UITest: Undefined symbols for architecture armv7 - ios

I'm trying to call a swift singleton from my UITest target. I'm importing the main module: #testable import Ary but when I try to build it says:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"Ary.DataModelLayerOperation.getter : Ary.DataModelLayer", referenced from:
AryUITests.AryUITests.setUp (AryUITests.AryUITests)() -> () in AryUITests.o
d: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Syntax highlighting works though (the singleton doesn't have access modifiers, so it's marked as internal which should be perfectly fine for access from the test target)...
The function I'm calling is [in an XCTestCase]:
override func setUp() {
if !DataModelLayerOperation.isUserLoggedIn() {
//do something

I'm afraid what you want to achieve is not possible at the moment. I have encountered similar problem and asked my question here. I will soon accept the answer that says:
The UI tests are a separate module from the app, therefore not run
inside your app as a logic test would.
I'm hoping this will be improved in the next Xcode versions.


.c File via Bridging Header Not Working After Xcode 8 Update

The app I've been working on uses an external library, pdlib, which has it's own externals (.c files) which I've been importing via the bridging header #import "Uzi.c" and calling in my main Swift file via Uzi.c's setup function Uzi_setup() in my ViewController class. I've had no problem with this until after updating to new public Xcode 8 a few days ago (I had no problem with Xcode 8 Beta 1 over the Summer).
Here are the 7 errors I get, listed under a single "Mach-O Linker Error" umbrella:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_Uzi_bang", referenced from:
_Uzi_setup in ViewController.o
"_Uzi_class", referenced from:
_Uzi_setup in ViewController.o
"_Uzi_float", referenced from:
_Uzi_setup in ViewController.o
"_Uzi_new", referenced from:
_Uzi_setup in ViewController.o
"_Uzi_pause", referenced from:
_Uzi_setup in ViewController.o
"_Uzi_resume", referenced from:
_Uzi_setup in ViewController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Those undefined symbols are 6 functions and a class declare from Uzi.c. Here's a link to the whole c file: https://github.com/electrickery/pd-miXedSon/blob/master/hammer/Uzi.c
I've tried every solution I've found online for dealing with similar problems, with no solution yet... I tried changing the "Architecture" and "Valid Architecture" settings to only armv7 and armv7s (no arm64) and changed "Build Active Architecture Only" to "No". These step seem to help others in similar situations, but they didn't work for me (and taking away arm64 causes additional errors to appear).
XCode 8 is pretty recent (the public version was released Sept. 13), so there are virtually no other questions about this upgrade causing a similar problem.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Solved by #danomatika on GitHub: https://github.com/libpd/libpd/issues/149
"You generally shouldn't include/import an implementation file aka .c, .cpp, .m, etc. This is what is causing the duplicate symbol issue.
This is what the "forward function declaration" in the header file is for: to tell the compiler that a function exists and what data it takes/returns. The compiler then assumes the actual implementation of the function exists in an implementation file. If it can't be found, then you get an "undefined symbol error." If you somehow end up declaring the function twice, aka include both a header with the forward declaration and the implemetaton of the function itself in the .c file, then you get a "duplicate symbol error."
This is all lower-level stuff that is only really an issue since Pd externals are designed around being dynamic libraries, so are not built or provided with headers which include the function declarations. This is why you have to do a little extra work and do it yourself.
Their are two easy fixes for this, both of which involve declaring the required function you want to call from the .c file in a header file.
Simply declare the function in the bridging header:
void uzi_setup();
Create a header, say Externals.h, and declare all of the externals stuff there:
// forward declare setup functions only found in .c implementations
void uzi_setup();
// convenience wrapper function
void externals_setup() {
Then import the file in your bridging header:
#import "Externals.h"
And in swift, you can now do:

Admob Conversion Tracking in Swift

I tried to set conversion tracking in my iOS game, but I didn't be able to do that. The tutorial can be found here: https://developers.google.com/app-conversion-tracking/ios/?hl=it#usage_and_disclosure
I integrate the GoogleConversionTrackingSDK to my project, load AdSupport framework and type -ObjC in Other linker flags.
I tried to convert this snippet from Obj-C:
[ACTConversionReporter reportWithConversionID:#"MY_ID" label:#"MY_LABEL" value:#"MY_VALUE" isRepeatable:NO];
to Swift:
ACTConversionReporter.reportWithConversionID("MY_ID", label: "MY_LABEL", value: "MY_VALUE", isRepeatable: false)
and I put that in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of AppDelegate.swift, but I get the error:
Use of unresolved identifier 'ACTConversionReporter'
If I type in Obj-C bridging header in Swift Compiler - Code Generation in Build Settings "ACTReporter.h" (without qm), I put the header file in the folder of my game or if I type the whole path of "ACTReporter.h" ending with its name, I fail the build and I get 2 errors:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_ACTConversionReporter", referenced from:
type metadata accessor for __ObjC.ACTConversionReporter in AppDelegate.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7 clang: error: linker
command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I don't know what to do. I hope there is someone who can fix this.
You need to add to your project "YourProjectName-Bridging-Header.h" file
Here you can see how to add the file
in Bridging Header file add #import "ACTReporter.h"
Then it will work for you!

Linker error when implementing NSObject protocol while using enums?

Here is a distilled version of the code I am having trouble with in Swift:
enum E {
case C
class Test: NSObject {
var v: E = .C
When I attempt to build, I get the following error:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"__TWvdvC8TestTest4Test1vOS_1E", referenced from:
__TFC8TestTest4Testm1vOS_1E in AppDelegate.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
To reproduce this, simply make a new Swift project and paste the above code right into "AppDelegate.swift". Alternatively, make a new file and stick it in there instead!
Am I missing something obvious or is this yet another Swift bug? I did try deleting all derived data and other forms of voodoo magic.
Thanks for the help!
It seems like the compiler removes the enum if there is only one case?
I can reproduce your issue, it disappears when I add a second case :
enum E {
case C,D
class Test: NSObject {
var v : E = .C
I noticed a couple things when trying this:
In the current non-beta version of Xcode, I see the error you're referring to (almost certainly a Swift bug). However, if I add an extra value to the enum (case C,D), it compiles just fine
I couldn't reproduce the crash in the latest Xcode beta (Version 6.3 (6D520o)), which leads me to believe that the bug has been fixed in Swift 1.2

(Swift) Error: UIApplicationMain attribute cannot be used in a module

So, as part of my effort to learn Swift, I got my hands on the open source "Adventure" project (found HERE) made available by Apple.
Embarrassingly, I didn't go too far before I ran into my first predicament. When I tried to compile the project, I got the following error:
'UIApplicationMain' attribute cannot be used in a module that contains top-level code'
Specifically, the error is found in the AppDelegate.swift file and the attribute comes immediately after the import UIKit declaration as follows:
import UIKit
class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
// a number of functions that I won't list here...
I did some research on this but understandably(?) there doesn't seem to be much information regarding this issue. I wonder if anyone has run into the same issue.
(By the way, I am using Xcode6-beta5)
EDIT 1 --------------
Now with a fresh install of Beta6, I get the following errors after compile:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"TFSs15_arrayForceCastU___FGSaQ__GSaQ0", referenced from:
__TFC9Adventure13HeroCharacter20animationDidCompletefS0_FOS_14AnimationStateT_ in HeroCharacter.o
__TFC9Adventure13HeroCharacter14fireProjectilefS0_FT_T_ in HeroCharacter.o
__TFC9Adventure4Cave15applyCaveDamagefS0_FTSd10projectileCSo6SKNode_T_ in Cave.o
__TFC9Adventure4Cave12performDeathfS0_FT_T_ in Cave.o
__TFFC9Adventure4Cave16loadSharedAssetsFMS0_FT_T_U_FT_T_ in Cave.o
__TFC9Adventure6Goblin20animationDidCompletefS0_FOS_14AnimationStateT_ in Goblin.o
__TFFC9Adventure6Goblin16loadSharedAssetsFMS0_FT_T_U_FT_T_ in Goblin.o
"__TFSsoi1aUSs17_RawOptionSetType_USs21BitwiseOperationsTypeSs9Equatable__FTQ_Q__Q_", referenced from:
__TFC9Adventure21LayeredCharacterScene14handleKeyEventfS0_FTCSo7NSEvent7keyDownSb_T_ in LayeredCharacterSceneOSXEvents.o
"__TFVSC6CGSizeCfMS_FT5widthSd6heightSd_S_", referenced from:
__TFFC9Adventure6Archer16loadSharedAssetsFMS0_FT_T_U_FT_T_ in Archer.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1
I'm not even going to try to guess what these errors mean.
Apparently the Adventure project doesn't compile correctly in Xcode6-Beta5. However, Xcode6-Beta6 compiles and runs it just fine.
As for the error encountered after upgrading to Beta6, the way to fix that is to delete the derived data for the project. To do that, open the Organizer ("Window" menu -> "Organizer"), select the "Adventure" project on the left side of the window, then click the "Delete" button associated with the project's derived data (should be the top one on the far right).
For me, It seems there was another file called main.swift which was conflicting with my AppDelegate. I deleted it and the issue went away.

UIColor Category Linker Errors

Earlier today I tried to add Unit tests to my xcode project for a static framework that I am creating. After adding the Unit Tests target to my project, I was able to successfully run the unit tests template and have the tests catch the default assertion. Then, after importing the file that I wanted to test into my new SenTestCase subclass, I tried to run the test but my UIColor category failed building with the test due to linker errors. The text of the linker errors is as follows:
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_CGColorGetComponents", referenced from:
-[UIColor(ColorExtension) hexValue] in StaticFramework(StaticFramework)
"_CGColorGetNumberOfComponents", referenced from:
-[UIColor(ColorExtension) hexValue] in StaticFramework(StaticFramework)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Next, I found where these two references were in my project. Both live in my category under the following function:
- (NSString *)hexValue
UIColor *color = self;
const size_t totalComponents = CGColorGetNumberOfComponents(color.CGColor);
const CGFloat * components = CGColorGetComponents(color.CGColor);
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"#%02X%02X%02X",
(int)(255 * components[MIN(0,totalComponents-2)]),
(int)(255 * components[MIN(1,totalComponents-2)]),
(int)(255 * components[MIN(2,totalComponents-2)])];
If I remember correctly, both of these are part of the NSColor class. With a little more inspection, I also noticed that in my Unit Test's framework's folder, both UIKit.framework & Foundation.framework are red. I have tried reimporting them and building but this does not fix that issue either.
Interestingly enough, my static framework will still build and run fine as long as the associated Test is not also run. And when I comment this function out (and every time I use it), the Unit Test builds without issues. Would I be correct in my assumption that the missing UIKit.framework & Foundation.framework could be causing the linker not finding the NSColor properties? Does anyone have any additional suggestions that could explain why these properties are causing these issues or what I could do to fix them?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the assistance.
The linker error indicates that you are using CoreGraphics functions but you are not linking the CoreGraphics framework.
Update your project/target so you link the CoreGraphics.framework and the linker issues will be resolved.
