UI Alternative to showing search controller at top of page? - ios

I want to add a search display controller but would like to avoid permanently consuming valuable real estate at top of table view controller. Can anyone suggest a tutorial or approach to display search box dynamically when user touches a small icon, swipes or otherwise takes an action to trigger the search capability?
Realize this is not a code question. It is UI question.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

You could add a right bar button with a search icon to your navigation controller and have it do a push segue to a new table View controller with a search bar imbedded in the navigation titleView


How to add navigation drawer feature in later views(for ex: 2nd view) of the app?

I am trying to implement Navigation Drawer like menu on my iPhone project.
I have looked at the forums and find out there are many samples given in this link:
Stackoverflow Navigation drawer query
But, they have not helped me much. Because, all the apps are developed Navigation drawer in the Home screen(1st view) of the app itself and using window.rootViewController
My requirement is, I need Navigation Drawer like menu NOT in the home screen(1st view) of the app, rather need on the 2nd view of the app, hence I don't know how to add this feature.
Could someone please suggest me how to add navigation drawer like menu feature in later views(for ex: 2nd view) of the app?
I don't quite get how you want the menu. You can add Navigation Controller anywhere you want, all it's going to do is give you a Navigation Bar on which you can give a title and a Back button, usually with the name of the title of the previous page.
You can simply add the navigation where you want and control drag from the view or object you want to perform the segue. If it's a button you can use an IBAction with a performSegueWithIdentifier method.
Hope I could help

Navigation bar with page control on iOS

I'm new to iOS developing, I wanted to ask could someone help me how to make a page control(screen sliding) with navigation bar, I have tried a lot of things, I googled a lot but I couldn't find a solution.
I have a button when I click it will open a pagecontrol(rootview for screen sliding) with tableview which will change its data according to pages.
the problem is when I click that button I don't know how to get back to main page.
Can anyone help me?
This is a good tutorial for learning how to create a page controller.
As far as your other problem of getting back to the main page, if you add a bar button item to the root view controller's navigation bar, control-drag to your second view in your storyboard from that bar button item, a "Back" button will automatically appear in the upper left-hand corner of your second view controller.
Hope it helps!

iPad UI navigation - split view with horizontally scrolling views

I'm looking for suggestions to implement a specific UI navigation pattern on iPad. It's not radically different from standard behaviour, but I'm unsure of the best approach to use.
Picture a standard split view, with a master view on the left, detail on the right. I want an action in the detail view (e.g. button press) to navigate to an additional detail screen by scrolling from right to left. The result is that the original detail view is on the left (with its width unchanged), and the new detail view on the right. A back button in the nav bar reverses the process. When the master view is visible, the back button is replaced by a menu button in the nav bar (show/hide slide out menu).
I've seen a few similar implementations in existing apps. One that's easy to reference is Shopify's
online demo. Adding an item to the cart and pressing the total button triggers the navigation behaviour.
Any pointers on the best way to implement this would be much appreciated.
Creating a custom container view was a good solution.

iOS load view from specific position

Hei guys.
What I am trying to achieve is have my search bar behind the navigation controller just like in the sparrow app. So when you scroll down the search bar is basically part of the view.
The first picture is the view when it's first loaded. The second one is after I scrolled down.
Do you know any way I can achieve this? I was thinking of having the search bar as part of the view and just load the view form the point that's just under the search bar. But I don't know how to do that. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I agree with #holex's comment if you're using a tableview. Seems silly to re-implement.
However, in the unlikely event you're not. You could just use a UIScrollView for your content and place the search bar at the top, and adjust the content offset accordingly. So it would appear as if the search bar has animated from under your navigation bar.
Here's a link to the UIScrolView class page on the dev site

Want to simulate More Navigation Item behavior in viewcontroller

I have a view that can either be shown via another view or via the More tableview list of more controllers.
In the first case, I added a More button on the Navigation bar to take them back to the More view list, but what is the code that I put on the More button to take the user back to the More list?
If you want to customize your backBarButtonItem check this SO question.
