implement select/cut/paste in TextArea - textarea

How can I implement the tradition menu items to copy / cut / paste / selectAll
in Codenameone TextArea
I can do these things if I happen to remember the keystrokes, but I don't
see any hooks to do them programmatically.

Since on-device editing is native the cut/copy/paste work thru touch and the menu will implicitly appear. So normally you wouldn't want to do this programmatically in Codename One, e.g. right now we don't have any API to get the currently selected text either since that concept is pretty different between platforms.
There are Display.copyToClipboard & Display.getPasteDataFromClipboard but those aren't for the text field selection purpose. They are rather for the use case of moving data within/between apps.


Make bullet/num/check lists in UITextView

I am working on text editor app and using UITextView for this. Does anybody know how to make ability to do bullet/num/check lists in it? Any examples/tutorials?
Note: I need to do this as a part of text editor, so user can select some area, tap on according button and enable/disable lists formatting.
Based on my research for similar behavior (e.g. Bullet list and Numbered list in UITextView ), I would expect that there is no easy way to do it. I expect that you will have to use textView(_:shouldChangeTextIn:replacementText:) to hack currently added text to manually add bullets/numbers - e.g., if the user set that she currently wants to use unordered list, you will have to detect a new line added in shouldChangeTextIn and manually add there the bullet and indentation.
Another approach which you might consider (its applicability depends on your requirements) is to customize existing open source rich text editor. In my case I was able to get close enough to what I needed using RichEditorView, which uses HTML+CSS as an underlying technology (so to be able to do customizations, you need to know a bit about JavaScript, CSS and HTML).

How to create radio buttons and drop down menu bar in Swift (for iOS app development)?

I am beginner in iOS app development and am creating an app where I need to create radio button and drop sown menu bar using swift .
Please suggest me, how could I do that ??
Welcome to SO. In general, this site isn't really suited to "show me how to do <development task>" questions. It's intended for specific technical questions about code you are trying to get working.
I'll take pity on you since this is your first post.
Neither radio buttons nor drop-down menus are standard iOS controls. You should consider using iOS standard user interface elements instead.
The iOS equivalent of radio buttons is a segmented control (UISegementedControl)
The iOS equivalent of a drop-down menu is a UIPickerView.
If you really want radio buttons and drop-down menus you could create them yourself, but as a beginner that is likely over your head. You might want to look for open source components that do what you need. Try checking out CocoaControls. There are lots and lots of custom controls. You can likely find what you're looking for there under a reasonable source license like the MIT license.

Custom Dock in Gimp

In GIMP: is there a way how to make my own custom dock (toolbar) where a could put my most used functions?
Something like this:
Create new empty dock or toolbar
Somehow set what functions will be in it
(any of the functions, no matter it has an icon or where in menus is located)
I'd like to have it so I don't have to search in menus every time I need something. I'm aware that I can make keyboard shortcuts but they are difficult to remember since I don't use Gimp every day. I'm used to this from Corel Photopaint and I think it is really useful.
Thanks for your suggestions.
In GIMP 2.8, you can only customize the dockable dialogs - by dragging then around, and in another level, customize tool presets and make use of the tags in the presets dialog to quckly access paint-modes with set brushes, gradients and painting dynamics - so, keeping the tool-presets dialog around, and appropriately using the tags can give you quick access to these settings.
You can't, however, add additional menu entries or icons to select particular plug-ins (filters) - and access those from any of the dockable dialogs. without rebuilding GIMP, you could edit the XML files at /usr/share/gimp/2.0/menus to customize your menus.
In the master branch, the unstable "GIMP 2.9" which will eventually become GIMP 2.10, there is a "search" action implemented, initiated by pressing the / character that will probably make it for the need to quickly find-out any operations wanted.

Firemonkey and Mobile Navigation

I have an interesting observation and question, but first a comment. I have been using Delphi for 14 years and have taken a job developing an iOS mobile application using XE5. This is my first time using FMX and frankly I feel like I am stepping back in time many moons ago. In other words, if this is the future, then it feels like I have crippled. No problem though. Roll with the punches. Developing in this brave new world is not just a job. It is an adventure.
Now my question. Start a FMX mobile project using the "Header/Footer with Navigation" as your base. Then add an edit control (Edit1) to the first tab item. Then set the tab control align to none and move it to the right until you can clearly see the form itself. Then add an edit control (Edit2) to the form.
Now set the form's active control to Edit1 and run the app - no focus on Edit1. Now set the form's active control to Edit2 and run the app - focus is placed on Edit2. Interesting. Tab is a foreign word to tablets, right? Why have active control or even setfocus available? Is this an oversight by Embarcadero? Any thoughts?
Long story short I think they both have potential uses.
I use the SetFocus call to manually show the keyboard. Lets say the user navigates to a page where they're 100% sure to be putting in their username (or any text), I'll use ctrl.SetFocus to show the keyboard just to save them having to click (or is it press now?) on the edit.
I don't see ActiveControl being as useful, but it could definitely still be used. You could possibly use it to set up some sort of tabbing like structure for when the user presses Next on the keyboard (when the edit's ReturnKeyType is rkNext).

J2me Blackberry Numeric Input

I am developing a blackberry application using j2me and LWUIT (blackberry port). Everything works great except for the TextField in numeric mode. Basically when you have focus on the TextField you have to first go into "NUMERIC" mode (by pressing alt + aA) in order to input, which is not user friendly and a problem.
The proposed solution is to use a TextArea instead that allows you to open a NATIVE type input box. The problem there is that the user needs to focus the field and then press the fire button which again is unfriendly.
Does anyone know of any simple solutions?
The few solutions i have in mind (but not sure how to do them):
1) Capture any keypress on the TextArea and go into NATIVE mode, instead of just the fire key.
2) Put the blackberry input mode into numeric using code for the whole form.
Any advice will be appreciated.
Many Thanks,
I'm not sure whether this solution is one that would appeal to your needs or not, but you could add j2me onKeyPress handling that "translates" the letter keypresses into the numbers that correspond to the same key and adds the "correct" number to the textfield instead of what the user actually pressed. Do keep in mind that such a solution would require you to worry portability issues as far as not all blackberry models using the same keyboard layout (qwerty vs. reduced qwerty for example) and handling the variation in layouts sufficiently.
Okay well to answer my own question.
I overrided the keyRelease method on a TextArea. And in this method if the keypress is not an arrow key i the call editString method (this causes the native textfield to open). The only downside to this is that it will always miss the first keypress in the text box.
