In Huffman code compression determining code table bits - huffman-code

enter image description here
In the above picture, as you can see in first paragraph 11th senetence,
"For our example the code table may saved in 5*8+4*2=48"
How this expression come out? Please explain...

It says:
number of table entries, code 1, symbol 1, code 2, symbol 2, ...
So that's what it is. One byte for the number of table entries, which in this case is 4. From that, you can determine that the number of bits in each code is 2. That is followed by two bits for the first code (00), followed by eight bits for the first symbol ("a").
That header is then followed by the coded data, two-bits per symbol.
There is a flaw though in this encoding scheme, assuming that you get a file that is a sequence of bytes. There is no way to know how many symbols there are in the last byte, which could be 1, 2, 3, or 4. You would also need another two bits in the header to tell you how many symbols are in the last byte.


Google Sheets - Split Data

I have these data in Google Sheets
I want them to be split into different columns.
However, when I do so using Data > Split Data into Different Columns, it separates $71 and 675_x000d_ but I need the $71,275 and remove the xoood
Please note that the last number doesn't have those extra characters.
Please help.
Your post says you want to "remove the x000d (that is, extract only the dollar amounts). That said, let's say your raw data starts in A2 (i.e., the data is in A2:A). Place the following formula into the first cell of another otherwise empty column (e.g., B1):
How It Works:
ArrayFormula(...) signifies that we'll be processing an entire range and not just one cell.
The outer curly brackets {...} signify that a virtual array will be formed from non-like or non-contiguous pieces.
The first piece of the virtual array is the header. Here, that is "Extracted"; but you can change it as you like.
The semicolon means "place the next information below the previous part."
IF(A2:A="",, ...) is a standard check that basically says "Don't try to process any blank cells in Column A"; or alternatively worded, "If any cell in A2:A is blank/null, do nothing."
Skipping the REGEXEXTRACT for now, A2:A&"_" appends an underscore to every entry in A2:A. This allows entries in A2:A that are just a dollar amount (e.g., from the post, $116,878) to have a consistent symbol following them if not already there. (And adding the underscore to anything that already has an underscore won't matter, because we won't be extracting that far out.)
Now that we've got the new strings, we SUBSTITUTE every comma for a null (i.e., delete all commas).
Finally, REGEXEXTRACT will take all of the virtually modified strings and extract \d+, which means only digits (\d) in an unbroken sequence of any length greater than 0 (+). Note that REGEXEXTRACT will only return the first such match it encounters as written, so 000 will not be extracted.
An IFERROR wrap is placed around the REGEXEXTRACT, just in case you have any situations in real life that don't have any sequence of numbers at all. In these cases, nothing will be returned (whereas, without the IFERROR, an error would have been returned).
Once the extraction is done, you can apply Format > Number > Currency (rounded) to the entire column.
After an additional comment (below), it appears that the raw data is in Column T, that all five entries are in one cell and that the OP would like all five amounts extracted across each row. That being the case, assuming that Columns U:Y are empty to start, place the following in cell U1 (not U2):
This works much the same way as the previous formula. The differences:
There are five headers now.
You'll see REPT(...,5) here. This is an easy way to repeat the same extraction five times.
That repeated extraction is now the following:
The backslash in front of the dollar signs means to treat those symbols as literals instead of as their usual meaning (i.e., end-of-string). So the extraction reads as follows:
\$ anything that starts with a dollar sign
(\d+) extract what is between the ( ), which is any group of digits [^$]*` followed by any number (including 0) characters that are not dollar signs
As I said, the REPT will repeat this five times; so five groups matching this pattern will be extracted.
Understand that if you have any groups that don't follow the pattern exactly, resulting in five matching extractions, nothing will be returned.
Be sure to format U:Y as currency rounded, or you will wind up with some of those numbers translating as raw dates and therefore being completely off.
Please use the following formula and format cells to your needs.
The big advantage of the above formula compared to others is that it works for any number of lines included within a single cell (as shown in the image below).
Functions used:
You can use SPLIT function:

Huffman code for a single character?

Lets say I have a massive string of just a single character say x. I need to use huffman encoding.
A huffman encoding is a fully binary tree. So how does one create a huffman code for just a single character when we dont need two leaves at all ?
jbr's answer is fine; this is just a longer version of it.
Huffman is meant to produce a minimal-length sequence of bits that contains all the information in the original sequence of symbols, assuming that the decoder already knows the set of symbols. If there's only one symbol, the input data contains no information except its length.
In Huffman-based data formats, length is usually encoded separately, not as part of the Huffman-encoded bit sequence itself. The decoder of a single-symbol Huffman code therefore has all the information it needs to reconstruct the input without needing to read anything from the Huffman-encoded bit sequence. it is logical, then, that the Huffman encoder's output should be 0 bits long.
If you don't have a length encoded separately, then you must have a symbol to represent End Of Sequence so the decoder knows when to stop reading. Then your Huffman tree will have 2 nodes and you won't run into this special case.
If you only have one symbol, then you only need 1 bit per symbol. So you really don't have to do anything except count the number of bits and translate each into your symbol.
You simply could add an edge case in your code.
For example:
check if there is only one character in your hash table, which returns only the root of the tree without any leafs. In this case, you could add a code for this root node in your encoding function, like 0.
In the encoding function, you should refer to this edge case too.

What is the difference between a Binary and a Bitstring in Erlang?

In the Erlang shell, I can do the following:
A = 300.
<<0, 0, 1, 44>>
But when I try the following:
B = term_to_binary({300}).
** exception error: bad argument
** exception error: bad argument
In the first case, I'm taking an integer and using the bitstring syntax to put it into a 32-bit field. That works as expected. In the second case, I'm using the term_to_binary BIF to turn the tuple into a binary, from which I attempt to unpack certain bits using the bitstring syntax. Why does the first example work, but the second example fail? It seems like they're both doing very similar things.
The difference between in a binary and a bitstring is that the length of a binary is evenly divisible by 8, i.e. it contains no 'partial' bytes; a bitstring has no such restriction.
This difference is not your problem here.
The problem you're facing is that your syntax is wrong. If you would like to extract the first 32 bits from the binary, you need to write a complete matching statement - something like this:
<<B1:32, _/binary>> = B.
Note that the /binary is important, as it will match the remnant of the binary regardless of its length. If omitted, the matched length defaults to 8 (i.e. one byte).
You can read more about binaries and working with them in the Erlang Reference Manual's section on bit syntax.
To your comment, <<A:32>> isn't just for integers, it's for values. Per the link I gave, the bit syntax allows you to specify many aspects of binary matching, including data types of bound variables - while the default type is integer, you can also say float or binary (among others). The :32 part indicates that 32 bits are required for a match - that may or may not be meaningful depending on your data type, but that doesn't mean it's only valid for integers. You could, for example, say <<Bits:10/bitstring>> to describe a 10-bit bitstring. Hope that helps!
The <<A:32>> syntax constructs a binary. To deconstruct a binary, you need to use it as a pattern, instead of using it as an expression.
A = 300.
% Converts a number to a binary.
B = <<A:32>>.
% Converts a binary to a number.
<<A:32>> = B.

How many chars can numeric EDIFACT data elements be long?

In EDIFACT there are numeric data elements, specified e.g. as format n..5 -- we want to store those fields in a database table (with alphanumeric fields, so we can check them). How long must the db-fields be, so we can for sure store every possible valid value? I know it's at least two additional chars (for decimal point (or comma or whatever) and possibly a leading minus sign).
We are building our tables after the UN/EDIFACT standard we use in our message, not the specific guide involved, so we want to be able to store everything matching that standard. But documentation on the numeric data elements isn't really straightforward (or at least I could not find that part).
Thanks for any help
I finally found the information on the UNECE web site in the documentation on UN/EDIFACT rules Part 4. UN/EDIFACT rules Chapter 2.2 Syntax Rules . They don't say it directly, but when you put all the parts together, you get it. See TOC-entry 10: REPRESENTATION OF NUMERIC DATA ELEMENT VALUES.
Here's what it basically says:
10.1: Decimal Mark
Decimal mark must be transmitted (if needed) as specified in UNA (comma or point, put always one character). It shall not be counted as a character of the value when computing the maximum field length of a data element.
10.2: Triad Seperator
Triad separators shall not be used in interchange.
10.3: Sign
[...] If a value is to be indicated to be negative, it shall in transmission be immediately preceded by a minus sign e.g. -112. The minus sign shall not be counted as a character of the value when computing the maximum field length of a data element. However, allowance has to be made for the character in transmission and reception.
To put it together:
Other than the digits themselves there are only two (optional) chars allowed in a numeric field: the decimal seperator and a minus sign (no blanks are permitted in between any of the characters). These two extra chars are not counted against the maximum length of the value in the field.
So the maximum number of characters in a numeric field is the maximal length of the numeric field plus 2. If you want your database to be able to store every syntactically correct value transmitted in a field specified as n..17, your column would have to be 19 chars long (something like varchar(19)). Every EDIFACT-message that has a value longer than 19 chars in a field specified as n..17 does not need to be stored in the DB for semantic checking, because it is already syntactically wrong and can be rejected.
I used EDI Notepad from Liaison to solve a similar challenge.
I recommend anyone looking at EDI to at least get their free (express) version of EDI Notepad.
The "high end" version (EDI Notepad Productivity Suite) of their product comes with a "Dictionary Viewer" tool that you can export the min / max lengths of the elements, as well as type. You can export the document to HTML from the Viewer tool. It would also handle ANSI X12 too.

Extended Huffman code

I have this homework: finding the code words for the symbols in any given alphabet. It says I have to use binary Huffman on groups of three symbols. What does that mean exactly? Do i use regular Huffman on [alphabet]^3? If so, how do I then tell the difference between the 3 symbols in a group?
I can't quite tell, because your description of the problem isn't all that detailed, but I would guess that they mean that instead of encoding each symbol in your alphabet individually, you are supposed to tread each triple of symbols as a group.
So, for instance, if your alphabet consists of a, b, and c, instead of generating an encoding for each of those individually, you would create an encoding for aaa, aab, aac, etc. Each one of these strings would be treated as a separate symbol in the Huffman algorithm; you can tell them apart simply by doing string comparison on them. If you need to accept input of arbitrary length, you will also need to include in your alphabet symbols that are strings of length 1 or 2. For instance, if you're encoding the string aabacab, you would need to break that down into the symbols aab, aca, and b.
Does that help answer your question? I wasn't quite sure what you're looking for, so please feel free to edit your question or reply in a comment if this hasn't cleared anything up.
Food for thought: what about shorter strings, and permutations of "block boundaries"? What about 1 and 2 character strings? Do you just count off 3, 6, 9, 12, ... chars into your input text and then null pad any uneven lengths at the end?
If the chunks can be of variable size, then it gets really interesting to find the best fit. I suspect it degenerates into a traveling salesman kind of problem, but maybe there's a neat "theorem" or other tool out there for this kind of thing.
Perhaps try all permutations of 3 chars, saving the most frequently used, then try to come up with a good fit for the 1 and 2 char long gaps? Hmm, sounds like it might be really slow, but doable using some kind of recursive divide and counquer approach: pull out the long string of block length N, then recurse into encoding the gaps as length N - 1.
More questions than answers, I'm afraid.
