iAd interstitial not working after first time - ios

I programmed an app such that when you press a button, it will call the iAd requestInterstitialAdPresentation() function.
The first time I do this, it works normally. However, after I close the Ad view, and I press the button again, another ad will not appear. I even turned on the unlimited Ad presentation option in the developer settings in the iPhone.
Why does another ad not appear? Is there a time you need to wait to present the next ad?

A new ad only is requested after the first ad unloads. You'll have to wait some time before a new ad is loaded into your system after the first ad unloads.


Show ad after certain amount of interactions

I own a simple soundboard app, which basically plays a song when a button is pushed.
I wanted to know, if it was possible to show an ad after a certain amount of user interactions.
e.g when 20 sounds have been played, a fullscreen ad would pop-up.
I've integrated RevMob in to my app, if that makes any differences :)
As far as I know, with any ad provider (including RevMob), you have pretty decent control on when an ad should appear.
For RevMob, I see you can call "[[RevMobAds session] showFullscreen];" when you want to show a full screen ad (or RevMobAds.session().showFullscreen(); if you're using Swift -- you didn't specify).
So just add a counter property in your view controller and increment the number of user interactions you want to keep track of and then show the full screen ad when you're ready.

How do I put Admob interstitials on a timer for ios?

I am trying to implement Admob interstitials into my Xcode project and I want to set it so an ad pops up every 70 seconds or so while a user is using the app. If anyone could explain how to do this, or respond with a link to a guide it would be much appreciated.
Load the ad when starting the app/activity/scene. Keep a timer of 70 seconds after which show the ad.
The ad will be displayed. If user presses it or cancels it, in both cases you will have to create new adRequest for the ad to be shown after 140 seconds. Maybe you can have a loop. But i am not sure this is the recommended way to use interstitials. I think they should be shown once during one screen. Show it at a stage when the user will definitely read the ad.

Calling interstitial iAd works only one time

I have spritekit game, Ad is preloaded on each start of game with [UIViewController prepareInterstitialAds]; And after gameover it should display ad with [self.view.window.rootViewController requestInterstitialAdPresentation]; and it's works okay, but only first time. The ad's shows only one time. After failing another game, ad do not show though preload. Any suggestions?
Do you have it set up to where it runs
[self.view.window.rootViewController requestInterstitialAdPresentation];
each time the game ends?
See the answer by gj15987 here...
requestInterstitialAdPresentation Works only one Time
He says there's a two minute block out period. I tried it and found it took 3min 20sec to allow another ad for me. I have fill rate set to 100% in the Developer section of Settings.
From the doc :
"The second major difference between a banner view and an full-screen advertisement is that the full-screen advertisement does not cycle through new content. An full-screen ad object loads a single advertisement; once that content expires, your app must release the ad object. Each time your app needs to show a new advertisement, it must explicitly create a new ad object."
straight from the horse's mouth :
iAd Programming Guide : Full-Screen Advertisements

Setting up full page ads

I am using Admob Mediation service with an Interstitial ad type for a full page ad.
Documentation here: https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/admob/advanced#ios
I am trying to replicate the full page ad setup in Words with Friends and other game apps. Where the full screen ad is shown then a delayed close button is shown. Can this be completed with the above setup?
In an ideal world I would like to delay the close button being shown and also randomly place the close button in one of the four corners.
Yes, the setup displayed in the GADInterstitial documentation should create and display an interstitial ad such as you describe. You shouldn't have to do anything special to make the close box show up after a delay -- that's something that the ad will implement if it's what the advertiser wants. Just follow the directions in the docs -- wait for the ad to finish loading, and then call:
[interstitial_ presentFromRootViewController:self];
(Substitute your own variable name if you use something other than interstitial_, of course).
In an ideal world I would like to delay the close button being shown and also randomly place the close button in one of the four corners.
You shouldn't try to control the placement or display of ad controls like the close button. Again, the ad itself will manage that. I'm sure your goal is to increase your app's click-through rate, or more generally to maximize your advertising income. But there's a reason beyond ease of use that ad networks make their SDK's very simple to integrate: they don't want you to mess with the way ads are displayed. At all. Not even a little bit.
You can add a timer that creates and adds a button to your view after x-time

When are these iAd delegate methods called?

Ok I am am using the delegate method
(void)bannerViewActionDidFinish:(ADBannerView *)banner
Being only test ads I cant test when it is called. I know it is called when the ad is closed with the X as i can click that in the test ad and it calls the delegate method. My question is, is it also called when the user interacts with the ad i.e clicks to download the advertised app or only when closed?
Also im trying understand the revenue from iAds.
if an ad is displayed in the bannerView on my app does that generate any revenue?
if an ad banner is clicked to load an ad does that generate any revenue?
if an ad banner is clicked to load an ad into full screen does count towards the CTR?
if an ad is loaded an interacted with does that generate any revenue and does that count towards the CTR?
Ok I found the info i needed here is what i got:
Being only test ads I cant test when it is called. I know it is called when the ad is closed with the X as i can click that in the test ad and it calls the delegate method. My question is, is it also called when the user interacts with the ad i.e clicks to download the advertised app or only when closed?
The Delegate is called after the application is covered with an iAd and then returned to the application
Also im trying understand the revenue from iAds.
if an ad is displayed in the bannerView on my app does that generate any revenue?
If you show a developer iAd i.e a link to the AppStore to download an App, then you only get revenue when the iAd is clicked in the banner. If you show an iAd from a branded company i.e BMW you get revenue for having the iAd banner and more for it being clicked
if an ad banner is clicked to load an ad does that generate any revenue?
if an ad banner is clicked to load an ad into full screen does count towards the CTR?
if an ad is loaded an interacted with does that generate any revenue and does that count towards the CTR?
