Rails 4 ActiveRecord append conditions (multiple .where) - ruby-on-rails

I would like to append AND conditions depend on condition like this:
#flag = true || false;
#results = Model.where(conditions).where(conditions_depend_on_flag);
// The simple way:
if (#flag) {
#results = Model.where(conditions);
} else {
#results = Model.where(conditions).where(conditions_depend_on_flag);
Example for my expected:
#results = Model.where(conditions).where(conditions_depend_on_flag, #flag == true);
I don't know is it possible or not.
Could you give me some suggestion?

#results = Model.where(conditions)
#results = #results.where(conditions_depend_on_flag) if #flag

We can combine 2 conditions into 1 where statement:
To make it easy I assume:
conditions = created_at < 1.day.ago
conditions_depend_on_flag = updated_at > 1.day.ago
So the query will be:
'created_at < ? AND (? OR updated_at > ?)', 1.day.ago, !#flag, 1.day.ago
Beautiful SQL :)

use scopes for sql conditions
in model
scope :conditions_depend_on_flag, ->(flag) { where(....) if flag }
#results = Model.where(conditions).conditions_depend_on_flag(#flag)


rails conditions based on attributes presence

I was wondering if there's a better way to do this:
def conditions(obj)
if self.setor.present?
obj = obj.joins(:negocios_setores).where("setor_id = ?", self.setor.id)
if self.uf.present?
obj = obj.joins(localizacao: [:uf]).where("uf_id = ?", self.uf_id)
if self.municipio.present?
obj = obj.joins(localizacao: [:municipio]).where("municipio_id = ?", self.municipio_id)
if !self.lucro_liquido_min.to_f.zero?
obj = obj.where("lucro_liquido_anual BETWEEN ? and ?", self.lucro_liquido_min, self.lucro_liquido_max)
if !self.faturamento_min.to_f.zero?
obj = obj.where("faturamento_bruto_anual BETWEEN ? and ?", self.faturamento_min, self.faturamento_max)
if !self.valor_min.to_f.zero?
obj = obj.where("valor BETWEEN ? and ?", self.valor_min, self.valor_max)
Does rails 4 provide something to only do the condition if the value is present instead of placing it with a NULL value?
I don't believe that there is any way to do exactly what you mentioned. I've run into the same type of concatenation of queries.
To clean up a bit and make this tighter, you can use one-line if and unless. I think this is a bit cleaner and still readable.
def conditions(obj)
obj = obj.joins(:negocios_setores).where(setor: setor) if setor.present?
obj = obj.joins(localizacao: [:uf]).where("uf_id = ?", uf_id) if uf.present?
obj = obj.joins(localizacao: [:municipio]).where("municipio_id = ?", municipio_id) if municipio.present?
obj = obj.where("lucro_liquido_anual BETWEEN ? and ?", lucro_liquido_min, lucro_liquido_max) unless lucro_liquido_min.to_f.zero?
obj = obj.where("faturamento_bruto_anual BETWEEN ? and ?", faturamento_min, faturamento_max) unless faturamento_min.to_f.zero?
obj = obj.where("valor BETWEEN ? and ?", valor_min, valor_max) unless valor_min.to_f.zero?
I also changed the first query to use Rails style queries rather than SQL in the where.

A better way to do conditional ActiveRecord statements?

I'm trying to figure out a better way to have one query here. I want to be able to send something to last where statement a wildcard so I can select all vendors. Right now if i don't include that line it doesn't filter by vendor so I essentially get all the purchase requests.
Any thoughts of a cleaner way to do these sorts of queries?
if #vendor == "0" #checks for vendor
#purchase_requests = PurchaseRequest.includes(:purchase_order)
.where(:created_at => #date_start..#date_end)
.where(:total_cost => #cost_beginning..#cost_end)
#purchase_requests = PurchaseRequest.includes(:purchase_order)
.where(:created_at => #date_start..#date_end)
.where(:total_cost => #cost_beginning..#cost_end)
.where("purchaseorder.VendorRef_ListID = ?", #vendor)
there must be some better solution, but try this
#purchase_requests = PurchaseRequest.includes(:purchase_order).where(created_at: #date_start..#date_end, total_cost: #cost_beginning..#cost_end)
#purchase_requests = #purchase_requests.where("purchaseorder.VendorRef_ListID = ?", #vendor) unless #vendor == "0"
Here is a simplified version:
#purchase_requests = PurchaseRequest
.where(created_at: #date_start..#date_end)
.where(total_cost: #cost_beginning..#cost_end)
#purchase_requests = #purchase_requests.where('purchase_orders.VendorRef_ListID = ?', #vendor) unless #vendor == '0'

Rails: multiple params (filter) with has_scope

I'm using has_scope gem and I want to create filtering with two params — it may be one param or two same time.
Mymodel (Product):
scope :brand, proc { |brand| joins(:product_values).where('product_values.value_id' => brand) }
scope :zamena, proc { |zamena| joins(:product_values).where('product_values.value_id' => zamena) }
Index action of controller:
#products = apply_scopes(Product).all
It works, but only by one :(
/products?brand=12 - Ok
/products?zamena=24 - Ok
/products?brand=12&zamena=24 - Fail (sorted only by 'zamena', not by both params)
2nd. variant (not works too)
In my controller:
query = Product.scoped
query = query.brand(params[:brand]) if params[:brand]
query = query.zamena(params[:zamena]) if params[:zamena]
#products = query.all
Works by one, but not both (0 results).
My answer. Maybe not elegant, but works nice.
fcount = 0
fcount += 1 if params[:brand]
fcount += 1 if params[:zamena]
prods = []
if params[:brand]
Product.all.each do |p|
prods << p if p.product_values.where(value_id: params[:brand]).count > 0
if params[:zamena]
Product.all.each do |p|
prods << p if p.product_values.where(value_id: params[:zamena]).count > 0
#products = prods.select{|item| prods.count(item) == fcount}.uniq
No scopes needed. You can use a lot of filters using this way.

Better way to build multiple conditions in Rails 2.3

I'm developing with Rails 2.3.8 and looking for a better way to build find conditions.
On search page, like user search, which user sets search conditions, find conditions are depends on the condition which user have chosen, e.g age, country, zip-code.
I've wrote code below to set multiple find conditions.
# Add condition if params post.
conditions_array = []
conditions_array << ['age > ?', params[:age_over]] if params[:age_over].present?
conditions_array << ['country = ?', params[:country]] if params[:country].present?
conditions_array << ['zip_code = ?', params[:zip_code]] if params[:zip_code].present?
# Build condition
i = 0
conditions = Array.new
columns = ''
conditions_array.each do |key, val|
key = " AND #{key}" if i > 0
columns += key
item_master_conditions[i] = val
i += 1
# condiitons => ['age > ? AND country = ? AND zip_code = ?', params[:age], params[country], prams[:zip_code]]
#users = User.find(:all,
:conditions => conditions
This code works fine but it is ugly and not smart.
Is there better way to build find conditions?
Named scopes could make it a bit more readable, albeit bulkier, while still preventing SQL injection.
named_scope :age_over, lambda { |age|
if !age.blank?
{ :conditions => ['age > ?', age] }
named_scope :country, lambda { |country|
if !country.blank?
{ :conditions => ['country = ?', age] }
named_scope :zip_code, lambda { |zip_code|
if !zip_code.blank?
{ :conditions => ['zip_code = ?', age] }
And then when you do your search, you can simply chain them together:
#user = User.age_over(params[:age_over]).country(params[:country]).zip_code(params[:zip_code])
I have accidentally run on your questions, and even it is old one, here is the answer:
After defining your conditions, you could use it like this:
# Add condition if params post.
conditions_array = []
conditions_array << ["age > #{params[:age_over]}"] if params[:age_over].present?
conditions_array << ["country = #{params[:country]}"] if params[:country].present?
conditions_array << ["zip_code = #{params[:zip_code]}"] if params[:zip_code].present?
conditions = conditions_array.join(" AND ")
#users = User.find(:all, :conditions => conditions) #Rails 2.3.8
#users = User.where(conditions) #Rails 3+

Refactor: Multiple params in find query

Need some help refactoring this if/else block that builds the conditions for a find query.
if params[:status] && params[:carrier]
conditions = ["actual_delivery IS NOT NULL AND actual_delivery > scheduled_delivery AND status_id = ? AND carrier_id = ?", status.id, carrier.id]
elsif params[:status]
conditions = ["actual_delivery IS NOT NULL AND actual_delivery > scheduled_delivery AND status_id = ?", status.id]
elsif params[:carrier]
conditions = ["actual_delivery IS NOT NULL AND actual_delivery > scheduled_delivery AND carrier_id = ?", carrier.id]
conditions = ["actual_delivery IS NOT NULL AND actual_delivery > scheduled_delivery"]
#packages = Package.find(:all, :conditions => conditions)
I recommend creating a scope in your model, to take care of the first part of your query that is always the same in this action:
class Package < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :late_deliveries, :conditions => "actual_delivery IS NOT NULL AND actual_delivery > scheduled_delivery"
Now you can refactor your action like this:
def index
conditions = {}
[:status, :carrer].each{|param| conditions[param] = params[param] if params[param]}
#packages = Package.late_deliveries.find(:conditions => conditions)
If :carrier and :status are the only two parameters to this action, then it's even simpler:
def index
#packages = Package.late_deliveries.find(:conditions => params)
I hope this helps!
You could do:
conditions = "actual_delivery IS NOT NULL AND actual_delivery > scheduled_delivery"
conditions += " AND status_id = #{status.id}" if params[:status]
conditions += " AND carrier_id = #{carrier.id}" if params[:carrier]
#packages = Package.all(:conditions => [conditions])
