Moving between storyboards on XCode [closed] - ios

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have another question about iOS programming. I read through this and this, but for some odd reason I cannot figure out how to ctrl+drag the button to activate the switch between them.
This is the way I've set them up, with one storyboard called Main.storyboard and the second one Information.storyboard. A link to the two pictures of the reference and the referenced storyboard
Basically I try to control drag from the button to the reference, but it doesn't connect...
Can anyone hint at what I might be doing wrong?
Kind regards!

Storyboard reference object library.
You can drag and drop it in One storyboard and set a segue to a button or Other object via storyboard.
Select storyboard reference object and select attribute inspector and type another storyboard name which you want to show in next scene. make sure Set its initial view controller.


How to animate the expansion of a UICollectionViewCell's content upon selection? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to reproduce into my own app the animation that occurs when you select a cell in the App Store's Today section. Here's how it looks:
The difficulty here is that the views that make the content of the cell seems to be moving from the cell to another UIViewController (detail) while being animated in the process. I guess it has something to do with custom segue animators.
How would you write this animator object, and what are the needed steps to perform on the collection view cell and the detail view controller? (using only UIKit and CoreAnimation)
Thank you in advance. 🙂
There is an elegant transition library for iOS like app store animation named HERO.
Please check following link.

IOS how do i make a collapsable menu like this? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Hi there. Im new to ios, and i've been giving this assignment. I need to make a expandable/collapsable menu that can hold controls.
I have no idea on how to achieve this, and searching the internet has not proven fruitful - except for some navigation dropdown menus like this:
which is very nice, but ment for navigation, as i see it..
Any ideas? Thanks in advance
EDITED: Apparently the question was to broad.. I'll try to elaborate.
I need a menu i can place in certain viewcontrollers - each different viewcontroller can have different options, and often many different options. Therefore i need to add a menu that can be collapsed/expanded by a touch on the arrowbutton - as illustrated on pictures, and the collapsable menu must be able to contain different controls, depending on the context of where it is used.
After more research, i'm thinking a the usage of a container might be a part of the solution, and some animation to handle the expand/collapse.
So basicly - the menu could be something like the equivilant of an Android fragment, that can be inserted in the activities needed.
I hope this makes more sense.
You will try to play with Autolayout constraints ,
Ex : The height constraint of the container view is 60 in expanded mode ,if you want to collapse it change it to 0.

Is it possible to perform 2 different segues on the click of 1 button? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have one UIButton inside a ViewController, and I want when I click on the button, according to a custom condition, to show 2 different ViewController. Is that even possible to have 2 segues in one UIButton?
I'm trying to add 2 segues; however, whenever I try to add one the other one is automatically removed.
First, go drag segue from your initial view to another view, and give an identifier for that connection. Then just use code below, with different identifier names you declare at first. Like "segueToView1" to first view and "segueToView2" to another. And remember to use if else to know which view you are going
performSegue(withIdentifier: "identifierName", sender: self)

How to get pinterest/peach like module in iOS [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new to iOS development and was curious as to how something like this is achieved? I really like the overlaying module they have in place here with the comments and boards and was just wondering if anybody could inform me how to achieve something like this? I couldn't find anything like it on SO, YouTube or CococaControls so if somebody could give me the insider on this I would REALLY appreciate it!
I have achieved the same by showing a simple modal window.
There are some adjustment you have to do achieve that black overlay.
Create a view controller change the view color to black with opacity
This will make your view look a bit transparent.
Ctrl+Drag from one view controller to another and choose segue kind as "Present modally"
Now click on your segue you create and choose presentation as Over Current Context
You can modify the modal view controller the way you wanted and this way you can get the same effect.
Hope this will guide you in correct direction.

User defined Control for Xcode Project [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am working on an iPhone app. This app is having many views in which address should show in more than 3 views. Other than creating xib, is there any way to build user defined control like address with events for iPhone in xcode.
You can easily create subclass of UIView to create your own UIView control. You could also subclass UIControl if you like. Then you should implement the functionality of the control inside the created subclass.
Once you have your own UIView subclass ready, you can place it in either Storyboard or Interface Builder and choose the class of the control. Just be careful that if you subclass UIView, you also place UIView on screen. Or you can place those in code.
More information about subclassing on links below:
Proper practice for subclassing UIView?
There is no other way of defining your own custom control in Xcode, apart from creating .xib.
