Sonar 5.2 & Cobertura Plugin doesn't work - jenkins

We upgraded to Sonar 5.2. But now, the task to process the sonar report fails:
2015.12.21 16:08:20 ERROR [o.s.s.c.t.CeWorkerRunnableImpl] Failed to execute task AVHFFR9SqYJURQAYr8yb
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: There's no changeset on line 59
at ~[guava-17.0.jar:na]
at org.sonar.server.computation.scm.ScmInfoImpl.getChangesetForLine( ~[sonar-server-5.2.jar:na]
at org.sonar.server.computation.scm.DbScmInfo.getChangesetForLine( ~[sonar-server-5.2.jar:na]
at org.sonar.server.computation.step.NewCoverageMeasuresStep$NewCoverageCounter.initialize( ~[so
If I uninstall the Cobertura Plugin which has version 1.6.3, then the report process works fine. But that's no solution for me because I need these reports. Did anybody succeed to solve this error in another way?

Two thoughts:
1) Your issue seems related to this discussion on SonarQube's group. Check if you have such line number="0" in your cobertura.xml file. Unfortunately the fix is planned for SonarQube 5.4 (i.e. 04/Mar/16.)
2) Depending on your exact needs related to Cobertura reports generation and if you're using Maven, you can try to use QualInsight Maven Cobertura plugin to generate your Cobertura reports. This plugin provides the qualinsight-mojo-cobertura-core mojo, an alternative to the cobertura-maven-plugin mojo you're probably using if your build is Maven based. QualInsight Maven Cobertura plugin generates separate reports for UTs, ITs, and combined Overall Test coverage. It generates standard cobertura.xml reports, but also is able to convert them to SonarQube Generic Test Coverage plugin format.
Maybe generated reports by qualinsight-mojo-cobertura-core won't contain data causing issues + maybe using SonarQube's Generic Coverage plugin instead of SonarQube's Cobertura plugin won't cause the exception you get (it was released 9 days ago and tested towards SQ 5.2, while the Cobertura plugin was last released in September 2014)
If want to give it a try and need help / have questions with this solution, just ask (I'm the developer QualInsight Maven Cobertura plugin.)


Testing Jenkins "Code Coverage API Plugin"

I am new to Jenkins, I have installed "Code Coverage API Plugin" in Jenkins, now want to test it.
I am trying to do steps from this page
But I did not understand where to put XML files from points 1 and 2.
Can anybody help me, please?
The tags present in the images are the plugins that will be added in the pom.xml of the application. By running mvn clean package cobertura will generate a report based on the formats provided, xml or html.
If the code is checked out to the job and after running "mvn clean package" cobertura report will be generated under project workspace target/site/cobertura
The xml path is provided to code coverage api to provide the graphical representation.
Jacaco is preferred for java versions >=8 whereas cobertura doesn't cover for java8 based functionalities.

Generate two coverage reports in a single jenkins build

I have a Jenkins build which build all my java/angularJS project. It launch testNG tests for the java part and karma tests for the javascript part. So I can generate one testNG report (for java) and one junit report (for karma test) in my Jenkins build. This is working very well.
Until now, I used cobertura to report the coverage of my java tests. But now I would like to add also a coverage report for my karma tests (generated by Istanbul with cobertura type). The problem is that, in Jenkins, I'm allowed to generate only one coverage report in a build (I can't add more that one 'publish cobertura coverage report' post build action). So how can I have these two coverage reports in a single Jenkins build?
There's a nice plugin called HTML Publisher Plugin. You can generate HTML coverage reports and publish as much reports as you want under different titles in one Jenkins project.
For example I generate html reports using karma+istanbul and then publish them to Jenkins.
On JUnit xml report files. You should import JUnit once enumerating all files probably from different directories but you can differentiate them with proper package names inside files.
If I'm right, you can't use, as a post build action, the same plug-in twice( note that I'm not really sure). I faced this problem when I worked as Jenkins plug-in developer for a company and the solution was to use a plug-in that make the same thing.
For example: for JUnit reports there is an official JUnit plugin and also XUnit. For my problem it was simple.
So, maybe you can find a plug-in that do the same thing as Cobertura or you can change the output format of the java coverage or karma coverage. For example, for java you can use EclEmma or Jacoco...

SonarQube4.4 surefire sensor not getting executed for Grails Project

I have couple of non mavenized Grails Project (2.2.1 and 2.3.5 versions). I can generate Unit test results (spock test) in XML format.
But these results are not getting published in SonarQube 4.4 version. with Groovy 1.0.1 plugin. Sonar can publish the coverage report.
Below are the sonar properties.
I have tried all combination of (relative / absolute) path for reportsPath and tests.
On checking the logs, I dont see Surefire Senor being executed at all. There is a similar issue in the tracker,
But in this scenario, surefire sensor at least gets called /executed but with error.
Ok. I went past this issue after removing sonar.language=grvy property. In this case source files are both in Java and groovy language.
Sonar itself picked the language and surefire sensor did get executed with the 'Resource not found; error as mentioned in the above JIRA issue.
I am wondering if this issue is because of multi-language project.

Gallio not working with sonar-runner

I'm trying to get sonar-runner to run Gallio and OpenCover on my .net application.
I've set up the following:
Sonarqube v4.3.2
Gallio v3.4.14
NUnit v2.6.3
OpenCover v4.5
Sonar-runner v2.4
Here is what I have in my file (the things conserning Gallio)
sonar.opencover.installDirectory=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\OpenCover\\
I have tried all sorts of variations of this config file but the weird thing is that when I run sonar-runner, even with parameters -X or -e, there is absolutely no mention of Gallio or OpenCover in the output. It's like the sonar runner is just skipping the Gallio section completely!
Does anyone here have a clue of what might be going on ?
Latest versions of the C# Plugin do not support the automatic execution of Gallio (see this documentation).
Starting with C# 3.0, only the reuse of reports is supported to get test and coverage information for .NET projects. Please read the documentation page of the C# plugin to know how to do that.

Sonar displaying 0% Emma coverage report

I agree that this question is asked many a times by many people and many solutions are already been provided. However, after referring to umpteen links, not being able to display the Emma report in Sonar is driving me crazy. Below is a description of what I am trying to do.
My java project is a multi module maven project. We are using EMMA as the code coverage tool and Jenkins to build the project, Sonar to analyze the code and configured Sonar for our build job using the Jenkins sonar plugin. Up to this point, the story is great. The problem comes when I try to reuse the reports generated by Emma during Sonar analysis. There is no apparent error in the Sonar analysis logs during the build, however, in Sonar project dashboard the coverage report is 0%. Below is configuration data that I provide in the Sonar configuration section of my Jenkins build job.
Sonar Version : 3.0
Emma plugin versions:
emma-maven-plugin : 1.0-alpha-2
Sonar Emma Plugin :1.0.1
emma : 2.0.5312
The Maven build generates the coverage.em files in the individual modules' target folder. No file is generated. Is it mandatory to have both and coverage.em files for Sonar?
The,html,txt,xml files are generated in the project build directory/emma folder
The Sonar analysis logs for a module looks like below.
[INFO] [15:06:02.829] Sensor org.sonar.plugins.emma.EmmaSensor#bfc33...
[WARN] [15:06:02.844] Resource will be ignored in next Sonar versions, index is locked: com.mycompany.mypackage.tests.util.Activator
[INFO] [15:06:02.876] Sensor org.sonar.plugins.emma.EmmaSensor#bfc33 done: 47 ms
The above logs make me think that Sonar is indeed doing something with the generated Emma reports, but not displaying anything on the Sonar project dashboard.
Please let me know where I may be going wrong or what additional thing needs to be done to get this working.
I think this thread might me useful.
It describes the same problem and gives you some workarounds
