Size classes and Auto Layout confusion with multiple devices - ios

I created my first app without using size classes and auto layout. Now i'll be making a 2nd app but i'll use size classes+auto layout. So pardon my confusion.
In Xcode's, Assistant Editor preview, I will use all the device sizes for the preview, all iPhones and iPad, iPad PRO.
My understanding is I can use 1 Main.Storyboard for all the storyboards of all devices with the preview storyboards.
However, when it comes to coding, can I also use just 1 view controller.h and view controller.m file for all devices?

Of course, if you can use a single storyboard for all the devices, what makes you think you would not be able to use a single view controller?


porting iPad app to iPhone using one storyboard with one storyboard

i am able to make my iPad app running on iPhone but the iPhone screens doesnt fit all the content in. For example my table view main text is hidden, the buttons are very much spaced from the border. I understand the spacing given in my storyboard files in too big for iPhone screen.
I want to make my app work for iPhone with very minimal changes. I dont want to create a new storyboard and rewrite everything. Please suggest a good way.
Thanks in advance.
You need to make the app Universal, make a single storyboard the main storyboard in both target's project settings and use Autolayout to position your UI elements respective of the device. Look into Size classes to keep your design responsive.

is it possible to design view for iPad without autolayout?

I have developed app without autolayout for iPhone. Now I need that app for iPad also. Is it possible to create it without autolayout?
yes, you have to create App directly then select iPad.
and using Auto Resize ,you can directly develop app for iPad only.
I have attached few Screen shot, may be helpful to you.
Create new project, using XIB .
I don't recommend that (see comment of #Nimit Parekh).
You can use Sized classes to avoid having 2 separate Storyboards - one for iPhone and other for iPad. There is a good tutorial.
Second option is to have 2 storyboards. You only need to link all outlets from the 1st storyboard to the second. You have to check not to miss something, otherwise you can get exceptions in iPad.
The 3rd option is manually (from the code) to manage layout for iPad - but this will create a lot of specific code for iPad only (you have to check what type is your device and split code) - this is not recommended.
Take into account that Autolayout is more easy to apply on iPad (from my point of view) because of equal withd / height ratio for iPad - it is the same up to now. Not like in iPhone.

Why are my storyboard views not iPhone-shaped?

I am building an iPhone app, and the storyboard looks like this:
Notice that the views within the storyboard are awkwardly square. I wasn't sure what caused this so I just went with it.
I set my app as iPhone-only and portrait-only.
When I build the app on my phone though, parts of the view are off the screen, because my phone isn't shaped like the interfaces that I am building.
Anyone know how to fix this?
In Xcode 6 Viewcontroller sized to 600*600 size, its for Auto layout and size classes. You can disable this feature by unchecking autolayout and size classes in the File inspector of storyboard (refer image). If you disable autolayout you can see your storyboard viewcontrollers sized to iphone.
It is Universal Storyboard.
Apple wants developer to create apps with Adaptive Layout
The introduction of Adaptive Layout in iOS 8 is a huge paradigm shift for iOS app designers. When designing your app, you can now create a single layout, which works on all current iOS 8 devices – without crufty platform-specific code.
This tutorial serves as your introduction to Adaptive Layout. You’ll learn about universal storyboards, size classes, layout and font customizations and the ultra-useful Preview Assistant Editor.
If you want to fix the size of storyboard you can adjust width and height.

Do I still need two Storyboard files to manage different devices now with Universal Storyboards?

I have an iPad only app that I'm switching to support iPhone as well. Not going well so far, the project was created before universal storyboards. When I run it on the iPhone, it sticks with the good ol' iPad size. Should I delete my storyboard and add a Universal one, or create separate Xib's / Storyboard's to support iPhone's?
I don't think you need to create separate xib or storyboard to support iPhone.
You can enable auto layout and size classes in your storyboard. Auto layout helps you layout your views based on constraints while size classes helps you check whether the view is running in iPad or iPhone, as well as the device orientation.
You can then layout your screens based on different size classes.
Please check WWDC video Building Adaptive Apps with UIKit for more information.
You can use a second storyboard but in my opinion it is easier to generate all the objects in code. Then you can use values like this: self.view.frame.size.width/2 to center it on the x-axis on every device. And you don't need a storyboard for every screen size.

How/whether to make a universal storyboard in Xcode

When creating a storyboard file in Xcode, you must select if it is for iPhone or iPad. This implies one should always put iPhone and iPad UIs into separate storyboards. Is this true?
My app has multiple storyboards. While the Main.storyboard files largely differ between iPhone and iPad, other storyboards are nearly identical. The only difference might be segue being a push on iPhone vs popover on iPad, which can be handled programmatically. It seems awfully silly and redundant to make two storyboards.
So if making one "universal" storyboard, should iPhone or iPad be selected in Xcode? Does it matter?
As of Xcode 6, we can create a single unified storyboard for all the devices.
For more info - Documentation
iOS 8 makes dealing with screen size and orientation much more
versatile. It is easier than ever to create a single interface for
your app that works well on both iPad and iPhone, adjusting to
orientation changes and different screen sizes as needed. Design apps
with a common interface and then customize them for different size
classes. Adapt your user interface to the strengths of each form
factor. You no longer need to create a specific iPad storyboard;
instead target the appropriate size classes and tune your interface
for the best experience.
There are two types of size classes in iOS 8: regular and compact. A
regular size class denotes either a large amount of screen space, such
as on an iPad, or a commonly adopted paradigm that provides the
illusion of a large amount of screen space, such as scrolling on an
iPhone. Every device is defined by a size class, both vertically and
horizontally. iPad size classes shows the native size classes for the
iPad. With the amount of screen space available, the iPad has a
regular size class in the vertical and horizontal directions in both
portrait and landscape orientations.
It only supports iOS 8(backward compatible applies only for iOS 7) and later.
You've got to create to separate storyboards for each kind of device. If you would delete the iPad storyboard, than your app would use the iPhone's one. You'll realize it when you'll see the 2x button at the bottom of the screen. Everything will be scaled to fit the larger screen - and the graphics would be really bad.
The only suitable workaround is to copy-paste everything from your iPhone Storyboard to iPad storyboard. Just follow the next steps:
Open iPhone.storyboard,
Press CMD+A,
Press CMD+C,
Switch to iPad.storyboard,
Press CMD+V,
You'll see, that all the screens, segues, properties and actions are transferred to your new storyboard. All that you have to do is to fix the frames of all your elements so that they'll suit new screen sizes.
And don't forget, that a good iPad application shouldn't be the same as the iPhone version. There are a lot of cool things which you can do with iPad!
