App is rejected by apple - ios

My application is been reject by apple . They have message me that
During review, your app crashed on iPad running iOS 9.2.1 and iPhone running iOS 9.2.1 when we:
-Launch app
-Logged in
This occurred when your app was used:
- Offline
- On Wi-Fi
- On cellular network
But it is working fine on simulator and ios devices .
It dont know whats wrong with it .
Here are the crash reports
I dont know where are these crashes and how to resolve them ?

If you have read Apple instructions, they said its crashed on offline test. That means while there is no internet connection there is not available.
Simply follow these steps:
Check Internet Reachability at every place in the app where its used
After adding it test App on the device in which Apple testers found crash to make sure its working now.
Add appropriate alert messages for no internet connection
Thing is Simulator may not give you crash all time. Its best to test on real device before submit App for review
Hope it will help for you.


ios - failing app store ipv6 but can't re-produce

I have an app that is developed in React Native and uses an API to handle all of the data. The app has already been approved with no problems and no crashing.
I have (after WWDC) recently done some updates to the app and tested everything locally as well on a real device. The app works fine with no crashing at all.
Apple have come back with the following response:
"Performance - 2.1 Your app crashed on iPad and iPhone running iOS
10.2 connected to an IPv6 network when we: 1. Launched app 2. Tapped"
The issue is that I cannot replicate the issue happening on my local machine (we use ipv4 at our offices) and the server is not IPv6.
I did some research and as of WWDC (2015), apps cannot be released into the store unless their APIS are on IPv6 server. However, I'm struggling to understand why this would cause the app to crash as it does work fine on my machine and on my device.
Is there a way that I can replicate the issue that apple are having? And could the issue that Apple are having be because of the IPv6 issue?
Had the same problem. Then figured out that my app did not handle the scenario when the push notification permissions were rejected by the user. So it is best to check if you are prompting users for any permission (when app initially start) and see if the app behaves as expected when these permission are Rejected. (My guess is that testers at apple usually declines these permission when they are testing)

Application crash at launch while downloading from test flight

After submitting the application for review I got a rejection saying that application crash on launch, I tested the same build through test flight and its crashing at launch but the same application works when running through Xcode in all devices irrespective of OS versions.
How can I debug the issue with the Testflight build? Anything missing while creating an archive for upload?
iTunes Rejection Details
Performance - 2.1
We were unable to review your app as it crashed on launch. We have attached detailed crash logs to help troubleshoot this issue.
Next Steps
Please revise your app and test it on a device while connected to an IPv6 network (all apps must support IPv6) to ensure it will launch without crashing.
For additional information about supporting IPv6 Networks, please refer to Supporting IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks and Supporting IPv6-only Networks.
For a networking overview, please see About Networking.
I also got this issue of iPv6 from iTunes, because of nil value of device token when don't allow push notification alert ,so check some thing going nil on your side.

iOS app rejected because app crash on iOS 10.2 on ipv6

I have uploaded my app to Apple store. I am using iOS 10.2. After upload, I got a rejection message:
Your app crashes on iPad and iPhone running iOS 10.2 connected to an IPv6 network when we:
Specifically, we found that the app crashes after sending messages on Wi-Fi
How can I solve this?
If you app contains webservices and you have implemented NSURConnection then please convert all NSURLConnection to NSURLSession . .
My App got rejected for the same reason, but it was not the issue. The reason my app got rejected because it got crashed on login button click.
It was working when i compile and run with xcode (ie xcode 8.2.1) but apple said it was crashing.
So i tried running it in release mode because we usually run our app in debug mode when we run on xcode.
And my App crashed when i ran it on release mode and i found the bug, it happened when the compiler tried to optimise a decryption function.
I think there is some issue with the new llvm 8.0 compiler.
Now my App got even approved by AppStore.
The answer is fairly simple, you're going to have to try and reproduce the crash and fix it.
Apple won't let apps into the App Store of which it finds crashes for. I'd recommend finding a friend/family member who has an IPv6 enabled network (if you can't enable it yourself) and attempting to use your app in various conditions under that network.
The App Review network, like the networks deployed by service providers, does support IPv6-to-IPv6 connectivity. Thus, if your server supports IPv6, your app will talk to it directly, without going through the NAT64 translator.
Please check your link is support ipv6 or not use this LINK
and read more
Just add a CDN (Example: Cloudflare) to your domain, change nameservers accordingly and make sure IPv6 compatibility feature is turned ON. This worked for me

whats wrong in iPad running iOS 9.2.1 and an iPhone running iOS 9.2.1 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.?

My app rejected due to this problem .
we discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on an iPad running iOS 9.2.1 and an iPhone running iOS 9.2.1 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
Unable to login through Facebook, an error occurs
Please run your app on a device to identify the issue(s), then revise
and resubmit your app for review.
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to
this message in the Resolution Center to provide information on how
these features were intended to work.
This is My info.plist
I am using fb login because of this any problem , i need some one help now give me a best solution.

Facebook application Review failed - "Your app downloads successfully, but crashes upon opening"

I submitted my iPhone application for Facebook login Review submission. Facebook responded by saying
Your app downloads successfully, but crashes upon opening. Please resolve any technical issues that prevent us from testing your app.
I sent them simulator build after testing.
I used simlaunch to test simulator build by my side.
I can see the app runs on my iPad simulator. What could be the reasons that crashed the reviewer's simulator?
Facebook using ios-sim to test your applocation.
Try with ios-sim. If your app works with ios-sim then you are able to submit simulator build for review your app.
The iOS Simulator is a tool for testing applications. It is NOT a substitute for testing your application on real hardware. Your application has been rejected because it crashes when run on an actual iPad — you need to reproduce this issue (again: on real hardware, not the simulator) and correct it.
