adding a uipageviewcontroller to a uistackview - ios

I'm trying to add a sliding photo gallery functionality to the top portion of a view.
To give context, a user taps on a button or row or something. Then i load a scrollview with a uistackview in it. organized vertically, i had an image, and then another stack view with some text in it. Now, i want that image to become part of a larger "gallery". My research told me to implement UIPageviewcontroller and add the other images to a childVC.
i used this as a tutorial (the first example):
the only relevant deviation from the tutorial my app has is that it creates things programmatically.
With my proof of concept for the gallery functionality, i wanted to integrate it with the previously mentioned stack view. my plan was to first add the pageviewcontroller stuff into the overall stack view with the original image view right below it and then simply remove the original image view to leave me the final product.
i was able to add the pageviewcontroller.view to the stackview, but the gallery doesn't show. taking a look at the UI Inspector, i can see that the gallery is kinda loaded, but it's messed up.
it's as if the uiview has a frame of 0 height and so the other stack view items don't respect the images that the pageviewcontroller is trying to show.
I think it could be that stack views can only handle specific views, not stuff as complicated as pageviewcontrollers.
also note: my implementation is all programmatic, no storyboards, and so for no xibs. so maybe i missed something here.
here is some code, if it helps:
note the constrain functions you see are from the "cartography" pod
this adds the "gallery" to the stack view, it's a delegate function from my view
func addZoomStuff(sender: UIStackView) {
let zoomer = PageBaseViewController()
zoomer.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
zoomer.view.tag = 5
this is what creates the scrollview, image view, etc for the gallery items:
override func viewDidLoad() {
//MARK: - Zoom View Elements
// prep
scrollView = UIScrollView(frame: self.view.frame)
scrollView.delegate = self
constrain(scrollView, view) { view, view2 in
view.edges == view2.edges
// 1
let image = UIImage(named: imageName)!
imageView = UIImageView(image: image)
// 2
constrain(imageView){ view in
view.edges == view.superview!.edges
scrollView.contentSize = image.size
i tried adding the constraints like this but there was no effect
func addZoomStuff(sender: UIStackView) {
let zoomer = PageBaseViewController()
constrain(zoomer.view, view) { view, view2 in
view.width == view2.width
view.height == view2.height * 2 / 3
view.leading == view2.leading ==
zoomer.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
zoomer.view.tag = 5
print("sender.subviews: \(sender.subviews)")
print("sender.subviews: \(sender.subviews)")
if this method isn't going to work, can i do a nested horizontal stack view instead of the pageviewcontroller and somehow get that same scrolling/snap effect to see on image view at a time?

Create a subclass of UIPageViewController, make it it's own delegate.
Initialize the subclass with a plain UIViewController, only set a backgroundcolor.
In the pageviewcontroller subclass, implement the two delegate callbacks for a next and previous viewcontroller: create a plain viewcontrolller, with some random backgroundcolor.
If this works, replace the plain viewcontroller by your actual contentviewcontroller.
Long version:
Have you seen this: Maybe this link will help:
It might help, as it explains the details of UIPageViewController. Basically, you need to create a viewController (not a view!), that shows one page of the gallery. So this VC has a stackview, and manages the content of it. The pageviewcontroller is initialized with your first contentviewController. If you create a subclass of the uipageviewcontroller, you can set self of that subclass as the delegate of it. Implement the delegate callbacks that return the next or previous viewController and thats it. For this last part, it is convenient to have a property on the contentviewcontroller from which the subclasses of the pageviewcontroller can figure out what data to set on the next or previousviewcontroller.
Your title seeks to hint at some confusion: its not possible to add a viewcontroller to a view. You can only add other views to a (stack)view. A viewcontroller owns and manages a viewhierarchy. A pageviewcontroller has no content, but manages the insertion and removal of viewcontrollers. as the pageviewcontroller is a containerviewcontroller, it will als take the contentViewcontrollers' views and place them in the viewhierarchy. But this is not something your code has to do when you subclass UIPageViewControlller and implement it's delegates on itself (and don't forget to assign self to be the delegate).


Adding An UITableViewController on to a SubView

An UITableViewController pretty much takes up the entire view. I need a way to limit its height, width and add some shadows etc. For a clear explanation, I won't show the UITableViewController's contents.
Without the use of a storyboard, I subviewed the UITableViewController:
// In another UIViewController
let otherController = OtherController() // A subclass of UITableViewController
let otherControllerView = otherController.view
[...] // bunch of constraints
In AppDelegate, if I set the rootController as OtherController(), everything works as it should. If I change it back to SomeView(), I see my modified tableView. If I should click it, it disappears.
This was the only thing that came close to my issue but sadly, I could not understand the answers provided as nothing made any sense to me.
I need to understand, why it disappears when touched etc.
view.bringSubviewToFront(...) proved futile. I'm gessing that a tableView should be rendered in its own controller and not in another view?
So just to answer this question, indeed you got two options. One is the best way, as suggested by Rakesha. Just use UITableView. Add it as a subview. Done.
And in the future, if you really want any controller to be added onto any UIView, remember you need to add that controller as a child. For example, in your case:
The controller of the view that will hold your UITableViewController will add such UITableViewController as a child.
// Take note of the view of your tableViewController above^.
// Then setup the constraints of your yourUITableViewController.view below.
I hope this helps!
You must add the instance of UITableViewController's subclass as child view controller of the other view controller. You need to ensure few points in order to make it work. The points are as listed below:
Create the instance of your TableViewController
Add it as a child view controller of the other view controller
Add its view as a subview of the desired view (you may do these steps in viewDidLaod since they need to be done only once)
Keeping in mind the view cycle of a view controller. You must keep a weak reference of the child view controller aka TableViewController to adjust its view frame after the parent view controller has laid its subviews.
Code here:
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
let vc = TableViewController()
vc.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
childVC = vc
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
childVC?.view.frame = view.frame

Animating UINavigationController height during controller transition

I am designing an iOS app in swift, and I am having some difficulty with animations during a controller transition. Specifically, I've implemented a UINavigationControllerDelegate, to listen for when a certain view is pushed. When this view is pushed, I want to hide a bar at the bottom of the screen. My code is working almost perfectly, however whenever I begin an animation on the height of the navigation controller, the current view (which is being removed) animates its height correctly, but the new controller which is being pushed already has the new height from the animation. To put some code to it, the following function is called from my UINavigationControllerDelegate's willShow viewController function:
func animatePlayerVisibility(_ visible: Bool) {
if visible == showingPlayer {
showingPlayer = visible
let height: CGFloat = visible ? 56.0 : 0.0
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.35) {
self.playerHeight.constant = height
self.viewBottom.constant = height
'playerHeight' is an IBOutlet to a constraint on the height of the player container view. 'viewBottom' is also an IBOutlet constraint between the bottom of the top container view and the bottom of the screen. Essentially, as long as these two constraints are animated together, it should look nice.
To help visualize the graphical bug, I edited this line
self.viewBottom.constant = height
self.viewBottom.constant = height * 2.0
I have created an imgur album of the actual wrong behavior in action:
As you can see, the old view controller animates properly, when the new controller already has the new animated size.
Here is the layout of my storyboard:
Any help would be really appreciated. I've been trying to fix this for a while with no success.
EDIT: The view of the animation without the *2 applied.
Have you thought about not using UINavigationController? Maybe it will be easier to use ChildViewControllers mechanism. Then with it you can use a powerful autolayouts and have more control over animation (in your case height)
More info about this here
I've created a nice little sample project you can find here!
There are a number of things that could be going wrong, and since I haven't looked over your project personally it's likely I organized things very differently in my sample, but hopefully you will understand it. I think the big thing is that I added a constraint in storyboard to the navigationController's container to the bottom of the root viewController. I don't adjust the height of this container at all when I animate.

Attaching UIButton on top of UIScrollView or UITableView

What is the best approach for attaching a UIButton on top of UIScrollView or UITableView so when the view is scrolled, the button stays in its place.
Here examples below:
UIButton stays in the right bottom corner when the view is scrolled.
google+ app example
yahoo mail app example
I think this should work. Lay Out your button in a view that is outside of the tableviewcontroller. Then drag an outlet to the tableviewcontroller file. Then add it in code. This code would hold it at the top of the screen.
#IBOutlet var buttonView: UIView!
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
override func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
var rect = self.buttonView.frame
rect.origin.y = max(0,scrollView.contentOffset.y +
self.buttonView.frame = rect
Thank you all for great answers!
I got it worked through storyboard by moving the button from scrollView to View itself. That way it's attached on UIView and it's independent of scrollview.
storyboard snapshot
So now the structure is:
- View
- ScrollView
- Button
Before it was:
- View
- ScrollView
- Button
There are many ways to go about doing this but two that I use most often are as follows.
One approach is embedding the view controller within a navigation controller. This will set a bar on the top and bottom if you choose that you can place bar button items upon.
Another approach is to place a UIView along the top and snap the constraints to the left, right, and top with 0 no-margin. Then set the height. I usually use 40px for the height but you can use what is applicable to your needs. After that you can place a button in that UIView and then set constraints on it to keep in in place.
In my experience, this isn't reliably possible to do with the scrollView itself.
My solution is usually to put anything that needs to float above the tableView/scrollView in a plain ViewController that also contains the tableView/scrollView parent.
If you're using storyboards with a UITableViewController scene, this will likely mean you need to use another scene with UIViewController with a container that has your UITableViewController.
For UITableView use tableHeaderView. For UIScrollView you need to create a separate view not in the scroll view's hierarchy.
Another solution is to put your UIButton in a UIToolbar, and then make the toolbar a child of the UINavigationController's view. After that, in viewDidLayoutSubviews, you can set the rect of the toolbar to sit just below the navigation bar and offset the top of the UIScrollView or UITableView.
Add button which you want in the storyboard.
Design your scrollview
self.view.sendSubviewToBack(scrollViewObj)(in the code)
This worked for me.

Mixing storyboard and constraints in code

I'm trying to implement view controller from this wireframe
As we have different screen resolutions - different number of yellow views can fit on the screen. All yellow views are same size UIImageViews, containing the same image.
What I'm trying to do is to layout view controller in storyboard except the yellow views. Then I calculate number of yellow views screen can fit and add them using auto layout in code. Like this:
let numberOfViewsPerSide = numberOfViewsOnEachSide()
let viewImage = UIImage (named: "repeat_image")
var prevView = centerImageView
if let viewImage = viewImage {
for index in 0...(numberOfViewsPerSide - 1) {
var newView = UIImageView(image: viewImage)
let views = ["prevView" : prevView, "newView" : newView]
let constraint_H = NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("H:[newView]-15-[prevView]", options: NSLayoutFormatOptions.AlignAllCenterY, metrics: nil, views: views)
prevView = newView
The problem is that in viewDidLoad and viewWillAppear methods auto layout isn't triggered yet. So centerImageView doesn't have right size and position. Moreover its superview is nil at this point. So I basically can't add constraint to view without parent.
My code works in viewDidAppear method but that means that all yellow views will appear only after transition animation is completed.
Do you have any idea how to implement that without doing everything in storyboard or purely in code. UILabel, UIButton on the picture positioned deleted to the green centerView - if I add centerView in code I need to set all constraints for this screen in code.
Solution offered by #pteofil worked for me
so I call code above in viewWillAppear like that:
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
You can use layoutIfNeeded to get the autolayout triggered and have your views the correct size.
But your yellow views almost looks like you could use a UICollectionView to manage them...
You can embed all the yellow views in a container view you position in interface builder. Now you can do all the stuff inside this view in code.

UIScrollView with UIView (Swift)

I have implemented a UIScrollView with a UIView which I add when viewDidLoad() to the UIScrollView which is set to the UIViewControllers view. When I do this how ever the frame of the UIView with the setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints(false) gets set to -101.0. This does not happen to another view that is displayed differently,but only happens to this view which is designed the same, and displayed with pushViewController from the navigationController.
The constraints are setup from the NIB/XIB files and I am confused why this is occurring.
Another thing to note is that, when this happens, no matter where I try and change the frame of the UIView, it has no affect.
CODE for viewDidLoad():
override func viewDidLoad(){
// call the super implementation
// load our scrollview from our nib file
customScrollView = CustomScrollView.loadFromNib();
// set the resizeing mask to fill screen
customScrollView!.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;
// load our uiview from our nib file
containerView = ContainerView.loadFromNib();
// we handle the constraint changes
// intialize our refresh control
refreshControl = UIRefreshControl();
refreshControl!.tintColor = UIColor.whiteColor();
refreshControl!.addTarget(self, action: "onRefresh", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.ValueChanged);
// add the view to our controller here
view = customScrollView!;
The answer ended up being a custom tableview. If anyone else is having this problem, I highly recommend ditching UIScrollView, because it is an utter disappointment from apple. The documentation is poor, and there are technical issues with it known to be true. There are also technical document notes for some issues on the class for anyone who is trying to do something with the class, be sure to read those.
