I'm trying to setup Jekyll on Cloud9 IDE and then run locally but i keep getting a page that says "This webpage is not available".
Following instructions on 'https://rubygems.org/gems/jekyll/versions/3.0.1' and https://jekyllrb.com/, here's what i've done.
Added gem in gemfile (gem 'jekyll', '~> 3.0', '>= 3.0.1').
bundle install
Everthing looks like it installs fine.
gem install jekyll
'Successfully installed jekyll-3.0.1'.
jekyll new blog
'New jekyll site installed in /home/ubuntu/workspace/blog.'.
cd blog
jekyl serve
The page that loads is 'This webpage is not available.'
jekyll serve -p $PORT -b $IP
Same result.
jekyll s -p $PORT -b $IP
Same result.
Normally when i want to run locally i just do "rails s -p $PORT -b $IP".
Not really sure how to get this to work. I'm still kindof new to ruby on rails so apologies if i'm missing something simple here.
Thanks #Matahhir for providing this link in the comments above.
I needed to run,
jekyll serve --host $IP --port $PORT --baseurl ""
Here is a how-to for installing Jekyll on Cloud9:
create a free account on Cloud9 (https://c9.io)
create an empty project (Ubuntu) and follow these steps:
type on the command line: gem install jekyll
create an empty _config.yml file in the root
create a index.md file in the root
type on the command line: jekyll serve --host $IP --port $PORT --baseurl ''
your website is now running 'locally' on Cloud9
The content of your index.md file:
title: Home
Hello world!
I have two ruby scripts that need to be running while the server is.
Currently I am running them separately using detached screens, but I would like to launch them at the same time the rails server is starting.
How can I integrate them so that I can achieve this behavior?
Have you tried Foreman gem? It will allow you to create a simple file (Procfile) where you can specify all the process that should be started simultaneously.
I usually create a file named Procfile.dev in the project's root, that would look like for example:
web: bundle exec rails server thin start -p 4000
mail: mailcatcher -f
your_script: instructions
Then you start your Rails app as:
foreman start -f Procfile.dev
With that command, Foreman will execute all the processes on the file.
You should install the gem locally and not in the Gemfile.
Foreman Gem
I am trying to quickly set up a rails server. I have an app that I have working an running on my personal computer. Running rails server launches it in localhost:3000 with no issues.
I am trying to start a server on a server to an external IP. So, I followed the instructions here: http://luugiathuy.com/2014/11/setup-nginx-puma-on-ubuntu/ with no issue until I ran: puma -e production -d -b unix:///tmp/app_name.sock --pidfile /tmp/puma.pid and got:
No command 'puma' found, did you mean:
Command 'pump' from package 'pump' (universe)
Command 'pumpa' from package 'pumpa' (universe)
Command 'duma' from package 'duma' (universe)
I have run: gem install puma and bundle install I have added gem 'puma' to my gemfile.
If I visit the external IP of the server I get the nginx error of:
We're sorry, but something went wrong.
If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.
which makes sense since puma isn't running.
Solved it:
`/bin/bash --login`
I believe this worked because before I was not "logged in" to the user that had puma installed
When running rails server on cloud9, I get: No application seems to be running here! I tried removing the workspace, cloning it from a repository on github, and nothing works.
The solution that works for me is:
to start the server, do not simply type
rails s
but instead
rails s -b $IP -p $PORT
I am making a chatting application using Ruby on Rails with Faye gem.
The app works on localhost after I inserted "localhost:9292/faye.js" in the index.html and I run the following script on command line:
rackup faye.ru -s thin -E production
ruby faye.rb
However, the app doesn't work on Heroku even if I changed the source url to "http://myappname.herokuapp.com/faye.js" and makes these errors.
http://myappname.herokuapp.com/faye.js 404 (Not Found)
ReferenceError: Faye is not defined
I've tried these commands but no luck so far.
heroku bundle exec rackup faye.ru -s thin
heroku bundle exec ruby faye.rb
It would be great if you could figure this out.
I appreciate for your help in advance!
I changed the url to "http://myappname.herokuapp.com:9292/faye.js"
and run the following commands on the commandline
heroku run bundle exec rackup faye.ru
heroku run bundle exec ruby faye.rb
Now I am getting this error
http://myappname.herokuapp.com:9292/faye.js net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
I tested the app with "foreman start" on localhost and everything worked.
However, it still does not work on Heroku.
I'm trying to start the web server for a rails app on a Cloud9 IDE workspace and I'm receiving this error message:
`require': cannot load such file -- rack/handler/server (LoadError)
This is the code that I am running:
rails s -p $PORT -b $IP server
I'm very new to Ruby on Rails so my apologies if this pretty simple.
You're running
$ rails s -p $PORT -b $IP server
when it should just be
$ rails s -p $PORT -b $IP
You probably added an extraneous server because you're used to running rails server, but rails s is just a shorthand for the former.
It looks like the extra argument to rails is causing it to look for a file named server in rack/handler, and when it doesn't find a file it throws an error.