Stripe managed account - wrong country - ruby-on-rails

We are creating a marketplace, we are using stripe for payments and we are creating stripe managed accounts for our users when they register. We are trying to prevent anything that could go wrong and I am thinking scenarios that could mess up things and how we need to handle them.
I was wondering how would you handle a user who selected wrong country when he registered and the stripe managed account on your platform was created with the wrong country? According to stripe documentation you can't change the country of a managed account later. Do you just drop and re-create the stripe managed account? What if the managed account has received funds from a charge and the user find out the problem later?

I would say the best and the only way to handle this is to drop and re-create like you said.
If he was able to receive funds, this is not a problem. You can refund anyway if you need to. Just keep every charge / bank transfer in your database.
I don't see why it could be a problem, you can re-associate the bank account easily for example.


How to send payment to the customer from Stripe account using API in Rails?

One of my client Ruby on Rails project have a functionality of get payment from customer in his stripe account.
Now, He needs to pay that payment to the item owner after deducted commission. So, how we can pay from stripe account to particular customer account using API in Rails?
I have checked many API's but not clear which exactly use for it.
Any one have a idea or experience in it?
See the Stripe guide on Using Checkout with Rails.
I am not positive if a customer token can be used to send funds to, but if so or not, the following still applies.
If the customer has a connected account (or customer token), you can then use "transfer" to transfer the funds to them.

ios Stripe payment(Account to Account Transfer)

I am making an application in Objective-C(iOS). I want to transfer some amount from my account to the other account using my application.
Case: The transfers will be user specific.
1.There will be a user who will post his need for money.
2.The other person who wants to help him will contact him in personal chat.
3.There will be a payment option from where the donator will send money to the person in need.
Please help if anybody is having knowledge about it, as I haven't worked with stripe before.
Thanks in advance.
The first step would be setting up Stripe
The tutorial uses Heroku which handles the backend side of the payments.
Here is the documentation
Just incase you're looking for a way to do this with Firebase, check out my answer here Swift Firebase Stripe Connect
The next step would be altering your Stripe project to work for Stripe Connect
The documentation for Stripe connect is here
You basically need to setup your account to allow for users to sign up as 'Connected accounts' that can receive payments. Your stripe account takes the payment and then dishes out to the connected account accordingly, it needs to be setup in the node server.
Stripe has an example project that uses Stripe connect which is what you're looking for, this handles marketplace style payments.
Take a look at their project. The concept is that users can sign up online and be accepted for payments.
Here is the project
and the demo website

Transfer fund from stripe platform account to a recipient by email

One of my clients have a situation to pay their website user directly from platform account to user. I can do it by using their transfer payment API.
But, my client want to pay to user's email so that user can have option to perform rest of the action.
I went through their API documentation but don't see anything related to do that. Does anyone have similar experience or know anything related to do that?
Stripe's API doesn't have anything like that, but it is something you may be able to build into your application.
I think you might want to contact Stripe Support and fill them in on your use case and see if they can offer you some specific suggestions.

Braintree - How can I transfer funds to another customer

Hello I am integrating braintree in my rails app. I have two roles and one of them pays the amount with a sale transaction to the merchant account. But my scenario is like that I have to then give some of the share to another user for which of course I need to transfer funds to that user account.
Can anyone tell me how am I suppose to do that?
There is a product called the Braintree Marketplace that might solve your problem. The only issue here is that your other user would need to be signed up as a sub-merchant.

Stripe Connect API (Ruby) with a "Managed Account": delete bank account, add multiple bank accounts

I'm implementing the Stripe Connect API using the Stripe API Reference when necessary. There are two problems I haven't been able to solve using that reference:
1) Is it possible to delete a bank account? If so, how? I've tried calling standard delete and destroy methods on the bank account object, as well as .destroy_all on account.bank_accounts. account.bank_accounts.first = nil also doesn't seem to work.
2) Is it possible to add more than one bank account? The fact that the parent Account object has a .bank_accounts makes it seem like this should be possible, but the only way I can find to add a bank account is with account.bank_account= which allows you to create or update a single account.
I'm working on a NodeJS application using Stripe and I had these exact same questions. After talking to Stripe Support:
As far as I've gathered, there's no way to remove a bank account. I'm waiting on confirmation from Stripe Support, and I'll update here as soon as I get a response.
A single account (A managed account in my case), can have one bank account linked to it for each currency. So one, and only one, bank account which accepts USD. But it's possible to add another bank account accepting GBP. It seems like this is why the bank_accounts method is named so. Using their Node library, calling the update method with a bank_account property populated replaces an existing bank account if one of the same currency already exists.
I was hoping someone from Stripe would respond here (and still am), but until then, I hope this is helpful.
