Is there any way to change notification image - ios

i want to show or change present image in notification with latest image icon, the image icon will be provided either in the notification data or saved previously in the app like this one and this one image
i want that if notification came on the IOS device then the image in the notification will show accordingly

this text from iOS Human Interface Guidelines
A banner is a small translucent view that appears onscreen and then disappears after a few seconds. Users can also see a version of the banner on the lock screen and in the Notifications view of Notification Center. In the banner, iOS displays your notification message and the small version of your app icon (to learn more about the small app icon, see App Icon). Users tap the banner to dismiss it and switch to the app that sent the notification.
I believe that you can't change it, but may be if you change some pictures in App icon source, you will achieve the necessary result, but I repeat, hardly everything will correctly work
for example
U can try to change Spotlight images or any else....


How to set a custom icon to an IOS push notification?

I'm currently adding notifications to my Flutter app for IOS, I wanted to add something similar to a largeIcon on Android, so far I didn't find a way to do that, only adding an image which is not a solution since I only want an icon at the right even if the user expands the notification (the image will expand too in this case which is undesirable for my use case).
As an alternative, I was wondering if I could change the notification app icon. As far as I looked around, this is not possible either, but at the same time I saw this image of notifications (the first one and the last one) that have a custom image and the app icon is smaller.
How can I do this in my app? I couldn't find any way in the documentation on how to do it.
You can do this with communication notifications. From HIG:
The system automatically displays a large version of your app icon at
the leading edge of each notification; in a communication
notification, the system displays the sender’s contact image — or
avatar — badged with a small version of your icon.
Here is the documentation on how to implement communication notifications in your app.

Notification/Widget on lock screen with button in Swift

I have an app that contains stopwatch and when time is running and the app enters background I would like to have a notification on lock screen and in Notification Center (when you swipe down). The notification should contain actual time of the stopwatches and user should be able to stop/start the stopwatches.
I was trying to achieve this using UNNotificationContentExtension but as documentation says:
When an iOS device receives a notification containing an alert, the system displays the contents of the alert in two stages. Initially, it displays an abbreviated banner with the title, subtitle, and two to four lines of body text from the notification. If the user presses the abbreviated banner, iOS displays the full notification interface, including any notification-related actions. The system provides the interface for the abbreviated banner, but you can customize the full interface using a notification content app extension.
I found out that I am able to edit just full notification interface which means that when user gets notification and opens it I can show him whatever I want (I tried mediaPlayPauseButtonType to handle stopwatches). But when I check the lockscreen the notification stays default.
What are the possibilities to achieve Notification similar to Spotify - when you play song, you can pause the song and you can see the time etc. from the lockscreen?

iOS 10 local notifications: show notification content on lock screen

I've added local notification with Notification Content Extension.
It shows okay on home screen (with app in background).
The problem lies in displaying notification content on lock screen. When notification arrives on lock screen, it is only displayed with text and swiping left shows "Clear" button.
I need some way to show notification fully from lock screen (as on home screen).
For example I saw "View" button in some of the tutorials/articles, can I even create or control something like it?
So with notifications on iOS 10, Apple changed the way they appear on devices. When the screen is locked, you can see a View and Clear button or just clear button based on whether the device is enabled with 3D touch or not.
Swiping left on a message now offers View and Clear on non-3D Touch devices or just Clear on 3D Touch devices.
On 3D Touch devices, the long press on notification reveals the notification actions menu which can be customized using Category definition in the code.
Hope this answers your query.

iOS Multitask App Switcher Custom Image

im developing an iOS App and i would like it to behave like PayPal when the user double taps the home button.
For those who dont know the PayPal app displays a custom image when the app is displayed on the multitask switcher but it doesnt when a notification arrives or when the user pulls the notifications bar.
My issue comes when implementing this, im using the event applicationWillResignActive to display my custom image (as applicationEnteredBackground is not called for this). But this method is called on events on which i dont want the app to display the image (such as notifications, calls, pulling the top bar, etc).
Is there any way of setting this image only when the home button is double tapped?
Thank you!
From what I see, PayPal doesn't cover the viewport with a custom image immediately – when I double tap the Home button, it remains rendered normally until I do something else – but most probably on applicationDidEnterBackground:. After switching to Home screen or another application, the PayPal preview becomes covered.
On the other hand, my mobile banking application does that immediately when applicationWillResignActive: is triggered.
These are AFAIK the only two approaches you can achieve.

Take Screen shot with Notification Drawer iPhone

Is there any way to take screen shot along with the Notification
Actually I'm working on a POC where I'm to take a screenshot, when iMessage comes and Message notification Drawer pops up, So can that Message notification Drawer be capture along with the view?
and if it's possible, Apple will allow to such application submission to the App Store.
