Once in a while (typically a few days), GitHub Desktop asks me for my credentials when I try to sync some repositories:
Is any way to save credentials for longer periods than a few days?
I use GitHub Desktop with Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate.
I am using Visual Studio 2019 with BitBucket Extensions installed.
For some reason I can no longer log into BitBucket from Visual Studio.
It's giving me an "Invalid Credentials" error.
I am using the same username (email address) and password that I use to log into the BitBucket website.
I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the BitBucket extension.
I tried changing my password.
For some reason I can no longer log into BitBucket to push/pull from my remote branch.
This has been working fine for 6 months. I am not sure what has changed.
Given that your login has been working fine for 6 months, I would say that creating a new App password on BitBucket will fix the Invalid Credentials, it probably expired.
Other approach would be to put your username without the domain, for example
arson#enterprises.org would be just arson.
The MS TFS is free for 5 users.
I want to know if we install it on our private server, it still has the number of users limitation?
TFS Express is free for 5 users on premises, whereas Visual Studio Online is free for 5 users in a Microsoft cloud hosted environment.
Our shop uses Visual Studio Team Services, previously Visual Studio Online, for SVN and Builds.
We are trying to find a way to download the drop package (build zip) via the command line. For this purpose, we stumbled upon TFS Drop Downloader which appears to be made for this very reason. Unfortunately, the last revision was made in 2013 and does not appear to work with Visual Studio Team Services anymore. When we supply the parameters (collection, username, password, etc.) it asks again for credentials via a Windows dialog and all attempts seem to fail.
Is there another way to download the builds from Visual Studio Team Services via the command line?
Sample command line:
C:\> tfsdropdownloader /c:https://project.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection /t:"Project Name" /b:"Build Definition" /u:username /p:password
Even though we supply username and password, the tool asks for credentials again via a Windows dialog and fails even when supplied.
I have recently installed Installshield LE on my local PC for vs2010, built a package and now wanting it to be built on our build server. I have also installed it on our build server.
I am getting the error:
error : -7159: The product license has expired or has not yet been initialized.
I have logged onto the build server, started vs and entered in my licence code. However, this has has not resolved the error.
I have read about the stand alone version but that appears to be only available for premium edition. Anyone have any ideas?
if you are using the 2012 Spring edition of Installshield LE run the license activator on the build server at :
C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2012SpringLE\System\TSConfig.exe
The location may be different for other versions of Installshield LE.
You should be able to use the same activation code they sent you when you signed up for the Installshield LE, according to the license it allows for installation on more than one machine for automated build purposes.
InstallShield has online activation. You'll need to request multiple license keys and activate them on different machines.
Ran into this issue on our TeamCity build server. Initially I was able to run TSConfig.exe as the build server user and that worked. After a disaster recovery exercise, however, TeamCity reported the license was expired again, but running TSConfig.exe didn't do the trick.
I ended up launching VS 2015 as the build server user and opened a new InstallShield project. Instead of informing me the license was expired it said the license was corrupted and needed to be repaired. It performed the repair and I'm back on track.
I didn't know it was an option until after, but TSConfig /repair likely would have done the trick without opening Visual Studio.
I have developed and installed a custom checkin policy dll in windows 2008 server TFS 2010.
I am trying to distribute this dll to developer machines
I followed the instructions as per http://www.codewrecks.com/blog/index.php/2010/12/04/distributing-visual-studio-addin-for-the-team/
On click of the Personal Settings-> "Download Now " button, the custom checkin policy is not downloaded to the local machine
No trace of any activity
Is there any configurations I need to change in power tools to download the latest custom checkin policies?