How to install appium in elemantary os - appium

I am new to appium. How can I install appium in elemantory os. I downloaded the appium from official site. A dmg file is downloaded. But dont know how to move further.

.dmg file is OS X package. You don`t need it.
According to this page on Appium`s official web site:
Appium Desktop app is available only on Windows and OS platforms.
On Linux you need to install it as Node package.
Appium won't run if node/npm are install as a privileged (sudo) user. So you`ll have to use another way to install them. You can use Linux version of Homebrew( ) or download node binaries ( ) and place them in your home folder.
You may add an environmental variable for appium. To do it open ~/.bashrc file and add this string to the end:
export PATH=$PATH:/bin
And then reread that file:
source ~/.bashrc
Install Appium:
npm install -g appium
Run appium:
Elementary OS is very similar to Ubuntu. You may found a lot of information how to install Appium on Ubuntu. For example check this link:
How to setup Appium in Ubuntu for android


Electron - build an installer for Windows x64 on Mac

I am new to electron and trying to build a windows installer for the electron app using my mac. I am using electron-packager to package the app and then electron-wix-msi to build the installer. When the build installer steps are executed, the error Unable to read file info from exe. Falling back to packaging description. Error: spawn Unknown system error -86 is thrown. please see the full error message in the attached screenshot.
I would like to highlight that when I build an installer for macOS, it works. Should I understand that I can not build a windows installer using mac?
build_installer64.ts file:
You can't do that, you have to do this on the Windows platform.
I use GitHub Actions to build my app for each platform, code for Windows:
Optionally, you can also use a Windows virtual machine and repeat the same process in there.
Update, for those interested in doing this on Linux, building a EXE setup file seems to be possible. You'll need to have wine installed and use:
npx electron-builder build --win

How to launch Electron JS build on Linux?

I am trying to launch my ElectronJS app on Linux but impossible to get there.
This is my build process :
On Windows, I building the app for Linux with electron-packager, for amd64 arch.
I copy the folder generated on my Ubuntu machine and I create a .deb with electron-installer-debian package.
I install the application with dpkg -i my-app.deb.
In Ubuntu navigation, i found my application. But when I click on it for launch, nothing is happening...
Ideas ?

Use Latest Version of Python 3 When Launching IDLE

I used homebrew to install a new version of Python3 on my Mac. The version I installed is Python 3.7.
When I launch "idle3" from terminal, the shell still displays "Python 3.6.0 Shell" at the top of the window.
Is there some way to configure idle to "use" the latest version of Python 3 that I installed using Homebrew?
The version of idle3 provided by homebrew is located in /usr/local/bin. This location should appear first in your PATH.
Edit your ~/.bash_profile file and add at the end:
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

Cannot install tokumx on osx: cannot execute binary file

I download from tokumx website newest version. When I start mongod I have an error,
bash: ./mongod: cannot execute binary file
Any solution.
The only version available directly from the website is for linux, you'll need to contact them to get an OSX build.
The TokuMX Community Edition downloads featured on the Tokutek site are currently 64-bit Linux only. The system requirements also note that only 64-bit Linux is officially supported.
However, for OS X users there is a Homebrew TAP package available if you want to install binaries for development purposes.
Assuming you have have Homebrew installed, you should be able to install the tokumx-bin package by running the following from your shell prompt:
brew tap tokutek/tokumx
brew install tokumx-bin
the package install will fail unless you enter some text when prompted for an email address (though any text including the default "email address" seems to work)
the tokumx-bin package conflicts with the mongodb package as both use the same names for binaries
TokuMX binaries and data files are not interchangeable with MongoDB

opkg in beaglebone white A6 not updating

I am using beaglebone A6. I have istalled TI sdk prebuilt binaries and using Ti Arago Project filesystem.
I want to install ntp and gpsd packages for my application.
I am using opkg install ntp but it is showing error:
unknown package ntp.
opkg install cmd: Cannot install package ntp.
I also tried opkg update, but there was not any update.
I have tried pinging Google IP address and it was showing the ping address is available.
Please suggest for opkg and ntp issue.
Make sure /etc/opkg/base-feeds.conf (or /etc/opkg/arago-armv7a-feed.conf) points at the correct server (Updating Existing Images). And also make sure ntp package exist on the server. For example, there is no ntp package for 2009.11 release.
If you have package (ntp.v123.ipk) downloaded at beaglebone, you can install it with command:
opkg install ntp.v123.ipk
BTW. It is not so hard to rebuild Arago image from scratch. In that case you can build what ever package you want (Setting Up Build Environment).
