How to hide only Next and Previous button in AVPlayer? - ios

Is there any way to hide only Next and Previous buttons in AVPlayer while playing a video

You can only either hide them all or show them all via the AVPlayerViewController showsPlaybackControls property, so what I would recommend doing is using an open source or third party library or framework that controls AVPlayer for you.
Such as what's suggested by this related question, which ultimately points to this GitHub project. You can then remove or hide the controls you don't want to be visible.
Alternatively, you could create your own controls that call into, and control, AVPlayer.

=> you can get notification when ply or pause and stop
when you got notification of play at that time you can hide both next and preivios button


Controls for AVPlayer

I am using AVPlayer to display video in my iOS app. Now I need some nice looking controls for previous, next and the play/pause button. By default AVPlayer doesn't come with any.
I am wondering, are there any open source components out there that I can directly use for such controls? I actually just want the same controls that MPMoviePlayerController uses. But I guess that is not possible, unless I counterfeit them completely.
I could create them myself but I don't want to re-invent the wheel.
Here is a really nice one. BeamApp

Embedding youtube video with only play,pause and refresh buttons

I want to embed youtube video in my website. My requirement is that the player should have only three options: play, pause and refresh. I want to disable the progressbar slider so that viewer can not move forward or backward.
I used the parameter "controls=0", but it removes the progressbar completely. I just want to disable the dragging functionality.
Anybody knows how to do this?
setting autohide=2 should do it.

Play M4V in background IOS

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to play an m4v file in the background with buttons that overlay ontop of the video? The video is basically an animation (no sound) but I need to be able to add additional navigation on top of the animation to bring in other calls in the app.
Is that possible to do? If so what is the call that would be required? I've tried hunting around but can't find an answer yet
You can use MPMoviePlayerController, set control style to none, and put your own buttons on top of it.

How do I remove pause from controlbar of youtube videos?

I have a page with an embedded youtube video. I want to keep part of the control bar - the part that shows progress and that the user can drag back and forth. But I don't want to keep the pause/play feature of the control bar. Is there a way to do that?
If you a Youtube Javascript API if you can play and stopping and video from code at the events that you want! See the docs...

iOS MPMoviePlayer how to remove all buttons & play video dynamically

How can I remove all buttons(play,pause,fullscreen...) in a player view - like in all interactive magazines. so I could play video in page swipe or after some action?
You should be able to remove the controls by setting the controlStyle property of MPMoviePlayerController to MPMovieControlStyleNone. Rest of it, although unclear, look possible using gestures attached to the view property.
