search functionality using relay - relayjs

How to implement a search functionality with relay?
So, the workflow is
user navigate to search form.
there should not be any query (as in relay container) when initializing the view.
user fills the field values, and press the action/search button.
a relay query is sent to the server
results are received from the server.
page displays it and relay reconciles the filtered results with local cache.
I have not seen an example of ad hoc query but only part of a relay container (which it resolves before component initialization). So, how to model it. should it be like a mutation?

If I understand correctly you'd like to not send any query at all for the component until the user enters some search text, at which point the query should sent. This can be accomplished with the example posted by #Xuorig, with one addition: use GraphQL's #include directive to skip the fragment until a variable is set. Here's the extended example:
export default Relay.createContainer(Search, {
initialVariables: {
count: 3,
query: null,
hasQuery: false, // `#include(if: ...)` takes a boolean
fragments: {
viewer: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on Viewer {
# add `#include` to skip the fragment unless $query/$hasQuery are set
items(first: $count, query: $query) #include(if: $hasQuery) {
edges {
node {
This query will be skipped initially since the include condition is falsy. Then, the component can call setVariables({query: someQueryText, hasQuery: true}) when text input is changed, at which point the #include condition will become true and the query will be sent to the server.

This is the way I've implemented simple search in my project:
export default Relay.createContainer(Search, {
initialVariables: {
count: 3,
title: null,
category: null,
fragments: {
viewer: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on Viewer {
items(first: $count, title: $title, category: $category) {
edges {
node {
Your search form simply has to update the initialVariables using this.props.relay.setVariables and relay will query the new data.


How to update connection metadata in client-side store?

I'm attempting to learn Relay by implementing TodoMVC from scratch.
I can query my data like this which is working well:
query {
allTodos(first: 100) {
edges {
node {
I got the idea to add the totalCount and completedCount metadata to the connection from here:
It's similar in this example:
Now I am writing a mutation to change the completed field of a Todo given its id.
I gather I will need to return the new completedCount in the mutation payload, but I'm not sure how to implement getConfigs() to update this in the client-side store. I don't have an id for the connection, right? Is there is a flaw in my schema design? Thanks!
Assuming your mutation returns a viewer, you'll need to add the viewer to your fatQuery and getConfigs. I think this tutorial might be helpful. Here's the excerpt relevant to your task:
Adding a Todo is more complex. The reason for this is that we need to
update not only the state of a Todo object that we will create, but
also a connection where it is stored - the count of Todos will change,
as well as the listing of Todo nodes in edges.
import Relay from 'react-relay';
export default class AddTodoMutation extends Relay.Mutation {
static fragments = {
viewer: () => Relay.QL`fragment on ReindexViewer {
allTodos {
getMutation() {
return Relay.QL`mutation{ createTodo }`;
getVariables() {
return {
text: this.props.text,
complete: false,
getFatQuery() {
return Relay.QL`
fragment on _TodoPayload {
viewer {
allTodos {
getConfigs() {
return [{
type: 'RANGE_ADD',
connectionName: 'allTodos',
edgeName: 'changedTodoEdge',
rangeBehaviors: {
'': 'prepend',
}, {
fieldIDs: {
getOptimisticResponse() {
return {
changedTodoEdge: {
node: {
text: this.props.text,
complete: false,
viewer: {
allTodos: {
count: this.props.viewer.allTodos.count + 1,
In order to perform this mutation, we need some data that might not be
available to the component - the id of viewer object and count of
allTodos connection. Therefore we need to specify fragments for the
mutation same way as we specify them for containers.
Our configs are more complex this time too - we need to add our new
Todo to a connection, so we use RANGE_ADD mutation config. Relay
expects an edge to be passed in payload, not just a Todo, Reindex
provides changedTodoEdge for this. Lastly we need to fetch updated
connection count from the server and for this viewer field is
available for every payload.
In our optimistic update we increment the count of allTodos, so that
we change our “total” display without any delay.

How does fragment composition work in Relay?

Let's use the TODO example. In TodoList it(Line 81) has a fragment composed as
todos(status: $status, first: $limit) {
edges {
node {
And now if I add a loop =>
to function renderTodos() at Line 30, it will output undefined
The interesting thing is, if we add text to to the fragment like below
todos(status: $status, first: $limit) {
edges {
node {
It actually "declared" text twice(declare in Todo component as well) and the loop works perfectly.
My question is, why it is not possible to get the "properties" back from a composition even though they are returned by Graphql Server?
Thanks to hueyp#7485 at #relay channel.
He pointed out it is an intended behaviour by design.

Client-side mutation with RANGE_ADD type doesn't include edge inside request payload

I'm trying to create new object using client-side mutation described below:
import Relay from 'react-relay'
export default class CreateThemeMutation extends Relay.Mutation {
static fragments = {
admin: () => Relay.QL`fragment on Admin { id }`,
getMutation() {
return Relay.QL`mutation { createTheme }`
getFatQuery() {
return Relay.QL`
fragment on CreateThemePayload {
admin { themes }
getVariables() {
return {
getConfigs() {
return [{
type: 'RANGE_ADD',
parentName: 'admin',
connectionName: 'themes',
edgeName: 'themeEdge',
rangeBehaviors: {
'': 'append',
Root query field admin is quite similar to viewer so this shouldn't be a problem. The problem is I haven't found themeEdge (which I believe should present) within the request payload (admin { themes } is there though):
query: "mutation CreateThemeMutation($input_0:CreateThemeInput!){createTheme(input:$input_0){clientMutationId,...F3}} fragment F0 on Admin{id} fragment F1 on Admin{id,...F0} fragment F2 on Admin{_themes2gcwoM:themes(first:20,query:""){count,pageInfo{hasNextPage,hasPreviousPage,startCursor,endCursor},edges{node{id,name,createdAt},cursor}},id,...F1} fragment F3 on CreateThemePayload{admin{id,...F0,id,...F2}}"
variables: {input_0: {name: "test", clientMutationId: "0"}}
As a result outputFields.themeEdge.resolve inside the server-side mutation never get called and I see this message:
Warning: writeRelayUpdatePayload(): Expected response payload to include the newly created edge `themeEdge` and its `node` field. Did you forget to update the `RANGE_ADD` mutation config?
I've seen similar issue on github. However REQUIRED_CHILDREN isn't my case because the application has requested themes connection already. Am I missing something obvious? Should I paste more info? Thanks.
react-relay version: 0.6.1
I ran into the same issue and eventually solved it by making sure that my equivalent of themeEdge actually existed as an edge in my schema. If you grep your schema for themeEdge, does an object exist?
For reference, here's my edge definition tailored for you:
"description":"An edge in a connection.",
"description":"The item at the end of the edge.",
Also note that your rangeBehaviors must exactly match the query you use to retrieve your parent object. You can specify multiple queries as follows, which also shows the syntax for when your query contains multiple variables:
type: 'RANGE_ADD',
parentName: 'admin',
connectionName: 'themes',
edgeName: 'themeEdge',
rangeBehaviors: {
'': 'append',
'first(1).id($adminId)': 'append',

In a GraphQL/Relay mutation that creates a model, is there a way to get back the model ID?

We're using Relay and GraphQL in a new project.
We've got a Relay mutation that creates a new model in the DB:
export default class AddCampaignMutation extends Relay.Mutation {
getMutation() {
return Relay.QL`mutation { addCampaign }`;
getVariables() {
return {
type: this.props.campaignType
getFatQuery() {
return Relay.QL`
fragment on AddCampaignPayload {
getConfigs() {
return [{
type: 'RANGE_ADD',
parentName: 'viewer',
connectionName: 'campaigns',
edgeName: 'campaignEdge',
rangeBehaviors: {
'': 'append',
static fragments = {
viewer: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on User {
However, since none of the components are currently querying for the range specified in RANGE_ADD (viewer { campaigns }), Relay intelligently excludes that query from the AddCampaignPayload.
This results in a console warning:
Warning: writeRelayUpdatePayload(): Expected response payload to include the newly created edge `campaignEdge` and its `node` field. Did you forget to update the `RANGE_ADD` mutation config?
I really want to get back the ID of the newly created model, so that I can navigate the client to it. For example, getting back the new campaignEdge, I want to send the client to /campaigns/${}.
Is there any way to tell Relay to fetch that edge? Have I configured this mutation correctly?
You can use REQUIRED_CHILDREN in this context. For more details, see and
REQUIRED_CHILDREN lets you specify an extra data dependency for exactly this pattern.

Select2 with createSearchChoice uses newly created choice for keyboard entry even given a match, bug or am I missing something?

I'm using Select2 (version 3.4.0) to populate a tag list. The tags are matched against existing ones via ajax call, and I'm using createSearchChoice to allow creating new tags. The code works so far, and looks something like this:
multiple: true,
placeholder: "Please enter tags",
tokenSeparators: [ "," ],
ajax: {
multiple: true,
url: myurl,
dataType: "json",
data: function(term, page) {
return {
q: term
results: function(data, page) {
return data;
createSearchChoice: function(term) {
return {
id: term,
text: term + ' (new)'
All pretty standard, except note the appended (new) in createSearchChoice. I need users to know that this is not a preexisting tag.
It works as expected: if I start typing "new-tag", I get "new-tag (new)" tag suggested at the top of the list, and if I pick it, the tag list contains "new-tag (new)", as expected. If the tag already exists, Select2 detects the match, and no "(new)" choice is created. Pressing return or clicking on the match works as expected.
The problem appears when I type a comma (my single tokenSeparators entry) while there is a match. Select2 closes that token, and adds the tag to the list, but with the "(new)" label appended, i.e. it uses the return value from createSeachChoice even if it does not have to.
Is this a bug in Select2, or am I using it wrong (and what should I do instead)?
I 'm not sure if this is a bug or not -- in any case, there is no open issue referring to this behavior at the GitHub issue tracker at this moment.
You can mostly fix the behavior yourself though. The idea is that the createSearchChoice callback must be able to tell if term refers to a search result or not. But createSearchChoice does not have direct access to the search results, so how can we enable that? Well, by saving the latest batch of search results from inside the results callback.
var lastResults = [];
ajax: {
multiple: true,
url: "/echo/json/",
dataType: "json",
type: "POST",
data: function (term, page) {
return {
json: JSON.stringify({results: [{id: "foo", text:"foo"},{id:"bar", text:"bar"}]}),
q: term
results: function (data, page) {
lastResults = data.results;
return data;
createSearchChoice: function (term) {
if(lastResults.some(function(r) { return r.text == term })) {
return { id: term, text: term };
else {
return { id: term, text: term + " (new)" };
This code uses Array.some so you need something better than IE8 (which is the select2 minimum requirement) to run it, but of course it is possible to emulate the behavior.
See it in action.
There is, however, a fly in the ointment: this code works correctly only if the search results corresponding to the current search term have been already received.
This should be obvious: if you type very fast and create a search term that corresponds to an existing tag but hit comma before the search results that include that tag have arrived, createSearchChoice will be testing for the tag's presence among the previously received search results. If those results do not include the tag, then the tag will be displayed as "new" even though it is not.
Unfortunately I don't believe there is anything you can do to prevent this from happening.
Instead of tweeking the result, I think it is better to work on the server side.
If the server doesn't find a tag make it return a json answer with the new tag
{"more":false,"results":[{"id":"whatever","text":"new-tag (new)"}]}
There is another parameter for the 'createSearchChoice' - 'page', it lists all the choices, you can easily find dupes with it.
createSearchChoice = function (term, page) {
if( page.some(function(item) {
return item.text.toLowerCase() === term.toLowerCase();
}) ){
return { val: term, name: term + '*' };
