how to remove the strings(\test me) from an array in powershell - powershell-2.0

I have variable like this below strings
$a="\test1 me \test2 \test3 \test4 \test5"
how to remove the \test1 me and \test4 from $a?
I want final output like below!!!!
$a="\test2 \test3 \test5"

If the test vars to remove are always constant you can use the replace switch
-replace "var2remove","replacewith"
If your vars are always in the same location and not constant text you can also parse the array as long as it is delimited somehow- do this by calling the only the objects in the array you need. If you have 4 objects in the array but only need the the first:
This will return the fest over in the delimited array. Both of these methods for string /array manipulation can be cumbersome with automation and larger scripts, usually if I have an issue with powershell arrays I try to swim upstream in the data and make changes there. Powershell is an amazing tool but it is not very agile when parsing feeds that where not originated in native .net/wmi- not compared to Py or R. Hope this helps!


wxMaxima: how to use texput to tell tex1 how to handle strings?

tex1() seems to return all strings as follow:
{\it hello}
\mbox{ hello }
What variable must one use to change this handling via texput? e.g. if I would just like it to print strings literally? I'm using other Maxima commands (like printf and concat to produce strings that are then passed to tex1, and occasionally the default handling is causing issues.
I tried texput(""", ...) and texput("''", ...); the first wasn't accepted, the 2nd was, but did not change the output. I really have no clue for the non-quoted strings.
Let's be careful to distinguish symbols from strings. When you enter tex1(hello) then hello is a symbol, and when you enter tex1("hello") then "hello" is a string. Symbols are essentially names for items in a lookup table, which can store additional info (symbol properties) for each. Strings on the other hand are just (from Maxima's point of view) just a sequence of characters.
Anyway changing the output for all symbols or all strings is unfortunately not possible via texput. But with a one-line Lisp function, one can accomplish it. Try this: for symbols,
:lisp (defun tex-stripdollar (sym) (maybe-invert-string-case (symbol-name (stripdollar sym))))
and for strings,
:lisp (defun tex-string (str) str)
These are going to change some existing outputs, so you'll want to try it and see if it works for you.

BBEdit: how to write a replacement pattern when a back reference is immediately followed by a number

I'm new to GREP in BBEdit. I need to find a string inside an XML file. Such string is enclosed in quotes. I need to replace only what's inside the quotes.
The problem is that the replacement string starts with a number thus confuses BBEdit when I put together the replacement pattern. Example:
Original string in XML looks like this:
What I need to replace it with:
01 new file name.png
My grep search and replace patterns:
Using the replacement pattern above, BBEdit wrongly thinks that the first backreference is "\101" when what I really need it understand is that I mean "\01".
TIA for any help.
Your example is highly artificial because in fact there is no need for your \1 or \3 as you know their value: it is " and you can just type that directly to get the desired result.
"01 new file name.png"
However, just for the sake of completeness, the answer to your actual question (how to write a replacement group number followed by a number) is that you write this:
\0101 new file name.png\3
The reason that works is that there can only be 99 capture groups, so \0101 is parsed as \01 (the first capture group) followed by literal 01.

SPSS save decimal number to ASCII

I am trying to save a numeric-with-decimal-places(f8.6) variable from an SPSS file into a fixed ASCII file. The goal is to write it into certain columns of the ASCII (21 to 30).
WRITE OUTFILE='C:\misc\ascii.dat'
variable 21-30.
writes to the correct positions, but not with decimals.
variable 21-30 (f)
does the same thing.
variable (f8.6)
saves with decimals, but on positions 1 to 10.
variable 21-30 (f8.6)
results in an error, because apparently you cannot specify both columns and format.
I know two workarounds, but both involve additional data editing, which I'd rather not do:
Convert variable to string and save it as string - but I am not sure about the implications (encoding, decimal places, or whatever other thing I am not even considering)
add an empty string variable with length of 20 before my variable.
But is there a straightforward way of doing this, without workarounds ?
You can add the 20 spaces in the command itself, like this:
WRITE OUTFILE='C:\misc\ascii.dat'
TABLE / ' ' YourNumVar (f8.6) .

How to write an array into a text file in maxima?

I am relatively new to maxima. I want to know how to write an array into a text file using maxima.
I know it's late in the game for the original post, but I'll leave this here in case someone finds it in a search.
Let A be a Lisp array, Maxima array, matrix, list, or nested list. Then:
write_data (A, "");
Let S be an ouput stream (created by openw or opena). Then:
write_data (A, S);
Entering ?? numericalio at the input prompt, or ?? write_ or ?? read_, will show some info about this function and related ones.
I've never used maxima (or even heard of it), but a little Google searching out of curiousity turned up this:
From what I can gather, you should be able to do something like this:
It says the second parameter to the stringout function can be one or more of these:
input: all user entries since the beginning of the session.
values: all user variable and array assignments.
functions: all user-defined functions (including functions defined within any loaded packages).
all: all of the above. Such a list is normally useful only for editing and extraction of useful sections.
So by passing values it should save your array assignments to file.
A bit more necroposting, as google leads here, but I haven't found it useful enough. I've needed to export it as following:
So I've found how to do this with printf:
with_stdout(filename, for i:1 thru length(z_points) do
printf (true,"~,4f,~,4f,~,4f,~,3f~%",bot_points[i],bot_points[i],top_points[i],top_points[i]));
A bit cleaner variation on the #ProdoElmit's answer:
list : [1,2,3,4,5]$
with_stdout("file.txt", apply(print, list))$
/* 1 2 3 4 5 is then what appears in file.txt */
Here the trick with apply is needed as you probably don't want to have square brackets in your output, as is produced by print(list).
For a matrix to be printed out, I would have done the following:
m : matrix([1,2],[3,4])$
with_stdout("file.txt", for row in args(m) do apply(print, row))$
/* 1 2
3 4
is what you then have in file.txt */
Note that in my solution the values are separated with spaces and the format of your values is fixed to that provided by print. Another caveat is that there is a limit on the number of function parameters: for example, for me (GCL 2.6.12) my method does not work if length(list) > 64.

Parsing a text file with different delimiters which contains nnumeric values

I have a text file which read:
how can i parse so that i need only the values config,001(to be converted into integer after extracting using strtok or any ohter methods please suggest), and 25(to be converted into integer) seperately. i tries strtok its not working as the way i need. Please help me.
Use LINQ 2 SQL to import the file on the delimiters and then use something like AutoMapper to do the mapping of fields to say specific objects with specific types.
I did this exact thing in another project and it works great.
Based on the mention of strtok I'm guessing that you're using C or C++. If you're using C++, I'd probably handle this by creating a ctype facet that treats < and > as white space, which will make the parsing trivial (infile >> string >> number1 >> number2;).
If you're using C, you can use the scan-set conversion with scanf, something like: sscanf(line, "%[^<] %d> %d", string, &number1, &number2);
