Astana Studio Context Assist with jQueryMobile - jquery-mobile

Running Aptana Studio 3 "AP3" with in my project subfolder. I typed a opening div tag then Tab, then AS3 put the closing tag, then I moved the cursor to the opening tag after "v" and hit space and the context menu showed up. Is it expected to see a list of jQuery tag properties along with HTML Core properties already show in the context assist output shown in this image? If yes. How can I get it? Thanks


CKEditor 4, open links new windows from pasted links

I have just "installed" CKEditor 4 but are having problems with links not opening in a new window. I have found results on google were you can edit the links-window-dialog within the editor, but my problem is, when text is pasted from another source, which can contain links, they dont get the attribute target="_blank" per default.
Any ideas how to solve that?

ASP.NET MVC with Bootstrap 3 Not Rendering correctly

I'm using Visual Studio 2013 RC to create a new ASP.NET MVC project. Running the sample generated by the template works as expected. When I update bootsrap to the latest version (3) and rerun the application, my navigation bar is not rendering correctly. It's basically collapsed with just the "Application Name" link and icon in the upper left corner. If I click on it, then the menu appears, but only vertically. Something clearly wrong. Anyone else seeing this behavior?
The structure of many items - including the navbar - has changed from Bootstrap 2 to 3. If you just start applying the v3 CSS to the v2 code, things are bound to go heywire.
I would start with checking out the Bootstrap 3 docs for the navbar ( and update your HTML accordingly. Then see if you are still having an issue.
Thanks everyone for the feedback/discussion. This was indeed helpful. For the benefit of the discussion, I found this post to be spot on in getting my MVC project updated to Bootstrap 3. This is only temporary though. Once VS RTM's, this shouldn't be an issue.

Issue running MVC project while editing a View

To put it simple, whenever i run (debug) my MVC project while focusing a View (in the editor window) on Visual Studio 2012, the web page shown on the browser is the View itself rather than the actual landing page.
For example:
If my usual landing page is the following:
Then if i'm focusing the 'Add' View and I Run my project, it sends me here:
Any idea how to 'fix' this?
Thanks in advance
Your web debug configurations are set to run the "Current Page".
Here are the steps on how to solve it:
Go to the project's Properties (Right-Click on the project -> Click on Properties).
Go to the Web tab.
Select the Start URL radio button and leave the address text-box blank.
In the Project URL type: http://localhost:[portNumber]/
Good luck

Cannot type into an editor in a xul panel

the Cannot type into an editor in a xul panel is a known bug in firefox.
I simply want to reuse my code from my google chrome extension by hosting a webapp online and including it in the extension both google chrome and firefox by using a popup window.
This is how I include the webapp
<popupset id="mainPopupSet">
<menupopup id="smsflatrate-popup">
<iframe height="500px" src=""
flex="1" type="content-primary"/>
The problem is, it is possible to focus input elements but the input fields do not react on key-events, so no input can be provided.
It seems that there is some kind of solution for this problem, but I think I do not really understand what to do here.
E.g. from the link above, what would be a solution according to this post?
There are many ways to display HTML in a XUL UI:
1) including HTML inline in the XUL document. This should work fine everywhere,
including in panels.
2) include an HTML IFRAME in the XUL document. This currently works fine
everywhere, except that IF the iframe is in a panel, there are some problems
with focus. This bug is about that one issue.
3) instead of a panel, you can create a XUL window using that
contains HTML inline or in an IFRAME, and everything should work.
Having said that, if I open this bug's testcase in a Firefox trunk build, I
*can* tab into the textbox and type into it, so it looks like focus is
basically working now? The problem is that I can't focus the textbox by
clicking on it. In fact, if you click on the arrow to do a search, you navigate
to a new page where there is a textbox that you *can* click to focus.
So I think we have here just some simple bug that's preventing click-to-focus
from working, sometimes. Enn, can you look into that?
It seems to me that given the list of suggestions your best choice is to open a new window to represent your popup. You can make it look like a popup by setting its position, turning off OS crhome, etc.

ASP.NET MVC ContentPlaceHolders out of order?

I added a new ContentPlaceHolder (HeadContent) right below the Title so that I can add page-specific css and js files. But when I create a new View using the master page, it puts the default text of the page layout to have the HeadContent open/close tags at the end of the page. Unfortunately, I visually just see it as the first, second and third tags and start typing in my page's html into the last tag. But this isn't the BodyContent place holder because it is the second one. I have to go back and copy/paste them into the correct place. Ugh. Just for kicks, I scrambled all the tags around in the master page just to see what would happen in the view. Sure enough, VS.NET ignores their order in the master page and reorders them the same way everytime.
Why isn't VS just ordering the place holder tags in the same order as in my master page? Actually, how do I make it stop and just do it in the order I have in my master page?
What visual studio is doing (I assume) is loading the MVC View Content Template. I assume the reason all the contents are out of order from your master page is that Visual Studio Extensiblity loads the template then adds any ContentPlaceHolders that are not in the template after the template data.
You can see what the templates look like by going to your Visual Studio file in your Program files then goto Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Web\MVC2.
There is also a folder for VB. In any case you can open the zip files located in that directory and drill down till you get to the .aspx page and you'll see what VS is inserting into your project when you do a Add New/View.
