Penalties on variables in scikit-learn GradientBoostingClassifier? - machine-learning

Is there a way to penalize a feature in so that it doesn't dominate the model? (In Salford Predictive Modeller, there is a setting called "Penalties on Variables")
The situation is that I have one categorical feature which I want to include in the model, but I don't want to have as the most important feature, since then the model doesn't properly capture the variance explained by the other predictors.

I think you cannot do that. Although I don't really understand why you would want to do that, you could try the following:
Train a model on the whole dataset, train a separate model on the dataset after removing this feature. Then, combine the results of the two models (maybe simple averaging or stacking etc.)


How to stack neural network and xgboost model?

I have trained a neural network and an XGBoost model for the same problem, now I am confused that how should I stack them. Should I just pass the output of the neural network as a parameter to the XGBoost model, or should I take the weighting of their results seperately ? Which would be better ?
This question cannot be clearly answered. I would suggest to check both possibilities and chose the one, that worked best.
Using the output of one model as input to the other model
I guess, you know, what you have to do to use the output of the NN as input to XGBoost. You should just take some time, about how you handle the test and train data (see below). Use the "probabilities" rather than the binary labels for that. Of course, you could also try it vice-versa, so that the NN gets the output of the XGBoost model as an additional input.
Using a Votingclassifier
The other possibility is to use a VotingClassifier using soft-voting. You can use VotingClassifier(voting='soft') for that (to be precise sklearn.ensemble.VotingClassifier). You could also play around with the weights here.
The big difference is, that with the first possibility the XGBoost model might learn, in what areas the NN is weak and in which it is strong, while with the VotingClassifier the outputs of both models are equally weighted for all samples and it relies on the assumption that the model output a "probability" not so close to 0 / 1 if they are not so confident about the prediciton of the specific input record. But this assumption might not be always true.
Handling of the Train/Testdata
In both cases, you need to think about, how you should handle the train/test data. The train/test data should ideally be split the same way for both models. Otherwise you might introduce some kind of data-leakage problem.
For the VotingClassifier this is no problem, because it can be used as a regular skearn model class. For the first method (output of model 1 is one feature of model 2), you should make sure, you do the train-test-split (or the cross-validation) with exactly the same records. If you don't do that, you would run the risk to validate the output of your second model on a record which was in the training set of model 1 (except for the additonal feature of course) and this clearly could cause a data-leakage problem which results in a score that appears to be better than how the model would actually perform on unseen productive data.

For large missingness, what are the advantages of imputation versus training on available subsets for random forest?

I want to train a random forest model on a dataset with large missingness. I am aware of the 'standard method', where we impute missing data in the training set, use the same imputation rules to impute the test set, then train a random forest model on the imputed training set and use the same model to predict on the test set (potentially doing it with multiple imputation).
What I want to understand is the difference to the following method which I would like to use:
Subset the dataset according to missing patterns. Train random forest models for each of the missing patterns. Use the random forest model trained on missing pattern A to predict data from the test set with missing pattern A. Use the model trained on pattern B to predict data from the test set with pattern B etc.
What is the name for this method? What are the statistical advantages or disadvantages of the two methods? I would very much appreciate if someone could direct me to some literature on the second method, or the comparison of the two.
The difference in methods is in prediction capability.
If you will train different models according to different missing patterns it will be trained on a lower amount of the data (due to missing pattern separation) and will be used to predict only the corresponding test set. Using this approach you can easily miss common patterns in your data for all of your dataset, which otherwise (using all the data) you would detect.
It still heavily depends on your particular case and your data. The good test that will check if your models trained due to particular missing patterns generalize well will be taking another missing pattern dataset, do simple and fast imputation in it (mean/mode/median e.t.c) and check the difference in the metric.
In my opinion, this approach sounds a little extreme as you are voluntarily cutting your train dataset into much smaller parts, than it could be. Maybe, it could perform better on large amounts of data, where your train dataset reduction doesn't hurt your model performance much.
About the articles - I don't know any articles, that compare these two approaches, but can suggest some good ones about various "standard "imputation approaches:

Incorporating feedback to retrain WordToVec for finding document similarity

I have trained Gensim's WordToVec on a text corpus,converted it to DocToVec and then used cosine similarity to find the similarity between documents. I need to suggest similar documents. Now suppose among the top 5 suggestions for a particular document, we manually find that 3 of them are not similar.Can this feedback be incorporated in retraining the model?
It's not quite clear what you mean by "converted [a Word2Vec model] to DocToVec". The gensim Doc2Vec class doesn't use or require a Word2Vec model as input.
But, if you have many sets of hand-curated "this is a good suggestion" or "this is a bad suggestion" pairs for your corpus, you can use the model's scoring against all those to compare models, and train many variant models (with different model parameter values like size, window, min_count, sample, etc), picking the one that scores best on your tests.
That sort of automated-parameter-search is the most straightforward way to use performance on real evaluation data to adjust an unsupervised model like Word2Vec.
(Depending on the specifics of your data and problem-domain, you might also start to notice patterns in where the model is better or worse, that help you hand-tune parts of the data preprocessing. For example, a different handling of capitalization or tokenization might be suggested by error cases.)

Model selection with dropout training neural network

I've been studying neural networks for a bit and recently learned about the dropout training algorithm. There are excellent papers out there to understand how it works, including the ones from the authors.
So I built a neural network with dropout training (it was fairly easy) but I'm a bit confused about how to perform model selection. From what I understand, looks like dropout is a method to be used when training the final model obtained through model selection.
As for the test part, papers always talk about using the complete network with halved weights, but they do not mention how to use it in the training/validation part (at least the ones I read).
I was thinking about using the network without dropout for the model selection part. Say that makes me find that the net performs well with N neurons. Then, for the final training (the one I use to train the network for the test part) I use 2N neurons with dropout probability p=0.5. That assures me to have exactly N neurons active on average, thus using the network at the right capacity most of the time.
Is this a correct approach?
By the way, I'm aware of the fact that dropout might not be the best choice with small datasets. The project I'm working on has academic purposes, so it's not really needed that I use the best model for the data, as long as I stick with machine learning good practices.
First of all, model selection and the training of a particular model are completely different issues. For model selection, you would usually need a data set that is completely independent of both training set used to build the model and test set used to estimate its performance. So if you're doing for example a cross-validation, you would need an inner cross-validation (to train the models and estimate the performance in general) and an outer cross-validation to do the model selection.
To see why, consider the following thought experiment (shamelessly stolen from this paper). You have a model that makes a completely random prediction. It has a number of parameters that you can set, but have no effect. If you're trying different parameter settings long enough, you'll eventually get a model that has a better performance than all the others simply because you're sampling from a random distribution. If you're using the same data for all of these models, this is the model you will choose. If you have a separate test set, it will quickly tell you that there is no real effect because the performance of this parameter setting that achieves good results during the model-building phase is not better on the separate set.
Now, back to neural networks with dropout. You didn't refer to any particular paper; I'm assuming that you mean Srivastava et. al. "Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting". I'm not an expert on the subject, but the method to me seems to be similar to what's used in random forests or bagging to mitigate the flaws an individual learner may exhibit by applying it repeatedly in slightly different contexts. If I understood the method correctly, essentially what you end up with is an average over several possible models, very similar to random forests.
This is a way to make an individual model better, but not for model selection. The dropout is a way of adjusting the learned weights for a single neural network model.
To do model selection on this, you would need to train and test neural networks with different parameters and then evaluate those on completely different sets of data, as described in the paper I've referenced above.

Classification Algorithm which can take predefined weights for attributes as input

I have 20 attributes and one target feature. All the attributes are binary(present or not present) and the target feature is multinomial(5 classes).
But for each instance, apart from the presence of some attributes, I also have the information that how much effect(scale 1-5) did each present attribute have on the target feature.
How do I make use of this extra information that I have, and build a classification model that helps in better prediction for the test classes.
Why not just use the weights as the features, instead of binary presence indicator? You can code the lack of presence as a 0 on the continuous scale.
The classifier you choose to use will learn optimal weights on the features in training to separate the classes... thus I don't believe there's any better you can do if you do not have access to test weights. Essentially a linear classifier is learning a rule of the form:
c_i = sgn(w . x_i)
You're saying you have access to weights, but without an example of what the data look like, and an explanation of where the weights come from, I'd have to say I don't see how you'd use them (or even why you'd want to---is standard classification with binary features not working well enough?)
This clearly depends on the actual algorithms that you are using.
For decision trees, the information is useless. They are meant to learn which attributes have how much effect.
Similarly, support vector machines will learn the best linear split, so any kind of weight will disappear since the SVM already learns this automatically.
However, if you are doing NN classification, just scale the attributes as desired, to emphasize differences in the influential attributes.
Sorry, you need to look at other algorithms yourself. There are just too many.
Use the knowledge as prior over the weight of features. You can actually compute the posterior estimation out of the data and then have the final model
