How to download a webpage with a URL query in Clojure? - url

I like that in Clojure I can read a webpage with (slurp url) the same way I read files stored on the local machine. But as soon as the URL contains a question mark followed by paramethers ( slurp returns error 400. Do I have to use another function? What is the simplest way?

I think you'll need to encode the = yourself. try this:
(slurp "")
Also note there have been encoding issues with the underlying (what slurp is using under the covers) in the past so check your clojure version as well.
It is worth noting however that slurp is pretty basic and I wouldn't recommend relying on it for anything other than really basic stuff or as a convenience for working with URL's. If you need to pull information from URL's in actual code, I would suggest you look at clj-http, which is a full-featured http client library which will give you much more control than slurp.


is there any widely accepted syntax for writing post data in url?

You can give someone an url with get:
But what to do with POST method ? I know that the program I put url into must support this, I do not know any browser that can (maybe with plugin possible), but is there widely accepted syntax to do it, for example I came up with this:<var=val>
or maybe:!var=val!!var=val!var=val
I'm writing a tool to do it , and I wonder if I must think on my own just like first guy who created e-mail and out of the air conceived # character since it was rarely used then...
The idea is that some services use post data and there is no way to send someone link to resource there. And yes I know that when there is post data that resource is not meant to be such easy passeable to people... but wait since when author of a website has to have power over what I can and can't do with his service.
You'd better introduce a separate argument for passing POST data to your tool. Mixing it together with URL would just cause confusion among your users. Remember that POST data be quite large, so you'd end up introducing features like loading POST data (or a value of an individual variable) from a file anyway.

MD5 in ActionScript

I am trying to build a web based flash application. I am quite new to flash. I would like to develop it in two forms - demo and paid version. For this application to act as a paid version I need to have some kind of serial key. In order to achieve this I googled and came across something like this
I think 'thisuri' points to the current url page but I don't know how to get that url and I don't know whether '+' acts as a character or an operator.
Can you please help me?
It seems that a library exists in AS3.0 : as3corelib
An ActionScript 3 Library that contains a number of classes and utilities for working with ActionScript? 3. These include classes for MD5 and SHA 1 hashing, Image encoders, and JSON serialization as well as general String, Number and Date APIs.
To use it, just download the zip file, decompress it and copy the contents of "src" directory to the root of your project.
Then in your actionscript code, simply do the following :
import com.adobe.crypto.MD5;
var hash:String = MD5.hash(”test”);
source in french
To add to #Julien's recommendation of using as3corelib, you will also need the advice from this post to get the current url: Get Current Browser URL - ActionScript 3
Somehow I think there's a more elegant way to get the url, but I don't remember it.
While this may provide you with some basic check for the paid version, a determined hacker will easily fool this algorithm. For example, I could fool the environment into thinking that its being served from a domain that you've registered as part of the "paid" version. Also, since the client has the flash code, they can decompile the binary and potentially see the algorithm you're using. Depending on what you're offering in the app, this extreme case may or may not be acceptable to you.
Look into more secure authentication mechanisms if you're serious about security.

Getting WebDAV content via Delphi and Indy 10 TIdHTTP

Looking on the Delphi newsgroups, it appears the best way to GET content from a WebDAV server is to use the built in TIdHTTP.Get. While doing this, the result is HTML and I just want to make sure that this is the best way to retrieve data about the directories and files. If so, then I'll parse it out, but I just want to make sure there isn't a cleaner way that may have JUST the file/folder information for me... And no, as of now I am not looking to use any other components for this.
Answering my own: I think I figured it out - I did a PropFile with allprop and a depth of 1. That seems to give me everything in a current "directory" and I can drill down with that. Unless there is a nicer way (or if I am not using PropFind correctly), I will consider this closed. References that were helpful:
XML schema:

Deleting an Azure Blob in MVC 3

I'm trying to delete blobs in an mvc 3 application that uses azure storage.
I'm trying to pass the Uri of the blob which will be deleted to the controller, however an error is thrown:
A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:)
I think this is from the https: part of the Uri and I need to parse it out, however I'm not sure how to do that. I'm wondering how to fix this error.
Is there a more graceful way to delete a blob from storage?
You must properly URL encode your urls. Here's an example of a badly encoded url:
Here's how it should look like:
Or maybe you are having an url of the form:
which is even worse. If you want to use special characters in the Path portion of an URL you might find the following blog post useful.
If you want unsecure content to get through then you can add [ValidateInput(false)] to your action - however, this is opening up something that is there for your security - so only do this if you are sure you're code is secure - see first answer in A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client
I was able to fix it and I want to summarize the solution, since it requires bit from the other two answers and bits mostly from the Scott Hanselman Blog post.
You need to do a few things to make this work:
Put the [ValidateInput(false)] on your action method.
Make sure your Url is properly encoded (an example is given in the above post) which is done when you use the blobVariableName.Uri.AbsoluteUri as the string to pass from your view to your controller, so you shouldn't have to do anything there.
Make your query string looks like
http://site/controller/action?blobid=http%3A%2F%2F... and NOT http://site/controller/action/http%3A%2F%2F... the latter won't work!
On a side note, since I started, our functional requirements changed and now were storing information about each blob in the database, which allows me to pass parameters other than the blob's uri, which seems like a much safer way to play it.
A great deal of the community appears to be in agreement that it is a bad idea to pass uri's and to open up your application as to allow you to do so.

How can I display short URLs without file extention?

I've looked around but wasn't able to find what I was looking for. I'm looking for a way to automatically create short URLs displayed in the browser, not using a URL shortener. Basically I would like to re-create something like this:
I upload screenshots to my server with "GrabUp" on a regular basis but it creates rather long URLs for example:
It's a bit annoying having to shorten them each time.
I have seen this method a lot lately with pretty much any file including html files. If this has been discussed already I'm sorry I'm posting it again. I just seem to be stuck.
Thanks in advance for any help & advice!
I don't know, what webserver do you use.
You write rule for rewrite
-- htaccess for Apache or equivalent for IIS
You push content to user thru your code, because browser doesn't know what content get from web server
-- use http header - MIME type
