Uploaded picture not showing up on Cloud 9 Test Browser - ruby-on-rails

I am having trouble with getting uploaded images to show on a Cloud 9 rails project. When I run rails and use the included test browser I simply get a blue question mark. Calling images via their url works.
I have checked the following for help and they were unable to assist me:
How to add a image to cloud9?
Here is the code so far:
Here is the directory structure:
Folder directory

Cloud9 IDE loads page previews over https by default. Be sure the image is being loaded over https or else you'll get a cross-origin issue. Alternatively, you can pop the preview out into a new tab and then change the preview to http.


Ruby on Rails project image display issue - on webpage

Can anyone advise on this problem? No clue why uploaded image doesn't appear:
Things to check:
When you upload the image, check the rails log and see if there were any errors during the upload
Check the actual file in the file system or S3 depending on where you are trying to upload
Get the image URL from rails console and load it directly by using the URL

Uploaded image can't be saved in to folder and the image can't be view in folder when running web under IIS

I have project to upload image and view image on asp.net. everything work as i expected. i can upload image and saved to my folder then saved the folder to database, then from database i can show or view the image.
Unfortunately, after publishing to IIS and run the web UNDER IIS , image that i uploaded won't saved to folder and also the image that contains on my folder can't be viewed when running web under IIIS.
I tried to search in stackoverflow how to solve it and everyone said it's about permission i have tried option to set the security permission but nothing works
Folder settings:
Subfolder settings:
I suspect it could be perhaps a wrong path as your app is installed under the default web site... I often suggest to alwyAs start from the exact thing that happens to avoid guessing about issues.
Edit: the folder structure is really strange. It seems I have the default web site, created an application root under this web site but your main ScraBoy app volder is still under this folder ??? I believe I installed app one level below what you intended

IIS not including the PDF file in build

I got a requirement to show the one PDF file on button click. I added that document to the Content folder in the MVC project and added the URL to that button. When I click on the button the PDF opens fine in my local. But When I deploy it to the DEV server, getting 404 error. So I checked the Content folder in the web server, I can't find the PDF file I added. Do I have to change any IIS settings to include that PDF in the build?
If your issue is the same as the one documented here you'll want to follow the instructions here under "Adding MIME Types to [IIS version]" to ensure that you have pdf enabled among the supported content types.

Media folder not showing images in Umbraco

I have migrated a umbraco site over. Hooked the databse up and everything is working fine but the images are not showing on the site and in the media folder.
I have set the permissions on the folder.
changed authentication on the folder to app pool.
tried changing virtualRoot to rootPath and rootUrl.
none of the above work. The files names are showing in the media window but no images (blank previews).
Funny thing is i can upload images now and there are showing so something to do with path.
hope someone can help. thanks
Perhaps you need to tell Umbraco that it's running in a virtual directory.
There is a setting in the umbracoSettings.config which you can read about here: https://our.umbraco.org/documentation/reference/config/umbracosettings/#notifications (search for ResolveUrlsFromTextString)
Set the following to true:

Unable to render image uploaded within Electron app, built with electron-forge

I have a file uploader for users to store images, which I'm saving content to a folder within the application data directory (app.getPath('userData')). This all works fine.
When I attempt to load the image using a basic image tag, with the src pointing to the correct location within the application data directory, it fails to render.
This only occurs after I've packaged the app using electron-forge (make & package). I've only attempted to make for OS-X (darwin x-64). I'm guessing it has something to do with asar, but I can't seem to get this working. I've attempted to use the file protocol for the image source too.
Any idea how to correctly do this?
I found the easiest way is to serve all content up from a server bound to localhost
