Unit testing grails ConfigSlurper behavior - grails

I'd like to write tests that would test behavior of externalized configs and assert that what gets set is what I expect. This is for the specific case where something like this is done:
a.reused.value = 'orig'
my.variable = '${a.reused.value}'
Externalized groovy file:
a.reused.value = 'new_value'
I expect that both a.reused.value and my.variable would be 'new_value'.
Now, I think I could have my unit test read in strings representing these config files (I do similar things for other unit tests to populate Holders.grailsApplication.config, for example), utilizing perhaps merge?
But what I cannot figure out is how to get the value that Grails actually gets during application run time. Instead, I get "${a.reused.value}" in my unit tests.
Is there a way to mimic this behavior of what Grails does of actually resolving this value? I did some digging around in Grails 2.4.4 source (which is what we are using) and didn't have any luck in figuring this part out. I also did try Eval.me(), but that doesn't seem to be quite right either.

While setting my.variable, you are not using a GString object, causing the expression to be treated as a value itself. Use double quotes to resolve expression automatically.
a.reused.value = 'orig' my.variable = "${a.reused.value}"
Update 1:
What you want to do is directly not possible. You are assigning the value to a variable from an expression. During evaluation of the config object for the first time, my.variable has been assigned a value, and now it doesn't contain an expression any more. So you have two options: 1) either reassign the second variable in external config also or 2) use a closure to assign the value to second variable.
my.variable = { -> "$a.reused.value" }
and while accessing do: grailsApplication.config.my.variable.call()
But again, in your code, you would have to be sure that this variable contains a closure not a value itself.


Using an environment variable as a map for common tags in a locals block

I've run into a specific problem while trying to automate a tagging process in terraform. I've set an environment variable that is essentially a list of all the tags we'd be using for all resources provisioned in the apply. It looks like this...
export TF_VAR_taglist='{JiraEpic = "ETOS-56","AssignedResearcherPri" = "Isaac",AssignedResearcherSec = "Matt"}'
After setting the environment variable I added a variable called "taglist" in the variables.tf file that grabs the aforementioned environment variable. It looks like this...
variable "taglist"{}
Lastly, I have another locals.tf file where i set a common_tags variable. Like so...
locals { common_tags ="${var.taglist}" }
When i terraform apply, the build fails while trying to map the tags properly. This is the error i receive...
Error: Incorrect attribute value type
on kube_master_worker_nodes_ec2.tf line 9, in resource "aws_instance" "master":
9: tags = local.common_tags
| local.common_tags is "{JiraEpic = \"ETOS-56\",AssignedResearcherPri = \"Isaac \",AssignedResearcherSec = \"Matt\"}"
Inappropriate value for attribute "tags": map of string required.
I then decided to define the type of the variable as map(string in the variables.tf file like this
variable "taglist"{ type = map(string) }
I had hoped that this would allow terraform to recognize this variable as a map of strings and not just a string literal, but I was wrong, and these are the errors I get when that definition is applied.
Error: Missing attribute separator
on <value for var.taglist> line 1:
(source code not available)
Expected a newline or comma to mark the beginning of the next attribute.
Error: No value for required variable
on variables.tf line 11:
11: variable "taglist"{
The root module input variable "taglist" is not set, and has no default value.
Use a -var or -var-file command line argument to provide a value for this
I'm really stuck on this, and I feel like I'm close. Can anyone provide some insight into this and how I should go about solving it?
I want to first thank Martin Atkins for giving me the idea of using colons instead of equal signs in my environment variable, because that was the ONLY issue. The variable was not properly represented as a JSON object so terraform was interpreting it as a string.
I changed
export TF_VAR_taglist='{JiraEpic = "ETOS-56","AssignedResearcherPri" = "Isaac",AssignedResearcherSec = "Matt"}'
to this
export TF_VAR_taglist='{"JiraEpic":"ETOS-56","AssignedResearcherPri":"Isaac", "AssignedResearcherSec":"Matt"}'
The build purrs like a kitten on catnip now.
Terraform uses the type constraint of a variable to decide how to interpret a string representation of its value. By default, Terraform will assume the value expects a primitive type such as a string or number, because that's the most typical case for variables set via the command line or environment variables.
Since your tag list is a list you need Terraform to interpret it as a map expression rather than as a string. You can tell Terraform to do that by telling Terraform which type of value you expect:
variable "taglist" {
type = map(string)
You can read more about this in the Terraform documentation section Complex-typed Values.
You then need to make sure that the value in the environment variable is a valid object expression in order to avoid a syntax error. If you're setting the environment variable from the shell command line then you need to be mindful of escaping/quoting to ensure that Terraform will see the value with all of the quotes intact, and without any extra metacharacters.
The result is often hard to read clearly, which is why the Terraform documentation recommends using a .tfvars file to set complex-typed variables, instead of the -var command line option or environment variables. However, since you are using automation you might find it easier to generate a .tfvars.json file instead, which uses standard JSON format and is therefore easier to generate using JSON libraries available in most programming languages. Here's the .tfvars.json equivalent of the value you showed in your question:
"taglist": {
"JiraEpic": "ETOS-56",
"AssignedResearcherPri": "Isaac",
"AssignedResearcherSec": "Matt"
Note that subjectively I'd find it pretty confusing to have a variable whose name ends in list when it actually expects a map. A more typical name for this variable would be just tags, though if it's useful to mention its type in order to distinguish it from other variables then I'd suggest tag_map instead, to make it less confusing.

custom variable (of a TFS build) can't be populated with expression

In build definition (on Variables tab) I am trying to define a custom variable (Build.Repository.Clean) using simple expression $[not(false)]. But when I print variables during build -- regardless of expression used, Build.Repository.Clean value is always false.
Strangely enough, definining it with something like $(FullBuild) (where FullBuild is another custom variable) works just fine.
Am I missing something?
using TFS 2018
Trying to set Build.Repository.Clean variable depending on a custom variable QuickBuild (which can be set by user when kicking off a build). Tried specifying $[not(variables.QuickBuild)] (and other variations of same expression) -- no luck.
here is how it works right now (but I'd rather have QuickBuild instead of FullBuild -- just can't figure out how to negate a variable):
Update 3:
Well, ignore if it changes clean operation during queue time. For what you are looking for, you could try this format:
If QuickBuild=True, Build.Repository.Clean=False,
If QuickBuild=False, then Build.Repository.Clean.Clean=True
For example:
I have set the clean option in Get Source Step, Clean=true
Now when I queue the build, then try to change the FullBuild=false during queue
What you thought, the Build.Repository.Clean should change to False , then the clean operation will not be executed. But the truth is, the Build.Repository.Clean is still True and the clean is executed.
Even you do not update the value of FullBuild=false during the queue time, directly set the value FullBuild=false in build pipeline. This will also not use.
In the opposite, if you set Clean=false in Get Source Step. No matter what kind of value you input in FullBuild or Build.Repostiory.Clean during queue build.
It will not clean during the build pipeline.
Conclusion: It's not able to change the clean operation during queue time. This is not related any expression at all. Not matter what kind of value you set for Build.Repository.Clean.
Update 2
After go through your question and all comments once again. Seems your truly goal is assigning the clean options at queue-time based another customized variable.
Since you are not able to change Build.Repository.Clean during queue time. So you are trying to use this workaround. It's not support. There is not a way to assign the clean options at queue-time.
You may have to pre-define this variable in your build pipeline.
Also take a look at this question: How to clean build using self-hosted agent when queuing
In your scenario, you can create two build pipelines as an ugly workaround. One for incremental build (Disable the Clean option in get source step, or use variable Build.Repository.Clean = False), and another one enable the Clean option.
Hope it's clearly.
Expressions are not evaluated when they are used to initialize custom variables (on Variables tab). I.e. variable value ends up being a string with value equal to your expression (e.g. '$[not(<whatever>)]'). Later, when that variable gets used in context that expect boolean -- it still doesn't get evaluated, instead it gets type-casted and any non-empty string yields true.
On the other hand variable substitution happens -- i.e. value $(MyVar) gets replaced with value of MyVar.
Built-in variable seem to be special in sense that if you override them -- this process happens at the start and it's value gets immediately replaced with resulting value.
Note -- this may (or may not) be related to this.
Bottomline: you can't use expressions to override value of a built-in variable.

How do you use concordion:run with parameters?

I would like to run a Concordion spec using a parameter. What I'd like to do is execute the spec using concordion:run. A little research pointed me to the existence of a concordion:params attribute, but I cannot find any documentation or examples.
I'm not sure how these two commands fit together; should the params element be nested inside the run element or outside? What is the value to fill in concordion:params="?" Where do I specify the param values themselves--in a concordion:set call?
concordion:params is an attribute to be used on the same element as the concordion:run attribute.
For example, in MyIndex.html:
<a concordion:run="concordion" concordion:params="foo=5" href="MySpec.html">My Spec</a>
with the fixture class:
public class MyIndex {
public void setFoo(Integer foo) {
System.out.println("foo = " + foo);
Note that the #FullOGNL attribute is required to allow the syntax foo=5 in the expression that wouldn't otherwise be allowed.
Tim Wright has pointed out an issue with this approach:
The issue I see is that the same specification might be run from two
different specifications (or run twice from a single specification)
with different parameters as well as from jUnit with no parameters. As
we only create one HTML file, the behaviour might not be what the user
expects. It also means that using concordion:run will create a
different specification from running the spec directly as a jUnit test
- which is something we've tried hard to avoid.
The current behaviour (with the concordion run cache) is that the
first one to be called will create the HTML file - and the second one
will return a run results from the cache thus ignoring the parameter.
This may mean that we deprecate concordion:params and remove it in 2.0.

JSLint Weird assignment, required for closure compiler

I'm using the closure compiler to minify and speed up my code but I'm running into some issues with JSLint when I try to export my functions.
Basically, I have an object, foo{} with a function, foo.bar() that gets called via an external file as. In order for this function to be called externally I need to add some declarations to my script before it gets compiled:
window['foo'] = foo;
window['foo']['bar'] = foo.bar;
This works great, but—as ever—JSLint thinks I'm mental for even attempting this. I've managed to suppress the dot notation error by declaring, /*jslint sub: true */ just before these two lines but I still get the following error:
"window['foo']['bar'] = foo.bar;" - Weird assignment
It's not wrong, it is a weird assignment out of context, but I need it in there in order for my code to work.
The way I see it, I have three possible options:
Tell JSLint not to bother even looking at them two lines.
Suppress the Weird assignment error.
Find another way to make my code work with closure compiler.
The problem is, I have no idea how to go about doing any of them.
You can export names using goog.exportSymbol instead of bracket notation: https://github.com/google/closure-library/blob/master/closure/goog/base.js#L1532
The Closure Compiler understands what goog.exportSymbol is so it'll remove the explicit exportSymbol call and add foo and bar directly to the window for you.

Use variable to access config in Grails Holders

Using Grails 2.3.7, I set a property in my config file:
foo.bar = ['whatever']
I can access using Holders...
For convenience I put Holders in util method:
static getCfgProp(key){
But getCfgProp('foo.bar') doesn't work (guessing because foo.bar is nested map key).
It works if I flatten the config:
static getCfgProp(key){
..but don't want to do that each time method is invoked.
Tried these, none worked, I must be missing something simple
This is what I've used for displaying a config var value (via a form input):
where ${it} is the input string. This works for both non-nested and nested keys due to the flatten() method.
EDIT: just realised this is the equivilent of your Holders.getFlatConfig() so probably not useful. Not sure why you
don't want to do that each time method is invoked
Performance? Have you benchmarked it?
This has worked for me with grails-2.5.6:
// for Holders.config.foo.bar.zet
