Can I find the index of an occurrence of an Outlook appointment pattern - outlook-redemption

I use Redemption to go through some recurring appointments in Outlook and I can get the changed/deleted occurrences of these recurring appointments via the RDORecurrencePattern.Exceptions property.
What I really want to find out, is the index of these modified occurrences in the entire recurring series, this is the same index RDORecurrencePattern.GetOccurence(Index) uses to find the occurrence.
But it doesn't look like this property is exposed anywhere. Does anyone know any way to find this index?

No, such a property is not exposed unfortunately. The best you can do is loop through all occurrences and open each occurrence using RDORecurrencePatterm.GetOccurence passing an integer index, you can then compare the start date of the occurrence with the date of the given exception.


Missing properties in the occurrences of recurring events when using delta function

i'm trying to fetch the list of all modified Outlook event instances in a certain time period using Microsoft Graph and the delta funcion.
When i call the the following endpoint:
i get the list of all normal events with all their properties correctly set. But if there are recurring events, their occurrences only have these properties: #odata.type, #odata.etag, seriesMasterId, type, id, start, end.
The docs don't say anything about this. Should i read all the other properties from the master event?
Yes that's correct. Any property not set on the occurrence should be interpreted as having the same value as the master.

How to find recurrence exceptions through Microsoft Outlook Calendar Graph API

I'm currently using the Microsoft Graph API to sync calendar events to my local application. On my end, I don't care to save each individual occurrence in a series, but prefer instead to just save the series master and then extrapolate out the instances of the series myself. For this reason, I am using the /me/events call rather than the /me/calendarView call.
My problem is when editing a single occurrence in a series. After editing the single occurrence, I make the /me/events call and I can see the newly added "Exception" type -- which is great. However, I don't see how to relate that new event back to which occurrence was changed to cause the exception.
For example, if I have a weekly meeting on Monday at noon, and I change today's meeting from noon to 2:00, it's pretty easy to tell that today's meeting is the one that changed. But if I change today's meeting to Friday, how can I tell that it was today's meeting that changed and not next week's? Keep in mind that I am only storing the master, and not every single calendarView occurrence.
Another example is if I delete an occurrence. In this case, the /me/calendarView call will simply not return that occurrence anymore. No exception type is generated. And the series master returned from the /me/events call doesn't change at all to indicate that a date is missing.
The format that I'm used to is something like the iCal/vCal format, where there is a start date, end date, and then a list of exception dates. Using that format, I can easily tell from the series master which dates to skip, without needing to "render" the entire occurrence and skip the exceptions. And if an occurrence is deleted, it is added to the EXDATE list and then it is never considered on rendering. Does the Microsoft Graph API not have an easy way to see these changed/deleted occurrences?
I was having a similar issue, but I think I've now realized that Microsoft does not allow recurring events to move later than the next instance, or earlier than the preceding one (at least while using Outlook calendar in the browser). So you can always assume that the 3rd event is 3rd in the series, the 4th is 4th, etc.
So as long as you know the series number, you can locate it by getting all of the instances with /me/events/[event_id]/instances?startDateTime=[start_date_time]&endDateTime=[end_date_time].
The error in Outlook Calendar when I do this isn't very clear, so maybe something else is up, but I am able to move the exception events otherwise. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if there's a definite way to know what end_date_time to use, as events can be moved indefinitely later.
Based on the response object from the event marked as an exception, you can use the seriesMasterId to relate the exception to its parent recurrence.

Best practices for events and date ranges

I’m trying to find the best practice for how to store and then query a event like this. User has purchased 3 items on separate dates.
Over that period there were two events that were held (events added in well after the user purchased the items as a retrospect, so at the time of purchase, event was not known). I’m trying to see how many items were purchased during each event by that user. How should I do that?
One solution but it sounds weird to me: When inserting a event, scan and add a relationship to all vertices that match
Manage date-time types isn't exactly an easy task on Neo4j, even in 3.2 version.
You have two options:
Hard way: convert all date to unix "timestamp" format ('s' or 'ms' from 1970), in order to calc date ranges.
Easy, convenient way: use "APOC" (here), a set of procedures and functions available as plugin for Neo4j; installation can be a bit tricky but it's worth it, indeed. It has a good number of 'date-time' functions.

history attribute in neo4j

I was reading about Time-Based Versioned Graphs and came across the following example:
CREATE (s1:Shop{shop_id:1})
(ss1:ShopState{name:'General Store'})
My question: how do I calculate this date? from:1388534400000,to:9223372036854775807
Those two values are timestamps which in java are the number of milliseconds since the Epoch (1/1/1970) began. The second value is the maximum Long value, the end of Java time, a long way away.
There are ways in all languages for generating these values for specific dates (beware that some will be based on seconds), there is quite a handy list on this site.
If you are not working in any particular programming language and just want to enter queries then you can use an online date converter like this one.
You can also calculate timestamps in Cypher if you are working with dates that relate to Now somehow using the timestamp() function:
CREATE (s1:Shop{shop_id:1})
(ss1:ShopState{name:'General Store'})
IIUC to is just a Long.MAX_VALUE, and from can be a result of either calling timestamp() function via Cypher or setting the property with the value of System.currentTimeMills() via Java API.
Take a look at the example: (Note that you can skip setting and use coalesce when querying instead).

jira updated field doesn't limit respond

I'm currently interested in automation of some of our processes, so I need to query JIRA with REST. What I want to have in response is timespent of all users for a certain date. So I use the following queries:
but in response I get a lot of worklogs which was updated not only the date I pass as argument but a month before or a day after.
So I have several questions:
Am I understand right that if I track time for some issue then the updated field will be changed?
It is likely that my queries return issues which was updated for a given date in the first place. I mean if issue was updated - return it, but issue itself contains a lot of worklogs for some period of time (month I guess).
If it is true then can I limit worklogs for the issues for only given dates?
Yes, you are right, you can limit your query in a way like this. But I guess your syntax is invalid.
First, in both of your query, after the project part of the JQL, there's a single percentage sign, which cannot be interpreted as a char. I'm sure you wanted to write %22 there. (However, you can completely omit %22 char)
Second, the JQL part of your query string must be formed with the official JQL syntax in mind. That means when you use logical operators, like AND, then you must write that in the middle of the query. And also don't replace > with >. So, instead of
the query must look like
project=my_project AND updated>2014-08-19
Note: & sign can only split the official query string parameters of the request.
