Currently I am using the StreamingKit to play streaming mp3 files. I want to save 15 sec of the audio and convert that audio file to video file to share on Instagram.
I believe I have to implement
[audioPlayer appendFrameFilterWithName:#"MyCustomFilter" block:^(UInt32 channelsPerFrame, UInt32 bytesPerFrame, UInt32 frameCount, void* frames)
to save the audio as mentioned here .
But do not know how to do it.
Could someone please guide me to achieve this ?
You could use tab to save the PCM audio into files.
[audioPlayer appendFrameFilterWithName:#"MyCustomFilter" block:^(UInt32 channelsPerFrame, UInt32 bytesPerFrame, UInt32 frameCount, void* frames)
Hello I'm working in an app that is recording video + audio. The Video source is the camera, and the audio is coming from streaming. My problem happen when the communication with streaming is closed for some reason. Then in that case I switch the audio source to built in mic. The problem is the audio is not synchronised at all. I would like to add a space in my audio and then set the timestamp in realtime according to the current video timestamp. Seems AvassetWritter is adding the frames consecutive from built in mic and it looks like is ignoring the timestamp.
Do you know why avassetwriter is ignoring the timestamp?
This is the code than gets the latest video timestamp
- (void)renderVideoSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer
CVPixelBufferRef renderedPixelBuffer = NULL;
CMTime timestamp = CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp( sampleBuffer );
self.lastVideoTimestamp = timestamp;
and this is the code that I use to synchronise audio coming from built in mic when the stream is disconnected.
sampleBuffer = [self adjustTime:sampleBuffer by:self.lastVideoTimestamp];
//Adjust CMSampleBufferFunction
- (CMSampleBufferRef) adjustTime:(CMSampleBufferRef) sample by:(CMTime) offset
CMItemCount count;
CMSampleBufferGetSampleTimingInfoArray(sample, 0, nil, &count);
CMSampleTimingInfo* pInfo = malloc(sizeof(CMSampleTimingInfo) * count);
CMSampleBufferGetSampleTimingInfoArray(sample, count, pInfo, &count);
for (CMItemCount i = 0; i < count; i++)
pInfo[i].decodeTimeStamp = kCMTimeInvalid;//CMTimeSubtract(pInfo[i].decodeTimeStamp, offset);
pInfo[i].presentationTimeStamp = CMTimeSubtract(pInfo[i].presentationTimeStamp, offset);
CMSampleBufferRef sout;
CMSampleBufferCreateCopyWithNewTiming(nil, sample, count, pInfo, &sout);
return sout;
That is what I want to do.
Stream disconnect stream Built in mic
----------------------------------- -----------------
I would like to get this, as you can see there is a space with no audio, because the audio coming from the stream is disconnected and maybe you didn't receive all of the audio.
What it is currently doing:
Stream disconnect stream Built in mic
Since there's very little (more like none, really) documentation on MTAudioProcessingTap, I'm using Apple's demo app from WWDC 2012.
I am trying to have an Audio Graph inside the MTAudioProcessingTap, so I need to set different stream formats for different units that require specific . But every time I try to use AudioUnitGetProperty to get the AudioUnit's ASBD I get an EXC_BAD_ADDRESS error.
Here's the relevant code which results in EXC_BAD_ACCESS. You can try by yourself by downloading Apple's app and adding this to tap_PrepareCallback
OSStatus status = noErr;
AudioStreamBasicDescription testStream;
// Set audio unit input/output stream format to processing format.
if (noErr == status)
status = AudioUnitGetProperty(audioUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &testStream, sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription));
AudioUnitGetProperty takes a pointer to a UInt32 for its size argument, in your sample code you gave a value. Here is the header:
AudioUnitGetProperty( AudioUnit inUnit,
AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
AudioUnitScope inScope,
AudioUnitElement inElement,
void * outData,
UInt32 * ioDataSize)
You should be getting it like this:
AudioStreamBasicDescription testStream = {0};
UInt32 sizeTestStream = sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription);
OSStatus status = AudioUnitGetProperty(audioUnit,kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat,kAudioUnitScope_Input,0,&testStream,&sizeTestStream);
//handle error
I'm trying to play audio with audiotoolbox in xcode. I search for this but the documentation is too little. I want play nsdata while i download it from internet.
I look this link:
and the apple developer documentation but i can't understand what i have to do to cast nsdata (that is not complete because it is in download) in data that audiotoolbox can read.
With apple documentation i understand the strutture the i must allocate:
typedef struct MyAQStruct {
AudioFileID mAudioFile;
AudioStreamBasicDescription mDataFormat;
AudioQueueRef mQueue;
AudioQueueBufferRef mBuffers[kNumberBuffers];
SInt64 mCurrentPacket;
UInt32 mNumPacketsToRead;
AudioStreamPacketDescription *mPacketDescs;
bool mDone;
and the callback function the i have to call for play, but which of the variabile in this struct rapresent the data? maybe i think audiostreambasicdescription. or is audiofileid?
And how can i cast nsdata into this type?
I'm trying to play midi but it's not working, I can play an mp3 but when I change the code to midi and build - there is no sound. (with "bassmidi" plugin).
my code:
NSString *fileName = #"1";
NSString *fileType = #"mid"; // mid
BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0, 0, 0); // initialize output device
NSString *respath=[[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:fileName ofType:fileType]; // get path of audio file
HSTREAM stream=BASS_MIDI_StreamCreateFile(0, [respath UTF8String], 0, 0, BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP, 1);
BASS_ChannelPlay(stream, FALSE); // play the stream
For those who would be interested in using the BASSMIDI player on iOS, we implemented an AUv3 Audio Unit wrapped around the bassmidi library.
The main advantage is that this audio unit can be inserted into a graph of audio nodes handled by the iOS Audio Engine (just like you would do with the AVAudioUnitSampler).
The code is available on a public repository:
Feel free to use it!
I'm currently working on a VOIP project for iOS.
I use AudioUnits to get data from the mic and play sounds.
My main app is written in C# (Xamarin) and uses a C++ library for faster audio and codec processing.
To test the input/output result I'm currently testing recording & playback on the same device
- store the mic audio data in a buffer in the recordingCallback
- play the data from the buffer in the playbackCallback
That works as expected, the voice quality is good.
I need to save the incoming audio data from the mic to a raw PCM file.
I have done that, but the resulting file only contains some short "beep" signals.
So my question is:
What Audio settings do I need, that I can hear my voice (real audio signals) in the resulting raw PCM file instead of short beep sounds?
Has anyone an idea what could be wrong or what I have to do that I'm able to replay the resulting PCM file correctly?
My current format settings are (C# code):
int framesPerPacket = 1;
int channelsPerFrame = 1;
int bitsPerChannel = 16;
int bytesPerFrame = bitsPerChannel / 8 * channelsPerFrame;
int bytesPerPacket = bytesPerFrame * framesPerPacket;
AudioStreamBasicDescription audioFormat = new AudioStreamBasicDescription ()
SampleRate = 8000,
Format = AudioFormatType.LinearPCM,
FormatFlags = AudioFormatFlags.LinearPCMIsSignedInteger | AudioFormatFlags.LinearPCMIsPacked | AudioFormatFlags.LinearPCMIsAlignedHigh,
BitsPerChannel = bitsPerChannel,
ChannelsPerFrame = channelsPerFrame,
BytesPerFrame = bytesPerFrame,
FramesPerPacket = framesPerPacket,
BytesPerPacket = bytesPerPacket,
Reserved = 0
Additional C# settings (here in short without error checking):
AVAudioSession session = AVAudioSession.SharedInstance();
NSError error = null;
session.SetCategory(AVAudioSession.CategoryPlayAndRecord, out error);
session.SetPreferredIOBufferDuration(Config.packetLength, out error);
session.SetPreferredSampleRate(Format.samplingRate,out error);
session.SetActive(true,out error);
My current recording callback in short (only for PCM file saving) (C++ code):
NotSoAmazingAudioEngine::recordingCallback(void *inRefCon,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData) {
std::pair<BufferData*, int> bufferInfo = _sendBuffer.getNextEmptyBufferList();
AudioBufferList* bufferList = new AudioBufferList();
bufferList->mNumberBuffers = 1;
bufferList->mBuffers[0].mData = NULL;
OSStatus status = AudioUnitRender(_instance->_audioUnit, ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, inBusNumber, inNumberFrames, bufferList);
if(fout != NULL) //fout is a "FILE*"
fwrite(bufferList->mBuffers[0].mData, sizeof(short), bufferList->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize/sizeof(short), fout);
delete bufferList;
return noErr;
Background info why I need a raw PCM file:
To compress the audio data I'd like to use the Opus codec.
With the codec I have the problem that there is a tiny "tick" at the end of each frame:
With a frame size of 60ms I nearly can't hear them, at 20ms its annoying, at 10 ms frame sizes my own voice can't be heared because of the ticking (for the VOIP application I try to get 10ms frames).
I don't encode & decode in the callback functions (I encode/decode the data in the functions which I use to transfer audio data from the "micbuffer" to the "playbuffer").
And everytime the playbackCallback wants to play some data, there is a frame in my buffer.
I also eliminate my Opus encoding/decoding functions as error source, because if I read PCM data from a raw PCM file, encode & decode it afterwards, and save it to a new raw PCM file, the ticking does not appear (if I play the result file with "Softe Audio Tools", the output file audio is OK).
To find out what causes the ticking, I'd like to save the raw PCM data from the mic to a file to make further investigations on that issue.
I found the solution myself:
My PCM player expected 44100 Hz stereo, but my file only had 8000 Hz mono and therefore my saved file was played about 10x too fast.