah is the string you have but again, this is not required and you are better off delegating this to the response handlers.
Be very careful when using the javascript sdk and server side authentication for access token generation/extension/verification. You end up maintaining two separate code paths and end up making the same call to Facebook over and over again. Even if you are storing the access token on your side, would be always better to pick one approach that works best for you, rather than having a server side call to get access token and a client side call to FB.api to use the access token.
There is a solution for that. I didn't think that it's so easy.
FB.api('/me?access_token={{ access_token }}', function (me) {
console.log(me); //do anything with me
So you didn't need to set an Objekt Variable in FB before -
simply add the access_token as parameter with your request.
