NSURLSessionDownloadTask resume and Pause from other View ios - ios

I have small problem with NSURLSessionDownloadTask, i.e., in my app user can download movies(nearly 1 Gb), if the user click Pause button and get back to the previous viewController then again he wants to resume the download the downloaded percentage goes to 0. Can anyone please tell how to declare that in AppDelegate.m, or else tell how to resume that video from any viewController and After re-launch that app...
thanks in Advance...

Welcome to SO. In general if you have a specific problem you should provide enough code from your project so your readers understand what you are doing now.
In your case we need information on how your view controllers are linked.
What I would suggest for you is to create a separate download manager singleton class. Set it up with a delegate. Define a delegate protocol that lets you get progress updates on the download percentage. Also implement a pause method.
Both your view controllers would reference the singleton.
If you need to manage multiple downloads from different client objects at the same time then your design becomes more complicated. In that case you might want to look at third party libraries like AFNetworking. They handle a lot of this sort of thing for you.


Is it possible to detect all calls of viewDidAppear in one spot?

I want to trigger some analytics code every time a user in my iOS app moves to a new screen.
Is there a way to detect every call to viewDidAppear, or do I need to implement this in every ViewController ?
Yes, lots of the analytics suppliers frameworks offer this feature. Generally they're implemented with swizzling, so they replace the UIViewController implementation to capture the analytics and then call the stock implementation. As all your view controllers should call super then their code will be run.
It's also possible that you could create a superclass for all your view controllers but this is harder to fit into most apps.
I did something similar to one of my apps with google analytics. At that time I had to subclass my controllers from GAITrackedViewController. That pretty much did it. I added the self.screenName = #"some screen name"; on viewDidAppear method just to know where the user was on my GA Dashboard.
It was explained on the GA docs, so it won't be hard to find.

IOS initial view controller based on condition retrieved from database

An iOS app I'm creating shows a setup screen upon first launch which requires data to be written to the database.
Upon launch, I need to access this value form the database.
If it is set, launch main view controller
Else show setup view controller.
As far as I'm aware theres two ways I can do this, programmatically setting it from the AppDelegate or using an initial View Controller as a splash screen and performing the look up and segue there.
What would be the best way to approach this? Is it wrong to do a database lookup in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions?
Using a splash screen is probably the better option as it provides better scope for modification in the future and allows you to update the user on progress. It is fine for the app delegate to run logic to determine how the app starts but you should endeavour to keep the app delegate minimal and focussed.
I very much doubt that you would get this approved (if your goal is the App Store). Your app delegate needs to create a window, and set a rootViewController to that window before it returns YES in appFinishLaunching:
You simply do not have enough time to check with a server before creating the first viewController and you'll be creating poor interface if you try. I suggest the first ViewController will need to be informing the user that it is checking with the server with an activityIndicator or something. The best :)

Objective-c iOs Autosaving information when exiting a view

I am programming an ios app and would like to save information on exit of the view. I know how to go about saving the actual information but I'm not sure where I should put the code.
In android, there are methods like onPause() where I can run the save code to capture whenever someone leaves an activity. Is there something in obj-c like that?
You can add your logic for saving the state of the view in viewWillDisappear
I guess you have not gone through the View Life Cycle, here s one nice image which has captured the view life cycle events.
Reference : http://rdkw.wordpress.com/2013/02/24/ios-uiviewcontroller-lifecycle/

Load multiple images from Parse instantaneously

I want to load between 30-40 low res photos from Parse.com instantaneously. Right now I'm using PFImageView to load them but it takes too long to show the next one when I swipe.
What is the best way to load them faster? The objective is to be able to see the next photo without any loading time.
a. You can download the photos right after your app launched and put them into a singleton object. With a singleton you will be able to download them once, and access them from every view controller, so you don't have to download them everytime when a view appears.
These links will help in you in the singleton topic:
b. You can use one of the Parse cache policies, check them here.

Macro Recording in iOS

Is it possible to record set of touch events on iPhone and then playback?
I have searched alot but could not find any answer. if its possible, can anyone explain with an example.
I m not looking for testing purpose. Within my application, instead of creating animation, i just want to record set of events and then want to playback to explain the app flow to the users.
Recording is pretty simple. Look at the various "Responding to Touch Events" and "Responding to Motion Events" methods on UIResponder. Just create your own UIView subclass (since UIView inherits from UIResponder) and keep a copy of the events passed into the relevant methods.
Playback is a bit more complicated; there's no way to make UITouch or UIEvent objects (so you can't make a fake event and pass it on to -[UIApplication sendEvent:]). But, there's nothing stopping you from manually parsing an array of Event objects and handling it on your own (aside from it being some kind of ugly code).
There's no built-in macro capability, but you could certainly build that ability into your application. You'll need to do more than just play back events, though. Touches aren't normally visible, but if you're trying to explain how to use your app to the user you'll probably want to have some sort of visual representation for the touches that trigger different responses similar to the way the iOS Simulator uses white dots to represent multiple touches when you hold down the option key.
Assuming that you can solve that problem, two strategies for easily recording user actions come to mind:
Use the Undo Manager: NSUndoManager is already set up to "record" undoable events. If you invest some time into making everything in your app undoable, you could (maybe) perform a set of actions, undo them all to move them to the redo stack, and then save the events in the redo stack as your script.
Use Accessibility: The Accessibility framework sends notifications whenever user interface elements are touched. Your app could use those notifications to create a playback script. You'll still need to write the code to play back the events in the script, though.
You could mirror your application with AirServer and use any screen capture software to make the video.
