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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm want to use JTCalendar in my project. In the documentation is states that the this view isn't provided. Does anyone know the name of this view? I want to use the timeline view along with calendar view. Thank you!
It's just an example the developer did put.
If you are searching a day timeline control i recommend you
Tapku Calendar
The calendar is also available via Cocoapods.
By my experience, i recommend you to make a stack of events with a UITableView, instead of a day timeline from 00:00
to 23:00, for example
Instead of
00:00 -
01:00 - Date with Tiffany
02:00 -
03:00 - Go home
You can do:
01:15 - Date with Tiffany (Pic Here)
03:20 - Go Home (Map Link)
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Closed 5 years ago.
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Below URL has stopped working from today. Any alternate ?
Get Quote from Google Finance
I was using it for a long time, it looks like google has stopped it. It was very useful. The best part was you could download live prices for multiple scrips in one request.
Alternatives for Indian Markets:
Intraday one minute ohlcv data
Zerodha API
Upstox API
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am new here and trying to build an iOS app and it has some designs related to UIViewController animation during scrolling and button tapping etc.
Please take a look at the below diagram for more info. It would be very nice if someone can direct me to the correct way about how should I achieve it.
Few days ago I was speaking with a Khuong who ask information to a similar project, about the analysys and the required elements , you can find the stack overflow question here .
After, he have realized also a project you can find here - github repo under the name "MovingUpHeaderView". Hope you help.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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i'm currently developing an app for iOS 8 in swift with a credit card payment functionality.
I searched on the web for a library with intelligent credit card fields, but all i could find is BKMoneyKit, which is not really customizable, and doesn't fit my needs.
What i want is something with fancy features, like telling you if your card is a visa/mastercard when you enter the number, adding the "/" between month and year of expiration date etc... I've already used, but it doesn't offer the possibility to include it's intelligent fields in my view, like said here by the developer himself.
Does anybody knows a tool like this ?
Thanks in advance for help :)
The functionalities you are asking for are provided by the PaymentKit library.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am looking for iPad calendar components, something like the monthly calendar shown in iPhone, or the monthly table view in the Calendar app in the iPad. I have found interesting components made for iPhone, like Kal, but nothing similar that works universally. I prefer free components but also consider commercial solutions.
Any idea?
You can find a couple of different calendar implementations here
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a requirement in which the person A can see a calendar of Person B and check what time is the Person B available on a particular day, and book an appointment by clicking on the Available slot.
Something Like;
Monday 21st March:
9am-10 am - Not Available
10- 11 - Available
11- 12 - Available
12- 1 - Not Available
I tried event_calendar plugin but it gives date only and not the time slots for each day..
Are there any plugin present for Rails?
I see this is a bit old but I had a recent requirement for the same thing so it might help to post.
I settled on:
Which just wraps the jquery plugin:
Its an active project and worth a look.
Go through the demo's and you'll see its pretty nice.
You can style it up with bootstrap or jqueryUi themes, or you can customize yourself.
To directly answer the question: I know of no such plugin.
But since you say this functionality is a requirement, the best way to implement this I think if just by adding models and relationships between them. It sounds like this is business logic and that should be part of your core app, but abstracted away into a plugin.