Csv import to database form url - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to have this url place everything in the csv into my database.
here is the code i have so far
require 'open-uri'
namespace populate do
task reload: :environment do
url = 'something.com/format=csv'
CSV.open(url).each do |row|
Afftable.create(name: row[0], address: row[1])
When i try running this command i get this error
Command: bundle exec rake populate:reload
Error: NameError: undefined local variable or methodpopulate' for main:Object`
My database has all the headers in the csv file already inside the database. (i've not touched the create yet as i don't really know what im doing with this)

I think that you need a colon in front of populate.
namespace :populate do


Rake task to download and unzip

I would like to update a cities table every week to reflect changes in cities across the world. I am creating a Rake task for the purpose. If possible, I would like to do this without adding another gem dependency.
The zipped file is a publicly available zipped file at geonames.org/15000cities.zip.
My attempt:
require 'net/http'
require 'zip'
namespace :geocities do
desc "Rake task to fetch Geocities city list every 3 days"
task :fetch do
uri = URI('http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/cities15000.zip')
zipped_folder = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
Zip::File.open(zipped_folder) do |unzipped_folder| #erroring here
unzipped_folder.each do |file|
Rails.root.join("", "list_of_cities.txt").write(file)
The return from rake geocities:fetch
rake aborted!
ArgumentError: string contains null byte
As detailed, I'm trying to unzip the file and save it to a list_of_cities.txt file. Once I the methodology down for accomplishing this, I believe I can figure out how to update my db, based on the file. (But if you have opinions on how best to handle the actual db update, other than my planned way, I'd love to hear them. But that seems like a different post entirely.)
This will save zipped_folder to disk, then unzip it and save its contents:
require 'net/http'
require 'zip'
namespace :geocities do
desc "Rake task to fetch Geocities city list every 3 days"
task :fetch do
uri = URI('http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/cities15000.zip')
zipped_folder = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
File.open('cities.zip', 'wb') do |file|
zip_file = Zip::File.open('cities.zip')
zip_file.each do |file|
This will extract all files inside the zip file, in this case cities15000.txt.
You can then read the contents of cities15000.txt and update your database.
If you want to extract to a different file name, you can pass it to file.extract like this:
zip_file.each do |file|
I think it can be done more easily without ruby, just using wget and unzip:
namespace :geocities do
desc "Rake task to fetch Geocities city list every 3 days"
task :fetch do
`wget -c --tries=10 http://download.geonames.org/export/dump/cities15000.zip | unzip`

Error: Importing Data CSV Rails 4

I'm very new to the concept of importing data into a SQL database with CSV. I've followed some stackoverflow posts but I'm getting an error. The error states, Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory # rb_sysopen - products.csv after running rake import:data. I have csv required in my application.rb as well as I have created a csv file and placed it in TMP. Here is my code so far. I understand I may be asking for a lot from the community but if someone were to answer this question, can you provide some more insight into CSV and rake functions. Thanks so much!!!
namespace :import do
desc "imports data from a csv file"
task :data => :environment do
require 'csv'
CSV.foreach('tmp/products.csv') do |row|
name = row[0]
price = row[1].to_i
Product.create( name: name, price: price )
Specify the full path to the CSV file.
For example, if the file is in /tmp/ use:
CSV.foreach('/tmp/products.csv') do |row|
If the products.csv file is in your application's tmp directory use:
CSV.foreach(Rails.root.join('tmp', 'products.csv')) do |row|
I ran into something similar, it was forgetting to put both parenthesis with the braces so you might want to try going from:
Product.create( name: name, price: price )
Product.create({ name: name, price: price })
Check out the smarter_csv Gem.
In it's simplest form you can do this:
SmarterCSV.process('tmp/products.csv').each do |hash|
Product.create( hash )
Add smarter_csv to your Gemfile, so it's auto-loaded when you require the environment in your Rake task
This gives you:
namespace :import do
desc 'imports data from given csv file'
task :data, [:filename] => :environment do |t, args|
fail "File not found" unless File.exists? args[:filename]
options = {} # add options if needed
SmarterCSV.process( args[:filename], options).each do |hash|
Product.create( hash )
Call it like this:
rake import:data['/tmp/products.csv']
See also: https://github.com/tilo/smarter_csv

Rails Generate Custom Rakefile

I'm working on a project that is migrating data from a customers old_busted DB into rails objects to be worked on later. Similarly, I need to convert these objects into a CSV and upload it to a neutral FTP (this is to allow a coworker to build the example pages through Sugar CRM). I've created rake files to do all of this, and it was successful. Now, I'm going to continue this process for each object that I create in rails (relative to the previous DB) and, best case, wanted these generated when I run rake generate scaffold <object>.
Here is my import rake:
desc "Import Clients from db"
task :get_busted_clients => [:environment] do
#old_clients = Busted::Client.all
#old_clients.each do |row|
#client = Client.new();
#client.client_id = row.NUMBER
Here is my CSV convert/FTP upload rake:
desc "Exports db's to local CSV and uploads them to FTP"
task :export_clients_CSV => [:environment] do
# Required libraries for CSV read/write and NET/FTP IO #
require 'csv'
require 'net/ftp'
# Pull all Editor objects into clients for reading #
clients = Client.all
puts "Creating CSV file for <Clients> and updating column names..."
# Open a new CSV file that uses the column headers from Client #
CSV.open("clients.csv", "wb",
:write_headers => true, :headers => Client.column_names) do |csv|
puts "--Loading each entry..."
# Load all entries from Client into the CSV file row by row #
clients.each do |client|
# This line specifically puts the attributes in the rows WITH RESPECT TO#
csv << client.attributes.values_at(*Client.column_names)
puts "--Done loading each entry..."
puts "...Data populated. Finished bulding CSV. Closing File."
puts "------------------------"
# Upload CSV File to FTP server by requesting new FTP connection, assigning credentials
# and informing the client what file to look for and what to name it
puts "Uploading <Clients>..."
ftp = Net::FTP.new('192.168.xxx.xxx')
ftp.login(user = "user", passwd = "passwd")
ftp.puttextfile("clients.csv", "clients.csv")
puts "...Finished."
I ran rake generate g get_busted and put this in my get_busted_generator.rb:
class GetBustedGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase
source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__)
def generate_get_busted
copy_file "getbusted.rake", "lib/tasks/#{file_name}.rake"
After that, I got lost. I can't find anything on templating a rake file or the syntax included to do so.
Rails has been a recent endeavor and I may be overlooking something in terms of design of the solution to my problem.
TL;DR: Is templating a rake file a bad thing? Solution alternatives? If not, whats the syntax for generating either script custom to the object (or point me in the direction, please).

Rails Seed Data from file

I'm trying to create some seed data and got this code from Railcasts. I've modified it slightly but doesn't seem to be working when i run bundle exec rake db:seed from the terminal. I get the following error in the terminal...
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
Below is my code in the seeds.rb file to populate the table. Is there a silly mistake in there somewhere?
require 'open-uri'
open("international.txt") do |countries|
countries.read.each_line do |data|
code, country, currency = data.chomp.split("|")
International.create!(:code => code, :country => country, :currency => currency)
and my text file (stored in the same directory as the seeds.rb file is...
GB|United Kingdom|GBP
US|United States|USD
You need to pass an id to delete.
I assume you want to delete_all

How to use File.open inside a Rails Rake task?

I need to create a recurring task that creates (or edits) product records from an external text file. From inside irb:
>> f = File.open(<filename>) # file in same directory path
No issues.
But when pasted into a Rake task file, the script always bombs "File not found". (Rails 3.1, Ubuntu.)
namespace :sap do
desc "uploads data from raw SAP file"
task :upload => :environment do
f = File.open("sap_pnlist_20111010a.csv")
records = f.readlines
records.each {|row|
... etc etc ...
If the file is somewhere inside your Rails root, use
Rails.root.join('grandparent_dir', 'parent_dir', 'file.txt')
If the file is not in your Rails root, you must give it the full path.
