What is missing after Bridging Obj-C to Swift - ios

I have done this before, normally without trouble, setting the bridging header, etc.
This time, I tried to import a Obj-C framwork (github.com/jensmeder/FSKModem/) into my swift project. When typing code I can "see" all the Obj-C methods.
But when I compile the code, I get errors like "Use of undeclared identifier 'delete'" or "Use of undeclared identifier 'new'". Example of code in a .m file that is giving the error:
_audioFormat = new AudioStreamBasicDescription();
I'm familiar with Swift and don't know about Obj-C but I guess "delete" or "new" should exist, right? Do they belong to some framework that I should add?
I can compile the original code in Obj-C without trouble, but I need to incorporate it in my project that is written in Swift.
Many thanks for any help
Some more information...
The following functions are inside the .m file. Do you know why the "new" and "delete" keywords are unrecognized? This works fine when compiled as a normal "Obj-C" project. The error appears in Swift project only (after bridging headers of course):
[self disconnect:NULL];
if (_audioFormat)
delete _audioFormat;
-(void) setupAudioFormat
_audioFormat = new AudioStreamBasicDescription();
Should I add some #include that I might be missing, besides Foundation?

new and delete are C++ keywords; you can use them in C++ files (usually .cpp or .cc) and in Objective-C++ files (always .mm). You cannot use them in Swift (.swift) or in Objective-C (.m) files.
It is perfectly valid to use an Objective-C class from an Objective-C++ file from Swift; you can use Objective-C to wrap C++ classes for Swift usage. However it is not valid to use C++ from plain Objective-C.
Quite probably you just need to rename your Objective-C file to .mm.

new and delete are keywords from C++ not from Swift or Objective-C.
let audioFormat = AudioStreamBasicDescription()
AudioStreamBasicDescription* audioFormat = [[AudioStreamBasicDescription alloc] init];

In Swift, you simply need to call the object initializer when creating an object.
_audioFormat = AudioStreamBasicDescription()
The new keyword is an Objective-C combo of alloc and init.


Use of undeclared identifier when I want use swift file in objective c project

when I want use swift file in objective c project and I declare an object from swift class, I get "Use of undeclared identifier" error.
the way that I pass:
coping swift file in project and type #objc before declare swift class
create header file in project manually
set "Defines module" in target to Yes
set objective-C bridging header in target to $(SRCROOT)/$(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME)-Bridging-Header.h
declare #import "productModuleName-Bridging-Header.h" in objective-c file
use name_of_swift_class *s = [[name_of_swift_class alloc] init];
when I want use swift file in step 6 I get "Use of undeclared identifier" error. why?!!! do I have the mistake?
when I test this steps in new project I don't get error but in project that I want it return error.
thank you for your help
The problem is at Step 5 You should not be importing "productModuleName-Bridging-Header.h" instead you should be importing "productModuleName-Swift.h"
P.S- After making this change clean your project, clear your derived data and build it. It will work. Hope it helps :)

How to add integrate code from Github into your existing project

I want to get the device location in the application that I want to develop. I have created a SWIFT project and I want to add the code here
into my existing swift project.
So here it says
Manually from GitHub
Download all the files in the INTULocationManager subdirectory.
Add the source files to your Xcode project (drag and drop is easiest).
Import the INTULocationManager.h to your bridging header.
Swift: Add #import "INTULocationManager.h" to your bridging header.
So basically can I just drag the source code to my project?
Also how do I create the bridging header?
then let say how do I use it in my ViewController?
Maybe you should consider using CocoaPods as it may be easier for you to integrate, and in the long-run, is easier to update.
To answer your specific question about a manual installation:
Yes, you can just drag the source code into your project. Instructions for creating the bridging header can be found on the internet (for example, here).
Next, as the instructions say, add #import "INTULocationManager.h" to your bridging header, e.g:
#ifndef TestBridgingHeader_Bridging_Header_h
#define TestBridgingHeader_Bridging_Header_h
#import "INTULocationManager.h"
#endif /* TestBridgingHeader_Bridging_Header_h */
To use the library, you have to translate the example given on the Github page from Objective-C to Swift.
let locMgr = INTULocationManager.sharedInstance()
locMgr.requestLocationWithDesiredAccuracy(INTULocationAccuracy.City, timeout: 10, block: { currentLocation, achievedAccuracy, status in
if status == .Success {
} else if status == .TimedOut {
} else {
This is made easier by remembering a few rules:
Method calls in Obj-C are called via enclosing square brackets (e.g. [INTULocationManager sharedInstance]) while in Swift they use dot-syntax (e.g. INTULocationManager.sharedInstance())
Enums such as INTULocationAccuracyCity generally get translated to only their last part (.City in this case). Swift infers that .City is equivalent to INTULocationAccuracy.City.
Obj-C blocks such as INTULocationRequestBlock are equivalent to Swift closures of the same type.

objective-c use cocoapods add Swift framework not found file

I'm working on an objective-c project. I added a swift framework, which gave me errors.
When I touch "command" can find the file. When I use #import also can add "ChartLineView.swift".
But when I implement it as,
ChartLineView *cl = ....
I get an error, " Use of undeclared identifier LineChartView"
What could be wrong?
I guess your are having issue in importing swift library(added via cocoapods) in your Objective C project. Just go in your .m file and import the swift library like this.
#import LineChartView; // i suppose LineChartView is the swift library name.

How to import swift file into objective-c file in a swift project

The situation is a little complicated. I have a Swift project, and I have imported some Objective-C files into this project. Now, I want to use some Swift classes in these Objective-C files. How to do that?
It seems this reference covers everything:
Importing Swift into Objective-C
When you import Swift code into Objective-C, you rely on an
Xcode-generated header file to expose those files to Objective-C. This
automatically generated file is an Objective-C header that declares
the Swift interfaces in your target. It can be thought of as an
umbrella header for your Swift code. The name of this header is your
product module name followed by adding "-Swift.h". (You’ll learn more
about the product module name later, in Naming Your Product Module.)
Foo.swift in product named ExampleProduct
#objc public class Bar: NSObject {
var x: Int = 3
Blah.m in same product:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <ExampleProduct-Swift.h>
void doStuff() {
Bar *y = [[Bar alloc] init];
printf("%ld\n", (long)y.x);
It's even easy to call doStuff() from a Swift file if you create an Objective-C header file that defines the function prototype and then import that header file in the bridging header.
There's no limit to jumping back and forth.
Based on the comments it looks like you're having trouble importing the reverse bridging header.
Try this in terminal to ensure you're naming the file correctly:
% cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode; find . -name '*-Swift.h'
I get (scroll all the way to the right):
Also, potentially a dup of:
How to call Objective-C code from Swift
With 326 upvotes that's worth studying!

How to implement the ADLivelyTableView class in a project that uses ARC

I have gone through the ADLivelyTableView demo project but have not been able to import the ADLivelyTableView h and m files into my project successfully. It appears that the main issue is to do with ARC. I have experimented by converting the demo project into arc, specifically but converting just the LDMasterView.m file, and this simply removes all references to releasing objects, and so after this conversion, the use ARC option under build settings is now ON and the app works. So i figured that the ADLivelyTableView .m and .h files dont need converting, but when these are imported into my project, i get all sorts of ARC errors for these two blocks of code:
if (block != _transformBlock) {
_transformBlock = Block_copy(block);
#implementation ADLivelyTableView
- (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc];
I dont get why these errors didnt show when turning on ARC in the demo project. id prefer finding a solution rather than trying to import my entire application to the demo project instead! The errors are as follows:
ARC Casting Rules: Cast of block pointer type 'ADLivelyTransform (aka NSTimeINterval (^)CALayer*_strong, float) to C pointer type 'const void *' required a bridged cast.
ARC Casting Rules: Cast of C Pointer ....(Same as above)
Also, once this issue is resolved, it is supposed to be as simple as just importing the ADLivelyTableView .h and .m files and then adding the line :
ADLivelyTableView * livelyTableView = (ADLivelyTableView *)self.tableView;
livelyTableView.initialCellTransformBlock = ADLivelyTransformFan;
into my viewDidLoad section? or is that bit supposed to be edited for my specific table?
Thanks for your help,
You can modify the Compiler Flags for ADLivelyTableView.m.
Kindly try to add -fno-objc-arc.
