push pop recenlty viewed session data with ruby on rails - ruby-on-rails

The following code it taken from a spree_recently_viewed gem
after_action :recently_viewed, only: :show
def recently_viewed
id = #product.id
rvp = (session['recently_viewed_products'] || '').split(', ')
rvp << id unless rvp.include?(id.to_s)
rvp_max_count = 5
rvp.delete_at(0) if rvp.size > rvp_max_count.to_i
session['recently_viewed_products'] = rvp.join(', ')
module ProductsHelper
def cached_recently_viewed_products_ids
(session['recently_viewed_products'] || '').split(', ')
def cached_recently_viewed_products
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.find_by_array_of_ids(ids)
products = Product.where('id IN (?)', ids)
ids.map { |id| products.detect { |product| product.id == id.to_i } }.compact
looking at this line in the controller
rvp.delete_at(0) if rvp.size > rvp_max_count.to_i
it is only replacing the value at index 0. Is there a way I can add push pop style so that when a new record is added value at 0 for example moves to 1 and 1 to 2 and so on and the last one gets poped out. and if already exist moves to index 0.

Use array #unshift method to push into the beginning of an array, and #shift to pop from the beginning of the array.
PS: According the whole controllers and models code. I don't know why both too comlpex... models method ::find.. can be simplified to just Product.where('id IN (?)', ids) or to Product.where(id: ids) (thanx to #bbozo) in the newer version of Rails.


Ruby add variables to an existing object?

How can I add variables to an existing obejct?
I have a list of chat rooms and I want to add a new variable for each chat to use at my view:
Example I want to add total users of chat
def index
chats_all = ChatRoom.all
#chats = Array.new
chats_all.each |chat|
chat.total_users = 10
#chats << chat
total_users is not an attribute of ChatRoom class.
[EDIT - explaim better after #jvillian great awnser]
I don't want total_users as an attribute of User class.
I just want to add as a variable to use at this one single page. For json rails already let my add new attributes to objects. Just need to use as_json().map and a merge()
def index
chats = chats.as_json().map {
total_users: 10
response = { chats: chats }
render json: response
Now I got an json with chats and each chat has total_users attribute.
I want to know if I can do something like this with objects, just add a temporary variable to use at index page.
class ChatRoom < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :total_users
You can read more in the docs.
Then, index could look like:
def index
#chats = ChatRoom.all.map do |chat|
chat.total_users = 10
Alternatively, I would be tempted to do something like:
class ChatRoom < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :total_users
def total_users
#total_users || TOTAL_USERS
And then:
def index
#chats = ChatRoom.all
Now, you'll get
=> 10
You can set total_users to something else if you like, but it will default to 10.
Here's a potential approach using OpenStruct:
def index
#chats = ChatRoom.all.map do |chat|
merge!(total_users: 10)
Now, you can do:
#chats.each do |chat|
puts chat.total_users
which will return 10.
BTW and TBH, I do something like that last sort of thing (using OpenStruct or custom decorators) all the time. In my more recent apps, views never have direct access to models.
Maybe you want to send the response to the view as an array and scan to show informations?
def index
#chats = ChatRoom.all.as_json().map { |chat| chat.merge("total_users" => 10) }
Then access #chats, which is actually an array of hashes, view:
<% #chats.each do |chat| %>
<p><%= chat["total_users"] %></p>
<% end %>
You can check how #chats is structured by <p><%= #chats %></p>
I maybe made some syntax error.
To create temporary custom Objects without add new attributes to database Struct solve my problem.
I can create a Struct with chat room info and total users
chat_info = Struct.new(:name, :total_users, :messages)
chat_temp = []
chats = ChatRoom.where(condition)
chats.each do |chat|
chat_temp << chat_info.new("nome", 100, messages)

Rails Check If Record Is First

I am iterating through a list of records. I need to check that if a record is first do XYZ and if not do ABC. Unfortunately I cant do this:
user = User.first
user = User.find(:id)
Solution posted below
1. Make method to grab next and previous records
def next
[Model].where("id > ?", id).first
def prev
[Model].where("id < ?", id).last
2. Make method to check if record is first
def first?(record)
[Model].first == record
3. check if record is first
records.each do |record|
if record.first?(record)
record.update_attributes(attr: record.attr + record.attr)
prev_rec = [Model].find(record.id).prev
record.update_attributes(attr: prev_rec.attr + record.attr )
returns true or false
One improvement i would make sure that [Model].first is persistent so that it doesn't make a call to the database each time the loop is run.

How can I change the number of items that end up in a list

I'm hacking away at a rails project and I wanted to modify the number of items that end up on a particular page. The page gets populated via an array of items.
For the life of me I can't figure out how to make it show only 2 instead of 4 items.
In the haml file there is this section:
- #stories.each do |story|
- unless story.image.blank?
.img-container{ class: ((story.video.blank?)? "": "video-container") }
= image_tag(story.image_url, alt: story.name, class: ((story.video.blank?)? "": "js-has-video"), :video => story.video)
%h4= story.name
%h5.location= story.location
%p.quote= story.story
- if story.get_connected?
= link_to 'Get Connected', connect_path
- elsif story.gather_supplies?
= link_to 'Gather Supplies', supplies_path
- elsif story.make_a_plan?
= link_to 'Make a plan', plan_path
The page shows up (on the server) with four story items, I want it to only show two. I was expecting to open the haml file and just delete some lines (or comment them out). I'm so confused.
So, I suspect the number of stories comes from a controller or something like that. ..but maybe it is coming from the placeholder data on the server?
In case you are inspired to help me, all the code is here
The exact page I'm trying to modify is this one, I want it to only have two stories:
Weirdly, in my local environment I can't edit the stories at all. That's what makes me thing the number of items comes from the data.
The stories controller is this tiny little file that doesn't specify the number of stories:
class StoriesController < ApplicationController
after_filter :static_content
def index
all_stories = EmergencyStory.order("index,id ASC").all
#selected_story = all_stories.select {|s| s.selected}.first
#stories = all_stories.collect.select {|s| !s.selected}
Open up this file:
Change that line from this:
#stories = all_stories.collect.select {|s| !s.selected}
to this:
#stories = all_stories.collect.select{|s| !s.selected}.slice(0,2)
From what I can tell, the fact it is returning 4 isn't intentional, it's just what is in the database. The slice(0,2) will return the first two items.
First, you have 3 stories that you are looking for, not 2. You have your #selected_story and then the remaining #stories. Second, you are retrieving ALL of the stories which will not scale when you get many stories in the database, so rendering this page will slow down over time. So you need to limit the number of records being returned by the database.
Get the selected story.
Then get the two next stories.
class StoriesController < ApplicationController
after_filter :static_content
def index
#selected_story = EmergencyStory.where(selected: true).first
#stories = EmergencyStory.where(selected: false) # don't get selected
.limit(2) # limit records returned
.order("index,id ASC")
If you were to further refine this you should put those two queries into methods into EmergencyStory.
class StoriesController < ApplicationController
after_filter :static_content
def index
#selected_story = EmergencyStory.selected_story
#stories = EmergencyStory.recent_stories
class EmergencyStory < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.selected_story
where(selected: true).first
def self.recent_stories
where(selected: false).limit(2).order('index,id ASC').all

Rails - Pass collection to ActiveModel object

I am using rails to make a datatable that paginates with Ajax, and I am following railscast #340 to do so.
This episode makes use of a normal ActiveModel Class called ProductsDatatable or in my case OrdersDatatable to create and configure the table. My question has to do with ruby syntax in this class. I am trying to pass a collection of orders to the OrdersDatatable object, from the controller. I want to access this collection in the fetch_orders method.
I create the table object like this in order.rb:
#datatable = OrdersDatatable.new(view_context)
#datatable.shop_id = #current_shop.id
#datatable.orders_list = #orders # which is Order.in_process
And my OrdersDatatable class looks like this: (the important parts which probably need to change is the second line in initialize and the first line in fetch_orders)
class OrdersDatatable
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
delegate :params, :h, :link_to, :number_to_currency, to: :#view
attr_accessor :shop_id, :orders_list
def initialize(view)
#view = view
#orders_list = self.orders_list
def current_shop
def as_json(options = {})
sEcho: params[:sEcho].to_i,
iTotalRecords: orders.count,
iTotalDisplayRecords: orders.count,
aaData: data
def data
orders.map do |order|
h(order.delivered? ? 'shipped' : 'unshipped'),
h(number_to_currency order.final_total, unit: order.currency.symbol),
h(link_to 'details', edit_admin_shop_order_path(current_shop, order)),
h(link_to 'delete', admin_shop_order_path(current_shop, order), method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } ),
def orders
#orders ||= fetch_orders
def fetch_orders
orders = orders_list.order("#{sort_column} #{sort_direction}")
orders = orders.page(page).per_page(per_page)
if params[:sSearch].present?
orders = orders.where("title like :search", search: "%#{params[:sSearch]}%")
def page
params[:iDisplayStart].to_i/per_page + 1
def per_page
params[:iDisplayLength].to_i > 0 ? params[:iDisplayLength].to_i : 10
def sort_column
columns = %w[id name date_placed state source payment_status delivered final_total]
def sort_direction
params[:sSortDir_0] == "desc" ? "desc" : "asc"
When I change the first line in fetch_orders to this
orders = Order.in_process.order("#{sort_column} #{sort_direction}")
which is the hard-coded equivalent, it does work. So I just need the correct syntax
Short answer: If you've got an array, and want to sort it, use the sort_by method:
orders = orders_list.sort_by{|order| "#{order.sort_column} #{order.sort_direction}"}
Long answer: The reason your original code doesn't work is that in this case
Order.in_process.order("#{sort_column} #{sort_direction}")
you are building a query. in_process is a named scope (passing in some conditions), and .order tells rails what to order the query by. Then, when it runs out of chained methods, the query executes (runs some sql) and gets the records out of the DB to build a collection of objects.
Once you are working with a collection of objects, you can't call the .order method on it, as that's just used to assemble an sql query. You need to use Array#sort_by instead. sort_by takes a code block, into which is passed each object in the collection (as order in my example but you could call it anything, it's just a variable name).
BTW, if you just want to call a method on all the objects to sort them, you can use a "shortcut syntax" like .sort_by(&:methodname). This uses a little trick of ruby called Symbol#to_proc (http://railscasts.com/episodes/6-shortcut-blocks-with-symbol-to-proc).
So, for example, if there was a method in Order like so
def sort_string
"#{self.sort_column} #{self.sort_direction}"
then you could change your code to
orders = orders_list.sort_by(&:sort_string)
which is neat.
If you have an array, then you can sort like this.
orders = orders_list.sort! {|a,b| a.sort_column <=> b.sort_direction}

How to get a string into a where clause in Ruby on Rails 3?

I have this class method:
def self.default_column
How can I rewrite the following function, so that I can make use of my default_column method?
def next
User.where("created_at > ?", created_at).order('created_at ASC').first
I tried things like these...
def next
User.where("#{default_column} > ?", default_column).order('#{default_column} ASC').first
... but I must be awfully wrong here because it doesn't work at all.
Thanks for any help.
You can use:
def next
User.where("#{User.default_column} > ?", self.send(User.default_column)).order("#{User.default_column} ASC").first
Or even better
def next
klass = self.class # This is supposing you are inside User model
# Otherwise just use klass = User
klass.where("#{klass.default_column} > ?", self.send(klass.default_column))
Notice that if you handle the method in this way, you cannot chain it: like User.where(name: 'something').next
If you want to achieve this, you have to move next to be def self.next and in that case, you have to pass an instance of the user to it, like this:
def self.next(user)
klass = user.class
klass.where("#{klass.default_column} > ?", user.send(klass.default_column))
In this way you can write something like: User.where(name: 'test').next(#user). You can optionally chain .first to get directly the result, but in this way you will not be able to chain other things, like User.where(name: 'test').next(#user).where(email: 'my#mail.com')
Finally, if you want pure AREL (for portability)
def self.next(user)
klass = user.class
arel = klass.arel_table
column = klass.default_column # This helps cleaning up code
column_value = user.send(column)
def next
default_column = self.class.default_column
.where("#{default_column} > ?", send(default_column))
.order("#{default_column} ASC")
