Universal App Resource resw values in different views - localization

I try to create a Universal Windows App which has a main window containing different views.
where ContentFrame is a XAML Frame and SimplePage is a view.
The project has two localisations. Therefore I created a folder Strings in the solution containing two folders, en and de, containing each a Resources.resw file.
I want to use a string from the resw-file inside the SimplePage-view. Therefore I tried:
tbSimpleInput1.Text = ResourceManager.Current.MainResourceMap.GetValue("Resources/dataToolDiameter", ResourceContext.GetForCurrentView()).ValueAsString;
I also tried using ResourceContext.GetForViewIndependentUse() instead of ResourceContext.GetForCurrentView() but I always get a NullReferenceException when trying to debug.
What is the correct way to access the resources in different views?
Here a screenshot of the solution in Visual Studio:

If you're having a single-project solution, I'd recommend you either to create a Shell - as the Microsoft example recommends, or to use the App.xaml.cs class for localization purposes.
First, in the constructor of either class, get the current ResourceLoader:
// E.g use the static constructor of your App class
static App()
_resourceLoader = new ResourceLoader();
Now getting a resource (e.g. a text) is very easy:
public static string GetLocalizedString(string key)
return _resourceLoader.GetString(key);
Now you can load a string form the default resource dictionary:
tbSimpleInput1.Text = App.GetLocalizedString("dataToolDiameter");
Please note: this only works as long as you use the default pattern for localization in your project. If you use different resource files, you'd have use an overload of the ResourceLoader constructor.


How to use a shared resource for localization in .net core 2 in controllers?

I'm new to .net core development after years of working in .net framework on mostly webform applications.
I'm trying to localize a new project and looking at options determined for this particular use that a shared resource would be the most maintainable solution long term and followed this example: https://damienbod.com/2017/11/01/shared-localization-in-asp-net-core-mvc/
This appears to work great for adding the localized data in the view but I am struggling to be able to do so in the controller such as returning a localized error when something is caught server side and a custom message would be returned.
In my controller's I added
private readonly LocService _SharedLocalizer;
Within a view's method in the controller if I try and add
ViewBag.localizedmessage = _SharedLocalizer.GetLocalizedHtmlString("message")
I get a null error on accessing the page on this line.
If I create a new instance within the view's method I am not sure what to provide as the argument value for the IStringLocalizerFactory.
_SharedLocalizer = new LocService();
What is the piece I am missing or how do I go about properly accessing the shared resource in a controller?
Try this
public class YourController : Controller
private readonly LocService _SharedLocalizer;
public YourController(LocService localizer)
_SharedLocalizer = localizer;

Conditional namespaces in mvc views

I'm working on MVC 3 and using resource files to localize the application. Now we have another customer on board for the application and they would like to change some of the text on the application..typical.
I have create a separated resource file for them and would like to do something like this in views
if (customer =A )
#using Resources.customerA
#using Resources.customerB
I've a resource class in both namespaces so something like this works fine if I change the namespace
Is it possible to use conditional using statement in views? I'm unable to find the right syntax for this. Any ideas?
You can put both using statements in View, but when you use classes you would have to write some namespace prefix.
#using Project.Resources.customerA
#using Project.Resources.customerB
using classes:
I think there is no other way, because two files cannot have the same path.
What you're really talking about is the provider pattern. You have two (or more) interchangeable things, and you want to be able to use one or the other contextually.
The correct way to do this in an OO context is to create and use an interface, while then injecting the actual implementation you want at runtime. You can actually achieve this in ASP.NET Core, which supports injection in Views, but in ASP.NET MVC 5 and previous, you'd need to go a little out of your way. I'm imagining these are currently static classes, since you're referencing them merely via namespace. With that approach, you'd need to follow #Ssheverdin's advice and use the FQN of the class (i.e. with the namespace):
#if (customer == A)
Alternatively, you could change the static classes to be instance classes and use a factory pattern to return the right one. This is a very simplistic example, but hopefully enough to convey the idea:
public static class ResourceFactory
public static IResourceClass GetForCustomer(string customer)
switch (customer)
case "A":
return new Resources.customerA.ResourceClass();
return new Resources.customerB.ResourceClass();
#{ var resource = ResourceFactory.GetForCustomer(customer); }
I have managed to achieve the behaviour by adding a web.config file under views folder and including the namespaces there, i have to remove the #using statement from all views obviously. You might find that intellisense doesn't work anymore for you so try closing all views and reopen them again.
With this way I can create a separate web.config file for each customer and specify the relevant namespaces accordingly. Now just have to make sure to provide the RIGHT config file for each customer when deploying the release:)

Dotnetnuke Custom Module Settings

I have created a dotnetnuke module, it has multiple controls wrapped in a single moduleNow i want to access the settings variable across module, say for example i have a setting for dateformat, now the dateformat user selects should be used throughout moduleIt works fine with the view control which comes by default with Dotnetnuke (ChrisToc Template)But when i add new control it does not works, i also added proper inherits, it never throws compile error (in case it does not gets proper namespace)
Below is the code i am using:
public partial class ViewEntry : WireModuleBase
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Write("SETTINGS: " + Settings["WireDateFormat"]);
Any help will be appreciated
I don't ever use the Setting dictionary in my module views. First, it leaves you open to code errors by having to hardcode the key string when accessing the setting. Second, it makes it hard to share with you business logic or other views. My preferred pattern for settings is to create an interface and class for my settings that provides class attribute for my settings and performs the plumbing calls to DNN core to get and set those settings.
Follow this link to a Codeplex project where you will find a class SettingsRepository and ISettingsRepository interface.
Once you modified the public properties for your settings (ie: WireDateFormat) into the class and interface, you can then use it in your module settings implementation.
Get the setting:
ISettingsRepository settingsCtrl = new SettingsRepository(this.ModuleId, this.TabModuleId);
txtSetting1.Text = settingsCtrl.Setting1;
Write the setting
ISettingsRepository settingsCtrl = new SettingsRepository(this.ModuleId, this.TabModuleId);
settingsCtrl.Setting1 = txtSetting1.Text;
Once the settings is stored (in this case using the TabModuleId, but you can use the ModuleID constructor overload if you want to share the setting across modules on a page), you can use the same "get" code in any of your module views or business logic.

Is it legal to extend an entity model with functionality in ASP.NET MVC

first of all here is my situation. I am programming an intranet application using ASP.NET MVC 3 with Entity Framework 4.1. My application has been developed using the "Unit of Work" and "Repository" design patterns.
How ever in my opinion it should go the way that my application has an unit of work that provides a central access to all the repositories which further provide access to the entities.
Lets say I have a entity called "ProductApprovalDocument" with the properties "id", "creationDate" and "approvalDecission" stored in the database. Now I want the user to be able to access a PDF file of the document thats shortly described by the entity. Because the files are stored in a central directory on a file server using the URL format "[fileServerDirectoryPath]/[ProductApprovalDocument.id].pdf", I do not want to save an extra property for that filepath on the database. What I would like to do, is give the entity an extra property called "filepath" that automatically constructs the path with the given information and returns it.
Now the Problem:
I use an interface called FileService to abstract file access from the rest of the application. Now in my case I would have to access the UnitOfWork object out of the entity model, to retrieve the current FileService implementetion and get the preconfigured filepath. I think that's the totaly wrong way because to me an entity model should only be used as a data container not more or less.
Now the Question:
How do I handle such a situation. I would not like to always set the filepath property through the controller because ist more or less static and therefore could be done somehow automatic by the model.
Edit (final solution):
Thanks to the answer of Andre Loker I gained another point of view to my problem.
What was the central target I wanted to reach?
I wanted the user to gain access to a file stored on a fileserver.
Do I have to provide every displayed entity with the total filepath?
No! Think about the principle of MVC! User actions get processed by the controller just in time. You don't have to provide information untill it really get's used.
So the solution is just to render all data as usual but instead of displaying a static html link to the files, you have to include an ActionLink to the Controller which calculates the filepath on the fly and automatically redirects the user to the file.
In the View do this:
#Html.ActionLink(Model.ID.ToString(), "ShowProductApprovalDocumentFile", "ProductApprovalDocument", new { ProductApprovalDocumentID = Model.ID }, null)
instead of this:
And add an corresponding Action to the controller:
public ActionResult ShowProductApprovalDocumentFile(int ProductApprovalDocumentID )
return Redirect(_unitOfWork.FileService.GetFilePathForProductApprovalDocument(ProductApprovalDocumentID));
Thanks to the guys that took the time to give me an answer and special thanks to Andre who lead me to the satisfying answer! :)
If I understand the property correctly, there are several options:
1) Make the FilePath property use a service locator to find the FileService:
public string FilePath {
get {
FileService fileService = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<FileService>();
return fileService.GetFilePathForDocument(this);
While I'm not a hugh fan of static service locators as they make testing more difficult, this could be a viable option. To make it more easily testable you can make the file service locator injectable:
private static readonly Func<FileService> defaultFileServiceLocator = ()=>DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<FileService>():
private Func<FileService> fileServiceLocator = defaultFileServiceLocator;
public Func<FileService> FileServiceLocator {
get { return fileServiceLocator; }
set { fileServiceLocator = value ?? defaultFileServiceLocator; }
And then use this in FilePath
public string FilePath {
get {
FileService fileService = fileServiceLocator();
return fileService.GetFilePathForDocument(this);
This way you can inject your own file service locator during testing.
2) Explicitly require the FileService when retrieving the file path. Instead of a FilePath property you'd have:
public string GetFilePath(FileService service){
The problem with this is of course that now the caller of GetFilePath needs to have a FileService. This isn't much of a problem for controllers, because if you use an IoC you can inject a FileService into the controller constructor. This approach is the cleaner one as it doesn't depend on service locators, but as you see it is slightly more inconvenient for the caller.
3) Inject the FileService into the document class itself.
Instead of using a file service locator you'd inject the file service itself when you construct your ProductApprovalDocument. With this approach you can use a simple FilePath property again. The main problem is that this often doesn't play too well with ORMs, as they often construct the objects using a default constructor and you'd have to somehow hook into the object construction process to inject the dependencies. Also, I'm not a big fan of injection services into domain objects.
4) You set the FilePath from outside the entity. As you said this should be done somewhat automatically as you don't want to do it manually every time. This would require some layer through which all entities need to pass which sets up the FilePath property.
5) Don't make FilePath a property of ProductApprovalDocument at all. This would be a reasonable choice, too. ProductApprovalDocument doesn't know anything about its FilePath, so why should it be a property? Its the FileService that calculates the value. You can still have a distinct view model version of ProductApprovalDocument which does have a FilePath property. You'd set the property when you create your view model:
var model = new ProductApprovalDocumentViewModel();
mapper.Map(realDocument, model); // map common properties with AutoMapper or so
model.FilePath = fileService.GetFilePathForDocument(realDocument);
However, if ProductApprovalDocument needs to do something with its FilePath (why would it?) this approach doesn't work anymore.
Personally I'd go with solution 5, 2 or 1 in that order of precedence, where applicable.
Whilst I would be hesitant to rely on being able to calculate the filepath and I would prefer to store it as part of the entity (in case it ever needs to change for some reason), in your situation if I was adamant I wanted to do it the way you've said, I think I would extend the FileService/ViewModel to have a Filepath property which was derived in the fashion you have stated.
e.g. if I wanted to create a download link I'd do this in the ViewModel
public string FilePath
return String.Format(#"thehardcodedbit{0}.pdf",ID);
EDIT: If you have an Entity generated by EF4.x then it will have been generated as a partial class so you could always extend it like this (I have done this sort of thing and it works okay):
Say the generated entity looks like this:
Namespace Da_Wolf.Model.Entities.File
public partial class UploadedFile
Then you could create a partial class like this:
Namespace Da_Wolf.Model.Entities.File
public partial class UploadedFile
public string FilePath
return String.Format(#"thehardcodedbit{0}.pdf",ID);
Now you have the property you desire available everywhere without adding anything to the ViewModels.

Accessing Orchard CMS settings programatically inside a Module

I am writing an Orchard CMS module within a multi-tenant application.
I would like to be able to access the settings declared when the tenant was set up, namely the DB table prefix which i'd like to use as a unique identifier for the current tenant in other areas of my system.
Is there an API/Helper I can query for these settings?
Get the site item from the work context. It has all the settings as parts. For the table prefix specifically it's a little different: you need to inject ShellSettings. But I would question the need to do that first...
I have found this, if it helps:
private readonly ISiteService _siteService;
public MyController(ISiteService siteService)
_siteService = siteService;
public void MethodExample(){
var myVar = _siteService.GetSiteSettings().BaseUrl;
