Global access to view properties - ios

A containerView1 with 3 buttons which will need their text changed and their visibility modified according to user interaction with views in a different containerView2.
Each containerView has its viewController and there is the main viewController for the main storyBoard. The buttons will need to be Outlets as well as Actions.
Since the buttons are in a container whose controller is embedded segue, no prepareForSegue is allowed since there is no "segueing" here since the embed type is called during setup only.
What mechanise is best fit to be able to access the properties of the buttons from anywhere and how to implement it?


Create View Programmatically in Objective-C Xcode 5

How should I go about creating a View for the storyboard programmatically? I want to access the labels from the first ViewController object made(automatically to call the IBAction methods of VC). I know that this first object of VC is the one linked to the view in the storyboard(?) and I need to change a label form another file, besides VC. I'm pretty sure the only way to do so would be to access the VC object that is linked to the view, or create one and not go with the default one that is created. If not, how would I go about accessing the labels of the view from another file?
You don't create storyboard objects programmatically. A storyboard is very basically an XML file Xcode uses to call different view controllers. The biggest advantage of using storyboards over NIBs is you can layout transitions or segues, and the advantage of NIBs or storyboards over initiating view controllers by code is obviously the visual interface. So your question doesn't really make sense.
If you want to reference a particular view controller's label from your storyboard you need to create a pointer to that view controller first, but changing it programmatically doesn't make sense because that's what storyboard is for.
That said you may just need to go look for your class name in your view controller's Identity Inspector in storyboard and then edit your label programmatically through an IBOutlet property.

Accessing linked Segues created in a Storyboard

I am trying to create a class that is similar in functionality to the UITabBarController, but with some fundamentally different functionality. It is called a dropdownViewController and has a primary content view with a UITabBar-like interface at the top of the screen that allows for other UIViewControllers to be modally presented and dismissed over this primary viewController.
I would like this class to be able to be set up using the storyboard to some extent, and I have created a custom Segue that connects my dropDownViewController class with each of its child viewControllers.
My current solution is to assign identifiers to each of the Segues that are then stored in array within the dropdownViewController. I can call the segues programmatically using the performSegueWithIdentifer: method, but this solution isn't as flexible or intuitive as I would like to to be.
Right now, all the custom Segues that I have setup are connected to the "manual" triggered segue in the storyboard connections panel for the dropdownViewController. (I would put screenshots but this is my first post)
However, I want to mimic the functionality of the UITabBarController class, which has an alternate triggered segue in the storyboard connections panel called viewControllers that each of its child views are assigned to. Unless there are some compile-time macros handling these story board interactions, I assume that the UITabBarController uses these connections to determine what it's view controllers are. However, I can't figure out how to setup this functionality with my own class
After searching around for a solution, it seems likely that this is functionality Apple kept for its own use and is limited to their own classes as a feature in Xcode, but if anyone has solutions or ideas it would be greatly appreciated.
I haven't tried this, but I think you should be able to do it with your own custom segues. In the perform method, you would just add the destination view controller to the source view controller's (DropDownViewController) array of view controllers. In the DropDownViewController's viewDidLoad method (or maybe in an initializer or awakeFromNib, not sure which is most appropriate), you would execute all these segues so that they run right after the controller is loaded like is done for a tab bar controller.

A permanent navigation bar with UI elements

Our app has some upper view, that is visible all the time.
This bar has a UITextField, UIButtons, side scroller, and segment control, and they are dynamic.
When you hit them, the view behind them(full screen) is changing.
I was thinking about navigation control, or tab bar, but seems that they can't have a text field and a scroller on them.
So my main thought was to create some COSTUM view of my own.
Question is , how can I create a view in storyboard, and add it as a constant view, than create some other views(+viewcontrollers) that will be changed according to that upper bar?
I want to create 5 views in storyboard, and switch between them according to the bar.
Sounds like a job for a containment view controller to me. I've used technique many times to both create a set of static controls on the screen which you describe and inject reusable content into an app in several locations.
The basic concept is:
Setup you Heads Up Display(HUD) with all the UI you want (this will be your base UIViewController).
Create a UIView in it and call it your contentView or something of the like. This is where all your dynamic content will appear.
Then your backing view controller adds another UIViewController as a child and tell it to show it's view in the contentView you specified.
Your view controller continues to remove and add children putting their content into the contentView as needed.
If you are unfamiliar with the technique there are many tutorials(by NSCookbook) of do a web search for "view controller containment tutorial". There is also a good WWDC (2011) video introducing the concept Session 102 - Implementing UIViewController Containment.

Do I need a ViewController container or a composite view?

I need to implement an accordion control for iOS. By accordion, I mean a UI like this:
I see two basic ways to do this, but I'm not sure which one to choose.
Method #1: Create a ViewController container, something like a UITabBarController, except that instead of showing tabs at the bottom, I draw a vertical stack of buttons, and when you tap one, the corresponding panel opens and shows the corresponding view controller's view.
Method #2: Create a composite view, add a bunch of views directly to it, and show/hide them as needed.
How do I choose here? What would make me want to treat the sub-units as view controllers vs views?
Generally speaking, if I can avoid it I try not to subclass UIView and instead do everything within UIViewController subclasses. A controller is usually required anyway (model/view glue code, user interaction, delegate stuff, notification handling, etc.), so if no custom drawing is needed it is usually possible to do without a UIView subclass.
In your case I could envision one reusable UIViewController subclass that represents a list entry. It has the following responsibilities:
Create two alternate view hierarchies (collapsed/button, expanded/panel)
Toggle between the view hierarchies in reaction to user interaction (with/without animation)
And another UIViewController subclass that represents the entire list. It has the following responsibilities:
Override the appropriate methods from UIViewController to make it into a container VC
Add/remove child VCs as appropriate to the internal model
Possibly adjust the container view in reaction to collapse/expand events in its child VCs

iOS - relations between views

I'm just learning the iOS, so my question is very basic... I've read a lot about organizing subviews in the application, but there are so many things there, that I would like to ask you if I've understood it well...
The main part of the app is a window. ViewController manages only one view. In a window I can set the rootViewController. This controller manages the view during entire application workflow. Next I can create some subviews, connect these subviews to the main view (parent) using outlets, and the when instatiating rootViewController I can add my subviews by :addSubview method. Am I right more or less?
And one question more... Should each subview be managed by a dedicated ViewController (then, the parent has outlets to these controllers) or I can change the subviews state directly from parent ViewController?
And short example:
I would like to create an iPad app which has (both visible at a time):
- at the top: short form and button (user enters some data and clicks "Save" button)
- at the bottom: a table displaying provided values
I can create one main view, and two subviews (for form and table). Each time I add some values table will be refreshed using the parent controller... Does it make sense?
It you see that I understand something wrong, please tell me what should I read about.
Thanks for patience.
iOS follows MVC pattern.
The controller class is a manager which binds data to the view. So you can have separate classes for your view and data.
Your understanding is right. To achieve the things you have mentioned,
Create a subclass of UIViewController.
Add two subviews to it (TableView and Button). This could be done using xib or programmatically
Add the delegate methods of your tableview inside your controller class and set tableview's delegate as your controller class.
Add the event for button.
rootViewController is the starting point for your application and you can create more viewController and add subviews on the viewController depending on your needs for application.
I would like to create an iPad app which has (both visible at a time): - at the top: short form and button (user enters some data and clicks "Save" button) - at the bottom: a table displaying provided values
you can create UITableView & UIButton as subView to the UiViewController(will be Owner of the subviews) or any other subviews like labels,textfields etc.
The subviews are connected to the files owner that is the viewcontroller..not the parentview.
