Do i need to do g_object_unref() on glib signal parameters? - glib

when i connect a signal to a callback function the callback functions gets passed parameters. Is the reference counter increased before the objects get passed to my callback function or do i have to increase it by myself.
I guess there must be some sort of convention for that because nothing like that is mentioned in the documentation of gtk or libgobject.

Generally, you do not assume a reference on an object when it is passed to your callback. You only assume a reference when the object is the return value of a method which is annotated with "transfer full". You can see these annotations in the documentation.
(I say "generally" because there may always be badly constructed libraries whose API violates these guidelines. You can't do a whole lot about that, though.)


How to handle floating reference parameters in GLib properly?

There are floating reference objects in GLib.
container = create_container();
container_add_child(container, create_child());
In this example the create_child function creates floating object that is not owned by anybody. The container_add_child function takes ownership of the object and becomes the only owner of the object. When it disowns the object, the object is freed.
But what if the container_add_child function didn't take ownership of the object? In this case we would get a memory leak. Yes, the object is not owned by anybody, but it still exists in memory and no one frees memory of the object.
What if we write a function that takes such object as a parameter.
void handle_object(gpointer object)
// Doing something with object
Do we have to add g_object_ref_sink / g_object_unref to every function that takes potentially floating reference object as a parameter? If we remove these lines, then someone may make such call: handle_object(create_child()) and we will get a memory leak. The object will be "floating" in memory forever.
Do we have to add g_object_ref_sink / g_object_unref to every function that takes potentially floating reference object as a parameter?
Yes, that’s one of the reasons why building an API around floating references is a pain. Better to not use them and use explicit ownership transfer annotations ((transfer none) or (transfer full)) instead.
Do we have to add g_object_ref_sink / g_object_unref to every function that takes potentially floating reference object as a parameter? If we remove these lines, then someone may make such call: handle_object(create_child()) and we will get a memory leak. The object will be "floating" in memory forever.
A wise man's question contains half the answer.
It's a good idea to add ref/unref to any object you use. It may not be the case in single-threaded app or GUI method, where you can be 100% sure that nobody even has the possibility to destroy an object. But in a multi-threaded apps object can be unrefed in any moment, and that will lead to invalidation of that object.
However, the need of two separate methods (ref_sink and ref) is not clear to me after 5 years of working with GTK:)
Trying to answer my question.
Do we have to add g_object_ref_sink / g_object_unref to every function that takes potentially floating reference object as a parameter?
I would say, do not pass "potentially" floating references to functions that don't expect them. A floating reference is special. You can't access object referenced by floating reference because you don't own it (no one owns it). Before using such objects you must call g_object_ref_sink to get ownership. Or pass the reference to function that takes ownership (but after calling such function you still can't use the object because you still don't own it).
So, if function assumes that you own the object, do not pass floating reference to it. In this case you don't have to add g_object_ref_sink / g_object_unref to such functions.
If, for some reasons, function takes "potentially" floating reference, then, yes, you have to add g_object_ref_sink / g_object_unref to it. But if the function don't store the reference somewhere to use it later then this function is probably bad designed. If the function uses the object only locally (only during the call), then do not add g_object_ref_sink / g_object_unref to it, and do not pass floating references to it. If the function saves the reference for later usage, then g_object_ref_sink must be added to it to get ownership. But in this case there will be not g_object_unref call in this function, because someone is going to use the reference later, after the function exits.
So I would say, adding a pair of g_object_ref_sink and g_object_unref to function is not ok. Adding just g_object_ref_sink for getting ownership to use the reference later after the function exits, is ok.
Yes, this makes things difficult because you must always care about whether the reference is floating or whether it is not. That's why I personally do not like the floating reference idea. But it also makes things easier in cases like adding new objects to containers.

call arbitrary chained methods on wrapper class

I'm creating a wrapper class for an API because my application will need to call it with different credentials at different times. I started off passing the wrapper a method and arguments and then doing (basically) this when calling it
TheAPI::Thing.send(method, args)
HOWEVER, I realized that a challenge here is if I need to chain methods; this way I can only call one at a time; so for example I wouldn't be able to to TheAPI::Thing.find(id).delete. (At least, not without re-calling the credentials setter, which is undesirable since I have to fetch a token).
Is there a way using ruby to collect the methods/args being chained onto an object? Or would I simply have to pass in some ugly ordered set of things?
EDIT: Surely activerecord's query builder does something like this, collecting the chained methods before returning, and then after they're all collected, ensuring that as a final step the query is built, called, and returned?
the way to do this is to define a proxy object and to pass that around instead of the actual thing.
In the object itself, hold a reference to the Thing and override method_missing:
In the method missing do the thing you are doing today. In a nutshell this is what ActiveRecord is doing.
As far as chaining things, I don't believe it would be a problem as methods that can be chained usually return references to self. When you call the 2nd method in the chain, you actually have done the work for the first one and have an object that has the 2nd method in the chain. The only trick you need to pay attention to is that you want to return a reference to the proxy class that encapsulates the thing instead of the actual return of the thing if you want the chaining to succeed.
Give it a shot and ping me if you run into trouble and I can spin up a fully working example.

Who is a message receiver in ios? [duplicate]

In C or any ECMAscript based language you 'call a public method or function' on an object. But in documentation for Objective C, there are no public method calls, only the sending of messages.
Is there anything wrong in thinking that when you 'send a message' in ObjC you are actually 'calling a public method on an Object'.?
Theoretically, they're different.
Practically, not so much.
They're different in that in Objective-C, objects can choose to not respond to messages, or forward messages on to different objects, or whatever. In languages like C, function calls are really just jumping to a certain spot in memory and executing code. There's no dynamic behavior involved.
However, in standard use cases, when you send a message to an object, the method that the message represented will usually end up being called. So about 99% of the time, sending a message will result in calling a method. As such, we often say "call a method" when we really mean "send a message". So practically, they're almost always the same, but they don't have to be.
A while ago, I waxed philosophical on this topic and blogged about it:
To directly answer your question, there's usually nothing wrong with saying "calling a method" instead of "sending a message". However, it's important to understand that there is a very significant implementation difference.
(And as an aside, my personal preference is to say "invoke a method on an object")
Because of Objective-C's dynamic messaging dispatch, message sending is actually different from calling a C function or a C++ method (although eventually, a C function will be called). Messages are sent through selectors to the receiving object, which either responds to the message by invoking an IMP (a C function pointer) or by forwarding the message to its superclass. If no class in the inheritance chain responds to the message, an exception is thrown. It's also possible to intercept a message and forward it to a wholly different class (this is what NSProxy subclasses do).
When using Objective-C, there isn't a huge difference between message sending and C++-style method calling, but there are a few practical implications of the message passing system that I know of:
Since the message processing happens at runtime, instead of compile time, there's no compile-time way to know whether a class responds to any particular message. This is why you usually get compiler warnings instead of errors when you misspell a method, for instance.
You can safely send any message to nil, allowing for idioms like [foo release] without worrying about checking for NULL.
As #CrazyJugglerDrummer says, message dispatching allows you to send messages to a lot of objects at a time without worrying about whether they will respond to them. This allows informal protocols and sending messages to all objects in a container.
I'm not 100% sure of this, but I think categories (adding methods to already-existing classes) are made possible through dynamic message dispatch.
Message sending allows for message forwarding (for instance with NSProxy subclasses).
Message sending allows you to do interesting low-level hacking such as method swizzling (exchanging implementations of methods at runtime).
No, there's nothing at all wrong with thinking of it like that. They are called messages because they are a layer of abstraction over functions. Part of this comes from Objective C's type system. A better understanding of messages helps:
full source on wikipedia (I've picked out some of the more relevant issues)
Internal names of the function are
rarely used directly. Generally,
messages are converted to function
calls defined in the Objective-C
runtime library. It is not necessarily
known at link time which method will
be called because the class of the
receiver (the object being sent the
message) need not be known until
from same article:
The Objective-C model of
object-oriented programming is based
on message passing to object
instances. In Objective-C one does not
call a method; one sends a message. The object to which the
message is directed — the receiver —
is not guaranteed to respond to a
message, and if it does not, it simply
raises an exception.
Smalltalk-style programming
allows messages to go unimplemented,
with the method resolved to its
implementation at runtime. For
example, a message may be sent to a
collection of objects, to which only
some will be expected to respond,
without fear of producing runtime
errors. (The Cocoa platform takes
advantage of this, as all objects in a
Cocoa application are sent the
awakeFromNib: message as the
application launches. Objects may
respond by executing any
initialization required at launch.)
Message passing also does not require
that an object be defined at compile
On a C function call, the compiler replaces the selector with a call to a function, and execution jumps in response to the function call.
In Objective-C methods are dynamically bound to messages, which means that method names are resolved to implementations at runtime. Specifically, the object is examined at runtime to see if it contains a pointer to an implementation for the given selector.
As a consequence, Objective-C lets you load and link new classes and categories while it’s running, and perform techniques like swizzling, categories, object proxies, and others. None of this is possible in C.
Was taught this in my Java class. I would say they only have realistic differences in multithreaded scenarios, where message-passing is a very legitimate and often-used technique.

What percent of functions on OS X are called by the Objective-C runtime?

I'd like to get a firmer grasp of how frequently the runtime in any language that requires one is being called. In this case, I'm specifically interested in knowing:
Of all the function calls getting executed on an OS X or iOS system in any given second (approximations are of course necessary) how many of those are Objective-C runtime functions (i.e. functions that are defined by the runtime)?
Of course it depends on your application, but in general the answer is "a whole lot". Like, a whole freaking lot.
If you really want to see numbers, I'd recommend using dtrace to log all runtime functions as they're called. This blog entry talks about how to do such a thing.
A lot. Here are just a few examples.
Every time you send a message, the actual message sending is done by a runtime function (this is in fact the most called runtime function in pretty much any objective C program).
NSObject class and protocol are not part of the standard library but part of the runtime, therefore any method that ends up executing to the default NSObject implementation is in fact executing runtime code.
Every time you execute a default property accessor (either read or write), that's part of the runtime.
If you use ARC, every time you access a weak reference (either for reading or writing it) that's a runtime function.
Objc runtime includes the C runtime, so anything that involves a C runtime function (for example passing a large structure by value or returning it) is in fact calling into the runtime.
and more.

Scope of anonymous methods

One nice thing about anonymous methods is that I can use variables that are local in the calling context. Is there any reason why this does not work for out-parameters and function results?
function ReturnTwoStrings (out Str1 : String) : String;
ExecuteProcedure (procedure
Str1 := 'First String';
Result := 'Second String';
Very artificial example of course, but I ran into some situations where this would have been useful.
When I try to compile this, the compiler complains that he "cannot capture symbols". Also, I got an internal error once when I tried to do this.
EDIT I just realized that it works for normal parameters like
... (List : TList)
Isn't that as problematic as the other cases? Who guarantees that the reference is still pointing to an alive object whenever the anonymous method is executed?
Var and out parameters and the Result variable cannot be captured because the safety of this operation cannot be statically verified. When the Result variable is of a managed type, such as a string or an interface, the storage is actually allocated by the caller and a reference to this storage is passed as an implicit parameter; in other words, the Result variable, depending on its type, is just like an out parameter.
The safety cannot be verified for the reason Jon mentioned. The closure created by an anonymous method can outlive the method activation where it was created, and can similarly outlive the activation of the method that called the method where it was created. Thus, any var or out parameters or Result variables captured could end up orphaned, and any writes to them from inside the closure in the future would corrupt the stack.
Of course, Delphi does not run in a managed environment, and it doesn't have the same safety restrictions as e.g. C#. The language could let you do what you want. However, it would result in hard to diagnose bugs in situations where it went wrong. The bad behaviour would manifest itself as local variables in a routine changing value with no visible proximate cause; it would be even worse if the method reference were called from another thread.
This would be fairly hard to debug. Even hardware memory breakpoints would be a relatively poor tool, as the stack is modified frequently. One would need to turn on the hardware memory breakpoints conditionally upon hitting another breakpoint (e.g. upon method entry). The Delphi debugger can do this, but I would hazard a guess that most people don't know about the technique.
Update: With respect to the additions to your question, the semantics of passing instance references by value is little different between methods that contain a closure (and capture the paramete0 and methods that don't contain a closure. Either method may retain a reference to the argument passed by value; methods not capturing the parameter may simply add the reference to a list, or store it in a private field.
The situation is different with parameters passed by reference because the expectations of the caller are different. A programmer doing this:
procedure GetSomeString(out s: string);
// ...
would be extremely surprised if GetSomeString were to keep a reference to the s variable passed in. On the other hand:
procedure AddObject(obj: TObject);
// ...
It is not surprising that AddObject keeps a reference, since the very name implies that it's adding the parameter to some stateful store. Whether that stateful store is in the form of a closure or not is an implementation detail of the AddObject method.
The problem is that your Str1 variable is not "owned" by ReturnTwoStrings, so that your anonymous method cannot capture it.
The reason it cannot capture it, is that the compiler does not know the ultimate owner (somewhere in the call stack towards calling ReturnTwoStrings) so it cannot determine where to capture it from.
Edit: (Added after a comment of Smasher)
The core of anonymous methods is that they capture the variables (not their values).
Allen Bauer (CodeGear) explains a bit more about variable capturing in his blog.
There is a C# question about circumventing your problem as well.
The out parameter and return value are irrelevant after the function returns - how would you expect the anonymous method to behave if you captured it and executed it later? (In particular, if you use the anonymous method to create a delegate but never execute it, the out parameter and return value wouldn't be set by the time the function returned.)
Out parameters are particularly difficult - the variable that the out parameter aliases may not even exist by the time you later call the delegate. For example, suppose you were able to capture the out parameter and return the anonymous method, but the out parameter is a local variable in the calling function, and it's on the stack. If the calling method then returned after storing the delegate somewhere (or returning it) what would happen when the delegate was finally called? Where would it write to when the out parameter's value was set?
I'm putting this in a separate answer because your EDIT makes your question really different.
I'll probably extend this answer later as I'm in a bit of a hurry to get to a client.
Your edit indicates you need to rethink about value types, reference types and the effect of var, out, const and no parameter marking at all.
Let's do the value types thing first.
The values of value types live on the stack and have a copy-on-assignment behaviour.
(I'll try to include an example on that later).
When you have no parameter marking, the actual value passed to a method (procedure or function) will be copied to the local value of that parameter inside the method. So the method does not operate on the value passed to it, but on a copy.
When you have out, var or const, then no copy takes place: the method will refer to the actual value passed. For var, it will allow to to change that actual value, for const it will not allow that. For out, you won't be able to read the actual value, but still be able to write the actual value.
Values of reference types live on the heap, so for them it hardly matters if you have out, var, const or no parameter marking: when you change something, you change the value on the heap.
For reference types, you still get a copy when you have no parameter marking, but that is a copy of a reference that still points to the value on the heap.
This is where anonymous methods get complicated: they do a variable capture.
(Barry can probably explain this even better, but I'll give it a try)
In your edited case, the anonymous method will capture the local copy of the List. The anonymous method will work on that local copy, and from a compiler perspective everything is dandy.
However, the crux of your edit is the combination of 'it works for normal parameters' and 'who guarantees that the reference is still pointing to an alive object whenever the anonymous method is executed'.
That is always a problem with reference parameters, no matter if you use anonymous methods or not.
For instance this:
procedure TMyClass.AddObject(Value: TObject);
FValue := Value;
procedure TMyClass.DoSomething();
Who guarantees that when someone calls DoSomething, that the instance where FValue points to still exists?
The answer is that you must guarantee this yourself by not calling DoSomething when the instance to FValue has died.
The same holds for your edit: you should not call the anonymous method when the underlying instance has died.
This is one of the areas where reference counted or garbage collected solutions make life easier: there the instance will be kept alive until the last reference to it has gone away (which might cause instance to live longer than you originally anticipated!).
So, with your edit, your question actually changes from anonymous methods to the implications of using reference typed parameters and lifetime management in general.
Hopefully my answer helps you going in that area.
