dashDB service not repsonding? - memory

Last night, I was receiving memory issues for some of my queries (inner joins on multiple tables) against my dashDB service on Bluemix. Today, I cannot even access the dashDB service.
When I access my project instance on Bluemix, using my web browser, and choose my dashDB service, I am presented with a grey page and a white spinning wheel. I never get past that.
Is there an issue with dashDB in general? Could it be just my instance of it? Any way to fix it?
Thanks in advance!

It doesn't appear to be any general problem as shown at https://developer.ibm.com/bluemix/support/#status
I advice to open a ticket to Bluemix Support.
You can do that using one of the following methods:
Use the Support Widget. It is available from the user avatar in the
upper right corner of the main Bluemix UI. After opening the support
widget panel, select Get Help > Get In Touch, select the type of
assistance you need, and then fill out the support form.
Use the Support Site 'Get Help' form. This form is available on a
separate site that is made available for ticket submission when you
cannot log into Bluemix and access the Support Widget. Go to
http://ibm.biz/bluemixsupport and fill in the support request form.


How can I ensure a persistent connection to a specific GCP Cloud Run instance?

I've built an app (with flask, flask-login and dash) on GCP Cloud Run. The app allows users to login, look at some fancy dashboards and leave comments on certain pages. It works great performance-wise: instances spin up quickly for users with minimal lag, the BigQuery interface I built works great and pub/sub messages sent from user interactions do exactly what they're supposed to do.
The only issue I'm having right now is that there's something weird about which instance of a container a user connects to. What will often happen is a user will login to my app via their browser successfully, and then when navigating to another password-protected page will receive a 401 error (seemingly randomly).
My belief is that this behavior is happening because the navigation request (clicking a link to another password protected page) from the user to another password protected page spins up another Cloud Run instance. Is there any way to force Cloud Run to maintain a specific instance of my container for a given request? So that if a user logs in and then navigates GCP doesn't take the next request and decide to autoscale?
I've experimented with setting the maximum number of requests for the app's frontend container to 1 but it doesn't seem to improve this behavior which happens sporadically throughout a given user's session.
To clarify, the frontend part of the app is still usable, but it is an annoying user experience to constantly have to login again.
Any help or guidance is appreciated!
The answer was as simple as turning on session affinity per #DazWilkin 's comment.
What I did:
Went to the Cloud Run dashboard on GCP and selected the service of interest
Clicked "Edit and Deploy New Revision"
Went to the "Connections"
Checked the box next to the "Session affinity" preview feature
Clicked deploy
This ended up completely solving the problem!

Google YOLO stop working : The client origin is not permitted to use this API

I assume it has something to do with this:
For me Google one Tap stopped working on all my sites that previously worked. I added API HTTP refer to restriction in console.developer.com, but I still get a warning message "The client origin is not permitted to use this API." any thoughts? If you go to the page https://www.wego.com/ you can see that Google one tap still works...
but Google YOLO stop working for everyone. I use it like many people for login and it just stop work.
My domain are obviously added on console.developers.google.com
Any ETA for fix this? Some information would be great for people who rely on it.
Google YOLO is not disabled. It is open to a small list of Google Partners.
The reason you were able to access it earlier was because it was open for a short period of time but the whitelist is now readded/enabled.
Google YOLO was put on whitelist after a client-side exploit became clear to google.
People could cover the login button of the prompt with something like a cookie consent (which we all know people automatically accept).
Therefor people could easily steal their gmail or other details due to this google decided to put it on whitelist and review the sites that are using this technology in order to ensure that they are using it as they should.
Google retroactively labeled One-Tap as a "closed beta".
The beta test program for this API is currently closed. We are improving the API's cross-browser functionality and will provide updates here in the coming months.
The link for the entire project is currently 404, but the beta statement is visible on the wayback machine.

Zero downtime/blue-green deployment of Single Page Application (SPA)

Yesterday together with the team we were discussing the possibility of using zero downtime deployments to support our single page application.
While discussing it we identified one edge case for it.
After user loads the page in his browser it cannot be removed from memory until he reloads the page. It means that if user loads the page and starts working with the website (for example starts typing a long article like I am doing now) then he cannot receive an updated version of it until he reloads the page.
We could ignore the fact that user sees old application version in his browser but there 2 points listed below.
In case we introduce a breaking change to HTTP Api that is used to serve spa then the user will not be able to save his article (data loss!) or can receive some other error when performing other backend related action.
When user navigates to a new page without reloading SPA he can receive a template of the next page or of some control that is incompatible with outer old container. It can kead to broken markup or application logic.
We cannot force user to relogin as he can be in the middle of typing his article and it is just a bad UX.
Taking all theses points into account one could propose the following solution:
User 1 loads v1 of the SPA into his browser.
Alongside with auth token the version information is sent to browser (using JWT for example).
We want to deploy v2 version of our application. We spin up the v2 version but do not disable v1.
User 2 loads v2 of SPA into his browser
User 1 goes to the next page in SPA. Load balancer checks the version information in his token and routes the traffic of the user 1 to v1 server.
User 2 gets routed in the same way to v2.
User 1 logs out the app and closes the browser.
User 1 logs in back - this time he receives v2.
After v1 application does not receive any traffic for a long time it gets disposed.
In this approach however it is possible to have multiple versions alive, more than 2 (for example if user stays online for whe whole day or two). It means that we will not be able to migrate the database to the new schema until the last user gets logged out (image how it could work for sites like Facebook). It is not a problem to have multiple versions however, such tools as Docker and Rancher allow us to do it easily.
Also in the step 7. User needs to reload the page or close the browser-otherwise he still will be working with v1 and we cannot force him to the next version.
The question I have is what approach do you use to do zero downtime/blue-green deployment of single page applications?
How do you manage the lifetime of "blue" version of your application when you are switching traffic to "green" version, especially in respect to existing "blue" client applications.
Did you solve these issues, do you know any other solution?
I've been struggling with this problem for quite some time and tried several approaches and one specifically worked really well:
Use hashed names when bundling the SPA (including images, et al)
Use a static asset bucket (e.g.: AWS S3) and upload all assets to it before the deployment process kicks in
Enforce internal guidelines to minimize API contracts to be broken (i.e: fields from an endpoint should only be removed after X releases)
Deploy with usual blue/green strategy
Using a bucket with hashed bundles ensures that if a customer gets the old version of the SPA, all of its assets will be available before/during/after any deployment process.
Enforcing internal guidelines to not break API compatibility is sometimes tricky but it comes from the very same principles applied to any public API. Embracing/adapting an API deprecation policy from big players helps when communicating with the team with a concrete example.
One approach you might consider is gradual reloading of the SPA in such a moment, when it is not burdensome (or even unnoticeable) for end user.
Suggested approach:
Colored versions of the system (components providing back-end services, API and front-end) "know" (runtimes are provided with) their "color". Component providing users with front-end application embeds this color information into the SPA. This is then sent (via cookie or custom HTTP header) with every request SPA is making to the backend.
Component that routes API calls (API gateway, load balancer, nginx, HAproxy, custom Zuul-based router etc) is aware of this color information and uses it to direct traffic to infrastructure of proper color.
Additionally there is a public URL (not provided by "colored" infrastructure - for example S3 file provided via CloudFront or other proxy) with latest version color. SPA is checking this version every given period of time (60 or 120 seconds). If version does not match the one SPA was provided when loading then on the major next route change page is reloaded "physically", instead of realizing this navigation in browser only.
You can choose which route changes are verifying this version in such a way that it is least obtrusive to the user (possibly almost unnoticeable).
If you choose some of the routes that are used every day by all users then pretty soon all users will migrate to the latest color. Those who have unused opened browser window for long periods of time (computer hibernated for two weeks?) can be handled by forcing reload after certain period of inactivity.
I hope I managed to make myself sound at last a bit cohesive :-)
Not sure why would you go for a complete overhaul of your UI since their is always a learning curve involved.Practically in real world it would be a bad idea to switch over to a new UI immediately. You would allow customers to switch over to the new interface over a period of time and then disable older version after a forewarning. Not worth the effort of having such real time switch. A/B testing could be a way to introduce customers to the new interface and then do an actual rollout.
The technique you're describing is called blue-green deployment; You start with your existing server (blue) and add your updated server (green). All new traffic from that point on is redirected to the green environment. The blue environment is only there for servicing existing http connections and also for an optional "roll back" in case the green environment hits major problems. Eventually the "blue" environment can be retired when it has finished servicing all of its requests.
This technique requires that the two systems be somewhat similar. Database schema for instance may make it inpractical.

Service Watch-dog design

I am working on a legacy product which has seven Windows services and a user interface. There are some bugs in the services which causes crash in every 10-15 days. I need to write an application to monitor the state of the services. If the services get crashed I need to send an e-mail to the administrator to start the services.
I am not able to use the auto recovery process since during some of the crashes, the Microsoft error report dialog or some other dialogs appears and the service is consider running till the message is acknowledged.
So, I am planning to go for this individual application / watch-service to monitor the crashes until the bugs in the original services are completely fixed.
Please share your views on the design of the watch-dog service.
From you question I understood that windows can't tell if the service ends because it shows a dialouge. If windows can't detect that the service has shutdown how is another application.
you will have to find so evidence that the process is doing what is supposed to do. checking that a log file is growing or seeing if events are being written is the simplest thing off hand.
You're question suggests that windows service recovery does not get triggered because of a an error dialog not being clicked. Perhaps what you need is something to detect that the error dialog is open and click the button. This way, the service can exit successfully and windows service recovery can kick in.
I have attached a program I use to automatically click annoying clearcase dialogs. Below is a sample config file that drives the program. All you need to do is to add a new line of clickInfo and fill in the correct window and button captions.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name="clickConfiguration" type="ClickButton.ClickConfigurationSection, ClickButton"/>
<clickInfo windowName="ClearCase" buttonName="Proceed" />
Hope it helps!
If you cannot fix those services but can "expose" them as an HTTP resource on Internet, you can use online website monitoring services to periodically check if the service(s) are still on. Create a small website that knows how to "ping" your service(s) locally and request its page(s) on a schedule by one of those monitoring services.
I know several of such services: http://www.setcronjob.com/, http://www.webcron.org/, http://scheduler.codeeffects.com. The last one can even monitor your HTTP resources on your private network but this feature is not free. Hope this helps.
Funny how you need to hand-edit the registry to disable Drwatson and there's a commandline to enable it back ;) here, check this Microsoft KB: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/188296

IIS7, SQL 2008 and ASP.NET MVC security

I have an ASP.NET MVC application that I'm working on. I've been developing it on Windows Server 2003 with IIS6 and SQL 2008 Express, and everything was working great. I recently decided to try out the Windows 7 beta, so now I'm using IIS7, and have run into a problem with connectivity to my database that I can't seem to figure out.
I can run/debug the app just fine, but whenever I try to access a page that needs to access the database, I get the following error:
"Cannot open database "MyDatabaseName" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName'."
I've obviously got some security configuration setup incorrectly, but I can't seem to find any good documentation on how to set it up correctly. I've tried giving NETWORK SERVICE permissions on the database, but that didn't seem to work. Anyone know what I need to do to give "IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName" permissions to this database? Am I missing something obvious?
If you are NOT using Active Directory, then ignore all of the other solutions mentioned here. The confusion stems from the new ApplicationPoolIdentity setting default in IIS 7.5+ (MS keeps changing the identity mechianisms)
Open SQL Management Studio, connect to your local machine as an admin.
Expand the Security branch.
Right click on Logins and select New Login
Into the Login Name field, type "IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName". Do NOT click the search button. The user profile dosn't actually exist on the local machine, it's dynamically created on demand.
While you're looking at it, don't forget to add the user to a database or a server role.
The error means the web application doesn't have access to your database. On Windows 7 / IIS 7, by default each application pool has its own user. It seems the idea is to improve security by restricting what that web application can do (in case it gets compromised and controlled from the outside). You can change what user the application pool is running under but that will defeat its own purpose. A better way seems to give the pool's user the needed permissions (and not a bit more).
On the SQL Management Studio connect to the server you want your web app to connect (tested with SQL server 2008). Go to
Security -> Log ins
right click, New Log in. In the form that comes up leave everything as default except username, where you have to type whatever username the web app is trying to use, in this case 'IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName'. Note that the search function of that dialog fails to find or check as valid that user, but nevertheless it works.
Still on the SQL Management Studio connected to the server go to
Databases -> *YOUR-DATABASE* -> Security -> Users
right click and New User. I'm not sure if the user name field there has any effect, I just set it the last part of the username, like MyApplicationName. Then I've set the login name to IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName. You can click on the ... button and use the check and search, this time it works. If you don't do the previous step, the user will not be present here. Then give it whatever permissions you want to this user, like db_datareader.
And that's it, you've given permission. If lack of permissions was your problem, then it should be solved (or at least, I've just solved it that way).
I have a total amount of 2hs of experience with IIS and about three weeks with SQL Server and less than two months with Microsoft technologies so take my advice with a grain of salt, I can be totally wrong. (If another person can confirm these are the right steps, feel free to remove the last warning).
Here is an article that explains why AppPoolIdentities are in use; basically, it's about enhanced security: http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/624/application-pool-identities/
(That article claims I can use these virtual accounts just like any regular account but on my Windows Server 2008 that does not seem to be possible; adding e.g. IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool just produces an error: "The following object is not from a domain listed in the Select Location dialog box, and is therefore not valid.")
Erick Falsken is right, however he is missing the User Mappings. So right click on the new
IIS APPPOOL/DefaultAppPool, click on Properties and then check boxes for:
1) databases master and yourdatabase
2) db_owner and public
This error usually means that the user that your site is running as (or more to the point the application pool), does not have permissions to use the DB. You can either check in IIS what user the pool is running under and give them permissions, or instead change your SQL connection string to not use trusted authentication and supply the credentials of a user that does have permission in the connection string.
If you right click on the pool Identity section and go to properties, it should come up with a box that lets you either choose from 3 builtin system accounts, or specify your own account. Either give one of the builtin accounts permission for the DB, or use an account that has permission. Or leave it as is and change your connection string.
Well...changing the ApplicationPoolIdentity property and setting it to NETWORK SERVICE seems to have fixed my problems. Not sure if that's the "right" way to do things or not (as in, I'm not sure if that's the recommended way to do things in IIS7 or not), but it seems to at least be working and has gotten me past this hang-up for now. Thanks.
I'm familiar with the idea of giving permissions to the user that the application is running under...my problem is that in IIS7, the "user" seems to be virtual or something strange like that. Prior to me changing the "Identity" property of the Application Pool properties to NETWORK SERVICE, it was set to "ApplicationPoolIdentity", and the error I was getting was that "IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName" didn't have access to the database. When I attempted to add the "IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName" user to the database, it didn't appear to exist...not that I could find anyway.
So my ultimate problem is not understanding or being able to find any good documentation on how the IIS7 security model works. When I created the application, it seemed to create an AppPool with the same name just for this application. I don't know exactly what changes I need to make to give the application and/or the user it runs under privileges to the database, considering the fact that the user that the AppPool runs as doesn't appear to actually exist.
As I mentioned, changing the Identity of the AppPool to NETWORK SERVICE seems to have worked for now, but I'm trying to find out what the best practice is for this kind of thing under IIS7. Thanks.
leave the hard problems for someone else -
create a sql user and use SQL Auth. :D
If you follow Mr. Fernández' advice, you will get everything working. This is the new way of giving least privilege to a site.
So don't do the easy, less secure thing (NETWORK SERVICE). Do the right thing. Scroll up. ;)
Using Trusted Connection in Windows Authenticated Mode:
OS: windows 7 32 bit
IIS 7, Sql Server 2008 R2 Express
Connection String:
cn.open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=test;Data Source=mycomputername\sqlexpress;" (if instance name is sqlexpress or whatever instance name you have used)
If you are not able to connect sql server using windows mode authenticated connection to sql server 2008.
NT AUTHORITY\IUSR Account might not have permission in sql server to authorize connection with database.
Connect Sql server using windows authentication mode.
Expand Security node.
Click on "User Mapping" under Select a page at Log-in properties window.
Select the database that you are trying to connect.
Select following permissions from "Database role membership for:......"
1. db_datareader 'this allows to open connection
2. db_datawriter 'this allows to fetch data records from datatable
The first step is to verify which account your website is running under. Create a simple aspx page with:
<%# Page Language="C#" %>
<% Response.Write(System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name); %>
If you're using windows authentication the WindowsIdentity account will need to have a login in your SQL Server. Under Security -> Logins -> Login New you'll want to add whatever name that was displayed by WindowsIdentity and make sure Windows authentication is selected.
If you ever happen to move your database to a separate machine you'll have to create a domain account and use impersonation in your web.config. Google <identity impersonate="true"> for more info.
If you look in the description of the field it states that running under "Network Services" account is the recommended account to use. Not sure why in Win7 it defaults to the ApplicationPoolIdentity setting.
I have the exact same issue. I'm running Windows 7 RC. When I'm trying to usa a .mdf file (located in App_Data), there is now way to make that thing work. I did try to change the AppPool's identity for LocalSystem, but it simply won't work.
If I use a "standard" database, then it will work if I'm using LocalSystem, but it won't work with the famous 'IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool'.
I find it a bit disturbing not to find any information on that matter, it seems that the 'IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool' user is totally useless if you are using a database of any kind...
I have it running, but I'm also bit frustrated not to understand the security model, as stated by ryexley.
yes, the app pool identity method doesn't work like they say (not in IIS7 anyway) it's supposed to. I think there are hackers at MS who make this security convoluted on purpose so you take the path of least resistance and leave your system less secure (so they can hack into it later). - just kidding, but really, their security model is pure insanity, no straightforward (step by step) instructions anywhere on MSDN - nada, zip!
I faced same problem between (SQL2008 that is installed on standalone Win-server2003 server) and (IIS6 with ASP.NET3.5 that are installed on standalone Win-server2003 server).
Where, IIS tries to access SQL2008 using some user in the domain "domain\username".
I removed following option out of connectionstring, and every thing works fine now.
Integrated Security=True;
Open SQL Management Studio, connect to your local machine as an admin.
Expand the Security branch.
Right click on Logins and select New Login
Into the Login Name field, type "IIS APPPOOL\MyApplicationName". Do
NOT click the search button. The user profile dosn't actually exist
on the local machine, it's dynamically created on demand.
Select Database in User Mapping
Select sysadmin in Server Roles
