I am trying to transition from a UITableViewController to a UIViewController with a UITableView within it.
In my HomeViewController, I changed it from
HomeViewController: UITableViewController
HomeViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate
Now in storyboard, when I drag a Table View onto the View Controller, the TableView automatically resizes to the full screen... I made a reference to tableView in the Controller and set
tableView.delegate = self
tableView.datasource = self
but in HomeViewController when I print (self.view is UITableView) it prints true. When I tried to delete the TableView from the HomeVC in storyboard, and add a UIView instead, it wouldnt let me. I am confused why? How can I transition from TableView to TableView within UIViewController. Thanks!
UITableViewController is a subclass of UIViewController, in your strorybord you have built in UITableViewController that Manages a UITableView and its custom class should a subclass of UITableViewController. so the change you made to you custom class to a subclass of UIViewController will not work as you expected.
You need to drag a UIViewController then add UITableView as any view. then set custom class the one you have.
Also: .h
#interface HomeViewController : UIViewController
#interface HomeViewController ()<UITableViewDataSource,UITableViewDelegate> //implement Protocol
I have one view controller which is a subclass of UITableViewcontroller, that UITableViewcontroller i need show under one UIView which I need to assign Corner Radius so it will match with my design.
UITableViewcontroller is the Generic tableview class which I have used in the whole project so I couldn't make changes in the structure.
All my ViewController are created programmatically, i have not used anywhere Storyboard.
Here is my Viewconroller Code where I am implementing
headerViewController is part which i mark as white
deal and team controller is my UITableviewController which i have added in SJSegment
private func setupSegmentController() {
segmentViewController.headerViewHeight = 350
segmentViewController.headerViewController = headerViewController
segmentViewController.segmentControllers = [
segmentViewController.delegate = self
segmentViewController.view.frame = view.bounds
segmentViewController.didMove(toParent: self)
Below in red highlighted is the area which i need to design
What I understand you want to add a view controller as child in some other view controller. You have to use ContainerView in the View Controller where you want to show that table Table View Controller. Create an outlet of that Container View then add the table view as child.
let yourTableViewController = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "yourTableViewController") as! UITableViewcontroller
yourTableViewController.view.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleHeight, .flexibleWidth]
yourTableViewController.view.frame = self.containerView.bounds
yourTableViewController.didMove(toParent: self)
You need to subclass UITableView and view.addSubview(yourCustomClass) . It is not necessary to add UITableViewController inside your UIView
Controllers it's also a basic class that can control your view. You can add as subview tableView you your generic view and set their delegate and dataSource to the main view controller. You don't need to create tablewviewcontroller for this.
all you need is - (inside main view controller)
tableView.delegate = self
tableView.dataSource = self.
and after this you must implement protocol conformance
MainViewController: UITableViewCOntrollerDelegate {
// implementation here
MainViewController: UITableViewControllerDataSource {
// implementation here
After this you can customise your table view like view and do what you want
how to properly access a superclass view controller's IBOutlet property from its subclass?
I have a DetailViewController and An AddViewController which is a subclass of the DetailViewController. In DetailVC, I have a bunch of textViews as IBOutlet properties connected from storyboard. I want to use these textViews in AddVC, but always found nil.
// These textViews are connected to storyboard's DetailViewController from DetailViewController
#IBOutlet var textViews: [KMPlaceholderTextView]!
// I'm trying to access those textViews from AddViewController which is a subclass of DetailViewController, but they are nil
class JLAddViewController: JLDetailViewController {
// MARK: - *****数据源*****
// 用来接收主控制器搜索框上的单词
var word:String?
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// 打开每个textView的输入功能
textViews.forEach {
$0.isUserInteractionEnabled = true;
$0.isEditable = true
The view controllers in the storyboard are not classes but instances. The interface and outlets you designed for an instance of DetailViewController belong to that one instance, not to some other instance and certainly not to an instance of a subclass.
I am neither an iOS developer, nor a swift developer, but please bear with me:
I am currently trying to implement a simple iOS app but I have difficulties understanding how exactly I am supposed to set up custom UIViews and ViewControllers for those UIViews.
I am using a UIScrollView that is containing items a little bit more complex than just images, thats what I use custom views for.
What I did was:
I created a .xib file, the view itself. I added some elements (here it is only a textfield, for simplicity's sake).
I created a cocoa touch class "CustomView" that inherits from UIView and set my view up to be of that class (inside the class I just set up elements and such).
Now I want a ViewController that controls the class whenever it is rendered (for example reacting to the changing textField).
I cant manage everything from my main ViewController, because it would get too big (e.g. 3 scrollViews * 5 subviews that need to be managed).
I want a solution that uses ViewControllers for each subview (in case they themselves will have subviews, too).
How do I do that?
Do I need to add some sort of childViewController?
I really am at loss, most of the blog posts and SO examples simply do not work and/or are outdated and I am unsure about whether or not I got the whole View - ViewController pattern wrong.
Let's say you have two view controllers, MainViewController and TableViewController. TableVC's main view is to be a subview of MainVC's main view. In addition, you wish to pass back to MainVC which cell was selected in TableVC.
A solution is (a) make TableVC be a child to MainVC and (b) make MainVC be a delegate for TableVC.
protocol TableVCDelegate {
func cellSelected(sender: TableViewController)
class TableViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
// please note that you can do delegation differently,
// this way results in crashes if delegate is nil!
var delegate:TableVCDelegate! = nil
var someValue = ""
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
// set someValue to contents in the selected cell or it's data source
someValue = "Hello World!"
delegate.cellSelected(sender: self)
class MainViewController: UIViewController, TableVCDelegate {
let tableVC = TableViewController()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// make tableVC be a child of this VC
tableVC.didMove(toParent: self)
tableVC.delegate = self
// position tableVC.view
tableVC.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
func cellSelected(sender: TableViewController) {
print(sender.someValue) // this should send "Hello World!" to the console
This is obviously untested code, but it is based on product code. This is meant to be a shell to help you get started.
I want to have tabBar in all my ViewControllers. I have implemented the SWRevealViewController, which have two view controllers linked one is TabBarController and another is TableViewController I wants to have the same tabBar in all my ViewControllers that Segues from TableViewController.
I want to have tabBar in all my ViewControllers. I have implemented
the SWRevealViewController, which have two view controllers linked one
is TabBarController and another is TableViewController I wants to have
the same tabBar in all my ViewControllers that Segues from
You can do some tweak like this, create the custom delegate and set delegate of TableViewController and TabBarController to SWRevealViewController. Now first time lets say you open the TableViewController and when tap on any cell then just invoke the delegate method which should execute inside SWRevealViewController class and then perform segue inside that class which should open the TabBarController and when click back button of TabBarController again invoke the delegate method which should execute inside SWRevealViewController class and perform segue to open the TableViewController
This shouldn't be too difficult. Your RevealViewController (the initial controller of your storyboard) already seems to be a subclass of SWRevealViewController. This is good, but it's not essentially needed for this scenario. What you do need is a UIViewController implementation for your side menu. The Storyboard alone won't do.
Also, I wouldn't use segues here to switch between the tabs because a segue has a destination view controller. So every time you perform a segue, you would create a new instance of the destination view controller. I would rather implement a UIViewController that handles the cell selection of the UITableView
Now let's say you create a UIViewController or UITableViewController as your menu (actually the RearViewController). Make sure to assign this class to your UITableViewController in your storyboard.
class MenuViewController: UITableViewController {
// MARK: UITableViewDelegate
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let tabIndex = indexPath.row
let tabbarVC = (revealViewController().frontViewController as! UITabBarController)
tabbarVC.selectedIndex = tabIndex // this assumes the menu items are in the same order as the tabs. if not you need to adjust this
revealViewController().revealToggle(animated: true) // close the side menu after switching tabs
this should be all you need
My interface consists of two things inside my main ViewController: a label (the top half of the screen), and a table (the bottom half).
For the life of me, I cannot find a tutorial or example in Swift 3 + iOS 10 where a UITableView is successfully used, as opposed to a UITableViewController which takes up the entire screen.
What must be done to use a UITableView with dynamic cells in the bottom half of your interface?
I tried adding the UITableView, then creating a subclass of UITableViewController, but I was unable to select this in the UITableView's Custom Class -> Class dropdown. Apparently, I need to subclass UITableView, but I can find no examples of how to do this.
Use a standard UIViewController and drag a table view into the canvas.
In IB connect the table view to the IBOutlet and delegate and datasource to the controller.
class MyViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate {
#IBOutlet var tableView : UITableView!
Unlike UITableViewController you have to implement all relevant datasource and delegate methods.
At first , the UITableView and UITableViewController are not the same thing, the TableView is a view and TableViewController is a Controller withe a tableview inside.
If you are using UITableViewController you should drag a UITableViewController, and then change its class in the third tab on the top!
If you are using a basic ViewController and drag a TableView inside, you could get The TableView in the ViewController using an IBOutlet.#John D.
You can use normal ViewController and init a UITableView in the viewDidLoad and add it to the ViewController.
var tableView: UITableView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.tableView = UITableView.init(frame: CGRect(x:0, y: 300, height: 300, width:screenWidth))
self.tableView.register(UINib.init(nibName: "NameListTableViewCell", bundle: Bundle.main), forCellReuseIdentifier: nameListTableViewCellId)
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
set the tableview.delegate = self and tableview.datasource = self,
using methods in the pic and lots other in the UITableViewDelegate and UITabelViewDataSource protocol to Custom your tableView!
hope this would help