Swift UIButton - How to remove underline? - ios

I have problem when in iOS settings is enabled this setting "Button Shapes"
It causing this underline in application (first picture with enabled setting, second without)
Any idea how to programatically or in storyboard disable it?
I tried attributed text but I get same result :(
I'm newbie in Swift.
Thanks for help!

It's not a problem. You should not make any attempt to counter any accessibility changes set by the user. They are there for a reason.

This is an answer by user4291543 from this question Remove underline on UIButton in iOS 7
[yourBtnHere setBackgroundImage:[[UIImage alloc] init] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
I found this answer works with SWFrameButton
And for all the others saying "Don't Do This", SWFrameButton is a very good example of when you would want to do this. I also think the OP's situation is a perfectly valid scenario as well...

I totally agree with #maddy's comment:
It's not a problem. You should not make any attempt to counter any accessibility changes set by the user. They are there for a reason.
But I did stumble on a way to accomplish the task at hand...
In addition to a UIButton, you'll also need to make a .png file that contains nothing (meaning the entire contents have an opacity of 0%). Go ahead and load that into your xcode project's assets.
Now go ahead and set the Button's Background to that image you just provided. (In my case, I called it clear) This will remove the underline from the button's text. However, now you can't see the boundaries of the button. This can be solved by changing the Background of the button's View. Go ahead and select any color for the View's Background property and now the background of the View visibly defines the button's boundaries. You're able to see this because your clear.png has an opacity of 0%.
see the Attributes inspector for UIButton here.
Rather than trying to defeat the underline by going to make a label perform some action via UITapGestureRecognizer, this allows you to still use a UIButton. Keeping inline with accessibility features to mark buttons for people that want to do that.

You could create a custom button class with a label (with clear color). If you set the text of this label instead it shouldn`t get an underline.

Are you sure you want to do that?
Apple added an accessibility feature to mark buttons for people that want to do that. Apple will probably reject your app because it defeats a system function meant to help the disabled.

I found the solution. All you have to do is set a picture as the background of the button. just pick a picture with the same color as the button you created.


Highlight UIButton when not selecting the button itself

I have a custom class here that consists of a UIButton inside of a UIView.
The goal of this class is to allow users to have a greater area (being the UIView) to select the button than just the buttons frame itself.
Now when a user taps on the view I want the buttons highlighted image to show... But the problem is, it does not.
I've read many possible solutions to this issue For Example:
Calling: [btnObject sendActionsForControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]
This however did not change the buttons highlight.
I also tried just settings the button.highlighted = YES;
But that did not work either.
I have the images for different states properly setup (Normal and Highlighted), I'm sure of that.
I also have the gestureRecognizer working properly as the functionality is great except for the lack of highlight.
Does anybody know if I'm missing any thing special that needs to be done in order to pull off this seemingly very simple task? Surely it's been done many times.
Thank you
You were on the right track. -[UIButton setHighlighted:] is just a flag. What you need to do is call setNeedsDisplay on that button right after you change the highlighted property.
I solved my problem a little while ago and I'm not sure if Kevin Low's answer would've worked too, it very well might have.
But for some reason, a UITapGesture doesn't work well with highlighting buttons as a view transitions (That might be because I didn't call setNeedsDisplay). The gesture that ended up working was the UILongPressGesture with a 0.0 sec for minimum duration.

Xcode disable UIButton title fade when tapped

When I tap or hold down on any of my UIButtons, their alpha seems to fade to about 0.1. I never added this functionality in, so I'm assuming it's automatic.
How do I disable this so that my button doesn't fade when tapped or held down? I want my button to remain at alpha 1 all the time.
I've tried button.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = NO; to no avail, as well as a few other suggestions on here.
Did you try using the same image for both the "normal" and "highlighted" states?
Maybe showsTouchWhenHighlighted also affects the situation.
Are you using background images for your buttons too?
Are you disabling the button upon tapping? Disabling also affects appearance (unlike userInteractionEnabled).
Are you using IB/Storyboards?
As you can see, there is a number of factors that can play a role into what's happening.
Any code you can show with specifics of your situation?
Edit: If you are not using an image (you mentioned adjustsImageWhenHighlighted), then just set the button type to "custom" in IB. You won't get the system provided "default" behavior.
just uptick the Disabled Adjusts Image in your MainStory Board in your buttons configuration next to the Drawing section

iOS: How to disable Fading in and out effect of UIButton

First of all, sorry for the title and asking this incredibly question but I simply couldn't figure it out. Also, since it is not related to code, I don't have code to show
I am working on an app and using iOS7 and I created a button from IB, set its background image to an image I designed. Connected it with header and set its touch up inside action as an IBAction
Yet, here is my problem. Whenever I click on the button, as an effect the image fades half transparent. I do not want this default attribute. I checked all the states on IB (highlighted, disabled, selected) and couldn't figure it out.
If I create the same button programmatically, only the text color changes, however when I set the background image, image fades (perhaps to indicate the button being pressed). How can I remove this effect?
A bit late but I believe this would solve the problem
in the xib file, set the button's type to Custom.
My button was set to system and when pressed on, it shows transparency and has a little fade in effect. Once I changed it to custom this effect is gone.
This cannot be changed once button is created. only in xib or when the button is first created.
have you tried this one yourButton.adjustsImageWhenHighlighted = NO?
If you set same background-image/background-color for every buttons states in IB (highlight, disable, selected) you will not get any fading in UIBUtton when you press it. You can set text color for every states also. If needed you can set different colors for every state and check the press action.
Hope the answered you expect. Thanks
Storyboard Solution
1:set button type to custom
2:uncheck "Highlighted adjusts Image"
If you want fading in & out effect your UIButton Type Should be a system, not custom.

UIButton title set in Storyboard is missing when run

I am quite new to iOS development and I encountered a problem when I was trying out a simple calculator tutorial. For some reason, the "0" and "=" does not appear on the iOS simulator while it appeared perfectly fine on the user interface shown on XCode.
Any idea on how to resolve this problem?
Thanks! =)
Just set the Style value to "Default" from "Attributes Inspector" tab as shown in the image below.
Now you should see the Font, Color and other attributed properties are back :)
In my case the button title disappeared, when I made changes to its attributes. Changing the Button title back to 'plain' and back again to 'attributed' made the text visible again.
One possibility could be that you accidentally set the titles of those two buttons on a control state other than default or UIControlStateNormal.
The buttons in your screenshot are in a state called UIControlStateNormal because they aren't being tapped or disabled. Select the buttons and make sure the 'State Config' option in the Attributes inspector is set to 'Default' when you're setting your title in Storyboard.
Autolayout sometimes causes unintended behavior like this. If you aren't relying on Autolayout and don't plan to, you can turn it off in the File inspector. If you are relying on Autolayout, you'll have to write some code to undo the unintended behavior it's causing.

XCode 4: some button titles not visible in iOS simulation

I try to make a simple calculator using Xcode 4 for iPhone. It is my very first iOS application.
I use several buttons with titles: 1, 2,...9, +, =, -...
But when I run the program in iOS simulation, some of the buttons do not show their titles (i.e. they have nothing written on them).
The buttons without the titles are somewhat random: majorly the ones at the bottom of the screen, but also one on the top. The other buttons show their titles normally.
What the hell?
I had the same experience while doing the iOS calculator app from the iTunes U Piazza course. I think it started when I moved some of the buttons. I checked in the MainStoryboard.storyboard file with text edit - it appears that the height constraint went missing from these buttons - not clear how/why
whatever the root cause , I was able to fix it only by deleting the buttons in question and recreating them in the xcode editor
Try simply copy and pasting the duff control - I had this problem after changing the view from inferred to retina 3.5
This can be fixed by turning off "AutoLayout" on the storyboard. more info here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16556044/26510
Changing text type from attributed to plain worked for me.
Per Apple developer guide, you should not set either the button title label text or color directly as a property (for example, do not do this: myButton.titleLabel.text=#"SomeText" or myButton.titleLabel.textColor=[UIColor blackColor]).
Rather, you set them using the UIButton setter functionality, like this:
[myButton setTitleColor:[UIColor blackColor] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
...or like this:
[myButton setTitle:#"SomeText" forState:UIControlStateNormal];.
See the Apple guide.
I Figure it out that there are some reasons why this can happen. In my case the problem was that I was setting the background image as button image, so the text was right-shifted out of the bounds of the button.
